[blocks in formation]

Lt. Col. Sir W. Williams, K.C.B. from 15 F. with Lt. Col. M'Creagh, h. p. Portug. Serv.

Neynoe, from 92 F. with Lt. Col. Williamson, h. p. 4 F.

Major Barrington, from 91 F. with Bt. Lt. Col. Rechford, h. p. 100 F.

Bt. Maj. Tomkinson, from 16 Dr. rec. diff. between full pay Cav. and full pay Inf. with Capt. Macan, h. p. 24 Dr.

Capt. White, from 55 F. with Bt. Maj. Prager, Sub. Insp. Mil. Ion. Isl.

Bray, from 67 F. rec. diff. with Bt. Maj. Bunee, h. p. 24 Dr.

p. 18 Dr.

Alpe, from 4 Dr. do. with Capt. Brett, h. Kersteman, from 6 Dr. with Capt. WhichKerr, from 9 Dr. rec. diff. with Capt. Somerset, h. p. 7 Dr. G.

cote, 43 F.

17 F.

Elliott, from 11 Dr. with Capt. Creighton,

Schultz, from 4 F. with Capt. Spinks, 12 F.
Campbell, from 12 F. rec. diff. with Capt.

Henderson, h. p. 6 Gar. Bn.

87 F.

Emera, from 53 F. do. with Capt. Young, h. p. Lieut. Newton, from 4 Dr. with Lieut. Anderson, Slocock, from 4 Dr. G. rec. diff. with Lieut. Beamish, h. p. Slaney, from 8 Dr. with Lieut. Murphy,

h. p. 25 Dr.

Allingham, fm. 11 Dr. rec. diff. with Lieut. White, h. p. 24 Dr.

Baillie, from 16 Dr. do. with Lieut. Sperling, b. p. 15 F.

38 F.

Proctor, from 2 F. with Lieut. M'Carthy,

Armstrong, from 15 F. rec. diff. with Lieut.

Temple, h. p. 32 F.

Major Moultrie, 19 Dr.

Tallon, 41 F.
Boxall, 63 F.
Mylne, 79 F.
Marston, 86 F.

Captain Evans. 3 Dr. G.

Stracy, do.
Hoskins, 1 Dr.
Hammersley, 19 Dr.
Powell, Gren. Gds.
Gronow, do.
Talbot, Coldst. Gds.
Colelough, 3 F.
Sutherland, do.
Welsh, 5 F.
English, 7 F.
Thaine, 10 F.
M'Donald, 19 F.
Kidd, 28 F.
Ryan, 31 F.
Dundas, 39 F.
Daniell, 55 F.
Armstrong, 71 F.
Fletcher, 72 F.
Beamish, 84 F.
Gun, 91 F.

N. C. Travers, Rifle Brig.
Parsonage, 2 W. I. R.

Lieut. Pennington, 15 Dr.
Newenham, 14 F.

Penrose, 29 F.
Simpson, 51 F.
Mansell, 84 F.

Cornet Lloyd, 1 Dr. G.
Ensign Brown, 47 F.
Assistant Surgeon Robson, 87 F.

Appointments Cancelled.

Lieut. Col. Plenderleath, 1 F.

Lieut. Leslie, 18 Dr.

2d Lieut. Moorhead, 1 Ceylon Reg.
Cornet Swinhoe, 22 Dr.
Ensign Hopper, 24 F.
Adj. Lieut. Rochfort, Rifle Brig.
Quarter Master Manley, 91 F.
Hospital Assistant Christie, from h. p.

Mr Charles M'Bean, who resigned his Commission as Captain in the 2d West India Regiment in 1811, when in a state of mental derangement, has been re-instated in his rank, with a view to his being placed upon half-pay from 25th June, 1821.

Wounded in the Division under Maj. Gen. Smith, at the Capture of Beni Boo Ali, in Arabia, 2d March, 1821.

Ford, from 79 F. do. with Lieut. Brown, Lt. Col. P. Douglas, E. I. Comp. Army, England,

h. p. 3 W. L. Reg.

Ensign Adams, from 34 F. with Ensign Belford,

10 F.

[blocks in formation]

Lieut. Cuppage, 65 F.

Madden, (severely,) 65 F.

Ensign Mulkern, 65 F.


Lieut. Gen. W. Popham, East India Com. Army.
Feb. 20, 1821.
Maj. Gen. Baron Honstedt, late Ger. Leg. Oct. 31.
Col. Dunlop, Renfrew Mil.
Nov. 13.

