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" MUSTERS' (CAPT.) Patagonians; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro. "
At Home with the Patagonians: A Year's Wanderings Over Untrodden Ground from ... - Pagina iii
door George Chaworth Musters - 1873 - 340 pagina’s
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The Geology and Extinct Volcanos of Central France

George Poulett Scrope - 1858 - 362 pagina’s
...TBB VLOWBB QABOBK. 1s. TABLOB'B >'OTB« rBOM LirB. 2a. RBJBCTBD AODBBBBBB. la. PB MUSTERS' (CAPT.) Patagonians; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro. 2nii Edition. Illustrations. Post Svo. 7a. tU. NAPIER'S (SiR CHAs.) Life, Journals, and Letters. Second...
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History of England: From the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of ..., Volume 1

Earl Philip Henry Stanhope Stanhope - 1858 - 468 pagina’s
...Sculpture from the Earliest Times. With 130 Illustrations. 2 Vols. Koyal Svo. 62». 6d. MUSTERS' (CAPT.) Patagonians; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to tbe Kio Negro. Illustrations. Post 8ro. 7s. 6d. NADAILLAC (MARQUIS DK^. Prehistoric America. Translated...
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Recollections of Bush Life in Australia: During a Residence of Eight Years ...

Henry William Haygarth - 1861 - 212 pagina’s
...NOTEE FEOM Lirm. 2f. REJBCTED ADDEEEEES. If. PBNB'. HiNTs oN ANoLiica. i1. MUSTERS' (CAM.) At Home with the Patagonians; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden...Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro. 2nd Edition. Illustrations. Post 8vo. NAPIER'S (SiR CHAS.) Life, Journals, and Letters. By SIR AV....
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Sermons Preached in Lincoln's Inn Chapel

William Thomson - 1861 - 456 pagina’s
...FBUM LIFB. 2t. HHJBCTHO ADDHHHHtII Is. PHNN'B HINTS on AnoLipa. 1t. MUSTERS' (CAPT.) Pata.^onians ; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro. Illustrations. PjstSvo. 7s. W. NAPIER'S (SiR CHAS.) Life, Journals, and Letters. Portraits. 4 Vols....
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Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Library

New York State Library - 1869 - 792 pagina’s
...by gentlemen engaged in these pursuits. Vol. 1, 3-6. London, 1764-66. 5 v. 8°. Musters, GG At home with the Patagonians. A year's wanderings over untrodden...ground from the straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro. London, 1871. 8°. Mutual life insurance company of NY Preliminary report of the mortality experience...
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Appletons' Journal of Literature, Science and Art, Volume 7

1872 - 862 pagina’s
...Chaworth, who married a man named Musters, has written a book, published in London, entitled "At Home with the Patagonians ; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden...Ground, from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro." He journeyed a twelvemonth in company with a band of wandering Indians, " very much afflicted with...
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On Molecular and Microscopic Science, Volume 2

Mary Somerville - 1869 - 396 pagina’s
...'H.61, THE FLOIVRB OARDRN. If. RRJRCTRD AODRRSSRS. If. PRNN'I Ilium on ANHI.IN*. If. MUSTERS' (CAPT.) Patagonians; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro. Illustrations. PjstSvo. 7*. 6d. NAPIER (SiR WM.). English Battles and Sieges of the Peninsular War....
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Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Volume 5

1873 - 668 pagina’s
...Tehuelchen. — Ansland 1872. No. 7 if. hi as to ta (G. Ch.), A Home with the Patagonians: a Years Wanderings over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro. London (Murray) 1872. 342 S. 8. (16 8.) Aus 0. Ch. Masters' Jagdzügen in Patagonien. — Globus. XXI....
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The Metallurgy of Lead: Including Desilverization and Cupellation

John Percy - 1870 - 706 pagina’s
...TATLOE'I NOTBB PEOM Lira. 3t. RKJKCTBD ADB.BIBII. It. PBUM'BlilllTIUII A)iaLIll«. It. MUSTERS' (CAPT.) Patagonians; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the liio Negro. 2ml Edition. Illustrations. 1'jnt Svo. It. tw. NAPIER'S (SiB CHAS.) Life, Journals, and...
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Visits to High Tartary, Yârkand, and Kâshghar (formerly Chinese Tartary ...

Robert Shaw - 1871 - 546 pagina’s
...KARAKORUM PASS. By ROBERT SHAW, British Commissioner in Ladak. With Map and Illustrations. 8TO. AT HOME WITH THE PATAGONIANS; A YEAR'S WANDERINGS OVER UNTRODDEN...By GEORGE CHAWORTH MUSTERS, Retired Commander, RN Map and Illustrations. 8vo. FPHEMERA. BY LORD LYTTELTON. Aj Crown Svo. __ SECOND SERIES. Crown Svo....
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