
pacific settlement of international disputes, and texts of the conventions. Boston and London, Ginn and company, 1915. x, 525 PP. 24 cm.

2145. THE HAGUE COURT REPORTS. Comprising the awards, accompanied by syllabi, the agreements for arbitration, and other documents in each case submitted to the Permanent Court of arbitration and to commissions of inquiry under the provisions of the conventions of 1899 and 1907 for the pacific settlement of international disputes. Edited with an introduction by James Brown Scott, director. New York, Oxford University Press, 1916. cxi, 664 pp. 25 cm. (At head of title: Carnegie endowment for international peace. Division of international law.)


2146. LA JUSTICE INTERNATIONALE. Revue mensuelle des travaux et decisions de la Cour permanent d'arbitrage (convention internationale du 29 juillet 1899) et des questions de droit international. Directeur: Gustave Hubbard. Paris, Librairie de La Raison, 190305. 2 vols. 24 cm.

Note: The publication ran for 11 numbers, 25 mai 1903-janvier-mars 1905.

2147. GROTIUS. Annuaire internationale pour l'année 1913 [ ]. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1913- . Ann. vol. 20 cm.



2148. ALGUNOS datos sobre tratados de arbitraje y buenos oficios celebrados por las naciones de America. México, Tipografía de la Oficina Impresora de Estampillas, 1901. 34 cm.


2149. WIESSE, CARLOS. Recopilacion de los tratados y convenios de arbitramiento internacional, con notas historicas. (tratados y convenios generales). Lima, Torres Aguirre, 1907. xii, 337, xxxii pp. 23 cm.

2150. LANGE, CHRISTIAN LOUS (1864- ). Annuaire de l'Union interparlementaire. Première année. 1911 [-]. Bruxelles, Misch & Thron, 1911- Ann. vol. 24 cm.

2151. TRAITÉS généraux d'arbitrage, communiqués au Bureau international de la Cour permanente d'arbitrage. Première série. La Haye, Van Langenhuysen frères, 1911. xvi, 392 pp. 32 cm. Contents: 1899-1910.

Deuxième série. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1914. xi, 98 pp. 32 cm.

Contents: 1905-13.

Troisième série. La Haye, Langenhuysen frères, 1921. x, 48 pp.

2152. WEHBERG, HANS (1885- ). Vierzig ständige Schiedsverträge als Ergänzung der vom Bureau des Haager Schiedshofes veröffentlichten Sammlung sowie für Seminarübungen. Breslau, J. U. Kern's Verlag, 1913. 117 pp. 24 cm. (Beiheft 2 zum VII. Bande der Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht.)

†2153. TRATADOS de arbitraje y claúsulas de arbitraje en tratados diversos. República de Nicaragua. Managua, C. A., Tipografía nacional, 1914. (6), 132 pp. 26 cm.

2154. CONVENTIONS and declarations between the powers concerning war, arbitration, and neutrality (declaration of Paris, 1856; of St. Petersburg, 1868; of the Hague, 1899; conventions of Geneva, 1906; 2d peace conference, the Hague, 1907; declaration of London, 1909). English, French, German. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1915. Unpaged. 22 cm.

2155. ARBITRATION TREATIES negotiated in 1908 and 1909, also the extension treaty of 1913 with France. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1914. iii, 102 pp. 23 cm.

2156a. GENERAL PEACE TREATIES of 1914 all ratified and made public. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1915. (114) pp. 23 cm. Various paging.

Made up of 28 pamphlets in the doc. series: 63d Cong., 2d Sess., Confidential, Executive; all having the title: "Advancement of the cause of general peace. Message from the President of the United States transmitting a treaty."

2156b. TREATIES for the advancement of peace between the United States and other powers, negotiated by William J. Bryan, secretary of state for the United States. With an introduction by James Brown Scott. New York [etc.], Oxford University Press, 1920. lxix, (2), 152 pp. 25 cm. (Publications of the Carnegie endowment for international peace.)


2157. MISCELLANEOUS No. 9 (1909). A return showing all general treaties of arbitration between the United Kingdom and other States. Presented to the House of Commons by command of His Majesty, in pursuance of their address dated September 14, 1909. London, Harrison and sons, 1909. 3 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1909, lxxi, p. 1. Cd. 4870.)

2158. MOCH, GASTON. Histoire sommaire de l'arbitrage permanent 2o édition, entièrement refondue, corrigée et mise à jour. Monaco, Institut international de la paix, 1910. 215 pp. Tables. 21 X 11 cm. (Publications de l'Institut international de la paix, no. 11.) Note: The 1st edition was issued in 1904, as Publication no. 2.

2159. MYERS, DENYS PETER (1884- ). List of arbitration treaties. Pacts to which pairs of nations are parties, with statistics and notes.