Tetley, East India Comp. Army, India,

Griffiths, do. India,
C. Mackenzie, do. do.

Nov. 1820.

May 8, 1821.

March 16.

Gifford, do. India,

April 15.

Saxon, do. England,

do. 22.

Dalrymple, do. Madras,

May 12.

Nooth, 21 F. Demarara,

Aug. 23.

De Fragstein, h. p. Bruns. Inf. Sept. 27.

Maj. Don. Mackay, E. I. Comp. Army, India,

May 27, 1820.

C. Sealy, do. India,

June 29.

Scott, do. do.

Aug. 11.

Powell, do. England,

do. 21.

Bond. do. India,

Sept. 10.

do. 30.

Greene, do. do.
Mathews, do. do.
M'Dowall, do. do.
Mason, do. do.
Hare, do. do.
H. W. Sealy, do. do.
Pasley, do. England,

Oct. 5.
Nov. 7.

Dec. 2.

May 4, 1821.

do. 13. June 20. BIRTHS.

[blocks in formation]

22. At Parson's Green, Mrs. Smith, of a son. 23. At Peterborough House, Fulham, the lady of Captain W. Cunningham, Dalyell, R. N. of a


24. At Regulas, the lady of Sir Thomas Diek Lauder, of Fountainhall & Grange, of a daughter.

At Field House, the lady of John Graham, Esq. younger, of Feddal, of a daughter. - At Edinburgh, the lady of W. L. White, Esq. advocate, of a daughter.

15. Mrs Gordon, 78, Queen Street, of a daughter.

a son.

At Edinburgh, Mrs Alexander Hunter, of

At Edinburgh, the Hon. Mrs Wardlaw, of a daughter.

26. At Woodslee, the lady of G. Scott Elliot, Esq. of Larriston, of a son.

27. At Exmouth, the lady of the AttorneyGeneral, of a son.

At Feddal-house, the lady of John Graham, Esq. younger, of Feddal, of a daughter.

At Darsham House, Suffolk, the lady of Major Purvis, of a daughter.

29. At Falkirk, the lady of Robert Walker, Esq. of Mumrils, of a son.

Lately. At 58, Queen Street, Mrs M'Farlan, of a daughter.

June 30. At Madras, the lady of Lieut. Colonel Foulis, Madras cavalry, of a son.

Oct. 7. At Grenada, the lady of John Ross, Esq.

of a son.

26. At Morar-house, the lady of Colonel D. M'Donnel, of a son.

Nov. 1. At Catharine Bank, Mrs Ireland, of a


At Langley Park, the lady of Captain A. Lindsay, of a son.

2. At Goodwood, Sussex, the Duchess of Richmond, of a son.

- At Newport, Isle of Wight, the lady of Wm. Moncrieff Taylor, Esq. of the 75th Regiment, of

a son.

3. At Rothmasie, Mrs Forbes, of a daughter. 4. In York Place, London, the lady of William Wrixon Becher, Esq. M.P. (formerly Miss O'Neill) of a daughter.

At Mungall Cottage, Mrs Stainton, of Biggarshiells, of a daughter. 5. At Netherlay, Mrs Silver, of a son.

In Upper Gower Street, Bedford Square,

London, Mrs John Young, of a daughter.
At George's Street, Newhaven, Mrs James
Bell, of a son.

6. At 15, Queen's Street, the lady of Lieutenant Colonel Ross, of the 4th Dragoon Guards, of a daughter.

At the Manse of Arrochar, Mrs Proudfoot, of a daughter.

8. At Bank Street, Mrs Rymer, of a daughter. 12. In Picardy Place, the lady of Major James Harvey, of Castlesemple, of a daughter. In York Place, Mrs Boyd, of Broad Meadows, of a still-born child. At Abercromby Place, the lady of William Plomer, Esq. of a daughter.

13. In Coats' Crescent, Edinburgh, the lady of John Horrocks, Esq. of a son.

At Cheltenham, the lady of C. G. Wynne, Esq. of a daughter.

14. At his house, in York Place, Portman Square, London, the lady of Joseph Hume, Esq. M. P. of a daughter.

At Kelso, Mrs Dr Douglas, of a daughter. 16. In Forth Street, Mrs Hunt, of Pittencrieff, of a son.

At the Abbey, Mrs Wemyss, of a daughter. 17. At 71, Great King Street, Mrs Kennedy, of a daughter.

