France, Social, Literary, Political, Volume 2Harper & brothers, 1835 |
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Pagina 3
... Engravings , and is , in all re- spects , perfect . These facts are stated , because most of the London editions now offered for sale in this country are without the necessary Maps , & c . , and are printed on a type so small that it is ...
... Engravings , and is , in all re- spects , perfect . These facts are stated , because most of the London editions now offered for sale in this country are without the necessary Maps , & c . , and are printed on a type so small that it is ...
Pagina 4
... Engravings . Until the appearance of Professor Milman's admirable work , there was no History of the Jews , deserving of the name , except that of Jo- sephus ; and he lived at a period too remote limited in its knowledge , enable him to ...
... Engravings . Until the appearance of Professor Milman's admirable work , there was no History of the Jews , deserving of the name , except that of Jo- sephus ; and he lived at a period too remote limited in its knowledge , enable him to ...
Pagina 5
... Engravings . In this volume is contained a distinct and well arranged account of all that is known with certainty respecting the ancient history , as well as the present condition , of that extraordinary country , whose antiquity ...
... Engravings . In this volume is contained a distinct and well arranged account of all that is known with certainty respecting the ancient history , as well as the present condition , of that extraordinary country , whose antiquity ...
Pagina 6
... Engravings . Before its republication , this work was sub- mitted for examination to several gentlemen resident in New - York , natives , or the descend- ants of natives , of the country whose history it contains , and distinguished for ...
... Engravings . Before its republication , this work was sub- mitted for examination to several gentlemen resident in New - York , natives , or the descend- ants of natives , of the country whose history it contains , and distinguished for ...
Pagina 7
... Engravings . Few have the knowledge , the time , or the means to explore for themselves the treasures of the Italian chronicles . The author of this work has laid open their stores for the benefit of those to whom the language in which ...
... Engravings . Few have the knowledge , the time , or the means to explore for themselves the treasures of the Italian chronicles . The author of this work has laid open their stores for the benefit of those to whom the language in which ...
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France, Social, Literary, Political, Volume 2 Henry Lytton Bulwer Baron Dalling and Bulwer Volledige weergave - 1834 |
France, Social, Literary, Political Henry Lytton Bulwer Baron Dalling and Bulwer Volledige weergave - 1835 |
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