
A Series of twelve Illustrations for Crabbe's Poems, and another Series of six for Moore's Lalla Rookh, will shortly be published.

Preparing for the press, the History and Antiquities of the Town and Parish of Enfield. By Mr Wm. Robinson.

Observations on Female Diseases, Part II. By C. M. Clarke, Esq.

In one volume royal quarto, with Engravings, The Fossils of the South Downs; or, Outlines of the Geology of the South Eastern Division of Sussex. By G. Mansell, F. 4.S.

A Reply to Professor Lee of Cambridge, refuting his Remarks on the new Translation of the Bible. By J. Bellamy.

Preparing for publication, Mr Craig's Lectures on Drawing, Painting, and Engraving, delivered at the Royal and Rus, sel Institutions.

Mr Frederick Nash is making a Draw. ing of the Ceremony of the Coronation in Westminster Abbey, which is to be imme diately engraved in mezzotinto by Mr Charles Turner-size 12 inches by 14 inches.

[blocks in formation]

The Antiquities of Ionia, published by the Dilettanti Society. 2 vols. royal folio, £12, 12s.

Neale's Antiquities of Westminster Abbey. No. XI.


Memoirs of the Protector Oliver Cromwell. By the late Oliver Cromwell, Esq. 8vo. 2 vols. £1, 8s.


An Illustration of the Genus Cinchona; comprising descriptions of all the officinal Peruvian Barks, including several new species. By A. B. Lambert, Esq. F. R. S. 4to. £1, 10s.


The Lyrics of Horace; being the first four Books of his Odes. Translated by Rev. F. Wrangham. 8vo. 10s. 6d.


The Commercial Guide and Continental Negociator; being an accurate Comparison of Weights, Measures, and Monics; also, a Topographical Description of every principal Port on the Continent, and a Trea. tise on Exchanges, &c. By James Sheppard, with 3 maps. 8vo. 12s. boards.

Pope's Practical Abridgment of the Laws of Customs and Excise, corrected to Sept. 1, 1821. 8vo. £1, 15s,


A Treatise on the Newly Discovered White Vinegar, called Pyroligneous Acid, with detailed directions for its application to pickling, and every other domestic purpose.


Faustus; from the German of Goethe, with portrait. 8vo. 65.


Tales of the Academy. 2 vols. 18mo. 6s.

The French Speaker; or the Art of Speaking and Reading the French Language. By M. S. A. Simeon. 12mo. 8s. 6d.


A History of Madeira, with 27 coloured engravings. Imperial 8vo. £2, 2s.

The Rabbit on the Wall. Engraved by John Burnet, from the celebrated picture by David Wilkie, R. A. £1, Is. Proofs, £3, 3s.

Portrait of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. from an original sketch by Mr Slater.

A Voyage round Great Britain, undertaken in the Summer of 1813, from the Land's End. By William Daniel, A. R.A. 28 coloured plates. vol. V. royal 4to. £7, 10s.

An Account of a new Process in Painting. 8vo. 88.

Smirke's Illustrations of Shakespeare. No. II.


The Elements of Modern Geography and General History, on a plan entirely new. By J. Roberts. 6s. 6d.


Malay Annals; translated from the Malay language by the late Dr J. Leyden; with an introduction. By Sir T. S. Raffles, F. R. S. 8vo. 10s. 6d.


A Letter from a Grandfather to his Grandson, an articled clerk, pointing out the right course of his studies and conduct during his clerkship, in order to his successful establishment in his profession. By Jacob Phillips, barrister. 7s.

Hammond's Digest of Chancery Reports. 2 vols. royal 8vo. £1, 18s. Hancock on the Laws of Pestilence. 8vo. 8s.

A Squeeze to the Coronation, an operatic farce, in one act. By James Thomp. Pleadings in Equity, illustrative of Lord Redesdale's Treatise on the Pleadings in

son. 2s.

[blocks in formation]


Essays on the Formation and Publica tion of Opinion, and on other Subjects. 8vo. 8s.

Analysis of the Talents and Character of Napoleon Buonaparte. By a General Officer. 8vo. 88.

Gascoigne's Princely Pleasures, with the Masque intended to have been presented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth in 1575. Small 8vo. 5s. 6d.

Flights of Fancy; a Series of Illustra. tions from familiar Phrases, exhibiting life and character, and adapted for the amusement of the Snap-book. By an Amateur. No. I. coloured plates. 7s. 6d.

The Rambles of my Uncle. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. 6d.

British Review. No. XXXV. 6s.

An Irish-English Dictionary, with copious quotations from the most esteemed ancient and modern writers. By Edward O'Reilly. 4to. £2, 12s. 6d.


The Freebooter of the Alps; a romance. By James Griffin. 2 vols. 12mo. 118.

Lorin; or the Wanderer in Wales; a tale. By Josph Jones. 8vo. 58.

