

References to pages are distinguished by italic figures. Other references are to
the serial numbers of this work (1-3468). In references to nos. 1158 and 1161 (the
Empire of India), and in a few other cases, a Roman numeral indicating the volume
number is also given.

In the long national items (Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, etc.) the general plan of
arrangement of the sub-items is as follows: (a) unclassified and general references
-page_numbers only; (b) relations with other countries in alphabetical order;
(c) sub-items of a general character (consuls, exterritorial rights, extradition, etc.),
arranged alphabetically; (d) sub-items that can best be arranged in order of time
(as specific treaties), in that order; (e) participation in conferences, conventions,
etc., in alphabetical order.

Aawari river, 2513.
Abaeté, visconde de, 562.
Abbot, G. J., 2338.

Abdali, 1158, vii; cf. Abdalees, 1161, xiii.
Abdul-Aziz, Turkey, 922.
Abecía, V., 447.
Abelin, J. P., 75.
Åbo, treaty (1743), 137b.
Abordage, vide Collisions.
Abors, 1158, i.

Abougosch, church, 922.
Abrantes, marquez de, 570.
Abreu, vide Limpa de Abreu.

Abreu y Bertodano, J. A., 135, 1822.
Abribat, J. M., 2615.
Absolutism, 142.
Aby lagoon, 2513.

Abyssinia, 108, 933, 1306; Italy, 1306,
1322b, 13220; United States, 2014;
commerce, 2174, 2175.

Actes de l'alliance et de la cour de Bavière
(Greece), 1175.

Actes de la conférence de Bruxelles (mili-

tary warfare, 1874), 2923, 2924, 2932.
Actes de la conférence postale (1876),


Actes du congrès de Vienne, 258.
Actes et instructions pour l'exécution de
la convention sanitaire, 2622.

Actes et mémoires des negotiations de la
paix de Munster, 185.

Actes, memoires, et autres pieces concer-
nant la paix d'Utrecht, 221.

Actes relatifs au Danube, 2562.

Actos de la convencion nacional de Vene-
zuela, 2100.

Acts of Congress, 2016-18.

Acts of Congress and treaties, 2056.

Acts of Congress, treaties, proclamations,

Acadia, 1127, 1128, 1129, 2027; agree- Acuerdo para el cambio de valores, 2676.

ment of Boston (1644), 2027.

Accessions, IIII.

Adam, L., 163.
Adam, M. I., 194.

Accidents, labor, conference (1889), 3186. Adams, J., 2028, 2029.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Afghanistan, 1161, xi.

Africa, 97-108, 286, 1158, yii; Belgium, 102, 104; France, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108; Great Britain, 101, 102, 103, 107, 108; Germany, 101, 102, 105, 108, 1087, 1088; Italy, 108, 1319; Portugal, 101, 102, 104, 108; Spain, 104, 108; French possessions, west coast, 928, 930, 931; Spanish possessions, 1851, 1872, 1874, 1875; animals, preservation, 3293, 3294; arms trade, 3393, 3394; liquor traffic, 3231-38; conference on affairs of, 3081-88.

Africa, no. 2 (1906), 3236; no. 5 (1900),


Afridis, 1161, xi; cf. Afreedees, 1158, vi.
Agadir, 1862.

Agard, A., 1092–94, 594.

Agents, diplomatic: Germany, 2302; Spain, 1827; United States, 2028, 2029, 2036.

Agnus, H., 2185.

Agordat, 1321b.

Agra Barkhera, 1161, iv; cf. Agra
Burkhera, 1158, iii.


Air ministry, 3429a, 3430a.
Aitchison, Sir C. U., 1156, 1158, 1160,

Aitzema, L. van, 1446, 1449, 1451.
Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty (1668), 137b, c,
196, 215, 885c, 972, 1117, 1821; treaty
(1748), 88, 137, 228; congress (1818),

Ajaigarh, 1161, v; cf. Ajeygurh, 1158, ü.
Ajarra river, 2513.
Ajmer-Merwara, 1161, iii.
Ajraoda, 1158, iii, 1161, iv.
Aka river, 2513.
Akalkot, 1161, vii.
Akas, 1158, i.
Akobo river, 2513.
Akpakorum river, 2513.
Akrabees, 1158, vii.
Aktenstücke betreffend die Kongo-Frage,

Aktenstücke über Marokko, 1029, 1032.
Akulkote, 1158, iv.
Akwayafe river, 2513.
Alabama case, 2142.
Alaman, L., 1380.
Alaska, 2039.
Alawi, 1161, xiii.
Albedyhll, G. d', 243.
Albèri, E., 1328.

