Rochdale. XII. Experiments on various Points of Husbandry, &c. By feveral Gentlemen. XIII. On a cheap and expeditious Method of draining Land: By T. Bayley, Efq; of Hope, near Manchester, Dr. Hunter farther acquaints the public, that when he first engaged in this work, his chief view was to obtain an agreeable relaxation from feverer ftudies.' As he advanced, however, in the execution, he found his fingle labours unequal to the extenfive plan that he had formed;' which circumftance fuggefted the idea of foliciting the affiftance of his learned and ingenious friends: and, he adds, my wishes have been liberally gratified.'-The Editor concludes his prefatory advertisement to the fourth volume with a grateful acknowledgement of his infinite fatisfaction in the favourable reception' which the public hath given to thefe Effays: and we may fafely venture to add, that the work is, indeed, worthy of all the encouragement which it hath met with. Art. 13. The Advantages and Disadvantages of inclosing Wafle Lands and Open Fields, impartially stated and confidered. 12mo. 1s. 6d. Almon. 1772. We have here a number of curious eftimates and computations, accompanied with fuitable deductions, and difpaffionate arguments; all tending to evince the great utility, both to the landholder in particular and to the public in general, of thofe inclosures of wafte lands, against which fo much popular clamour has been raifed. He answers the common objections to fuch inclosures; and, on the whole, he ventures to affert, that by the fyftem of inclofing, the land-owner will increase the value of his lands, the farmer his profits, labour will be at least as plentiful, and provifions much more fo; that taking them into confideration, in a national light, we have nothing to fear from even a general inclosure bill, were fuch a thing practicable, as it neither tends to depopulate nor starve us.' As to commen-fields, the Author grants, however, very readily, that they are of more ufe to the ftate, either confidered as fupplying work, or providing victuals, than the fame inclofed.'-In a word, he treats the subject with fo much candour, as well as judgment, that we cannot, in justice to the Writer, or to the public, withhold our hearty commendation of this fmall but fenfible and useful tract. POLITICAL. Art. 14. Letters on certain Proceedings in Parliament, during the Seffions of the Years 1769 and 1770. Written by John Hope, Efq; late Reprefentative for the County of Linlithgow. 8vo. is. 6d. Almon. 1772. It appears from thefe Letters, that the Writer, notwithstanding the impending terrors of a petition against his election, confcientiously voted against the miniftry, in the memorable affair of Wilkes's expulfion, after he was returned member for Middlefex. On this unpardonable mistake (as fatal as that of Sir Francis Wronghead in the play) it is no wonder that the petition went against him, and that he loft his feat; and with it too, the countenance of his patron Lord Hopetoun together with an annuity granted him by the Earl, of 2001. per ann. towards defraying his expences, during the time of his remaining in parliament. As to the importance of the contents of of thefe Letters, with refpect to the public, we have nothing to offer in their commendation. The Writer's integrity, however, certainly deferves applaufe, whatever may be thought of his politics, or his policy. Art. 15. Report of the Lords Commiffioners of Trade and Plantations, on the Petition of the Hon. Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, John Sargent, and Samuel Wharton, Efquires, and their Affociates, for a Grant of Lands on the River Ohio, in North America, for the Purpose of erecting a new Government. With Obfervations and Remarks. 8vo. 2 s. Almon. 1772. The scheme for eftablishing a colony on the Ohio, is an object of great importance, and has, accordingly, been long under confideration at the Board of Trade, where it has met with much oppofition. Lord Hillsborough, who lately prefided over the American department, was no friend to it; though, if we are not misinformed, it was firft fuggefted by himself: and it has been faid, that his Lordship quitted his poft in difguft, on finding that Government was inclined to adopt the measure, contrary to his opinion :-but the truth of this anecdote is best known to thofe who are within the cabinet.-It is now, however, generally believed that the defign will fpeedily be carried into execution. Those who are defirous of learning the particulars of this intended undertaking, will find a thorough and complete investigation of them in the present tract; they will fee what were the objections started at the Board of Trade; and they will be farther enabled to judge of the propriety of the defign, from the observations on, and answers to, their Lordship's report :-which anfwers (as far as we are qualified to pro nounce) appear to be irrefragable, and to have fully evinced the expediency, practicability, and rectitude of the intended establish ment. NOVEL S. Art. 16. The Life and extraordinary Adventures, the Perils and critical Efcapes of Timothy Ginnadrake, that Child of chequer'd Fortune. 