
From this towne my Lord fent mee to court with the news of the yielding of the towne, and the manner of it. I made what hafte I could to get over from Deepe, and within four dayes after I left my Lord, I arrived at Oatlands, betimes in the morning. Before I came Sir Thomas Darcy was sent back with a ftreight commaund for my Lord to retourne, as he would answer it at his utmost perill, with commiffion for Sir Thomas Layton to execute the place. I spake with most of the Counfaile before the Queene was stirring, who affured mee that there was no removeing of her Majestie from her resolution, and advised mee to take heed that I gave her no caufe to be offended with mee, by perfwading her for his ftay, which they affured mee would do no good, but rather hurt. About ten of the clocke fhe fent for


mee. 1 delivered her my Lord's letter. She presently burst out into a great rage against my Lord, and vowed she would make him an example to all the world, if he presently left not his charge, and retourned upon Sir Francis Darcy's coming to him. I said nothing to her till she had read his letter. She seemed to bee meanely well contented with the fucceffe at Gornye, and then I faid to her,

"Madam, I know my Lord's care "is fuch to obey all your commands,

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as he will not make one hour's stay "after Sir Francis hath delivered him "his fatall doome; but, Madam, "give me leave to let your Majestie "know before hand, what you shall

truely find at his retourne, after he “ hath had the happinesse to see you, "and kiffe your hand. Hee doth fo fenfibly feele his difgrace, and how

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<< ever you thinke it reason for, this << you have done, yet the world "abroad who know not the cause of "his fo fodaine leaving his army to "another, will efteem it a weakneffe "in him, and a bafe cowardlineffe "in him to leave the army, now, "when hee fhould meete the King "and his whole army for the befeig

ing of Roan. You will be deceiv"ed, Madam, if you think he will (( ever after this have to do with

court or ftate affaires. I know his "full refolution is to retire to fome "cell in the countrey, and to live "there, as a man never defireous to "looke a good man in the face "againe. And in good faith, Ma"dam, to deal truely with your Ma"jeftie, I thinke you will not have "him a long liv'd man after his retourne. The late loffe of his brocc ther,

❝ther, whom he loved fo dearly, and "this heavy doome that you have

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layd upon him, will in a short time "breake his heart. Then Then your Ma"jeftie will have fufficient fatisfaction "for the offence he hath committed "against you."

She feemed to be fomething offended at my discourse, and bade me go to dinner. I defired her that if she pleased to command mee any fervice, I might know her pleasure in the afternoone, for I meant with all the hafte I could make to retourne to my charge. I had scarce made an end of my dinner, but I was fent for to come to her againe. She delivered me a letter, written with her own 36 hand to my Lord, D 3


36 This is as ftrong an instance as poffible of the Queen's affection to Lord Effex. It

and bade mee tell him, that " if there

were any thing in it that did please " him, he should give mee thankes "for it.” I humbly kiss'd her hand, and faid to her, "I hoped there was "in it that which would make him “of the most dejected man living, a


new creature, rejoicing in nothing "fo much as that he had to ferve fo "worthy and so gracious a mistreffe."

After I had with all due refpects taken my leave of her, I made no long stay, but that afternoon I tooke poft horse, and made for France, Thus God bleffed mee in this journey, that through my poore weakenesse I

is evident her own heart, not the discourse of Mr. Cary, although proper and judicious, extorted from her that letter. She fatisfied herfelf with the pleasure of writing to him, when his glory deferred the pleafure of her feeing him.


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