Memoirs of a Man of Fashion. 3 vols. 21s.

Abelhamer; an eastern tale. By H. Denovan. 8vo. 4s.

Bigotry; or the Warning Voice. 4 vols. 12mo. £1, 48.


Sketches in Hindoostan, with other Poems. By Thomas Medwin. 8vo. 5s. 6d. Poetical Essays on the Character of Pope, &c. By Charles Lloyd. 12mo. 38. Poems, Divine and Moral; many of them now first published. Selected by John Bowdler. 6s.

Poetical Extracts; or Similes and Descriptions, alphabetically arranged, from Homer, Thomson, &c. By Samuel Jones. 12mo. 4s.

The Tour of the Dove; a Poem, with Occasional Pieces. By John Edwards. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d.


A Few Doubts as to Opinions entertained on the subjects of Population and Political Economy. By P. Ravenstone, M. A. 8vo. 15s.


Residents and Non-Residents; an essay on the elective franchise, with reference to the original and common law-right in residents. 4s. 6d.


Bishop Taylor's Works. Vol. XI. 8vo. 128.

Clavis Apostolica; or a Key to the Apostolic Writings; being an attempt to explain the scheme of the Gospel, and the principal words and phrases used by the Apostles in describing it. By the Rev. Joseph Mendham, A. M. 3s. 6d.

Select British Divines. Part V. 2s. 6d.

The Picture of London for 1821; an entirely new edition, revised and improved throughout. 18mo. 6s. or with 100 maps and views, 9s. bound.

Excursions through the Province of Leinster, comprising Topographical and Historical Delineations of Dublin and its environs; together with descriptions of the residences of the nobility and gentry, remains of antiquity, &c. with 96 plates. By Thomas Cromwell. Vols. I. & II. 15s. each.

M'Gregor's New Picture of Dublin. 12mo. 16s. Cary's Itinerary of England and Wales, and Part of Scotland. 8vo. New edition.

Don Juan. Cantos 3. 4. 5. 8vo. 9sr 13s. 6d. Small. 8vo. 7s.

Poems for Youth. By a Family Circle. vol. II. 3s. 6d.

Kentish Poets; a series of writers in English poetry; natives of, or residents, in the county of Kent: with specimens of their compositions, and some account of their lives and writings. By R. Freeman. 12mo. 2 vols. 15s.

Richard Baxter's Poetical Fragments. 12mo. 4s. 6d.

The Country Minister; in four cantos; with other Poems. By the Rev. J. Brettell. Foolscap 8vo. 78.


Notes relating to the Manners and Customs of the Crim Tartars; written during a four years' residence among that people. By Mary Holdernesse. 12mo. 5s.

A History of the Brazil; comprising its geography, commerce, colonization, aboriginal inhabitants, &c. By James Henderson, recently from South America; with 27 plates and 2 maps. 4to. £3, 135, 6d.

A Narrative of a Voyage round the World. By Otto Von Kotzebue. 8vo. with plates and maps.


The Edinburgh Christian Instructor, No. CXXXIV. for September.

The Convict, a Poem. 4to. ls. 6d.

The Edinburgh Review, No. LXX. 6s: Denmark Delineated; or Sketches of the present state of that country, illustrated with portraits, views, and other engravings, by eminent Danish artists Part I. royal 8vo. 10s. 6d.

The Edinburgh Encyclopædia, or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature. Conducted by David Brewster, L. L. D. &c. Vol. 15. Part I. 4to. £ 1, 1s.

Encyclopædia Edinensis. By James Millar, M. D. Vol. 4. Part III. 4to. 8s.

Supplement to the Encyclopædia Britannica. Edited by Macvey Napier, Esq: F. R. S. Vol. 5. Part I. 4to. £1, 5s. The Scottish Episcopal Magazine. No. 7. 3s. 6d.

Reid's Leith Shipping Directory and Signal-Book. 2s. 6d.

Reid's Leith and London Smack Directory. 2s.


COMMERCIAL REPORT.-September 11, 1821.

Sugar. There has been a good deal of business lately done in sugars, but without any material alteration in price, except for the soft qualities which have sold at a decline in price. At Liverpool, a considerable quantity brought to market remained unsold. In refined goods there has been a considerable demand, both for home consumption and exportation, and the market has accordingly remained firm. The supplies for the year may now be considered to be at market, for what remains is certainly but trifling, and the appearances for the crop of the following year amongst the West India Islands, are very unfavourable. Exceeding dry weather was injuring the canes greatly. The prices of Havannah sugars are considerably lower.

Cotton. The market for cotton, for some days past, has been flat. Extensive public sales are advertised at Liverpool, which in all probability has rendered the sales by private contract very limited. The price of Boweds and New Orleans have remained firm, but Brazils has declined in price about a farthing per pound. A good deal of the latter has been brought to market. Sea Islands have sold at a lower rate, and other kinds have the appearance of declining in value.

