


chored on the 3d inftant in the great road off Havre, where having made a difpofition to put their Lordships orders in execution, the bombs proceeded to place themselves in the narrow channel of the river leading to Harfleur, it being the most proper and only place to do execution from. About 7 in. the evening two of the bombs were ftationed, as were all the reft early the next morning, and continued to bombard for 52 hours without intermiffion, with fuch fuccefs, that the town was feveral times in flames, and their magazine of ftores for



the flat-bottomed boats burnt with very-great fury for upwards of 6 hours, notwithstanding the confiderable efforts of feveral hundred men to extinguish it. Many of the boats were overturned and damaged by the explosion of the fhells.

During the attack, the enemy's troops appeared very numerous, were continually erecting new batteries, and throwing up entrenchments: Their confternation was fo great, that all the inhabitants forfook the town. London Gazette.


FRIDAY, June 15.

HREE young fellows, with a little boy of

from Stockton in Yorkshire, in a little boat, with only one pair of oars, one of which broke foon after they left the thore; a ftrong wind blowing at the time drove them off to fea, where they met. with a fleet of laden colliers, fome of which they came very near, but could not reach. They then continued beating off to fea, and next day loft the remaining oar, when they were reduced to the neceffity of pulling up the boards of the boat to make paddles. In this melancholy fituation they continued till Monday afternoon, when Providence directed them to a fhip that had that day come out of Whitby, the Mafter of which, Mr. Samuel Wilfon, of Yarmouth, took them up, feven or eight miles off Whitby, after they had been three days and nights at fea, without either victuals or drink. Mr. Wilfon ufed them with the greatest humanity and tenderness, and fet them on fhore in the evening near their home, and all of them are fince recovered.



ferd, made his public entry into that city, with 13 coaches in his retinue; he was received at St. Mary's church by the Heads of the University, in their proper habits, and welcomed by the public Orator in a very elegant speech.


About eleven this morning came on the installBment of the moft illuftrious John Earl of Weftmcreland, new-elected Chancellor of the University of Oxford. The ceremony began with a magnificent proceffion from Corpus Chrifti College, in which all the young Noblemen, Doctors, Profeffors, and Mafters of Arts affifted, and proceeded thro' St. Mary's to the great gate of the Sheldonian Theatre, in which were affembled a very numerous and brilliant company of Nobility, Gentry, &c. Upon their entrance into the Theatre, a grand piece of mufic was performed by most of the principal Performers in England.-The Vice-Chancellor having taken his feat declared the occafion of the meeting; after which, the proper oaths being adminiftred, and the feals, &c. of the Univerfity delivered up to Lord Westmoreland, the Vice-Chancellor made him a fhort complimentary fpeech and then his Lordship afcended the throne, as Chancellor of the University, amidst the greatest applause. Then was performed the following Ode, fetto mufic by Dr. Hayes.


A large maiden oak tree, which measured nine feet in girt, perfectly found, and of confiderable value, that grew on the eftate of Richard Long, Efq; at Rowd-Afhton, near Trowbridge, was most furprizingly fhivered by a form of thunder and lightning, which happened that morning, into, many thousand pieces, fome of which were forced E more than 20 yards diftant.


Jeremiah Bell, a foldier in La Fauffille's foot, was hot at Sunderland, for repeated defertion. He appeared in the utmoft confufion till he had difcharged his confcience of fomething that lay heavy upon it; but when he had imparted the F fecret to a Clergyman, he appeared eafy and compofed, and died as became him.


There has lately been found by a farmer in plowing part of the common-field in the parish of Brightwell in Oxfordshire, an Urn, containing near 1500 Roman coins, among which there are fome very curious. It is faid there are coins of 20 different G Emperors and Empreffes. Q. How many Emperors and Empreffes were there in all ?

MONDAY, July 2.

This day the Right Hon. the Earl of Westmoreland, Chanceller elect for the University of Ox;

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Ins, with all her Choir, this hour
Hex Quardian hails, teveres his power;
Ordain'd her Empire to fuftain,

And rule where Kings have learn'd to reign.

The Mufes in his prane rejoice;
They echo to the public voice:
Minerva's fons glad homage pay,
And to be happy court his fway.

CHORUS repeated.