Albert, prince of Saxony, 3089.
Albert Edward, prince of Wales, 3089.
Albert Nyanza lake, 2513.
Albin, P., 132.

Albuquerque, vide Coelho de Sá e Al-
buquerque; Velho Cavalcanti de

Alcaçovas, treaty (1479), 2027.

Agreements, Franco-Italian (1900-1902), Alcorta, A., 337, 338, 339, 340.


Aldunate, L., 643.

Agreements between the British and Per- Aleksandrenko, V. N., 1728, 1757.
sian governments, 1578.

Agriculture, birds useful to, 3315, 3316;
International Institute of, 3352-68.
Aguan river, 2513.

Agüero, vide Riva Agüero.

Aguilar de Campóo, marqués, 1872-73.
Aguilar y Correa, A. de, 2335. Cf. Vega
de Armijo y de Mos.
Aguirre, Atanasio, 1570.
Aguirre, M. M. de, 484.
Aguirre, N., 494.
Aguirre Jado, X., 866.
Aigues-Mortes, incident, 1308.
Aionai Indians, 2054.

Alexander I, Russia, 1743.

| Alexandria, convention (1828), 1172.
Alexis Mikhailovich, Russia, 1752.
Alfonso XII, Spain, 1831a.

Alfonso XIII, Spain, 1281-84, 1831.
Alfonso, J., 638–641.

Alfred, duke of Edinburgh, 3089.
Algarves, 1690. Vide Portugal.
Algeciras, conference (1906), 388, 1027,
1028, 1030.

Algeria, 106, 903, 962, 1002, 1003, 1004;
England, 1108; Sweden, 1890; United
States, 2104; exterritoriality, 2345;
marine, 2456.

[ocr errors]

Algunos datos sobre tratados de arbitraje, | Amba Alagi, 1321i.


Alin, O. J., 1492, 1893b.

Alipura, 1161, v; cf. Alipoora, 1158, ii.
Ali-Rajpur, 1161, iv; cf. Ali Rajpore,
1158, III.
Allen, J. C., 2031.

Allendesalazar, M., 1834, 1875, 1876.
Allfeld, P., 3053.

Allgemeines Dienst-Instruction (North
German Confederation), 2292-93.
Allgemeines Dienst-Instruction (Prussia),

Allgemeines Reichs-Gesetz, 383.

Ambry, sieur d', vide Thomas, A.
Ambtelijk blad van den Belgischen Congo,


Amédée, Duke of Aosta, 3089.
Ameilhon, H. P., 1968.

Amelot de la Houssaie, A. N., 86a, 950,

American journal of international law,
supplement, 170.

American state papers, foreign relations,
2031; Indian affairs, 2047.

Amiens, treaty (1802), 137c, 821, 897,

991, 1114, 1135.
Amjhera, 1158, iii, 1161, iv.
Ammen, D., 2515.

Amsterdam, conference, railroad sani-
tary service (1895), 2640; exploration
of sea, meeting (1906), 3285.
Amtliche Sammlung der Bundesgesetze,

Amur river, 2513.

Alliance, alliances, 82, 83, 84, 86a, 86c, |
89, 90, 92, 117, 141, 143, 148, 154, 226,
244, 252; Argentina, 297; Brabant, Ammunition, vide Arms.
1460; Denmark-Netherlands, 2027;
Dutch, 1434, 2027; England, 1096,
1104, 1105, 1106, 1107, 2027; France,
93, 886-888, 893, 895, 2027; Franco-
English, 940; Franco-Italian, 884;
Franco-Russian, 936; Franco-Swiss,
888, 985, 1936; German, 1254, 1262;
Portuguese-Spanish, 1691; Spain,
1822-24; Sweden, 1892; Switzerland,
1921-22; ceremonies, 1258; defensive,
113, 2027; offensive, 113, 2027; triple
(1717), 137;. quadruple, London
(1718), 137; triple, The Hague (1788),
137c; nineteenth century, 283. Vide
Berlin, Loo.