Boston, World peace foundation, 1911. Cover title. 16 pp. 20 cm. (World peace foundation, pamphlet series, vol. i, no. 2, part 1.)

†2160. KLOSS, WALTER. Das Friedensjahrbuch, 1911 [-1913]. Von einem Mitglied der Deutschen Friedensgesellschaft und Verbandes für internationale Verständigung, mit eninem Anhang, einer statistischen Tafel und einem Titelblatt. Stuttgart, Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft, 1911-13. 3 vols. 22 cm.

2161. MYERS, DENYS PETER (1884- ). Revised list of arbitration treaties. Pacts to which pairs of nations are parties, with statistics and notes. Boston, World peace foundation, 1912. Cover title. 24 pp. 20 cm. (World peace foundation, pamphlet series, vol. ii, no. 6, part v.)

2162. LANGE, CHRISTIAN LOUS (1864- ). Union interparlementaire. L'arbitrage obligatoire en 1913. Relevé des stipulations conventionelles en vigueur en 1913 instituant le recours obligatoire à l'arbitrage international. Bruxelles, Misch & Thron, 1914. xxiv, 352 pp. 24 cm. 2163. MYERS, DENYS PETER (1884- ). Arbitration engagements now existing in treaties, treaty provisions, and national constitutions. Compiled, with notes . . . Boston, World peace foundation, 1915. Cover title. 40 pp. 20 cm. (World peace foundation, pamphlet series, vol. v, no. 5, part iii.)



2171. MARQUART, JOHANN (1610-68). Tractatus politico-juridicus de jure mercatorum et commerciorum singulari, in quo ex jure divino, publico, & privato communi, civili, canonico, feudalio & Saxonico nec non variorum juris interpretum commentariis . . . collecta, exposita & illustrata sunt. Francofuti, Götzius, 1662. 2 vols. in 1. 33 cm. Note: The title of volume 2 reads: Documenta commercialia sive Tractatus . pars posterior, complectens instrumenta literaria privilegiorum, per Galliam, Hispaniam, Lusitaniam, Angliam, Daniam, Sueciam, Muscoviam, &c., &c., pactorum item & transactionum [etc.].

†2172. A COLLECTION of treaties of peace and commerce; containing all those that have been concluded from the peace of Munster inclusive to this time and more particularly those of Utrecht and Rastadt, with the several infringements alledg'd on all sides, the pretensions which have been the occasion for breaches, and the memorable actions and events of the wars, that have ensued from time to time. London, printed for I. Baker, 1714. 10, 354 pp. Sm. 8vo.

2173. HAUTERIVE, BLANC DE LANAUTTE, COMTE D', and Cussy, FERDINAND DE, BARON (1795-1866). Recueil des traités de commerce et de navigation de la France avec les puissances étrangères, depuis la paix de Westphalie, en 1648, suivi du Recueil des principaux traités

de même nature conclus par les puissances étrangères entre elles, depuis la même époque. Paris, Rey et Gravier [etc.], 1834-44. 7 vols.

in 10. 22 cm.

Contents: This work is divided into two sections printed in separate bindings, so far as the first part extends. Its contents follows:

Première Partie: i, France: Anhalt-Bernbourg-Francfort; ii, Grande BretagnePorte Ottomane; iii, Piémont-Wurtemberg.

Deuxième partie: i, Amériques-Anhalt; Livre ii, Autriche; Livre iii, BadeBuenos-Ayres; Livre iv, Chine-Cracovie; Livre v, Danemark; ii, Livre v, Danemark (suite); Livre vi, Deux-Siciles; Livre vii, Egypte; Livre viii, Espagne; iii, Livre viii (suite), Hollande-Villes anséatiques; Livre ix, États-unis de l'Amérique; Livre x, Francfort; Livre xi, Grande Bretagne; iv, Livre xi (suite), Pays-Bas-Villes anséatiques; Livre xii, Grèce-Hohenzollern Sigmaringen; Livre xiii, Hollande; v, Livre xiv, Hongrie-Mecklenbourg; Livre xv, Mexique Oldenbourg; Livre xvi, Parme-Pologne; Livre xvii, Porte Ottomane; Livre xviii, Portugal; Livre xix, Prusse; Livre xx, Raguse-Rome; Livre xxi, Russie; Livre xxii, Saint-Siège-Suisse; Livre xxiii, Toscane-Wurtemberg; vi, vide Index, infra; vii: "Appendice contenant les lois, ordonnances et réglements qui se rattachent d'une manière directe à l'object de ce recueil de traités"; Appendice général, pp. 705-754.

Note: "Tous les documens [françaises]. . . ont été collationés avec le plus grand soin sur les instrumens originaux." - Avant propos, i, p. v.

Index: vi, "Contenant Table chronologique de la re et la 2e partie et Table générale ou dictionnaire analytique des traités de commerce."

