At Home with the Patagonians: A Year's Wanderings Over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio NegroJ. Murray, 1873 - 340 pagina's |
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Pagina 3
... Portrait and Illustrations . Medium 8vo . 15s . BAX ( CAPT . R.N. ) . Russian Tartary , Eastern Siberia , China , Japan , and Formosa . A Narrative of a Cruise in the Eastern Seas . With Map and Illustrations . Crown Svo . 12s . BELCHER ...
... Portrait and Illustrations . Medium 8vo . 15s . BAX ( CAPT . R.N. ) . Russian Tartary , Eastern Siberia , China , Japan , and Formosa . A Narrative of a Cruise in the Eastern Seas . With Map and Illustrations . Crown Svo . 12s . BELCHER ...
Pagina 5
... Portrait . Post 8vo . 5s . Lavengro ; The Scholar - The Gypsy - and the Priest . Post Svo . 5s . Romany Rye - a Sequel to " Lavengro . " Post 8vo . 5s . WILD WALES : its People , Language , and Scenery . Post Svo . 5s . Romano Lavo ...
... Portrait . Post 8vo . 5s . Lavengro ; The Scholar - The Gypsy - and the Priest . Post Svo . 5s . Romany Rye - a Sequel to " Lavengro . " Post 8vo . 5s . WILD WALES : its People , Language , and Scenery . Post Svo . 5s . Romano Lavo ...
Pagina 6
... Portraits . Royal 8vo . , 7s . 6d . LIFE AND POETICAL WORKS . Popular Edition . Portraits . 2 vols . Royal Svo . 15s . POETICAL WORKS . Library Edition . Portrait . 6 Vols . Svo . 458 . POETICAL WORKS . Cabinet Edition . Plates . 10 ...
... Portraits . Royal 8vo . , 7s . 6d . LIFE AND POETICAL WORKS . Popular Edition . Portraits . 2 vols . Royal Svo . 15s . POETICAL WORKS . Library Edition . Portrait . 6 Vols . Svo . 458 . POETICAL WORKS . Cabinet Edition . Plates . 10 ...
Pagina 8
... Portraits . 8vo . 12s . Early Period of the French Revolution . 8vo . 15s . Historical Essay on the Guillotine ... Portrait and Illustrations . 2 vols . Svo . 42s . CUMMING ( R. GORDON ) . Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far ...
... Portraits . 8vo . 12s . Early Period of the French Revolution . 8vo . 15s . Historical Essay on the Guillotine ... Portrait and Illustrations . 2 vols . Svo . 42s . CUMMING ( R. GORDON ) . Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far ...
Pagina 9
... Portraits , Plates and Woodcuts . 4to . 42s . DERBY ( EARL OF ) . Iliad of Homer rendered into English Blank Verse . 10th Edition . With Portrait . 2 Vols . Post Svo . 10s . DERRY ( BISHOP OF ) . Witness of the Psalms to Christ and ...
... Portraits , Plates and Woodcuts . 4to . 42s . DERBY ( EARL OF ) . Iliad of Homer rendered into English Blank Verse . 10th Edition . With Portrait . 2 Vols . Post Svo . 10s . DERRY ( BISHOP OF ) . Witness of the Psalms to Christ and ...
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Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
amongst animals appeared Araucanian Araucanos Argentine Arica arrived bank barranca bolas Buenos Ayres bush cacique camp Casimiro cattle chase chasqui Cheoeque chief Chilians Chupat cliffs Cordillera crossed Crown 8vo deserters despatched distance dogs Edition encampment English Fcap feet fire formed Foyel friends Gallegos gallop gauchos grass Gualichu guanaco halted herds of guanaco hide Hinchel horses hunting Illustrations Indians island J'aria Jackechan journey killed lagoon lazo mantles Manzanas mares meat miles morning mounted night northern Oazy observed Orkeke Orkeke's ostrich Pampas party passed pasture Patagones Patagonia Picunches plain ponchos Portrait Post 8vo present proceeded puma Punta Arenas range of hills returned ride Rio Chico Rio Negro river rocks rode round saddle Santa Cruz schooner settlement side skin slope smoke snow soon Sourdo southern Straits stream Tankelow Tehuelches toldo travelling valley Vols whilst wild wind women wood Woodcuts
Populaire passages
Pagina 21 - MACGREGOR (J.)- Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, Gennesareth, &c. A Canoe Cruise in Palestine and Egypt and the Waters of Damascus.
Pagina 8 - Life and Times of Titian, with some Account of hig Family, chiefly from new and unpublished records. With Portrait and Illustrations. 2 vols. Svo. 42s. GUMMING (R. GORDON). Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa.
Pagina 20 - LIVINGSTONE'S LAST JOURNALS. The Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, from 1865 to his Death. Continued by a Narrative of his Last Moments and Sufferings, obtained from his Faithful Servants Chuma and Susi.
Pagina 22 - The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland : with a View of the Primary Causes and Movements of "The Thirty Years
Pagina 4 - C.). Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the Tower of London, with an account of the discovery of the supposed remains of Queen Anne Boleyn . With Illustrations.
Pagina 22 - Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire.
Pagina 24 - COMMUNISTIC SOCIETIES OF THE UNITED •STATES. The Communistic Societies of the United States, from Personal Visit and Observation ; including Detailed Accounts of the Economists, Zoarites, Shakers, the Amana, Oneida, Bethel, Aurora, Icarian, and other existing Societies.
Pagina 5 - A Short History of Natural Science and of the Progress of Discovery, From the Time of the Greeks to the Present Time.
Pagina 32 - TWISLETON (EDWARD). The Tongue not Essential to Speech, with Illustrations of the Power of Speech in the case of the African Coniessors. Post Svo. 6s. TWISS
Pagina iii - MUSTERS' (CAPT.) Patagonians; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro.