ON THE FIRST EDITION OF A MANUAL OF ENGLISH "A masterly manual of English prose literature."-Standard. "Will be welcomed by those who are capable of appreciating excellent workmanship. It is not rash to say that this work is the first scientific treatment of the subject by an English writer. Probably this book is one of the first attempts to apply to literature pondus, numerus, et mensura. About the ability as well as the originality of the work there cannot be two opinions. . The views pronounced are expressed in terse, weighty, incisive dicta-sentences to be carried away as a geologist carries away a sample. We have no hesitation in pronouncing it a sound piece of workmanship. There can be little danger in saying that it is the best English book on the subject."-Observer. "As a history of English literature, the present work is characterised by several features that are novel. He has conceived a methodical plan for exhaustive criticism, founded on the newest analysis of the devices and the qualities of style. It is most elaborate and thorough in the conception, and is expounded with perfect clearness. In many of the sketches might be pointed out felicitous analysis of character, as well as acute and searching criticism; of all which, however, no extracts within the limits of a notice could give any adequate idea."--Examiner. "Mr Minto has, on the whole, produced, with discriminating labour, a good book."-Spectator. "Mr Minto's is no common book, but a very careful and well-considered survey of the wide field he traverses-a survey undertaken not without considerable critical competency and large equipment of knowledge."-Scotsman. "Here we do not find the crambe repetita of old critical formulæ, the simple echoes of superannuated rhetorical dicta, but a close and careful analysis of the main attributes of style, as developed in the work of its greatest masters, stated with remarkable clearness of expression, and arranged upon a plan of most exact method. Nothing can be well conceived more consummate as a matter of skill than the analytical processes of the writer as he lays bare to our view the whole anatomy-even every joint and sinew and artery in the framework-of the sentence he dissects, and as he points out their reciprocal relations, their minute interpendencies. In an introduction which we commend as of special value to all students of English composition, the elements and qualities of style are handled with striking subtlety of touch and considerable discriminating tact. It is almost an exhaustive solution of the whole question of style."-School Board Chronicle. Care "It is not often, among the innumerable manuals on the same subject, that it is our good fortune to come across so excellent a book as that before us. fully and thoughtfully written, it indeed offers a very marked contrast to the shallow and hastily-compiled productions that crowd our book market; while its originality of conception and manner makes it specially valuable, when so many of the compilers of similar works seem to go to one and the same source not only for their facts but for their conclusions. He has approached his theme from a new point, and treated it in a new manner. His thoughts are clear and vigorous." Educational Times. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, EDINBURGH AND LONDON. CHARACTERISTICS OF ENGLISH OF ENGLISH POETS, FROM CHAUCER TO SHIRLEY. Crown 8vo, 9s. "Here, as in the author's English Prose Literature,' we trace the same mastery over materials, the same laborious and detailed searchings after the most distinguishing qualities of our most eminent writers, the same honesty of purpose, weighing out to each the exact measure of praise or blame-neither more nor less-the same exercise of the keenest and most discriminating critical faculties, and the same powers of appreciating the general aim and the spirit of the authors' works, and their respective points of relationship one to another, as well as the minutia and details of their workmanship. As a companion to our poets we know of no work likely to prove half as useful.”—Standard. "We may say at once that the work is done admirably well. He considers carefully the statements of former critics, but he judges for himself, and his estimates, marked throughout by sound sense, show a subtle appreciation of the more delicate beauties of poetry. Mr Minto writes with a masterly We have touched only on a few points suggested by a perusal of this significant volume."-Spectator. knowledge of his subject. "This volume shows not only a great deal of reading, but judgment and taste."-Saturday Review. "On the whole, this is a charming contribution to the æsthetical literature of our country, and as far as we are able to judge, no book since Hazlett's Lectures has approached it in the breadth and fulness of its judgment of old English poetry."-Academy. "Mr Minto's theme is a wide one, but he has treated it with terseness and ability. It is seldom that we meet with a volume of poetical criticism so thoughtful and suggestive."--Pall Mall Gazette. "Mr Minto has already proved his competency as a guide to the intelligent study of English writers in his Manual of English Prose Literature.' In the volume before us he furnishes the appropriate complement of his previous work, and supplies at the same time a manual of the English poetry of the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, greatly superior to any other book of the kind in our language. Traversing ground that has been trodden so often before, and by critics of much eminence, he nevertheless writes with freshness, and presents analytical criticisms which the maturest Shakspearian student may thankfully receive and profit by. As an introduction to the literature of the time of which it treats this volume is unique."-Scotsman. "An able and exceedingly interesting treatise on the Characteristics of the English Poets. This work gives evidence of much painstaking labour and diligent research, as well as of an acute perception and delicate appreciation of literary characteristics and poetical qualities. The characteristics of the different writers are traced with critical acumen and discernment, and set forth with consummate literary skill in the clearest possible light." -Aberdeen Daily Free Press. "This truly admirable work would require a far more extensive and minutely describing review than our space admits of. We must only observe that it is a book every page of which betrays evidence of research-which, moreover, bears traces of originality, and which is well calculated to inspire one with confidence that it is the beginning of a new school of criticism."-The Echo. "We cannot recommend to our readers, especially to those who are preparing for examination, a better or more concise work on the earlier English poets. Mr Minto shows critical power of a high order, and has given us a really admirable book."-Civil Service Gazette. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD SONS, EDINBURGH AND LONDON. |