After the mufick was endeleveral Noblemen, Gentlemen of diftinction, and Foreign Minifters were admitted to the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws: and then the encenia or congratulatory fpeeches began; and the convocation concluded with a fpeech by the Public Orator. WEDNESDAY, 4.

The commemoration of the Founders of the University of Oxford, according to the inftitution I 2


of Lord Crew, commenced. At which the Right Hon. the Earl of Weftmorland, the new Chancellor, aflifted. The pomp and magnificence of this commencement exceed any thing that was ever feen at Oxford in any man's memory living. On this occafion the celebrated Dr. King diftinguished himself to great advantage.


Eight perfons taken in a boat near Dover, as they were founding the coaft, were brought to the Admiralty office, and examined feveral hours before the Lords, and afterwards fent to the Marshalfea. Some of them deferted from the English. FRIDAY, 6.

fifter was combing her hair at the window, the
comb in her hand was fhivered to pieces, and the
bed, from whence she had juft arifen, split and rent
in a furprizing manner; and yet the Lady did not
receive the leaft hurt. Some of the bricks of the
chimnies were carried 100 yards from the house.

An order of Council was iffued, declaring, that
all his Majefty's faithful fubjects, who shall inlift
themfelves in the land fervice from this day, shall
not be fent out of Great Britain, and shall be en-
titled to their discharge at the end of three years, or
at the end of the war. And all deferters who fhall
rejoin their respective regiments, or any other corps,
if their own be out of the kingdom, before the
20th of Auguft next, fhall be pardoned. Lond. Gaz.

Capt. Gilchrift, who received a fhot in the B fhoulder, by a pound ball, in an engagement with a French 40 gun man of war, was prefented to his Majefty by Lord Anfon, and received great marks of favour, having a penfion of 300l. a-year fettled upon him for his life.


A report was fpread at London, and many places in Kent, that the French were actually landed, cc- C cafioned by the following tranfaction: "Commodore Boys, from Deal, fecing two veffels in the Offing, rigged in an unusual way, and much in the fame manner in which the new French boats are faid to be, made fignal for his cruizers, then at anchor in the Downs, to flip and chace them, and foon after went on board his own fhip, to give fuch farther orders as might appear to be neceffary. AD fubaltern officer quartered at Deal did not much relifh thefe difpofitions, and fent away in great hafte to Gen. Boscawen, who commanded in Dover Caftle, to know what he was to do with his little regiment of 30 men, for that the French boats were in fight, the cruizers were in chace, and the Commodore was gone on board,

"The General on receiving this fo feemingly pofitive advice, from one of his own officers then on the spot, unfortunately did not stay to make further enquiry, but inftantly forwarded the letter he had received to the Secretary at War, by an Exprefs, who fpread the alarm thro' every place he paffed, and reached London, time enough to occafion unSpeakable confufion, before his news could be tradicted.


"The Commodare knew nothing of all this, tho' he was fo unfortunate as to bear the blame of it; he was, as indeed he well might be, very angry when he heard of it, and directly fent off other Expreffes to contradic, and, as far as poffible, to remedy, the inconveniencies occafioned by the over-hafte of the former one. The veffels proved to be two fmall Dutch hoys, going quietly about their own bufinefs."

At the Quarter Seffione, held this day at Weftminster, George Martin, one of the rufians, who was aiding and aflifting in that daring attempt to carry of Mrs. Brogden from her lodgings, (See vol, II. p. 334.) was indicted for a misdemeanor only; to which indictment he pleaded guilty, and was fentenced to pay a certain fine, and to remain in prifon fix months.


The chimnies of the houfe of Mr. Whitfield, Lord of the Manor of Rickmanfworth, were beaten down by the thunder and lightning, and the windows on one fide all broken, As Mr. Whitfield's



Came on before the Lords of Appeal, the caufe of a Spanish fhip called the St. Juan Baptifta, Jefeph Arleaga, Mafter, taken in her paffage from Corunna to Nantz, when after a long hearing and many learned arguments, their Lordships were pleafed to decree the reftitution of the hip and cargo; but from an irregularity in the pass, no cofts were given the Claimants.

The Seffions at the Old Baily ended, when Edward Norman received fentence of death for a rohbery on Hounflow-heath.


William Scullard, a collar-maker, at Liphook in Surrey, was brought before the Juftices, at their Quarter Seffions at Guildford, being charged with providing horfes, and acting as a guide, to affift two French perfons of diftinction to make their efcape; and after examination he was committed to the New Goal, Southwark. This fellow is a reputed Smuggler, can talk French, and had in his cuftody a lift of all the cross-roads from Lighook round by Darking to London. SUNDAY, 15.

A man was ftruck blind by lightning in Hallier's-lane, Bristol. The lightning was very terrible, and the claps of thunder that fucceeded, the loudest that have been heard in those parts many years. TUESDAY, 17.

The Parliament which food prorogued to the 26th inftant, was further prorogued to Thursday the 30th of Auguft.


At a Court of Common Council, held at Guild. hall, it was refolved by the Commiffioners appointed to carry the Act of Parliament into execution, for building a bridge cross the river Thames from Blackfriars to the oppofite shore :

1. That the intended bridge fhall be of ftone, 2. That it may be erected for a fum not exceeding 120,cool,

3dly, That proper avenues may be purchased and completed for 24,000!.

4thly, That a fum not exceeding 144,000 Hfhall be forthwith contracted for, and raised within the fpace of eight years, by inftallments, not exceeding 30,000l. in any one year: The money fo to be paid into the Chamber of London.

5thly, That the perfons advancing the money, be intitled to an intereft of 4. per annum, by way of annuities, to be computed from the time of the first payment in each year, upon the whole fums by them refpectively advanced within the


year; but shall incur a forfeiture in cafe of neglect to make good any of the ftipulated payments; the faid annuities to be paid half yearly by the Chamberlain, but to be redeemable at the expiration of the first ten years, upon fix months notice, and payment of the money advanced.

6thly, That the Chamberlain fhall be authorized and directed to affix this city's feal to fuch inftruments as the Committee fhall think fit to give, pursuant to the faid act, for fecuring the payment of the faid annuities, redeemable as afore, and which fhall be contracted and paid for in manner before-mentioned.


7thly, That the Chamberlain fhall be directed to pay the monies as this Committee fhall fee fit. B 8thly, That he fhall be directed to apply the Sheriff's fines, appropriated by order of the Court of Common-Council for the purposes of the faid act, either in the publick funds, in order to carry intereft, or in payment of the faid annuities, or otherwife, as this Committee fhall from time to time think fit, and order,


The quarentine directed by his Majefty's order of council of the 2d of June, 1758, to be observed by privateers coming from the Mediterranean, is How judged neceffary by his Majefty to be extended to all fhips and veffels whatever coming from thence, on account of the plague's raging at this time in many parts of the Levant, &c.







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50 taken by the Litchfield, 84 taken by the Monmouth, 64 taken by the Revenge. 64 taken by the Dorsetshire, 24 taken by the Effex. 36 taken by the St. Albans, 36 burnt by the Monmouth. 74

Entrepenant, 74




64 Deftroyed by Boscawen's



squadron at Louisburgh,










[blocks in formation]


22 taken by Renown&Maidstone.

Duc de Hanover, 14 taken by the Lizard.

C Mignone,


Samuel Scrimshaw and James Rofs ftood in the pillory, for fending a threatening letter to extort a large fum of money from Humphrey Morrice, Efq; and were feverely pelted by the populace; but one of the Sheriff's officers, having fuffered by being too near the pillory, drew his fword, and fell pellmell among the thickest of the people, cutting his E way indifcriminately through men, women, and children. This diverted the fury of the mob from the Criminals to the Officer, who, not being able to ftand against fuch numbers, made good his retreat to an adjoining alley, where not above two or three could prefs upon him at a time; by which means he made his efcape.

[blocks in formation]


One of, 50
One of, 36

64 taken by the Antelope.

30 taken by the Vestal.

20 taken by the Eolus.

40 taken by the Southampton, 36 taken by the Thames.

20 taken by the Dreadnought,

26 taken by the fame.

34 taken by the Tartar,


deftroyed by Commodore Lord Howe at St. Malo's, before they had taken their guns on board.

Total 16 of the line, and 29 frigates. Duc de Aquitaine, 64, private ship of war, taken by the Eagle and Medway.

Count de St. Florentine, 64, private ship of war,
taken by the Achilles.

