
of American vessels in all their consular transactions. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Washington, French & Richardson, 1868. 683 pp. 23 cm.

†2339a. REGULATIONS prescribed by the President for consular officers of the United States. Washington, Nicholson, 1856. 8vo.

2339b. REGULATIONS prescribed for the use of the consular service of the United States. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1870. 425 pp. 18 cm.

"Extracts from treaties and conventions referred to in the text," pp. 113-193. 2339C. REGULATIONS prescribed for the use of the consular service of the United States. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1874. xvii, 534 pp. 18 cm.

"Extracts from treaties and conventions referred to in the text relative to consular

privileges," pp. 123-234; "Extracts from conventions relating to naturalization, referred to in the text," pp. 237-253.

2339d. REGULATIONS prescribed for the use of the consular service of the United States. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1881. xviii, 624 pp. 19 cm.

"Extracts from treaties and conventions referred to in the text relative to consular privileges," pp. 229-340; "Extracts from conventions relating to naturalization, referred to in the text," pp. 343-360.

2339e. REGULATIONS prescribed for the use of the consular service of the United States. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1888. xx, 715 pp. 191 cm.

"Extracts from treaties and conventions referred to in the text relative to consular privileges," pp. 247-396; "Extracts from conventions relating to naturalization, referred to in the text," pp. 399–415.

2339f. REGULATIONS prescribed for the use of the consular service of the United States. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1896. xix, 871 pp. 2 tables. 23 cm.

2340. STOWELL, ELLERY CORY (1875- ). Consular cases and opinions from the decisions of the English and American courts and the opinions of the attorney-general. Washington, John Byrne & Co., 1909. xxxvi, 811 pp. 23 cm.


12341. REGLAMENTO por el cual deben regirse los consules de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay en el ejercicio de sus funciones reformado con la ley del 12 de Mayo de 1884. Montevideo, La Nacion, 1886. 8vo.


2342. LEY de 31 de mayo de 1887 sobre servicio consular de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela con un apéndice contentivo de las leyes, decretos y resoluciones sobre la materia, en conformidad con el artículo 87 de la misma ley. Caracas, Imprenta y litografía del gobierno nacional, 1887. 67 pp. 23 cm.


†2343. FRÉDÉRICI, MAURICE. De la juridiction des agents diplomatiques et consulaires belges en Orient. Bruxelles, Greuse, 1849. 8vo.

2344. LACHAUD, LEOPOLD. Juridiction des consuls de France à l'étranger. Paris, Imprimerie V. Goupy et cie., 1865. Caption title. 76 pp. 25 cm.

T. p. reads: Conférence des attachés. Présidence de M. Brière-Valigny. . . Études sur l'organisation judiciaire. Consulats.

2345. FÉRAUD-GIRAUD, LOUIS JOSEPH DELPHIN (1819-1909). De la juridiction française dans les échelles du Lévant et du Barbarie. Etude sur la condition légale des étrangers dans les pays hors chrétienté. Deuxième édition revue et considérablement augmentie. Paris, E. Thorin, 1866. 2 vols. 22 cm.

"Traités de la France, avec la Porte Ottomane, les régences de Tripoli, de Tunis et d'Alger, et l'empire du Maroc,” i, pp. 83–261.

2346. BELIN, FRANÇOIS ALPHONSE (1817-78). Des capitulations et des traités de la France en Orient. Extrait du Contemporain, revue d'économie chrétienne, 1869. Paris, Challamel aîné, 1870. 139 PP. 25 cm.

"Index chronologique des capitulations, des traités français et autres documents relatifs à la condition des Français en Levant," pp. 119-120.

2347. MARTENS, FEDOR FEDOROVICH (1845-1909). Das Consularwesen und die Consularjurisdiction im Orient. . . . Mit Ergänzungen des Autors übersetzt von H. Skerst. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1874. iv, 594 pp. 23 cm.

