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Friar. How he deceived me! no preferment yet

Has recompensed me for the fatal phial.
Gyp. Wo. Fatal phial! - He's talking
about my wee bottle.

Friar. The fell Archbishop, and the
Count Butero,

With others of the baronage, have long
Been justly deem'd much discontented


Gyp. Wo. That's nae lie; for wha's no discontented noo a-days ?

Friar. The two have plotted; -strata-
gems and spoil

Were in the gesture of the choleric count,
What time we spoke together, and his look
Told me the prelate was with him con-

To work some dire and woeful overthrow;
Would that I ne'er had parted with that

To the proud metropolitan.

Gyp. Wo. Eh, megsty! he's gi'en the bottle to the Archbishop!

1 Fem. Cit. See ye that poor doited monk? he's been mumbling to himsel, and never looking at the show.

Fem. Cit. And the tinkler wife has been harkening to every word he said.

1 Fem. Cit. But look, oh, there's the Archbishop carrying the holy doo and see Count Butero with the crown - Oh me! what a grand like thing it is.

Cit. Noo, lads, be ready-the King's minister's coming. -Tune your pipes for a gude hiss to him for the new tax on kail pots and amries.

As the prime minister passes, the mob all

hiss and howl.]

Friar. The prelate look'd at me as he

pass'd by,

And there was meaning in his scowling

Gyp. Wo. I'll gie the King warning o'
the plot, and may be he'll help me to ano-
ther ass and creels.

1 Fem. Cit. Ah, me! what a lovely love-
ly gown the Queen's got on.

Cit. Now, three cheers for the King.
[The King and Queen enter under a cloth

of state, supported by Bashaws, and the
"God save the
People sing a verse of
King," at the end of which the Gypsey
Woman rushes forward.]
Gyp. Halt, King, and list beware, be-


For traitors' hands have laid a snare.

Queen. Come in, my liege, 'tis but a
crazy hag,

That makes her living by predicting woe.
King. Her voice is most portentous, it

hath cow'd

The manhood of my bosom, dearest chuck;
And I would fain, till some more happy


Defer the coronation.

Heed her not,
But let us in, and on the seat of power
Be consecrated with the holy unction.

King. Alas, my heart misgives !-An
unaccustom'd load

Doth hang on my stuff'd stomach, and

All cheer to enter with my boding fancies-
Would that most ominous wretch were well


Avaunt! thou raving Pythia-hie thee

1 Fem. Cit. Eh me! how the spae-wife
has terrified the King!

Cit. Down wi' the auld radical jaud,
she's no canny.
[The mob seize the Gypsey Woman and
carry her off, and then the second verse
of "God save the King" is sung, and the
Procession passes."]

"It is a law of our nature" to have
oppressive presentiments on those oc-
casions when we have prepared our-
selves to enjoy the greatest pleasure;
and our author has, in the foregoing
scene, handled this with a free and
pencil, happily representing
Carlo Aurenzebe, in the very high and
palmy state of his coronation, afflicted
with thick coming fancies. The un-
daunted confidence of the Queen, and
her contempt of the omens, is impres-
sively illustrative of the blindness of
mankind to impending misfortunes.
We do not recollect that "this law of
our nature" has ever been illustrated in
poetry or the drama before. The action,
too, of the spectators, is singularly feli-
citous in this scene. Nothing can be
more natural, than that in a crowd
people should tread on one another's
toes; and the various shades of popu-
lar feeling are exhibited with great
address. The first lord of the treasury
is hissed for having levied a new tax;
but the universal respect for the cha-
racter and office of the monarch, is fine-
ly displayed in the burst of indigna-
tion with which the populace seize the
sybil, and drag her to immediate pa-
nishment. They do not, however, put
her to death, as might be supposed
from what takes place, and by which
the interest of the plot, now hastening
rapidly to an issue, is so much aug-
mented, for she is afterwards seen
dripping wet in the grand assemblage
of all the dramatis persone at the ca-
tastrophe, having only, as her condi-
tion implies, been pumped upon.


The second scene presents the inteof the cathedral, and the ceremo ny of the coronation going forward. The archbishop prepares to anoint, and he looks pale and agitated. The friar, who had followed him closely, observes his agitation, and also the interest and

anxiety with which Count Butero watches the action.

