
†3166. INTERNATIONSLA sjöfartskonferensen i Washington 1889; redogördse af Sveriges ombud vid konferensen f. d. kommendörkaptenen m. m. F[redrik] S[alomon] Malmberg [(1831-)]. Stockholm, K. L. Beckman, 1890. 42 pp. 23 cm. (Kongl. civil-departement [Meddelanden], vii.)


3167a. INTERNATIONAL code of signals committee. Interim report of the committee to the secretary of the Board of Trade. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1889. 31 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1889, lxix, p. 53. c. 5695.)

The committee was appointed December 20, 1887.

3167b. INTERNATIONAL code of signals committee. Second interim report of the committee to the secretary of the Board of Trade. (In continuation of Parliamentary Paper c. 5695.) Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1892. 28 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1892, lxxi, P. 55. c. 6836.)

3167C. INTERNATIONAL code of signals committee. Third and final report of the committee to the secretary of the Board of Trade. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1897. 16 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1897, lxxviii, p. 265. c. 8354.)

3168a. RULE of the road at sea. Report of the committee appointed by the president of the Board of Trade to consider the alterations in the regulations for preventing collisions at sea, recommended at the Washington international maritime conference, together with correspondence with the Admiralty thereupon. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1891. 18 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1890-91, lxxvi, p. 227. c. 6293.)

Committee appointed July 29, 1890.

3168b. RULE of the road at sea. Further reports of the committee appointed by the president of the Board of Trade to consider the alterations in the regulations for preventing collisions at sea, recommended at the Washington international maritime conference, together with correspondence thereupon. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1892. 24 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1892, lxxi, p. 123. c. 6833.) In continuation of Parliamentary Paper C. 6293.

3168c. RULE of the road at sea. Correspondence and papers on the subject of the alterations in the regulations for preventing collisions at sea, recommended by the Washington international marine conference, together with a report of the committee appointed by the

president of the Board of Trade to consider the subject. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1894. 158 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1893, lxxx, p. 141. c. 6869.)

In continuation of Parliamentary Paper c. 6833.

3168d. RULE of the road at sea. Report of the committee appointed by the president of the Board of Trade on the screening of ships' side lights, with minutes of evidence and appendices. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1895. 17, (4), 288 pp. Fold. map. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1895, xlii, p. 551, p. 569. c. 7908, 7908.-1.) Contents: i, Report; ii, Evidence, appendices, and index.

3168e. REPORT from the select committee on rule of the road at sea; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 3 July 1895. London, H. M. Stationery Office, [1895]. viii, 145 pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1895, xii, p. 481. Sess. Pap. 369.)

3168f. REPORT from the select committee on the rule of the road at sea; with the proceedings of the committee. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 14 April 1896. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1896. xii pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1896, xiii, p. 379. Sess. Pap. 140.)

†3169. SCHNEIDER, AUGUST. Denmark. Part i. Part i. "International rule of the road at sea." Forslag til reviderede internationale søvejsregler Internationale maritime konference. Kjøbenhavn, Bianco Lunos kgl. hof-bogtrykkeri (F. Dreyer), s. a. 69 pp. 27 cm.

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Part ii. "International rules and regulations concerning vessels at sea and navigation generally."


3170. WISLICENUS, GEORGE. Ergebnisse des Internationalen MarineConferenz zu Washington und ihre Bedeutung für Deutschlands Seewesen. Eine kritische Studie. Mit 3 Abbildungen. Leipzig, F. < A. Brockhaus, 1891. 82 pp. 22 cm.


Conference, Brussels, November 18, 1889-July 2, 1890.

t3171a. ACTES de la conférence de Bruxelles (1889-1890). Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1890. 753 PP. 34 cm.

Protocoles nos. i-xxxiii, 18 novembre 1889-2 juillet 1890.
Reprinted in Staatsarchiv, liii, nn. 10280-10318.

3171b. DOCUMENTI diplomatici presentati al Parlamento italiano dal presidente del consiglio, ministro ad interim degli affari esteri (Crispi). Tratta degli schiavi. Seduta del 17 dicembre 1889. Roma, Tip. della

Camera dei deputati, 1890. iv, 86 pp. 28 cm. (At head of title: Atti parlamentari. XVI legislatura - Quarta sessione 1890. Camera dei deputati. N. xvi (Documenti).)

28 marzo 1884-1 dicembre 1889.

3172. FRANCE. Ministère des affaires étrangères. Conférence internationale de Bruxelles, 18 novembre 1889-2 juillet 1890. Protocoles et acte final. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1891. 514 pp. 31 cm.

Protocoles nos. I-33.

3173. FRANCE. Ministère des affaires étrangères. Conférence internationale et commission de Bruxelles. Novembre 1890-février 1891. Correspondance diplomatique. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1891. (4), 164 pp. 32 cm.

3174. FRANCE. Ministère des affaires étrangères. Conférence internationale de Bruxelles. Documents diplomatiques. Juillet-décembre 1891. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1891. 24 pp. 31 cm.

Contains: Project of protocol amending Brussels convention of 1890 respecting the Kongo Free State.

3175. TREATY SERIES. No. 7. 1892. General act of the Brussels conference relative to the African slave trade. Signed at Brussels, July 2, 1891. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. February 1892. London, H. M. Stationery Office, [1892]. 109 pp. 23 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1892, xcv, p. 1. c. 6557.) Printed also in de Clercq, Recueil des traités de la France, xviii, p. 528.

3176. DÉCLARATION portant dérogation à l'alinéa 5 de la déclaration annexée à l'acte général de Bruxelles du 2 juillet 1890; signée à Bruxelles, le 15 juin 1910. Nouveau recueil général de traités, 3° série, v, pp. 714-716.