2174. MACGREGOR, JOHN (1797-1857). Commercial tariffs and regulations of the several states of Europe and America, together with the commercial treaties between England and foreign countries. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty [1841-1848]. London, Charles Whiting, 1841-48. 20 vols. 30 cm. Contents: (Part i, Austria; Part ii, Belgium; Part iii, Denmark;) Part iv, France; Part v, States of the Germanic Union of Customs; also, the Hanse towns, Holstein, Hanover, Oldenburg, and Mecklenburg; Part vi, Holland; Part vii, ; Parts viii-x, Ottoman Empire, Greece, African states [Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Abyssinia, etc.]; Part xi, Russian Empire; Part xii, Sweden and Norway; Part xiii, Part xiv, ; Part xv, United States of America (3 vols.); Part xvi, States of Mexico; Parts xviii-xix, Spanish American Republics; Part xx, Hayti, and foreign West Indies; Part xxi, Empire of Brazil; Part xxiii, India, Ceylon and other Oriental countries.


2175a. HERTSLET, LEWIS (1787-1870). A complete collection of the treaties and conventions at present subsisting between Great Britain & foreign powers; so far as they relate to commerce and navigation; to the repression and abolition of the slave trade; and to the privileges and interests of the subjects of the high contracting parties. The whole in English, and the modern treaties, and most important documents, also in the foreign languages in which they were signed. Compiled from authentic documents. . . . London, T. Egerton, 1820. 2 vols. 22 cm.

Contents: i, Austria-Persia; ii, Portugal-United States of America.

2175b. HERTSLET, LEWIS (1787-1870). A complete collection of the treaties and conventions, and reciprocal regulations, at present subsisting between Great Britain & foreign powers, and of the laws, de

crees, and orders in council, concerning the same; so far as they relate to commerce and navigation, to the repression and abolition of the slave trade, and to the privileges and interests of the subjects of the high contracting parties. Compiled and edited from authentic documents. London, Henry Butterworth, 1827. 3 vols. 22 cm.

Contents: i, Austria-Persia; ii, Portugal-United States of America; iii, AustriaUnited States.

Index: iii, pp. 545-575.

2175C. HERTSLET'S COMMERCIAL TREATIES. A collection of treaties and conventions, between Great Britain and foreign powers, and of the laws, decrees, orders in council, &c., concerning the same, so far as they relate to commerce and navigation, slavery, extradition, nationality, copyright, postal matters, &c., and to the privileges and interests of the subjects of the high contracting parties. London, Henry Butterworth and James Bigg & son [etc.], 1840-. vols. 22-25 cm.

Editors: i-xi, Hertslet, Lewis, 1787-1870; xii-xix, Hertslet, Sir Edward, 18241902; xx-xxiii, Oakes, Sir Augustus Henry, 1839-1919; xx, Streatfield, Frederick H. T. xxi-xxvi, Brant, Richard William, 1852-; xxiv, Hertslet, Godfrey Edward Proctor, 1870; xvii-xix, Hertslet, Sir Edward Cecil, 1850-; xxvi-, Parkes, Edward, 1864-; xxvii, Berrow, W. L.

Indexes: xii, Index of subjects to the entire series; xiii, with chronological index to the entire series; xv, with chronological index, vols. xiv-xv; xvi, General index, arranged in order of countries and subjects, to Hertslet's commercial treaties, vols. i to xv, with notes showing which treaties and other documents were in force on the 1st January, 1885. Compiled by Sir Edward Hertslet. London, Butterworth, 1885; xxii, the same, vols. i to xxii.

Title varies.

Vol. v reprinted in 1866 and vols. iv-vi reprinted in 1898.



North Africa

2176. MAS-LATRIE, JACQUES MARIE JOSEPH LOUIS, COMTE DE (181597). Traités de paix et de commerce et documents divers concernant les relations des Chrétiens avec les Arabes de l'Afrique septentrionale au moyen âge, recueillés par ordre de l'empereur et publiés avec une introduction historique. Paris, Henri Plon, 1866. xxvii, 401 pp. 31 cm.

Contents: 1053-1512.

Supplément et tables. Paris, P. J. Baur et Detaille, 1872. ii, 119 pp. 31 cm.

Contents: i, Lettres et bulles de papes, 1053-1512; ii, République de Pise, 11331397; iii, Royaume de France, 1138–1482; iv, République de Gênes, 1155-1465; v, Royaume des Deux-Siciles, 1180-1479; vi, Royaume de Majorque, 1231-1339; vii, République de Venise, 1231-1540; viii, Royaume d'Aragon, 1227-1512; ix, République de Florence, 1363-1445; x, Seigneurie de Piombino et d'île d'Elbe, 1414; Supplément, République de Pise, 1184.

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