7. At Craiglockhart, Mr Alexander Scot, farmer there. At Edinburgh, Mr Lewis Mackenzie, porterdealer, Niddry Street. 8. At her house, in Lower Grosvenor Street, London, after a short but severe illness, aged 41, the Hon. Mrs Ryder, the lady of the Right Hon. Richard Ryder, brother to the Earl of Harrowby. -At Leith, Jane, youngest daughter of Robert Ogilvy, Esq. of that place. - At Dunblane, Mrs Elizabeth Lindsay, wife of Alexander Ewing, Esq. late of Balloch, Dumbartonshire. At Edinburgh, John M'Dougall, Esq. of Ardincaple. În Thames Street, Limerick, LieutenantGeneral Daniel O'Meara. 9. At her house in Dover Street, London, the Dowager Countess of Mexborough. 10. At his seat, Ashley park, Surrey, and of Clea Hall, in Cumberland, Sir Henry Fletcher, Bart. aged 49. He is succeeded in his title and estates, by his eldest son Henry, aged 13 years. At her house, at Hampton-court, the Hon. Dorothy Charlotte Montague, relict of the Hon. John Geo. Montague, eldest son of John, fifth Earl of Sandwich. - At Banff, Major John Cameron, of his MaJesty's late Scots brigade. 17. In Queen Street, Cheapside, London, Wm. J. Waldie, Esq. the youngest son of George Waldie, Esq. of Henderside Park, Roxburghshire. 19. At his brother's house, of Whitehall, Roxburghshire, Thomas Milne, Esq. Dryhope. 20. At Paisley, James Weir, 17 months old, known by the name of the "Wonderful Gigantic Child." When 13 months old, and he continued to increase ever since, he weighed five stones; his girth round the neck was 14 inches, the breast 31 inches, the belly 39 inches, the thigh 20 inches, and round the arm 11 inches. He was born in the parish of Cambusnethan, county of Lanark. 21. At Falkirk, John Taylor, Esq. surgeon. 22. At Gayfield Square, Miss Jane Brodie. 23. At Edinburgh, Mr Alexander Miller, billiardroom keeper. 24. At Edinburgh, Jane, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Wharton, Esq. and of Lady Sophia Wharton. 25. Mr Bartolozzi, (son of the celebrated engraver), himself in great estimation in the same line as his father, aged 64. 26. At Barrowmuirhead, near Edinburgh, Anne Fraser, wife of Major A. Rose. 27. At Viewfield-house, near Dunbar, Mrs Burnet, spouse of Mr Burnet of Viewfield-house; and on the 13th, at the same place, Miss Henrietta Lawson, her sister. At Leith, James Pillans, second son of Mr W. Mowbray, merchant there. 28. In Portland Place, London, Anne, the wife of Sir James Graham, Bart. M.P. for Carlisle. 29. At her house, Warriston Crescent, Mrs Ann Margaret M'Konochie, widow of the late Alexander M'Konochie, Esq. one of the Commissioners of his Majesty's Customs in Scotland. Suddenly, Miss Cumming, Dovehill. She was returning from King Street, Glasgow, where she was suddenly taken ill, and sat down on the pavement in the Gallowgate. Some people carried her into surgeon's shop, where she immediately expired. a At Cupar Fife, Christian, the third daughter of the late D. M'Pherson, Esq. of Cuill, Lochfinehead, Argyllshire, and grand-daughter of the late William Campbell, Esq. of Glenfalloch. 11. At his house, 21, Castle Street, Mr Richard Stevens, land-drainer. 12. At Edinburgh, aged three years, Robert, the youngest son of Mr Alex. Dallas, W. S. - At Edinburgh, aged 19, Robert, third son of William Dumbreck, St Andrew's Square. 13. At Frankfield, near Lasswade, after a long and painful illness, Mrs Warner, of the island of St Vincent's, wife of C. J. Warner, Esq. also of that island. 14. At Bonaw, Mrs Captain Kelly, in the 32d year of her age. -At Grosvenor Square, London, after a long illness, the Dowager Countess of Ely. 15. At George's Place, Leith Walk, aged 25, Mr George Thomson, bookseller in Edinburgh. -At Leith, Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr Mark Sanderson, shipmaster there. Margaret Moth Collins, spouse (of Mr E. Prentice, Edinburgh. - At her father's house, George's Square, Miss. Jane Hamilton Anderson. 31. At Dumbreck, near Glasgow, Miss Sophia Woddrop, daughter of the late John Woddrop, Esq. writer, Edinburgh. Lately, at Southampton, Sir Henry William Carr, K.C.B. Lieutenant-Colonel 5d regiment of guards. Printed by James Ballantyne & Co. Edinburgh. EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. No. LVI. OCTOBER, 1821. Contents. VOL. X. Letter from Mr Coleridge243 | The Voyages and Travels of Colum Selection from Mr Coleridge's Lite rary Correspondence with Friends No. I. Septentrionali, S.D. 312 ib. 319 ib. of the Offering; a Sacred Drama 321 Midnight Despondings. (A Sonnet.).. 327 On the Decline of the Tuscan Ascendancy in Italian Literature 262 Jacobus Corcagiensis Christophoro Hans Beudix....... 264 328 Shooting Season 286 Tom Brown's Table-Talk 332 Letter from David Hume, Esquire..... 303 / Births, Marriages, and Deaths 357 EDINBURGH: WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, NO. 17, PRINCE'S STREET, EDINBURGH; AND T. CADELL, STRAND, LONDON; To rehom Communications (post paid) may be addressed. SOLD ALSO BY ALL THE BOOKSELLERS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. JAMES BALLANTYNE & CO. PRINTERS, EDINBURGH. In the Press, and early in December will be Published, SIR ANDREW WYLIE OF THAT ILK. By the Author of "THE AYRSHIRE LEGATEES," &c. PRINTED FOR WILLLIAM BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH; AND T. CADELL, STRAND, LONDON. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. No. LVI. OCTOBER, 1821. VOL. X. LETTER FROM MB COLERIDGE. DEAR SIR, In the third letter (in the little parcel,) which I have headed with your name, you will find my reasons for wishing these five letters, and a sixth, which will follow in my next, on the plan and code of a Magazine, which should unite the utile and dulce, to appear in the first instance. My next will consist of very different articles, apparently; namely, the First Book of my True History froin Fairy Land, or the World Without, and the World Within. 2. The commencement of the Annals and Philosophy of Superstition; for the completion of which I am waiting only for a very curious folio, in Mr ****'s possession. 3. The Life of Holty, a German poet, of true genius, who died in early manhood; with specimens of his poems, translated, or freely imitated in English verse. It would have been more in the mode to have addressed myself to the Editor, but I could not give up this one opportunity of assuring you that I am, my dear Sir, Mr Blackwood. With every friendly wish, your obliged, S. T. COLERIDGE. SELECTION FROM MR COLERIDGE'S LITERARY CORRESPONDENCE WITH FRIENDS, AND MEN OF LETTERS. No. I. LETTER I. From a Professional Friend. MY DEAR AND HONOURED SIR, I was much struck with your Excerpta from Porta, Eckartshausen, and others, as to the effect of the ceremonial drinks and unguents, on the (female) practitioners of the black arts, whose witcheraft you believe to have consisted in the unhappy craft of bewitching themselves. I at least know of no reason, why to these toxications, (especially when taken through the skin, and to the cataleptic state induced by them,) we should not attribute the poor wretches' own belief of their VOL. X. guilt. I can conceive, indeed, of no and me la-the herbal spells of the Haxe, or Druidesses-the somniloquism of the prophetesses, under the coercion of the Scandinavian enchanters-the dependence of the Greek oracles on mineral waters, and stupifying vapours from the earth, as by Plutarch, and more than once alluded to by Euripides -the vast spread of the same, or similar usages, from Greenland even to the southernmost point of America;-you sent me home with enough to think of! -But, more than all, I was struck and interested with your concluding remark, that these, and most other superstitions, were, in your belief, but the CADAVER ET PUTRIMENTA OF A DEFUNCT NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Why not rather the imperfect rudiments? I asked. You promised me your reasons, and a fuller explanation. But let me speak out my whole wish; and call on you to redeem the pledges you gave, so long back as October 1809, that you would devote a series of papers to the subject of Dreams, Visions, Presentations, Ghosts, Witchcraft, Cures by sympathy, in which you would select and explain the most interesting and best attested facts that have come to your knowledge from books or personal testimony. You can scarcely conceive how deep an interest I attach to this request; nor how many, beside myself, in the circle of my own acquaintance have the same feeling. Indeed, my dear Sir! when I reflect, that there is scarcely a chapter of history in which supersti tion of some kind or other does not form or supply a portion of its contents, I look forward, with unquiet anticipation, to the power of explaining the more frequent and best attested narrations, at least without the necessity of having recourse to the supposition of downright tricks and lying, on one side, or to the devil and his imps on the other. *** Your obliged Pupil, and affectionate Friend, J. L--. P.S.-Dr L. of the Museum, is quite of your opinion, that little or nothing of importance to the philosophic naturalist can result from Comparative Anatomy on Cuvier's plan; and that its best trophies will be but lifeless skeletons, till it is studied in combination with a Comparative Physiology. But you ought yourself to vindicate the priority of your claim. But I fear, dear C., that Sic Vos, non Vobis, was made for your motto throughout life. LETTER II. In Answer to the above. WELL, my dear pupil and fellow-student! I am willing to make the attempt. If the majority of my readers had but the same personal knowledge of me as you have, I should sit down to the work with good cheer. But this is out of the question. Let me, however, suppose you for the moment, as an average reader-address you as such, and attribute to you feelings and language in character.-Do not mistake me, my dear L. Not even for a moment, nor under the pretext of mons a non movendo, would I contemplate in connection with your name " id genus lectorum, qui meliores obtrectare malint quam imitari: et quorum similitudinem desperent, eorundem affectent simultatem scilicet uti qui suo nomine obscuri sunt, meo innotescant."* The readers I have in view, are of that class who with a sincere, though not very strong desire, of acquiring knowledge, have taken it for granted that all knowledge of any value respecting the mind, is either to be found in three or four books, the eldest not a hundred years old, or may be conveniently taught without any other terms or previous explanations than these works have already rendered familiar among men of education. Well, friendly reader! as the problem of things little less (it seems to you,) than impossible, yet strongly and numerously attested by evidence which it seems impossible to discredit, has interested you, I am willing to at The passage, which cannot fail to remind you of H- and his set, is from Apuleius's Lib. Floridorum-the two books of which, by the bye, seem to have been transcribed from his common place-book of Good Things, happy phrases, &c. that he had not had an opportunity of bringing in in his set writings. |