

In this Division the arrangement is, in general, chronological by subjects, and, under subjects, by items. References to constituent treaties in standard works have been given when they are apparently not available in separate form.

DANS cette Division on a suivi, en général, l'ordre chronologique, pour determiner l'ordre des sujets, et á l'intérieur de chaque sujet. Pour les traités que l'on ne peut pas trouver séparément, nous avons renvoyer aux ouvrages classiques.


2491a. OFFICE central des institutions internationales. Annuaire de la vie internationale. Unions, associations, instituts, bureaux, offices, conférences, congrès, expositions, publications. Fondé par A. H. Fried et publié par les soins de l'Institut international de bibliographie et de l'Institut international de la paix. Séconde série. Volume i, 1908-1909. Bruxelles, Office central des institutions internationales, Institut international de bibliographie; Monaco, Institut international de la paix, 1909. 181, 1370 pp. 25 cm.

Contents: "Partie documentaire: Vie internationale publique" contains history, texts of constituent treaties, texts of regulations, etc., of public international administrative unions and of regular intergovernmental conferences; and the texts of what may be considered international legislation.

Editors: Fried, Alfred Hermann, 1864-1921; La Fontaine, Henri, 1854-; Otlet, Paul, 1868

Editions: Editions of much smaller scope issued in 1905, 1906, and 1907 were published by the Institut international de la paix of Monaco.

2491b. ANNUAIRE de la vie internationale: Unions, associations, instituts, commissions, bureaux, offices, conférences, congrès, expositions, publications. Publié pour l'Union des associations internationales avec le concours de la Fondation Carnegie pour la paix internationale et de l'Institut international de la paix. Séconde série. Volume ii, 1910-1911. Bruxelles, Office central des associations internationales, 1912. 2652 pp. 25 cm.

2492. ARANDA, RICARDO. Congresos y conferencias internacionales en que ha tomado parte el Perú. Vide No. 1591, supra.

2493. BRIDGMAN, RAYMOND LANDON (1848- ). The first book of world law. A compilation of the international conventions to which the principal nations are signatory, with a survey of their significance. Boston, Ginn & company, 1911. v, 308 pp. 24 cm.

1 Article 24 of the covenant of the League of Nations provides that all international bureaus hereafter constituted by general treaties and all commissions for the regulation of matters of international interest shall be placed under the direction of the League.



2501. CARATHÉODORY, ÉTIENNE. Du droit international concernant les grands cours d'eau. Étude théorique et pratique sur la liberté de la navigation fluviale. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1861. xii, 198 pp.

22 cm.

2502. ENGELHARDT, ÉDOUARD PHILIPPE (1828-1916). Du régime conventionnel des fleuves internationaux. Études et projet de règlement général, précédés d'une introduction historique. Paris, A. Cotillon et cie., 1879. viii, 270 pp. 23 cm.

Index des traités, conventions, et règlements relatifs aux fleuves internationaux et à leurs principaux affluents, pp. 256–266.

This index is expanded from a list printed in Christian Friedrich Wurm's Fünf Briefe über die Freiheit der Flussschifffahrt und über die Donau-Acte vom 7. Nov. 1857 (Leipzig, 1858), extended in Carathéodory, and in Heffter's Droit international de l'Europe.

2503. VERNESCO, CONSTANTIN G. Des fleuves en droit international. Droit romain. De la condition des fleuves. Droit français. Des fleuves en droit international moderne. Thèse pour le doctorat. Paris, Arthur Rousseau, 1888. xvi, 328 pp. 25 cm. (At head of title: Faculté de droit de Paris.)

2504. ENGELHARDT, ÉDOUARD PHILIPPE. Histoire du droit fluviale conventionnel précédée d'une étude sur le régime de la navigation intérieure aux temps de Rome et au moyen age. Paris, L. Larose et Forcel, 1889. 110 pp. 23 cm.

2505. ORBAN, PIERRE. Étude de droit fluvial international. Paris, Arthur Rousseau, 1896. 384 pp. 22 cm.

Bibliographie, pp. 1-4.


Du régime de navigation

des fleuves internationaux. Toulouse, Imprimerie Saint-Cyprien, 1902. 226 pp. 25 cm.

Thèse, Université de Toulouse.
Bibliographie, pp. 7–9.

