16. In Tralee, (Ireland,) aged 75, after a protracted illness, Jerry Sullivan, leaving property to the amount of L.20,000, which he bequeathed to the inhabitants of Tralee, to be added to the sums already subscribed by them, for the purpose of making a fund to defray the expences of a lawsuit, about to be carried on in the ensuing term, against the Denny family, to open the borough of that town; and the overplus, if any, to form the commencement of a sinking fund, to secure the future independence of the borough, by defraying the expenses of the popular candidate at any future contested election, and thereby encouraging talents and independence in the country; and in case the inhabitants should decline prosecuting such suit, then the said sum to be applied in support of the different public institutions of the town, to be distributed as the grand jury shall think fit. The history of this man's life is as extraordinary as his bequest:-In the early part of his career he was for many years an attorney's clerk, in which situation, by persevering industry and rigid economy, he amassed a considerable sum of money, and, considering himself independent, he resolved to become a man of business; he did not hesitate long in making a choice-he commenced the trade of a stock-broker, or "advantageous money-lender," and in a few years his success outran his most sanguine expectations. At his death he had liens on the estates of several of the grandees in his neighbourhood. For the last twenty years he was the Collective wisdom," of the western empire;" his house was, at nights, the resort of all the knowing ones; and, as he had no family, their nocturnal orgies were not interupted by any apprehensions of a curtain lecture, or any anxiety for an offspring, whose provisions those revels might lessen. 1817. Born of an ancient family, he is said to have united the dignity of rank with Christian humility, and the gravity of the Prelate with the purity of the priestly character. 20. At George's Square, Miss Eleanor Rutherfurd, daughter of the late John Rutherfurd, Esq. of Edgerston. At Drylaw, Mrs Ramsay, widow of the late William Ramsay, Esq. of Barnton. 21. Miss Isabella Helen Sangster, only daughter of the late Mr John Sangster, Widewall, Orkney. Mr Thomas Isbister, merchant, Edinburgh. At Edinburgh, Nathaniel Isbister, nephew of In Queen Ann-street, London, Admiral Sir William Young, G. C. B. and Vice-Admiral of Great Britain. 26. At her mother's house, Dalry Mills, in the 22d year of her age, Mrs Torrance, widow of Mr Torrance, Hanover-street, and second daughter of the late Andrew Veitch, Esq. 27. Mary, daughter of Mr William Dunlop, Merchant-street. - At Dalguise-house, Perthshire, Charles Steuart, of Dalguise, Esq. 28. At Millbank, Edinburgh, James Neilson, Esq. of Millbank, in the 69th year of his age. 29. Miss Colquhoun of Camstraddan. - At Perth, Robert, youngest son of Mr R. H. Moncrieff, writer. - At London, Cassander Agnes, Lady Hamilton, widow of Sir J. Hamilton, Bart. - At Wakefield, Mrs Cleghorn of Stravithy. 17. At Saint Madoes, Perthshire, Mrs John Smith. At Graysmill, Slateford, Mr William Belfrage, aged 72. 18. Dr David Mackie, of Huntingdon, aged 67. His death was occasioned by a fall from his chaise a few days previously. At Uppat House, Sutherland, Margaret Lacom, third daughter of Mr John Shaw, of the Customs, aged 16. 19. At Paris, John Astley, Esq. proprietor of the Royal Amphitheatre, Westminster Bridge, London, aged 54 years. -At Borrowstounness, Courtenay P. Shairp, youngest son of William Shairp, Esq. collector of customs. - At Edinburgh, Miss Marion Steele, eldest daughter of Mr John Steele, confectioner, justly and deeply regretted. 20. At Naples, the lady of James Dupre, of Wilton Park, Esq. and second daughter of the late Sir William Maxwell of Monteith, Bart. At Kellhead, John, son of the late Mr John Irving, aged 77. His death was caused by a slight contusion on the shin-bone, which, being neglected, caused a mortification, and terminated his existence in a few days. In his 85th year, Henry Burt, Esq. of Barns, Kinross-shire. - At Paris, aged 85, the Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Talleyrand de Perigord. His Eminence was created Cardinal and Archbishop of Paris in At Craigrothie, in Fife, Mr David Martin, road-surveyor. 