Friar. Why should his hand so shake? -that iv'ry dove,

Framed guileless from the Afric beast's huge tooth,

Can have no harm in it. - He takes the spoon

What spell of witchery is in that spoon, To make his hand so palsied as with dread?He pours the oil into its golden mouth; And now he sets the pigeon on the altar, And 'gins to drop the unction on the head. Ye gods, why should his majesty so start, As if the ointment were the oil of vitriol? King. Hold, my Lord Archbishop, I pray thee hold,

Thou droppest fire upon me. Treason, he! I burn, I burn! - for some quenching engine


To lave my kindled head-O! water, waMy love, Splendora, I am scorch'd with something


Hotter than fire! Do'st see if my head [A great commotion takes place in the church, the Queen faints as Carlo Au

renzebe rushes distructed off the stage.]

Archb. He's mad! - the man is cursed by heaven with craze, And fate has will'd Butero for our king. Friar. 'Twas you that did it ! thou

wicked prelate!

Noble Sicilians, draw your swords, and

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And like a lighted torch he burning stood, No succour offer'd--all the trembling throng, Transfix'd, look'd on, incapable to aid."

Here properly the drama should have ended, but the author, conscious of his strength, changes the scene, and introduces the Queen again, but in a mad state, followed by her ladies, wringing their hands.

"Queen. I had a lover once-where is he now?

Oft in his vows he spoke of darts and flames; Alas! I heeded not that too fond tale,

But I have liv'd to see him burn indeed;

O ye cool fountains and ye flowing springs, Where were your waters in that fatal hour ? Could I have wept like you, my copious



Had been sufficient to have quench'd the Ha! thou foreboding owl, thou gypsey hag, Why didst thou warn me of this woeful chance,

And charm me to despise the admonition?" "The law of our nature," which thus induces her majesty at once to acknowledge the truth of the gypsey's predictions, and to accuse the old woman of having rendered her incredulous, every man who has had any experience of himself must have felt, and cannot but be alive to the simplicity and beauty of Splendora's address to the Doctor's Cassandra. But we must come to a conclusion; the extracts which we have so largely given, will enable the public to appreciate the merits of this extraordinary performance, and we trust and hope the sale will be such as to induce the author to favour the world soon again with some new effort of his impressive talent. Whether "The Fatal Unction" is calculated to succeed in representation, we cannot undertake to determine; but we do not think that any sound critic will admit the objection as valid, which Miss Dance made to it when it was proposed to her to undertake the part of the gypsey, namely, that no lady would consent to stain her complexion with umber, and therefore the piece never could be properly performed. We think, however the experiment might have been made, and Miss Dance, in the part of Splendora, would have been a most lovely and interesting representative, particularly in the mad scene, for, to use the words of an eloquent theatrical critic in the Edinburgh Correspondent, "Who, that saw Miss Dance in Belvidera, can for a moment hesitate in allowing her pathos and fine feeling? and so true were they both to nature, that we shall venture to say, her's were not feigned tears-who, that beheld her in that arduous part, will deny that she had

a voice of great extent and compass? The mad scene was terrific and heartrending in the highest degree; and the ineffable smile of insanity which she gave, while she fancied that she had Jaffier in her arms, and the strangely changed tone of her voice on that oc casion, were certainly never more happily conceived, or executed with more distracting effect." By the way we should here mention, that the other day, in a certain bookseller's shop, we heard a professor in a university, not a hundred miles from the college, say to a gentleman who was speaking in raptures of Miss Dance's poor Belvidera's smile, "What did she go mad for ?" To think of any man in this enlightened age asking, "What Belvidera went mad for?" and that man, too, not a professor of divinity!!

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SIR,-A change in the established form of religious worship in this country, has supplied us with many a ruined cathedral and desolated abbacy; and the transference of the seat of Scottish royalty from Holyrood to St James's, has been proportionally productive of palace ruins. In whatever direction you take your annual trip, whether you travel by the power of steam or of the lever, by land or by sea, on foot or on horseback, you cannot fail, provided your course is over your native soil, to discover, at the opening up of every bay, and at the weathering of every head-land, at the entrance of every strath, or on the apron of every eminence, some arresting shapeof Ruin, melting down, under the silent but irresistible influence of time, into the earth, yet still continuing to connect, by all the ties of association, the past with the present, the mitre and the crown of Scotland with the less elevated apprehensions of modern times. A Scotsman who has never travelled beyond the precincts of his native country, who has never crossed the Tweed on the one hand, nor the region of "Skua-gulls"* on the other, can have no adequate notion of the advantages of which Scotland, as a thea