2507. SCHMITT, LEOPOLD (1883- ). Das Recht der Schifffahrt auf internationalen Flüssen. Inaugural-Dissertation verfasst und der hohen rechts- und staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der kgl. Bayer. Julius-Maximilians Universität Wurzburg ... Aschaffenburg, Götz Werbrun, 1909. viii, 67 pp. 23 cm.

2508. CARLOMAGNO, JUAN C. El derecho fluvial internacional. Buenos Aires, A. de Martino-Esmeralda, 1913. xvi, 235, (1) pp.

Bibliografía, pp. xi-xvi.

2509. SCHULTHESS, KONRAD. Das internationale Wasserrecht. Zürich, Rascher & Co., 1915. ix, 154 pp. 32 cm. (Publikationen des Schweizer-Wasserwirtschafts Verbandes. Nr. 3.)

Contents: i. Teil, i, Einleitung; ii, Grenzverhältnisse und Brücken; iii, Die Probleme des internationalen Wasserrechts; iv, Schlussbetrachtungen; ii. Teil, i, Literatur; ii, Verträge, Schiedssprüche, Verhandlungen, Streitigkeiten (Nr. 1445): A, Grenzverhältnisse; B, Brücken; C, Physische und chemische Integrität der Gewässer; D, Integrität des Landgebietes; E, Nutzung internationaler und interkantonales Gewässer; F, Grundwasser und Quellen; G, Wasserbau.

2510. LAUN, RUDOLF. Die Internationalisierung der Meerengen und Kanäle; Bericht, erstattet an die neutrale Konferenz in Stockholm, nebst einem Vertragsentwurf. Haag, Martinus Nijhoff, 1918. viii, 172 pp. 23 cm.

2511. KAECKENBEECK, GEORGES SILVAIN FRANÇOIS CHARLES. International rivers. A monograph based on diplomatic documents. With an introductory note by Henry Goudy [1845-1921]. London, Sweet and Maxwell, limited, 1918. xxvi, 255 pp. 22 cm. (Grotius Society publications. No. 1.)

Separate folio of maps.

2512. EYSINGA, WILLEM JAN MARIE VAN (1878- ). Evolution du droit fluvial international du Congrès du Vienne au traité de Versailles, 1815-1919. Leyde, Sijthoff, 1919. (4), 23 pp. 24 cm.

2513. OGILVIE, PAUL MORGAN. International waterways. 1. The evolution of the principle of international waterways. II. A referencemanual to the treaties, conventions, laws, and other fundamental acts governing the international use of inland waterways. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1920. (11), 424 PP. 22 cm.

Summary: Part ii, Section ii, The International Waterways of the World by Continental Divisions, notices the following on which no separate literature is reported in this manual:

Europe: Adige, Angoustrine Canal, Annecy Lake, Aravo, Arve, Aveto, Bidassoa, Bliesse, Bourna Sola Lake, Bourget Lake, Boyana, Bromberg Canal, Bug, Cerchio, Cisa, Dnieper, Drewenz, Drina, Düna, Elster, Enza, Espierre Canal, Floss-Graben, Foron, Garda Lake, Geneva Lake, Gera, Glan, Goro, Hermance, Hondt, JacobsElf or Woriema, Jura, Kara-Kourt, Kongama, Konge-Aa, Kouban, Laiblach, La Laire, Lauter, Lax-Elf, Lech, Liscoarta, Llivia Canal, Lugano Lake, Lys, Maggiore Lake, Magra, Marne-Rhine Canal, Mincio, Minho, Muonis or Muonio, Nahe, Neisse, Netze, Niers Canal, Niers, Oure, Paswig Lakes, Pawsig, Podhorce, Sbrucz, or Zbrucz, Polish Waterways, Porta, Prosna, Puycerda Canal, Queich or De La Queich, Raour, Rhine-Rhone Canal, Rhine-Scheldt connecting waterways, RhineWeser Canal, Rhone, Salza or Salzach, Sambre, Saratsika, Sarre, Sarre Canal, Save, Schwalb, Schwarze-Elster or Schwarz-Wasser-Elster, Scutari Lake, Semoy, Spree, Squincio Lake, Styr, Sure, Tagliata, Tartares, Terneuzen or Ghent Canal, Tornea, Tort, Tresa, Unstrut, Urbelcha, Valcarlos, Vanera, Waal, Weisse-Elster, Worms, Yalpouk, Yssel, Zborowski, Zuid-Willems-Waart (Canal), Zwin Canal.

