
Some ten dayes before Chriftmaffe the King and Queene went to keep their Chriftmaffe at Hampton Court, and I retourned to Kenelworth, and stay'd there ten dayes after Christmaffe, where I heard of a new Parliament to beginne the 8th of February, and that the King was to be crowned at Westminster the 6th thereof 62. I retourned to court, and among others that the King pleased to give honours to at his coronation, I was created Earle of Monmouth.

62 1626.




Sir ROBERT CAREY to the Lord
HUNSDEN his Father.


AY it please your Lordship t' underftande, that yesterday yn the afternoone, I ftoode by her Majestie, as she was att cards yn the presens chamber. She cawlde me too her, and asket me, when you ment too go too Barwyke? I towlde hyr, that you determynde to begyn your journey presently after Whytfontyd. She grew yntoo a grate rage, begynnynge with Gods Wonds, that fhe wolde fett you by the feete, and sende another yn your place, if you dalyed with her thus; for fhe wolde nott be thus dalyed with all. I towlde her, that with as much poffyble fpeed as myght be, you wolde departe; and that your lyyng att London thys fortnight was too no other ende but to make provyfion for your jorney. She anseryd me, that you have byn

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goynge from Crystmas too Ester, and from Efter to Whytionday; but if you differde the tyme any longer, she welde appoynt fome uther yn your place; and thys meffage fhe commandyd me to fende


Your Lps humble and obedyent Sunne,


To the Ryghte Honorable my very goode : L. and Father, my L. of Hunfden.


BURGHLEY, Lord Treasurer of


My very goode Lord,

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AVYNGE alwayse founde my goode L. and frende more then any uther, I am the bowlder too acquaynte your L. with a harde accydente too me, fuch as I thynke your L. wolde as hardly beleve, as I dyd lyttell looke for ytt.


Thys day at dyner I recevyd a letter from my funn Robartt Carey, of fuch fpeechys as hyr Majestie eufy'd unto hym upon Sunday towchynge me; which for brevyty fake I fende your L. the coppy of; wheryn I thynk my felfe so hardly delte with all by her Majeftie, as I cannott beyre it, nor obay itt yn fuche fort, as fhe commands ytt.

My L. I have never refufyd to ferve hyr; howsoever she commandyd me, fo longe as I was able; and beynge now, by reason of the maryagys of my two dawters, and befyds theyr maryage-mony, was att as grete chargys with the tyme of theyr maryagys, as theyr maryage-mony came unto; beynge now commanded too repayre to Barwyke, I defyerde only att hyr Majeftie's hands the lone of 1000 £. too be payde upon my intertaynment of Barwyke and the wardenery, wherof too be repayde the one halfe at Mychalmas next, and the uther halfe at our Lady day, whyche to be borrowyde of a marchant, the intereft comes nott too 100 f. and trewly I wolde nott have made so symple a feute unto hyr, but thatt apon thes occafyons aforefayde I hade layde all my platte to

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gage, without which I cowlde nott with any credytt go thyther; and hopynge, that she wolde confyder fo farr of my nede, I have ftayde herapon, the rather knowynge the matters both of Scottland and the Bordars too be yn fuche state, as ther was no fuche neceffitye of my faid hafty goynge to Barwike. But fyns I fynde her Majeftie so small care of my neceffyte, and fo redy to threten mee, not only with the placynge of fumme uther yn my place, butt alfo too impryfon me fyns my fuytt ys no better confyderyd of by byr, and that her Majeftie ys fo reddy apon fo fmall cawfe too deale thus (nott hardly) but extremely with me, as I hade the offyce of Barwyke of her Majeftie fpecyally, and only by your L. goodé meanes agenste the wylls of uthers, who fought too putt me by ytt, too preferre uthers of theyr frends unto ytt; fo am I moft hartely too pray your L. that as you were the only brynger of me too that office, wheryn I hope I have performyd my dewty, buthe for her Majestie's fervys, and for the goode of the hole countrey, bothe too her Majeftie's honor, the benyfitt of the cuntrey, the commendacyon of your


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