21. At Aberdeen, in the 80th year of his age, John Ewen, Esq. With the exception of various sums left to the public charities of Aberdeen, he has bequeathed the bulk of his property, (perhaps £15,000 or £16,000,) to the magistrates and clergy of Montrose, for the purpose of founding an hospital, similar to Gordon's Hospital of Aberdeen, for the maintenance and education of boys. 23. At Edinburgh, aged 60 years, Miss Margaret Clephane, relict of Mr Thomas Ker, late of Burntisland. 24. At Knowhead, Mrs Whittet, relict of John Whittet, Esq, of Paterhill. 25. At Bridge Road, Lambeth, Sophia, wife of David Allan, Esq. Deputy-Commissariat-General to his Majesty's forees, and of Portobello, near Edinburgh. 31. At Croom's Hill, Blackheath, Mrs Campbell, wife of Colonel Campbell. Lately. On his voyage home from India, Captain Robert Sanderson, of his Majesty's 98th regiment. At Nancy, in Lorraine, aged 87, Miss Jean Rollo, daughter of the deceased James Rollo, Esq. of Pow-house. At Dublin, Alderman Warner. He had been out taking the air in his jaunting car, when, finding a sudden numbness coming over him, he returned home, and shortly afterwards expired of a paralytic stroke. - At Newport, Isle of Wight, aged 92, Samuel Bailey. This individual by excessive parsimony, amassed upwards of L.10,000, yet his appearance was always that of a beggar; and his manner of living was equally wretched. He has left a widow and four sons, between whom he has divided his property. Printed by James Ballantyne & Co. Edinburgh. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, NO. 17, PRINCE'S STREET, EDINBURGH; AND T. CADELL, STRAND, LONDON; To whom Communications (post paid) may be addressed. SOLD ALSO BY ALL THE BOOKSELLERS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. JAMES BALLANTYNE & CO. FRINTERS, EDINBURGH. This Day is Published, BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. No. LIX. FOR DECEMBER.-(PART II.)-1821. Contents. I. Irish Melodies, with the Music. No. I. Song 1. Saint Patrick. Song 2. Lament of a Connaught Ranger. Song 3. Rafferty's Advice. Song 4. The Gathering of the Mahonys. Song 5. A Real Irish " Fly not Yet."-Song 6. The Impassioned Wave.-II. The Hop Ground.-III. Moonlight Meditations. IV. The Smuggler.-V. November, in six Sonnets. - VI. November Breathings. VII. Harold's Grave. - VIII. The Mount of Olives. IX. The Steam-Boat. No. VIII.-Tale 13. The Black Cat. Tale 14. Travelling by Night. Tale 15. The Odontist's Monkey. Tale 16. The Covenanter.-X. Whigs of the Covenant.-XI. Historical View of the Rise, Progress, Decline and Fall of the Edinburgh Review. XII. Essays on Phrenology, &c.-XIII. Remarks on Shelly's Adonais; an Elegy on the Death of John Keats.-XIV. The Retrospective Review. XV. Mecanique Celeste, or the Prophetic Almanack, for 1822.-XVI. Voyages and Travels of Christopher Columbus. Chap. 18. Christmas.-XVII. Memoirs of a Life passed in Pennsylvania within the last Sixty Years. XVIII. THE PIRATE, by the Author of Waverley. &c. &c. &c. PRINTED FOR WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH; AND T. ÇADELL, LONDON. 5. All are not such-but such the mass-a few 6. Come this will never do-we are fearing much 7. Before our work came forth to cheer mankind, 8. Know ye the cause of this strange miracle? A Serpent had the power to charm the land; In dark unnoticed cavern did it dwell, Yet with weird might, and fascination bland, It drew the pilgrim to its inner cell, And there transform'd his heart, unnerved his hand; The crested back was azure, and its head 9. Sharp were its eyes, and flippant was its speech; It grew and prosper'd, waxing strong and tall, 10. A moment on each other did they gaze, Measuring, belike, the quantum of their power: And forward strode, with white fangs grinning wide, |