12mo. 3 Vols. 9 s. Bath printed, for the Author; and fold by Dodfley, &c. in London. Timothy Ginnadrake, the hero of this tale, gives us the important history of a mufician belonging to the band of public performers at Bath. His adventures (moit of which feem to have had their foundation in fact) are chiefly of the humourous caft. Some of them are laughable enough; though all are rather of low degree. They may serve to fet the alehouse tables in a roar, but will hardly contribute much to the entertainment of better company. POETICAL. Art. 17. Fables Moral and Sentimental. In familiar Verfe. By W. Ruffell. Small Octavo. 3 s. 3 s. Flexney, &c. 1772. Although thefe are not the most elegant compofitions of the kind, there is a propriety of fentiment in many of the Fables, and an eaf of verfification in most of them, that will not fail to raise them above contempt. The Author fhould, however, have paid more attention to his Rhimes; fome of which are fo very defective, that they may justly bring the correctnefs of his ear into queftion.-But we we are induced to examine his work with the lefs rigor, as he appears to be one of those few, modeft writers, who do not over-rate their Qwn merit. Art. 18. A Review of the Poem entitled "The Senators;" or, EAST-INDIES. Art. 19. Thoughts on the Affairs of Bengal. By Archibald Keir, Efq. 8vo. I s. 6d. Wilfon. 1772. Mr. Keir, who has long refided in the Eaft-Indies, here points out what, to him, appear to have been the principal causes of the evils and grievances fo much, of late, complained of, in respect to the management of the Company's affairs in Bengal; with the methods by which he thinks they are most likely to be redreffed. The Author is a bad writer; but for this defect he modeftly apologizes: observing, alfo, that the productions which have the most of plain truth and common fenfe in them, though in the fimpleft apparel, are often more pleafing to mankind in general, than those which are far more elegant.'-This may, in fome inftances, be unquestionably true; but our Author's plea will by no means excufe him from fome degree of cenfure, for omitting to procure the affiftance of a literary friend, who could have corrected his vulgar phrafes, and cleared his performance of thofe Scottish idioms, which are always difguftful to English readers. MATHEMATICS. Art. 20. Papers, Letters, and Calculations, relative to the Laudable Society for the Benefit of Widows. Printed at the Recommendation of a General Meeting of the Society, held April 6, 1772. Printed by M. Harrison, oppofite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street. 8vo. 1772. The calculations of Mr. Harris and Mr. Horsfall, contained in this collection, are of fuch general utility, that we cannot forbear recommending them to the public attention. They were primarily intended for the reformation of the Laudable Society, and deferve the careful and candid examination of every member capable of difquifitions of this nature. The conclufions they have drawn from the moft unquestionable principles, however different from thofe on which this Society was firft eftablished, demand the approbation of every individual concerned in it; and we hope to find an unanimous concurrence in all the members to rectify errors which the ableft calculators have fo clearly evinced, and to relinquish claims which have no foundation. Thefe principles and conclufions may be very easily and ufefully applied to the Benefit Societies of the fame kind which have been already inftituted: and in this view we recommend them to their notice. N. B. This collection contains an excellent letter of Dr. Price's, together with fome additional remarks on the fame subject. For the first Part, fee our last month's Catalogue. MISCELLANEOUS. Art. 21. Minutes and Proceedings of a Court-Martial held on John Crookshanks, Efq. formerly Captain of his Majesty's Ship the Lark: Now firft published by Robert Kirke, Judge-Advocate of the faid Court-Martial. 8vo. 2 s. 6d. Bladon. 1772. Captain Crookshanks, formerly commander of the Lark Man of war, of 40 guns, was tried, in 1747-8, for a faux pas, fimilar to that of the unfortunate Byng, and was cafhiered, but not facrificed, as Byng was, to the offended honour of his country. In 1759, Capt. Crookfhanks published a ftate + of his conduct, and cafe, in order to fet forth the hardships of his fituation, and to prove that he was too feverely, and even cruelly treated by the court-martial. In that publication he alfo particularly impeached the conduct of Mr. Kirke, the Judge Advocate, whom he accused of grofs partiality, and of acting in a manner notoriously to his (the Captain's) prejudice. Hence we are not to wonder if we find that enmity took her ftation in the breaft of Capt. Crookshanks; from whence, it is faid, The has not failed to dart her fting at Mr. Kirke, as opportunity for annoying him hath