Bien Aimé, 64 private ship loft in the E.Indies,
They bave likewife loft by accidents.


F Sauvage,

64 funk in Conquet Road,


60 burnt at Quebeck.


30 all loft at Sea,


50 loft in 1757






[blocks in formation]

A ftore ship loft.

44 funk off Mahone.

24 Loft on Dogger Bank.

36 Caft away in the North Sea.
64 fuddenly funk in Breft harbour,
32 Sunk in Conquet Road.

Lift of fhips taken from us this war.
Blandford, 20 but returned,




50 this fince loft.


14 but fince retaken.



24 fince retaken,

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Lift of what ships we have loft by accidents





Prince George,

64 loft at Halifax.

60 loft off Louisbourg.

74 loft at Spithead.

50 loft on the Guinea Coaft,
84 burnt at Sea.




Falcon bomb loft in the West Indies.

run afhore at Fort St. David's.

[blocks in formation]


Francis Wilde, Knooking in Salop, R.
John Hafkins, Winch-hill in Berks, R.
John Gibbs, Hinderclay, Suffolk, R,
John Haddon, B.A. Lydftone, Salop, V.
Th. Skinner, M.A. Burton in the Marsh, Devon,V,
Thomas Hall, Besthorpe, V.

Williams, to the living of Godmanchester near

Frederick Moreau, Shillingfton, Dorsetshire, worth 2col. a year.

John Head, D.D. Prebend in Canterbury Cathedral. Thomas Monkley, B. A. Chaplain to the Earl of Clanrickard.

Difpenfations to bold two Livings. WILLIAM Norris, M. A. Riddlefworth cum Glafthorpe, in Norfolk, R. and Impington, Cambridge, R.

Edward Dicey, A. M. Walton, Bucks, R. and
Harton, R.

Robert Maflers, B.D. Landbeach, R. and Waterbeach, V. Cambridge, worth 28ol. a year. Robert Coles, B.D. Ryde alias Ryfe, R. and Hornfey cum Rifton, V. all in York.

Robert Parkinfon, B.D. Mudgeworth, Wilts, R. and Haflington, Berks, V. worth 240l. a year.. LIST OF DEATHS.

SIR Talbot Clarke of Lund-Abbey, Leicester, Bart, the laft iffue male of a very ancient family. The title is extinct.

D Edward Murphy at Birr, in the King's County, Ireland, aged 110 years.



to be near on

Paifed.complt. duty.

Bedford! Berks

D. of Bedford


D of St. Alban's



Bucks .. Earl Temple



Cambridge Ld Vile. Royfon




Chefer E. of Cholmondly

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Cornwall! Ld Edgecumbe


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June 1o. Princess Anna Charlotta Augufta, at Siegen, of the fmall-pox. Two of her sisters, the Princefs Charlotta Sophia Louisa, and Maria Eleonora, died of the fame diftemper in April last. 18. George Lord Rutherforth.

29. Rev. Dr. Young, Prebend of Canterbury. 30. William Bodvell, Efq; Member of Parliament for Montgomery.

July 9. Mr. James Price, late a Stationer in Gray'sInn, was drowned as he was bathing at Batterfea; he was a perfon endued with many amiable qualifications, and much lamented by all his ac quaintance.

F 11. Rev. Dr. Eden, Prebendary and Archdeacon of Winchester.

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Jofeph Law, of Holborn, London, Taylor.
Thomas Dawfon, late of St. Martin in the Fields,
Middlefex, Woollen-draper, Co-partner with
Mark Goodflesh, of the fame place, woollen-draper.
Peter Botham, of Bucklers-Bury, Haberdasher.
John Baines, of Bradford, Wilts, Clothier.
Thomas Dawfon, of Long Acre, Cabinet-Maker.
James Hetherington, late of Moffthorn, in Cum-
berland, Dealer and Chapman.

Walter Little, of Shalborn, Wilts, Chapman.
H Arthur Vanderkifte, of Weft Smithfield, Vintner.
Jofeph Howard, of Briftol, Chapman.
John Smith of Hertford, Draper.

Charles Gibbes, of Towcester, Northamptonshire,

George Trenholm and Thomas Hattersley, of Leeds,
in the county of York, Merchants.

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