Anales de la corte de justicia Centro-
americana, 3392.

Anales de Venezuela, 2101.
Analytical compilation of treaties, 702.
Ancien diplomate, pseudonym, 2356.
Ancón, treaty (1883), 668.
Andersch, M. R. R., 2487.
Anderson, F. M., 286.
Andersson, L. A., 1890.

All the treaties between the United States Andlern, F. F., 1235.
and Great Britain, 1997.

Andreeskil, I.,


Almadóvar del Rio, duque de, 1831a, Andrussov, treaty (1667), 137b.

1867, 1870.

Almquist, J. A., 1908.

Anebir river, 2513.

Anecsos á la Memoria (Bolivia), 496.

Alsace, 1000; extradition from, 2410; Anethan, J. J. d', 2274.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

3376; Colombia, 3123; Colombia-
Venezuela, 1863; Dominica-Haiti,
839; Hague Permanent Court, 3255-
56; Honduras-Nicaragua (bounda-
ries), 1281-84; Mexico city, 3376;
Pan American, plan, 3128, 3130,
3137; San José, 3376; United States,
2026; boundaries, 360, 361; treaties,

Archipelago, Eastern, 1161, ii.

Archives, 163; Venice, 1330; consular,
inviolability, 2316b.

Archivo diplomático y consular (Bolivia),

Archivo diplomático y consular del Para-
guay, 1540.

| Archivo general administrativo (Uru-
guay), 2073.

Archivo Mexicano, 1370.

Arcos, A. E. de, 868.

Arcot, 1108.

Arduino, M., 2317b.

Antoine, C. F., 124, 138d, 1298a, 1298c. Aréchaga, J. J. de, 2066.

Antokoletz, D., 305.

Antonelli, mission to Abyssinia, 1306c.
Antwerp, 2597; commercial law, congress
(1885), 3437; customs congress (1894),
3187; labor congress (1894), 3187;
treaty (1843), Scheldt, 447; truce
(1609), 2027. Vide Barrier treaty.
Anuario (Bolivia), 459.

Anuario de la legislación Peruana, 1596.
Anuario de legislación Ecuatoriana, 846.
Anuario diplomático del Salvador, 1773.
Anube river, 2513.
Anyalo river, 2513.
Anzilotti, D., 168.

Aosta, Amédée, duke of, 3089.
Apache Indians, 2054.

Apalachicola river, 2513.

Apéndice á la Memoria de 1873, 354.
Apure river, 2513.

Arabia, commerce, 2174, 2176.
Aden, Oman, Turkey.


Aragon, crown, 1823; kingdom, 2176.

Araguary river, 2513.

Aranda, R., 1589, 1591, 2492.

Arapaho Indians, 2054.

Aravo river, 2513.

Arbitration, arbitrations, 130, 133, 199,

297, 2133-47, 3268; American con-
gress, 322; Belgium-Great Britain

Arenberg, 176.

Aretin, J. C. von, 895, 1056.
Aretin, K. M., 1057, 1058.
Argentine Nation (Argentine Confedera-
tion, Argentina), 291-370, 453; Brazil,
564; Paraguay, 564, 582, 1531; Peru,
1589; Portugal, 1690; United States,
2014; commerce, 2173-75, 2177; con-
suls, 2266; postal, 2691, 2879; rivers,
449; telegraphic, 2879; conferences
and congresses: death, nomenclature
(1900), 3295; Hague (1899), 3241;
(1907), 3242; hour standard (1913),
3079; Pan American (1901–02), 3138;
(1906), 3145; Pan American scientific
(1889), 3221; (1910), 3229; private
international law (1888-89), 3107,


Argenton, vide Comines.
Argun river, 2513.

Arias, G., 1324.

Arikara Indians, 2054.

Aristarches, G., 1959.

Aristov, N. I., 1755.
Arkansas river, 2513.

Arkheograficheskaia kommissia, 1745,
1747, 1748, 1753, 1763.
Arlia, C., 2422.

Arlington, earl of, 1117.

(Tillett), 2402; Brazil-France (French Armenia, 1983.

Guyana), 1946; Central America, Armijo, vide Vega de Armijo.

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