tre of travel, is possessed. He would be apt to suppose, that through whatever land he might chance to direct his course, he would still, amidst all the modern exhibition of steam and smoke, and manufacturing, and husbandry, amidst all that feathering of trade and traffic, by which our sea-ward vallies and navigable rivers are skirted, discover, at reasonable intervals, the more hallowed forins of antiquity, the lingering features of chivalry, the broken arch and the mouldering turret, the genius of a former and more poetical age-hovering over, and still greeting with a parting valediction, the present. In this expectation, however, he would be disappointed. St Paul's, and Windsor, are still the abodes of religion and royalty, whilst St Andrew's Cathedral and Falkland Palace are in ruins. The same happy revolution in church and state, which removed from us the superstitious observances of Rome, and the seat of our government, has left us, in addition to more substantial benefits, the reversion of a most romantic and interesting land, rendered still more interesting and romantic by the mouldering remains of our former royal and religious establishments.

• Shetland-Vide Dr Fleming.

I am not so smit with antiquarian mania, as to imagine, or to attempt to persuade others to imagine, that a "Ruin" is preferable, as an object of pleasurable contemplation, to an entire and a sublime edifice; but I assuredly think, that when these floating wrecks on the ocean of time are associated not only with the mere display of architectural design and execution, but with the ancient spirit and moral energies of our country, with much that it has now lost, but which once rendered it dignified in its internal character, and imposing in its external relations, our patriotism must be of a very suspicious description indeed, if it is not awakened and strengthened by the contemplation of them. There is nothing, in my opinion which is more truly salutary to our national health and prosperity, than this reverence for, and frequent conversation with, the "Mighty Past." And, should the time ever arrive when a Scotsman can travel over the land of his fathers, hallowed as it is in almost every direction with reminiscences of their public character or domestic life, without taking any interest in such recollections, he will then be ripe for a state of rebellion or of vassalage. He will either have actually forfeited his claims to independence, or be prepared to do so. Were I desirous of reducing our national character, whether considered in reference to loyalty or to patriotism, to all that binds our hearts to the throne, or that attaches us to our national constitution and privileges; from the plenitude of authority, or rather from the insidious covert of design, I would issue forth my mandate, that all the monuments of our ancient history should be erased-that with the ruins of the cathedral, as well as with the tomb-stones of the martyrs, men should build offices, and construct fences-and that the fast mouldering palaces of the race of Stuart should yield up their last foundation-stone to grace the lintels of some modern villa, or figure from the snug parlour chimney of some burgh magistrate. I would become a second Edward, and efface not only from paper and parchment, but even

from the face of the earth itself, every intimation, every record of antiquity; and thus I would train up a young, and a bustling, and a trifling generation, to consider pleasure and pudding as all in all!

My reflections have assumed this cast, in consequence of a visit, or pleasure excursion rather, which, a few days ago, I was induced to make, in company with a highly respectable and intelligent friend, to the ruins of Falkland Palace. Understanding that the present proprietor of these "Royal Ruins," and of the extensive grounds around them, (J. Bruce, Esq.) had, with a great deal of good sense and proper feeling, ordered the Palace to be enclosed by a sufficient wall, and thus protected from that dilapidation under which, in the course of ages, it had suffered so much, and by means of which (if permitted to be proceeded in) not a vestige would in a few years remain, I was anxious, ere the inclosure should be completed, and the former aspect of the ruins, by the opening up of some new views,* in some measure altered, to saunter over, under the conduct of a well-informed and intelligent guide, the venerable, and time-hallowed precincts. It was a June day, and worthy of Juno herself. The wind, which had long resisted every southern tendency, and which had regularly at night-fall checked round in sullen obstinacy to the east, had at last yielded up "the point, and came over our faces, as weadvanced upon our expedition, in all the blandishment and softness of an Italian atmosphere. The sun, which had obtained sufficient elevation to overshoot the highest parts of the Lomond hills, yet not to irradiate the northern aspect, flooded down his beams upon us, over a dark and still sunless background, through which trees, and turrets, and cottage-smoke were beginning to penetrate into light. There was a freshness and a hilarity over the whole face of nature, according well with that lightness of heart, and buoyancy of spirit, which generally accompanies, as well as suggests, such careless, and, as the busy world deem it,

• The alterations here alluded to, are towards the north side of the Palace, by means of which the northern aspect, which was formerly concealed by trees and some rising grounds, will be opened up, and travellers upon the Cupar and Perth roads, by Auchtermuchty, will have an excellent view of the ruins.