3177. DOCUMENTS relatifs à la répression de la traite des esclaves publiés en exécution des articles lxxxi et suivants de l'acte générale de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1892. Ann. vol. 31 cm.


3178. INSTRUCTIONS for the guidance of Her Majesty's naval officers employed in the suppression of the slave trade. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, July, 1844. London, T. R. Harrison, [1844]. iv, 556, iv pp. 33 cm. (Parl. Pap., 1844, 1, p. 1. 577.)

Section 8: Instructions for Her Majesty's officers appointed to act in execution of the treaties, conventions, and engagements ..., pp. 19-100; Appendix to Section 8, . . . Copies of the treaties, conventions, and engagements in question, pp. 171-545

The British Museum Catalogue lists:

TREATIES, conventions, and engagements for the suppression of the slave trade. London 1844. iv, 631 pp. 8vo.

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3181а. DIE PROTOKOLLE der internationalen Arbeiterschutzkonferenz. In amtlichem Auftrag. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1890. vi, 227 pp. 24 cm.

3181b. CONFÉRENCE internationale concernant le réglement du travail aux établissements industriels et dans les mines. Par autorisation officielle. Deuxième édition. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1890. 201 pp. 27 cm.

3182. DOCUMENTI diplomatici presentati al Parlamento italiano dal presidente del consiglio, ministro ad interim degli affari esteri (Crispi). Conferenza internazionale di Berlino per la protezione degli operai. Seduta del 7 giugno 1890. Roma, Tip. della Camera dei deputati, 1890. vii, 234 pp. 28 cm. (At head of title: Atti parlamentari. XVI legislatura- Quarta sessione 1889-90. Camera dei deputati. N. xxviii (Documenti).)

28 giugno 1888-23 marzo 1890.

3183. FRANCE. Ministère des affaires étrangères. Conférence internationale de Berlin, 15-29 mars 1890. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1890. (2), 128 pp. 31 cm.

Procès-verbaux de la conférence ouvrière, pp. 27-128.

†3184. CONFÉRENCE internationale pour la protection ouvrière à Berne [du 8 au 17 mai 1905]. S. 1., 1905. 128 pp. 4to.

†3185. ACTES de la conférence diplomatique pour la protection ouvrière réunie à Berne du 17 au 26 septembre 1906. Berne, Staempfli & cie, 1906. 175 pp. 28 X 22 cm.

1 The following "shall alone be applied as between Germany and those of the Allied and Associated Powers party thereto" according to Article 282 of the Treaty of Peace:

"15. Convention of September 26, 1906, for the suppression of night work for


"16. Convention of September 26, 1906, for the suppression of the use of white phosphorus in the manufacture of matches."

Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria undertake to adhere to the second convention by Article 240, 1, Article 223, 1, and Article 167, 5 and 6, of their respective treaties. The stipulations of Article 234, 13, of the Austrian treaty and Article 217, 13, of the Hungarian treaty apply to the first convention.

The Labor Organization of the League of Nations revised these conventions and continued the work of this series in the conference held at Washington, October 29-November 29, 1919, and annually at various places thereafter.


†3186. FRANCE. Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie, et des colonies. Exposition universelle internationale de 1889. Direction générale de l'exploitation. Congrès international des accidents du travail, tenu à Paris, du 9 au 14 septembre, 1889. Procès-verbaux des séances et visites. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1889. 56 pp. 25 cm. †3187. CONGRÈS international d'Anvers sur la législation douanière et la réglementation du travail, 1894; discussions. Anvers, 1894. Centeno, 1910, p. 314.

†3188. CONGRÈS international pour la protection ouvrière à Zurich, du 23 au 28 Avril 1897. Circulaires du comité d'organisation. Rapports et propositions. Liste provisoire des participants au congrès. Zurich, Société suisse du Grütli, 1897. 159 pp. 8vo.

t3189. CONGRÈS international de législation du travail tenu à Bruxelles du 27 au 30 septembre 1897: Rapports et compte-rendu analytique des séances publiés par le bureau de la commission d'organisation. Bruxelles, P. Weissenbruch, 1898. xxxv, 741 pp. 8vo.

†3190. FRANCE. Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie, des postes et télégraphes. Exposition universelle de 1900. Direction générale d'exploitation. Congrès international pour la protection légale des travailleurs, tenu à Paris, au Musée social, du 25 au 28 juillet 1900. Rapports et compte-rendu analytique des séances. Paris, Arthur Rousseau, 1901. xxx, 563 pp. 8vo.

†3191. FRANCE. Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie, des postes, et des télégraphes. Exposition universelle de 1900. Direction générale de l'exploitation. Congrès international pour la protection légale des travailleurs tenu à Paris, du 25 au 29 [sic] juillet 1900. Compte rendu sommaire par M. André Lichtenberger. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1900. 35 pp. 8vo.

t3192. CONGRÈS international des accidents du travail et des assurances sociales. Septième session tenue à Vienne du 17 au 23 septembre 1905. Vienne, I. Handels und Gewerbekammer, 1906. 2 vols. 25 cm.


13193. BOILLEY, PAUL. La législation internationale du travail. Paris, Félix Alcan, 1892. 12mo.

3194. RAYNAUD, BARTHÉLEMY (1876- ). Droit international ouvrier. Paris, Arthur Rousseau, 1906. 167 pp. 23 cm.

†3195. DOCHOW, FRANZ (1875-). Vereinheitlichung des Arbeiterschutzrechtes durch Staatsverträge, ein Beitrag zum internationalen Verwaltungsrecht. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1907. (8), 111 pp. 22 cm.

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