19. At Dumfries, the lady of Captain D. M'Kenzie, late of the 42d regiment, Royal Highlanders, of a son.

21. Mrs Dove, Patriot Hall, of a son.

At Avontoun House, Linlithgowshire, the lady of John Robertson, Esq. of Foveran, Aber deenshire, of a son.


Oct. 24. At Thun, Edward Cromwell, Desbrowe, Esq. his Britannic Majesty's Charge d'Affaires to the Swiss Confederation, to Anne, eldest daughter of the Honourable Robert Kennedy. 26. At the British Ambassador's house, Brussels, Colonel Berington, to Mrs Dickenson.

At the Manse of Benholm, the Rev. John Gleg, Minister of Inverbervie, to Ann, daughter of the Rev. James Scott, Minister of Benholm.

Nov. 2. At Channelkirk Manse, Mr George White, brewer, Clock Mill, Dunse, to Catherine Howard Drummond Mack, only daughter of the late Thomas Mack, Esq. of Kingston, Jamaica.

6. At North Wellington Place, Glasgow, Major William Steuart, of the 91st Regiment, to Anne, only daughter of the late Captain John Kennedy, of Springhall.

Captain Alexander Gordon, R. N. to Mary Elizabeth, only daughter of the late Sir Ernest Gordon, Bart. of Park.

7. At Portobello, Mr David Brown, writer in Edinburgh, to Ann, daughter of the late Mr Wm. Hunter, merchant in Edinburgh.

- At Bankhead, Mr George Rate Huntlaw, to Jane, daughter of Mr Thomas Park.

At Dublin, John Dingwall, Esq. of Ardo, Aberdeenshire, to Ann, daughter of Captain Geo Taylor, of Cambden Street, Dublin.

9. At Irvine, Mr John Edgar, surgeon, Ayr, to Anna, daughter of the late John Dunlop, Esq. St Croix.

19. At Newton, the Rev. John Eadie, Minister of Dun, to Helen, youngest daughter of David Scott, Esq. of Newton.

14. At Grange, Mr William Hepburn, merchant, Cupar, to Sophia, youngest daughter of Mr Andrew Russel.

15. At St Pancras Church, Colonel A. Hogg, of the Honourable East India Company's service, to Agnes, daughter of William Dinwiddie, Esq. of

Burton Crescent.

At Fasnakyle, Lieut. Colonel Chisholm, of the Royal Artillery, to Miss Chisholm, daughter of the late Captain Chisholm, Fasnakyle.

In Westphalia, his Serene Highness the Duke de Croy, Prince of the Empire, Peer of France, and Grandee of Spain, to Maria, daughter of the Honourable Colonel Henry Dillon, and first cousin of the present Viscount Dillon.

16. At Craigend, Mr William Lees, farmer, of Fairneyhirst, to Agnes, second daughter of Mr Alexander Marshall, farmer there.

At Berryhole, George Russel, Esq. younger, of Hayston, to Mary, youngest daughter of the late Mr Walker, Colessie.

At Craighead, the Rev. Archibald Bruce, one of the ministers of Stirling, to Georgina, daughter of Robert Banks, Esq. of Craighead.

20. At St John's, Hackney, Middlesex, Alex. Hutchison, Esq. of Peterhead, to Anne, eldest daughter of Alexander Hutchison, Esq. Lowe, Clapton.

Captain John Hobbs, of the Royal Engineers, to Mary, eldest daughter of the Rev. John Garlies Maitland, of Fairgirth.

At St Andrews, Mark Sprot, of Garnkirk, Esq. advocate, to Harriet, youngest daughter of the late Principal Hill.

23. At Mellerstain, John, Viscount Glenorchy, only son of the Earl of Breadalbane, to Eliza, eldest daughter of George Baillie, Esq. of Jerriswoode.

24. In Mary-la-Bonne Church, London, Wm. Robert Keith Douglas, Esq. M. P. youngest brother of the Marquis of Queensberry, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Walter Irvine, Esq. Luddington-house, Surrey.

25. At London, Captain Donald, late Royal West India Rangers, to Jemima, second daughter of the Rev. T. Baxter, formerly officiating minister of Stow, St Mary's, Essex.

26. At Largs, Robert Baine, Esq. Greenock, to Mrs Morris, widow of the late Hugh Morris, Esq. Glasgow.

27. At Edinburgh, Thomas Johnstone, jeweller in Edinburgh, to Isabella, only daughter of the late Malcolm M'Bean, Esq. Master Conductor of Ordnance, Madras Establishment.

28. The Earl of Wilton, second son of the Earl and Countess Grosvenor, to Lady Mary Stanley, eldest daughter of the Earl and Countess of Derby.