Fifœana. No. I.

aimless excursions; and as we trotted
and walked our horses onwards, in an
easy jogging tête-a-tête way, I felt as-
sured that this day's enjoyment was
not at the mercy of chance; and that,
being pleased with, and happy in our
selves, we should find the objects we
went to visit fully equal to our expec-
tations. As we halted for an instant
in passing through the ancient and
most beautifully situated burgh of
Auchtermuchty, in order to water our
horses at a small, but clear and rapid
stream, which divides the town, my
friend took occasion to remark, that,
according to tradition, we were now
upon classic ground, rendered so by
the exceedingly graphic and humor-
ous description of country life and
manners, which the " Guidewife of
Auchtermuchty," said to have been
written by King James the First, con-
tains. There," said he, pointing to
a green bank, on the farther side of
the stream, "fed the honest woman's
gaislines, of which the gudeman made
so poor an account; and upon that
very stone, perhaps, were the 'foul
sheets' laid, which the spait thought
proper to carry along with it."* In the
course of conversation, I learned that
"Christ's Kirk on the Green," likewise
supposed to have been celebrated by
the royal author above mentioned, lay
upon the banks of the river Leven, at
no great distance, and was in fact none
other than the church and the green

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and de

annual revel,

royal au

of Lesly esly;" ray," making part of which, under the sanction of thority, and even example, was there exhibited. "Weel, † Bally-Mill," said my friend, as we began to cross over the valley towards Falkland, to a respectable looking figure who was riding past us, in an opposite direction, "how's a' wi'ye the day, Bally-Mill?" Mutual conversation ensued, 'from question answer flowed,' during which, as I had not the good fortune to be acquainted with Bally-Mill, I had drifted a considerable space in advance.

• Vide No. 1. Vol. I. of this Magazine.

When my friend overtook me, he made
me acquainted with the following anec-
dote, respecting the manner in which
the property of Bally-Mill, which lies
a little way farther east, upon the
banks of the Eden, was originally
obtained from King James the Fifth,
of facetious, and princely, and, alas,
unfortunate memory!

The king, who was fond of seeing
human nature under every modifica-
tion of circumstance, and in the ab-
sence of all ceremony and constraint,
a taste which a court was but indiffer-
ently calculated to gratify, was in the
habit, whilst he resided at Falkland, of
making excursions in disguise into the
adjoining country. In one of these
frolics, he entered, rather late in the
evening, a miller's house, which was
situated on Falkland muir, at the con-
fluence of the Daft-water with the
Eden. As the royal presence did not
appear to her any ways imposing, the
miller's wife stoutly opposed the en-
trance of her Guest; and at last, find-
ing that words had but little weight
with him, she brought up, as she had
frequently in the course of expostula-
tion threatened to do, the more weighty
argument of her husband's presence
upon the carle's obstinacy. The Miller,
who chanced to be a man of some hu-
mour, and of great good nature, though
miserably ruled by his wife, was pre-
vailed upon to consent to the stranger's
request; and having adjusted his mill-
labour for the night, returned
Guest with a tongue loaded with in-
quiries, and a heart light as air. The
stranger was intelligent, and facetious;
the landlord became gleesome and
open-hearted, till at last, with a most
friendly and familiar salutation be-
twixt the carle's shoulders, and a
hearty, and vigorous, and protracted
shake of his hand, the gudeman decla-
red he was the "ae best fallow he had
met with since the death o' the auld
parson o' Cult, who was aye fou six days
out of the seven, and ended his life at
last ae drifty night amang the snaw."

to his

+ It is customary in Fife, as well as in several counties of Scotland, to address farmers, and even small proprietors, by the familiar appellation which belongs to their property or farm. Thus we have "Drone," " Strone," "Cuff-about," and "Tailabout," "Cockairnie," "Rumgally," "Craigfoodie," &c. &c.

+ It is reported of this "drouthy brother," that, having through life frequently expressed a wish for a white "hinner end," in allusion to the sweet milk with which he was in the habit of washing down the lagging remains of a parrich-cog-his death, in the manner stated, became proverbial.

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