The First Punic WarRoutledge, 29 apr 2016 - 224 pagina's First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. |
1 The evidence | 1 |
2 Rome and Carthage | 11 |
3 The origins of the war | 31 |
4 Early rounds | 43 |
5 The Romans wash their hands in the sea | 61 |
6 Ecnomus | 81 |
7 Regulus | 97 |
8 Of elements and elephants | 111 |
9 Carthage resurgent | 123 |
10 Shadowboxing and knock out | 143 |
11 Conclusions | 161 |
12 Epilogue | 171 |
Notes | 177 |
193 | |
199 | |
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according to Polybios Adherbal Africa Agrigentum allies army Aspis Atilius attack battle Caiatinus Camarina Cape Hermaia captured Carthage Carthage's Carthaginian Carthaginian fleet Carthaginian navy Carthaginian ships Carthalo cavalry Caven certainly citizens Claudius command consuls corvi crews defeat Diodoros Diodoros says disaster Dorey & Dudley Drepana Duilius Ecnomus elephants enemy Eryx Eutropius evidence fighting forces fourth squadron garrison Greek Hamilcar Hamilcar Barca Hannibal harbour Hasdrubal Heraclea Minoa Hiero horse-transports infantry island Italy later legions Lilybaeum line abeam Lipara Livy Lutatius Mamertines Maximus mercenaries Messana Metellus Mylae naval Numidians operations Orosius Panormus perhaps Philinos Polybios implies Polybios says possibly praetor presumably probably Punic Pyrrhus quinqueremes raids Regulus Rhegium Roman fleet Roman navy Roman ships Rome Rome's sailed Sanctis Sardinia Scipio Scullard Senate sent Sicilian Sicily siege sources story straits suggests Syracuse thaginian Thiel took transports treaty triarii trireme triumph Tyndaris Valerius victory Walbank warships Zonaras