North America: Aguan or Roman, Apalachicola or Catahouche or Chattahoochee, Arkansas, Belize or Jabon or Sibun or Wallis, Boundary waterways between Canada and the United States, Canals, Chamalecon, Champlain Lake, Choluteca, Coco or Segovia or Wanks or Yoro, Colorado, Columbia, Detroit, Erie Lake, Gila, Goascoran, Great Lakes and connecting waters, Hondo or Rio Hondo, Honduras, Huron Lake, Lake of the Woods, Memphremagog Lake, Michigan Lake, Mobile, Negro

or Tinto, Niagara, Nicaragua Lake, Ontario Lake, Patuca, Porcupine, Rainy River, Red River of the North, Red River or Rio Roxo de Nacogdoches, Rio Grande or Rio Grande del Norte or Rio Bravo, Sabine, St. Clair Lake, St. Clair River, St. Croix, St. John, St. Lawrence, St. Mary's Lake, St. Mary's River, Saisaginaga, San Juan, Stikine, Superior Lake, Ulua, Yukon.

South America: Amakuru, Apure, Araguary or Arawari, Argentine waterways, Barima, Beni, Bolivian waterways, Chimore, Colombian waterways, Corioco or Corisco, Ecuadorean waterways, Itenes or Itenez, Jaguary or Yaguaron, Lagoa de los Patos, Madeira, Mamore, Mapire, Orinoco, Oyapock, Paraguay, Paraguayan waterways, Paraná, Peruvian waterways, Pilcomayo, Piray, Plata or Rio de la Plata, Putumayo or Iça, Sama, San Francisco, San Gonzalo, San Pedro or Rio Grande de San Pedro, Takutu, Tapajoz, Tocantins, Uruguay, Valencia Lake, Venezuelan waterways, Vermejo, Yapura or Caqueta or Japura.

Africa: Aby Lagoon, Addo, Ajarra or Adjarra, Aka, Akobo, Akwayafe or Akpakorum or Akwajafe, Albert_Nyanza, Anebir or Anjibir, Anyalo or Anube, Aruwimi, Atbara, Awa or Aua, Baro or Gambella, Benue or Chadda, Bewa or Biwa, Black Volta, Blue Nile, Busi, Cambompo, Cajet, Campo, Cavally, Chad Lake, Chiloango, Chilwa or Shirwa Lake, Chiuta Lake, Choke or Kwando, Congo, Cross or Old Calabar, Cunene or Kunene, Dakka or Daka or Kulupene or Lakka, Edward & George Lake, Faro, Gaeresi, Gambia, Great Scarcies, Honde, Imba or Bija, Jipe Lake, Jora, Juba or Djuba or Ganale, Kilunga or Kilange, Kivu Lake, Komadugu or Komadugu Waube or Komadugu Yobe, Kubango or Okavango or Tonke, Kuilu, Kulusulo, Kwa, Linpopo, Loangwa or Aroangwa, Lobai, Logone or Logogne, Lomami, Lucalla or Luculla, Lukualli or Kwango, Lukuga, Lulanga, Lunde or Lunte or Lande, Maia, Maieteb, Makona or Moa, Makwoi, Mamoudie Canal, Manoh or Mano, Mao Bulo or Maio M'Bulo, Mao Kalo or Maio Kalo, Mao Kam or Maio Kam, Mao Tati or Maio Tati, Mareb, Marquari or Mekwer, Mauwa, Mayo-Kebbi, Mazoe, Meli, Mono, Morno, Morro, Muni, Niger, Nile, Nuon, Nyassa Lake, Ocpara or Okpa, Orange, Pibor, Pungwe, Rafin Donga, Rahad, Rovuma, Rudolph or Rudolf Lake, Ruo, Sabi or Save, Sacchi or Kibish, Sanga, Semliki or Isango, Setit, Shari or Chari, Shavoe or Dchawe, Shire, Sobat, Sokoto, Songwe, Stefanie Lake, Tana, Tanganyika Lake, Tendo or Tanoe River, Tiel, Tsana Lake, Tumba or Matumba Lake, Ubangi, Ulafu or Uldafu, Utamboni or Outemboni, Victoria Nyanza, Volta, Wom, Yederam or Yadseram, Zambesi.