Coffee. The market for coffee remains extremely dull and languid. Sales can with difficulty be effected, even at a considerable decline. Finer qualities indeed being scarce, command former prices; but all others are greatly reduced in value. In London some appearances of advance and activity in the market lately appeared, but it was but of momentary duration. In short, the coffee market is very unpromising.

Corn. Since the commencement of the harvest, there has been a considerable bustle and activity in the grain markets, and prices may be stated as having advanced considerably. The crop will certainly in many places be short, but we do not think there is much cause for alarm. The weather till this time, has been very favourable for the operations of reaping; and if it continues good for a short period longer, the harvest will be generally and well conducted. The grain is ripe, and ready for the sickle, and is much earlier than from the backwardness of the spring could have been expected.. The crops on the continent are abundant.

Rum, which had some appearance of advancing in price, has again sunk back.Brandy remains firm at the prices quoted. - Geneva remains without any alteration.Whale-oil is dull, and prices nominal.-In Tallore there has been some improvement in demand and price. India Rice is lower. The sales of Tobacco are limited; and though the stock of Hides in the importers' hands in the Liverpool market is almost exhausted, the market remains languid. The Timber market remains flat, and former prices can with difficulty be obtained.

The accounts by last mail from Jamaica, are very unfavourable. The insurrections in South America render every market in that quarter insecure and uncertain; and the same may be said of all the most active markets in the Mediterranean, from the political convulsions there taking place. The manufacturing interests in Great Britain continue in full employment, but whether to advantage or not, time only can determine.

Course of Exchange, Sept. 7.-Amsterdam, 12: 16. C. F. Ditto at sight, 12 : 13.
Rotterdam, 12:17. Antwerp, 12:9. Hamburgh, 38: 2. Altona, 38: 3. Paris, 3
d. sight, 25: 70. Ditto 26. Bourdeaux, 26. Frankfort on the Maine, 158. Peters-
burgh, perrble. 84:3 Us. Vienna, 10:25 Eff. flo. Trieste, 10:25 Eff.flo. Madrid, 36.
Cadiz, 36. Bilboa, 36. Barcelona, 354. Seville, 351. Gibraltar, 301. Leghorn, 47.
Genoa, 43. Venice, 27. Malta, 45. Naples, 391. Palermo, 116. Lisbon, 50.
Oporto, 50. Rio Janeiro, 49. Bahia, 59. Dublin, 94 per cent. Cork, 9 per cent.
Prices of Gold and Silver, per oz.-Foreign gold, in bars, £3:17: 10 d. New
Dollars, 4s. 10d. Silver in bars, stand. 4s. 11d.

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Average Prices of Corn in England and Wales, from the Returns received in the Weck

ended September 1st.

Wheat, 54s. 7d.-Rye, 26s. 7d.-Barley, 25s. 10d.-Oats, 20s. Od.-Beans, 27s. 2d.-Pease, 32s. Od.

Beer or Big, Os. Od. Oatmeal, Os. Od.

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Butter, Beef, &c.

s. d.

6 Butter,p.cwt.s. d.
0 Belfast, new 79 0 to 800
Newry.. 78 0 to 79 0
6 Waterford. 720 to 73 0
5 Cork, pic.2d, 720 to 74 0
3d dry 68 0 to-0


.26 to 28 Irish do.. 3 1 to
Scotch do. 3 4 to
Rye, per qr.30 0 to 32
Malt per b.




18 to

0 Beef, p. tierce.

- Mess 110 0 to 115 0 6 - Middl. 650 to 750

Fine 9 5 to 9
8. -Middl..8 6 to 90 Pork, p. brl.

Beans, per qr.

52 English.34 0 to 3. Irish 34 0 to 36 26 Rapeseed, p. 1. £30 to 60 Pease, grey50 0 to 32 100-White: 40 0 to 46 14 Flour, English,

Must. Brown, 7 to 12 6 Hempseed..
-White ...5 to 80 Linseed, crush. 46 to
Tares, new, 36 to 46 0 New, for Seed
Turnips, bsh. 22 to 28 0 Ryegrass,
-Red & green-to-0 Clover, red cwt. 50 to
-Yellow, -to-0-White 66 to
Caraway, cwt. 56 to 65 0 Coriander.. 8 to
Canary, qr. 42 to 46 0 Trefoil .... 14 to 30 p.240lb.fine41 0 to 43


Rape Seed, per last, £29 to £31.

Irish 39 0 to 42

EDINBURGH. - September 12.

Mess 56 0 to 60 0 0-Middl.. 54 0 to 55 0 0 Bacon, p. cwt. 31 Short mids. 300 to 320 0 Sides 28 0 to 0 Hams, dry, 500 to 55 0 Green 30 0 to 32 0



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