The Third Force in Seventeenth Century ThoughtBRILL, 1992 - 377 pagina's This volume consists of more than twenty articles by Richard H. Popkin on the history of modern philosophy, written between 1980 and 1990, including several not published before this. The topics covered in these studies range over religious and theological influences in modern philosophy, further material in the history of scepticism dealing with Hobbes, Henry More and Pascal, as well as Moritz Schlick, new findings about Spinoza, pre-Adamism, Ralph Cudworth, Isaac Newton's religious views, 18th century racism, and the liberalism of Condorcet. |
Introduction | 1 |
Condorcet Abolitionist | 50 |
Humes Racism Reconsidered | 64 |
Condorcet and Hume and Turgot | 76 |
Scepticism Science and Millenarianism 320 | 90 |
Spinozas Relations with the Quakers in Amsterdam | 120 |
Spinoza and the Three Imposters | 135 |
The Marranos of Amsterdam | 149 |
Some Unresolved Questions in the History of Scepticism | 222 |
Scepticism Old and New | 223 |
The Scepticism of Joseph Glanvill | 246 |
Schlick and Scepticism | 254 |
The Religious Background of SeventeenthCentury Phil osophy | 268 |
Predicting Prophecying Divining and Foretelling from Nostradamus to Hume | 285 |
An Aspect of the Problem of Religious Freedom in the French and American Revolutions | 308 |
Cudworth | 333 |
Newtons Biblical Theology and his Theological Physics | 172 |
Newton and Maimonides | 189 |
The Incurable Scepticism of Henry More Blaise Pas cal and Søren Kierkegaard | 203 |
Roads that Led Beyond Judaism and Christianity | 351 |
371 | |
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
accepted Amsterdam atheist Bayle became belief Bible Biblical Boreel Cambridge Catholic Caton century chap Christian Church claimed Comenius Condorcet copy Cudworth Daniel and Revelation Descartes developed discussed divine doubt Dury Dutch edition England English essay excommunication faculties Fisher France French Glanvill Grégoire Hartlib Hebrew Henri Grégoire Henry Henry Oldenburg Hobbes Hobbes's human Hume Hume's Ibid ideas intellectual interpretation Isaac La Peyrère Isaac Newton Jesus Jewish Jews John Dury Joseph Mede Judaism knowledge letter London Maimonides manuscripts Margaret Fell Marrano Mede Menasseh ben Israel Mersenne Messiah Millenarian moral Moses nature Nostradamus Oldenburg Orobio Paris Peter Serrarius Peyrère philosophical political predictions present problem prophecies prophetic published Quaker R. H. Popkin rabbi rational reason religion religious Sabbatai Sabbatai Zevi Schlick scientific Scripture Serrarius seventeenth-century Sextus slavery Spinoza Synagogue theology theory thinkers Tractatus translation Trois Imposteurs truth Turgot University views Vossius wrote Yahuda
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