Asia, Australia, and Islands of the Sea: Amur, Argun, Borneo, Canton or ChuKiang or Pearl, Cao-Bang, Caspian Sea, Chinese inland waterways, Euphrates, Fly River, Grand Lake of Cambodia, Hun-Ho, Hwai-Ho, Indus, Irrawaddy, Irtish, Karun, Liah-Ho, Mekong, Min-Kiang, Mongolian waterways, Murray, Mutan-Kiang, Nonna, Onon, Orkhon, Pai-Ho or Pei-Ho, Pei-Kiang, Po-Yang-Lu Lake, San-Fa, Shat-el-Arab, Sian-Kiang, Song-Ki-Kong, Songkoi or Red, Sungari, Tigris, Tsien-Tang or Chien-Tang, Tso-Kiang, Tumen, Tung-Kiang, Tung-TingLu Lake, Ussuri, West, Wu-Kiang, Yalu, Yang-Tsze-Kiang, Yenisei, Yung-Kiang or Tatsich, Zatsan or Tzaisan-Nor Lake.


Panama Canal


2514. MORRISON, HUGH ALEXANDER (1863- ). Library of Congress. List of books and articles in periodicals relating to interoceanic canal and railway routes (Nicaragua; Panama, Darien, and the valley of the Atrato; Tehuantepec and Honduras; Suez Canal). With an appendix: Bibliography of United States public documents. Prepared in the office of the Superintendent of documents. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1900. 174 pp. 23 cm. (56th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. no. 59; Cong. Docs., vol. 3848.)


2515. INTEROCEANIC CANAL CONGRESS, 1879. Instructions to RearAdmiral Daniel Ammen and Civil Engineer A. G. Menocal, U. S. Navy, delegates on the part of the United States to the Interoceanic Canal Congress held at Paris, May, 1879, and reports of the proceedings of the Congress. [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1914.] 20 pp. 23 cm. (58th Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. no. 102; Cong. Docs., vol. 4588.)

May 15-29, 1879.

2516a. CORRESPONDENCE in relation to an interoceanic canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Clayton-Bulwer treaty and the Monroe doctrine, and the treaty between the United States and New Granada of December 12, 1846, comprising a reprint of Senate Ex. Docs. no. 112, 46th Congress, 2d Session; no. 194, 47th Congress, 1st Session; and no. 26, 48th Congress, 1st Session; and correspondence not heretofore communicated to Congress. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1900. 648 pp. 23 cm. (56th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. no. 237; Cong. Docs., vol. 3853.)

List of papers not heretofore published, p. 5; texts, pp. 437–548.

2516b. CORRESPONDENCE and other papers relating to the proposed interoceanic ship canal, being a reprint of an executive document of the special session of March 4, 1857, and of document no. 194 of the forty-seventh Congress, first Session. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1900. 66, 302 pp. 23 cm. (56th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. no. 161; Cong. Docs., vol. 3853.)

Contains, with separate title-page: Senate Ex. Doc. 194, of the 47th Congress, Ist Session. The Clayton-Bulwer treaty and the Monroe doctrine. A letter from the Secretary of State to the minister of the United States at London, dated May 8, 1882, with sundry papers and documents explanatory of the same, selected from the archives of the Department of State.

2517. CANAL TREATIES. Executive documents presented to the United States Senate, together with proceedings by the Senate thereon, relative to the Panama Canal. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1914. 84 pp. 233 cm. (63d Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. no. 456; Cong. Docs., vol. 6594.)

2518. DIPLOMATIC HISTORY of the Panama Canal. Correspondence relating to the negotiation and application of certain treaties on the subject of the construction of an interoceanic canal, and accompanying papers. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1914. xii, 602 pp. 231 cm. (63d Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. no. 474; Cong. Docs., vol. 6582.)


1815, June 9, Acte final, Congress of Vienna, art. xxx.
1847, June 23, Lübeck-Denmark, art. xii.

1 Fiore, Trattato di diritto internazionale pubblico, quarta edizione, ii, p. 696; Ogilvie, International waterways, p. 250.

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