2348. LAWRENCE, WILLIAM BEACH (1800-81). Etudes sur la juridiction consulaire en pays chrétiens et en pays non chrétiens, et sur l'extradition. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1880. lx, 569, (1) pp. 22 cm. 2349. MIKONTOS, GEORGIOS. Les consuls en Orient et les tribunaux mixtes. Thèse présentée à la faculté de droit de l'Université de Génève Genève, Imprimerie Braun & co., 1881. 122, (2) pp. 22 cm. 2350. MESSAGE from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of state in relation to the necessity of modifying the present system of consular jurisdiction of the United States in the countries of the East. December 19, 1881. . . [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1881.] Caption title. 8 pp. 23 cm. (47th Cong., 1st sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. no. 21; Cong. Docs., vol. 1966.) 2351. CONTUZZI, FRANCESCO PAOLO (1855- ). La istituzione dei consolati ed il diritto internazionale europeo nella sua applicabilità in Oriente. Napoli, Ernesto Anfossi, 1885. 711 pp. 24 cm.

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2352. TARRING, SIR CHARLES JAMES (1845- ). British consular jurisdiction in the East, with topical indices of cases on appeal from and

relating to consular courts and consuls; also a collection of statutes concerning consuls. London, Stevens and Haynes, 1887. xi, 132 pp.

21 cm.

2353. HEYKING, ALFONS ALFONSOVICH, BARON. L'exterritorialité Berlin, Puttkamer & Mühlbrecht, 1889. xi, 170 pp. 22 cm. 2354. HALL, WILLIAM EDWARD (1836-94). A treatise on the foreign powers and jurisdiction of the British crown. Oxford, Clarendon Press [etc.], 1894. 304 pp. 23 cm.

2355. STRISOWER, LEO (1857- ). Konsular-Gerichtsbarkeit . . . (Separat-Abdruck aus dem "Österreichischen Staatswörterbuche.") Wien, Alfred Hölder, 1895. 26 pp. 26 cm.

2356. ANCIEN DIPLOMATE, UN. Droit international. Le régime des capitulations. Son histoire. Son application. Ses modifications. Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et cie., 1898. 396 pp. 23 cm.

2357. LIPPMANN, KARL. Die Konsularjurisdiktion im Orient. Ihre historische Entwicklung von den frühesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig, Verlag von Veit & Comp., 1898. vi, 192 pp. 22 cm.

2358. REY, FRANCIS. La protection diplomatique et consulaire dans les échelles du Levant et de Barbarie. Avec des documents inédits tirés des archives du ministère des affaires étrangères. Paris, L. Larose, 1899. viii, xvi, 552 pp. 23 cm.

Bibliographie, pp. i-xvi.

2359. HINCKLEY, FRANK ERASTUS (1871- ). American consular jurisdiction in the Orient. Washington, W. H. Lowdermilk and company, 1906. xx, (6), 283 pp. 23 cm.

2360. TRAUT, HANS (1888- ). Die Vorrechte der Jurisdiktionskonsuln in Vergleich mit den Vorrechten der übrigen Konsuln. InauguralDissertation zur Erlangung der Juristischen Doktorwürde der hohen juristischen Fakultät der königlichen Universität Greifswald. Greifswald, Druck von Julius Abel, 1911. 64 pp. 23 cm.


2361. MESSAGE of the President of the United States, communicating, in obedience to law, a copy of certain regulations for the consular courts in China. January 27, 1869. . . . [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1869.] Caption title. 10 pp. 23 cm. (40th Cong., 3d sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. no. 34; Cong. Docs., vol. 1360.)


2362. CHINA. No. 3 (1870). Reports on consular establishments in China. 1869. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1870. London, Harrison and sons, 1870. (1), 125 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1870, lxix, p. 493. c. 44.)

2363a. MESSAGE from the President of the United States, transmitting a report on the regulations of the consular courts of the United States in China. January 14, 1889. . . . [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1889.] Caption title. 6 pp. 23 cm. (50th Cong., 2d sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. no. 651; Cong. Docs., vol. 2691.)

2363b. SHANGHAI (Consular jurisdiction). . . . “Return giving modus vivendi adopted with regard to consular jurisdiction in international settlement at Shanghai." [Provisional rules for defining the respective jurisdiction of the mixed courts of the international and French settlements.] London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1903. (2), 1 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1903, lv, p. 603. 81.) Dated Shanghai, June 10, 1902.

Far East

2364. CLAPARÈDE, ARTHUR DE (1852- ). consulats suisses dans l'extrême Orient. judiciaire (Août-octobre 1888). Genève, H.

22 cm.