offered. To an effort of this kind it is that the prefent publication owes its existence. It may be thought an extraordinary circumstance, that the trial and condemnation of Capt. Crookfhanks fhould now again be laid before the public, after the lapfe of 24 years fince the time when the faid trial happened; but the Reader will easily account for it, when he is told that the Captain was induced to interfere in the late proceedings, in the Ecclefiaftical Court, between Sir George Warren and his Lady, wherein Mr. Kirke acted as agent for Sir George; and that this interference is fuppofed to have been with no other view than to furnish Lady Warren with matter for an impeachment of Mr. Kirke's character. Accordingly, on the strength of the Captain's information, the 36th article of Lady Warren's libel against her husband, contains a most severe attack on Mr. K. reprefenting him as an infamous perfon, who would undertake any bad work or business for gain, &c. &c. On the ground of this provocation, Mr. K. has entered the lifts against Capt. C. in order to do ample justice both to his own character, and, by way of retaliation, to that of the noble Captain alfo. Accordingly, he has added to his minutes of the Captain's trial, &c. the depofition of Mr. Crookshanks to the 36th article of Lady Warren's libel, and his crofs examination upon it; together with his (Mr. K.'s) remarks on the whole: at the fame time declaring, in his concluding paragraph, that he did not engage in this undertaking from any pleasure which the execution of it could afford him; but that he was prompted to it, not only by the neceflity every honest man finds himself under of clearing, when he can, a character unjustly aspersed; but likewife, in order to expofe the futility • Viz. not affifting Capt. Erfkine, of the Warwick, in an engage, ment with the Gloriofo, a Spanish man of war. ↑ See Review, Vol. xx. p. 87. alfo The Reply, p. 604. and and weakness of the evidence produced in fupport of the complaints exhibited against the gentleman who had confulted Mr. Kirke, with regard to the management of his caufe. Art. 22. A Letter from John Crooksbanks to Mr. Robert Kirke, of Caftle-Yard, Holborn; occafioned by his late publication of 2, the Minutes, &c. (See the preceding Article.) 8vo. 6 d. W. Davis Mr. Crookmanks' letter is chiefly apologetical. He thanks (perhaps fomewhat ironically) Mr. K. for having, by his publication of the minutes, &c. given him (the Captain) an opportunity of printing, in this letter, fome letters and anecdotes, in favour of his own conduct and character, which, otherwife, he fays, could not without vanity' have been communicated to the public. Thefe particulars, however, have very little, if any immediate relation to the main fubject of the prefent debate between him and Mr. K. viz, the part taken by the Captain, in the procefs of Sir George and Lady Warren. He flightly mentions this matter in little more than a fingle page; retracting nothing that he had faid to the prejudice of Mr. K.,s character, but declaring, however, that he did not of ficiously feek an opportunity of meddling with Mr. K. or his affairs; that he had undefignedly, and by mere accident, fpoken his fentiments of an attempt to force Lady Warren into an hired coach, in which rude procedure Mr. K. was faid to be concerned; and that hereupon, the parties interested for Lady Warren infifted, under the penalty of a fubpana, that he fhould anfwer what interrogatories they thould think proper to offer to him, concerning Mr. K.'-A refufal, he adds, was not in his power. 6 Art. 23. A Letter to the Overfeers of the Portuguese Jewish Synagogue, in Bevis Marks, London, on their extraordinary Conduct in the Difpute between Mr. Ximenes and Mr. Joshua Lara; with a full Explanation of the Affair, and an Enquiry into the Propriety of their paffing Sentence of Excommunication against Mr. and Mrs Lara, Mr. and Mrs. Furtado, and Mr. Cohen. 8vo. 1 $. Allen. 1772. This affair, which hath made fome noife in the public papers, briefly, as follows: is Mr. Lara, and Mifs Ximenes, two young perfons of Jewish extraction, having married without the confent or knowledge of Mr. Ximenes, the lady's father, they retired to France, for a feafon, to be out of the way of that gentleman's refentment. Mr. X. however, followed them to Paris, applied to the Licutenant of the Police, * Mr. K. in his pamphlet, fomewhat explains this affair, by declaring, That it was never intended, or thought of, to Mr K.'s knowledge, that Lady W. fhould ever go to any other place than Sir George's country feat at Fetcham, in Surry, whither only Sir George requested her to go with him (in a coach and four horfes) with their own fervants to attend them, which the abfolutely refused to do; and this will come out to be fact, on reading the proceedings in the Commons, when published; though Mr. C. to amufe the court, and puzzle the caufe, ufed the fpecious words carried off, as if Lady W. had been an heiress, and not Sir George's wife.' 2. and |