De la juridiction des
Extrait de la Revue
Georg, 1888. 28 pp.

2365. CATELLANI, ENRICO LEVI (1856- ). I "settlements" europei e i privilegi degli stranieri nell' estremo Oriente. - II. Sviluppo dei "settlements" e loro ordinamento giuridico. Venezia, C. Ferrari, 1903. 165 pp. 25 cm. (Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere et arti, anno academico 1902-1903, tomo lxii, parte seconda, pp. 395-559.)


2366. MESSAGE of the President of the United States, communicating a copy of regulations for the consular courts of the United States in Japan, decreed and issued by the minister of the United States in that country. January 27, 1871. [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1871.] Caption title. 50 pp. 23 cm. (41st Cong., 3d sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. no. 25; Cong. Docs., vol. 1440.)

2367. SCIDMORE, GEORGE HAWTHORNE (1854- ). A digest of leading cases decided in the United States consular court at Kanagawa, Japan, of decisions and opinions of the United States minister in Japan, of decisions of the United States circuit court for the district of California, of opinions of the attorney-general of the United States, and of instructions from the Department of state of the United States, relating to consular court jurisdiction in Japan. Yokohama, R. Meiklejohn & co., 1882. (6), 33 pp. 22 cm.

2368. LEHR, PAUL ERNEST (1835-1919). La nouvelle organisation judiciaire du Japon et ses traités avec l'Angleterre et les Etats-Unis tendant à la suppression de la juridiction consulaire. . . . Bruxelles, Revue de droit international, 1895.

2369. VAN ROIJEN, JAN HERMANN. Consulaire jurisdictie in Japan. Groningen, Scholtens & zoon, 1895. 182 pp. 23 cm.

2370. SENZA, TSURUTARO. Gestaltung und Kritik der heutigen Konsulargerichtsbarkeit in Japan. Zwei Abtheilungen. Berlin, Verlag von R. L. Prager, 1897. vii, 16 pp. 24 cm.

Ottoman Empire

2371. PAPERS relative to the jurisdiction of Her Majesty's consuls in the Levant. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, 1845. London, T. R. Harrison, 1845. 117 PP. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1845, lii, p. 83. 663.)


Les consulats comme juridictions dans

l'Empire Ottoman. Vienne, Braumüller, 1865. 8vo.

†2372b. JACOBOVITS, Die Consulate als Gerichtsbarkeiten im osmanischen Reiche. Ihr Wirkungskreis, innere Justizgebahrung, Aufhebung eventuell Organisirung derselben. Wien, Braumüller, 1865. 26 pp. 8vo.

2373. MESSAGE of the President of the United States, communicating a report from the Secretary of state, transmitting the regulations, decrees, and orders for the government of the United States consular courts in Turkey. January 26, 1863. . . . [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1863.] Caption title. 27 pp. 23 cm. (37th Cong., 3d sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. no. 25; Cong. Docs., vol. 1149.)

2374. MESSAGE from the President of the United States, transmitting, in response to the resolution of the Senate of the 18th ultimo, a report of the Secretary of state, with accompanying papers, in relation to the capitulations of the Ottoman Empire. April 7, 1881. . . . [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1881.] Caption title. 134 pp. 23 cm. (47th Cong., special session, Sen. Ex. Doc. no. 3; Cong. Docs., vol. 1943-)


2375. MESSAGE from the President of the United States, transmitting, in further response to Senate resolution of March 18, 1881, a report of the Secretary of state, touching the capitulations of the Ottoman Empire. February 2, 1882. [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1882.] Caption title. 50 pp. 23 cm. (47th Cong., Ist sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. no. 87; Cong. Docs., vol. 1989.)

2376. BEIN, WILHELM. Die Kapitulationen. Beurteilt nach Völkerrecht und türkischen Staatsrecht. ... Als Aufsatz erschienen in den "Preussischen Jahrbüchern," 1916, Band 164, Heft i. Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht, 1916. (3), 64 pp. 22 cm.



garie. Thèse pour le doctorat. . . .

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Les capitulations en BulParis, L. Larose & L. Tenin,

1905. 234 pp. 25 cm. (At head of title: Université de Paris. Faculté de droit.)

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