30. At Edinburgh, the Rev. Mr Geo. Dickson, North Sunderland, to Miss Cecilia, eldest daughter of Mr William Stark, builder.

At Edinburgh, Mr James Cassie, baker, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late James Hunter, merchant, Edinburgh.


April 16. In camp, at Severndroog, India, of a short illness, Major James Balfour Watson, then in command of the Ist Battalion 4th Regiment native infantry, Bombay Establishment.

At St Ann's, Jamaica, Thomas, youngest son of Mr William Armstrong, Niddry Street. May 18. At Loodonah, Captain George Rodney Blane, of the Bengal Engineers, aged 30, second son of Sir George Blane, Bart.

29. At Serampore, near Calcutta, Mrs Carey, wife of the Rev. Dr Carey, the excellent and highly useful missionary there.

June 7. At Calcutta, Alex. Campbell, Esq. of the firm of Goold and Campbell, son of the late John Campbell, Esq. Cashier of the Royal Bank. 9. At Madras, P. Crawfurd, Esq. M. D. son of the late Major Crawfurd, of Newfield, Ayrshire.

Aug. 7. On Plantation Garden of Eden, Demerara, Mr Andrew Sim, planter, a native of Ellon.

19. At Demerara, of the yellow fever, Mr Geo. Stoe Gibson, aged 24.

Oct. 21. In Mornington Place, London, in his 28th year, Mr Edward West, youngest son of the author of "Letters to a Young Man," &c.

27. Mrs Stirling Edmondstone.

At sea, off Corsica, on his passage to Italy, for the benefit of his health, Henry Davidson, Esq. advocate, second son of H. Davidson, Esq. W. S.

29. At Cork, William Chalmer, Esq. son of the late William Chalmer, Esq. of Dalry, surgeon in Edinburgh.

At Auchintroig, Stirlingshire, in the 88th year of his age, William Maclachlan, Esq. Lieut. on the half-pay of the 25th Regiment.

30. At Tullamore, the Hon. Sholto Scott Douglas, third son of the late Hon. Lord Douglas, and Captain in the Enniskillen Dragoons.

31. At her house, Richmond Court, Janet Ferrier, relict of the deceased Andrew Melliss.

At Eatington Park, Warwickshire, after a short illness, in the 21st year of her age, Lady Elizabeth Stanhope, sister of the Earl of Chesterfield.

At Croom's Hill, Blackheath, Mrs Campbell,
wife of Colonel Campbell.
At London, Major General Sir Augustus
Honstedt, K. C. G. aged 68.

At Warriston Crescent, Louisa, daughter, and, on the 5th November, John, son of John Wright, merchant in Edinburgh.

Nov. 1. At the Leys, near Dollar, James Brown, late of Killin, surgeon, R. N.

Suddenly, aged about 40, William Wight, of Ednam, well known in that neighbourhood as the author of various poetical pieces, some of which were recently collected and published by subscription, under the title of "Cottage Poems." Though born in a state of helpless and pitiable deformity, his assiduous perseverance early enabled him to overcome the combined disadvantages of nature and poverty, and, unassisted, to enrich his mind with knowledge and cultivation. But his literary acquirements were his least praise. It was his blameless life, his uniform practice of every virtue within his humble sphere, his unaffected piety, his cheerful resignation, his unrepining patience, his warm affection and gratitude towards those whose benevolence alleviated the evils of his lot-evils such as are rarely the portion of humanity-that gained him universal sympathy and approbation, and raised up for him friends in various parts of the kingdom, distinguished yet more by their character and talents, than by their station in life.

2. At Bellfield, Miss St Leger Duncan. 4. At Bechill, East Lothian, Martha Carmichael, only child of Mr James Hume.

At Edinburgh, the infant daughter of Mr Alexander Manners, W. S.

aged 87.

At Corfhouse, Bunawan, Thos. Stevenson, 5. At Baronald, William Lockhart, Esq. of Baronald.

At Lochee, near Dundee, the Rev. James Keyden, Minister of Fettercairn.

6. At Greenbank, Lasswade, Mr William Smith, in the 92d year of his age.

At his house, West Register Street, Mr Robert Norrie, painter.

At Longforgan, the Rev. Adam Cairns,

Minister of that parish.

7. At Peebles, Mrs Janet Tod, widow of the deceased Robert Scott, formerly tenant in Bellanrig, in the 86th year of her age.

8. At Edinburgh, Jane, eldest daughter of Cathcart Boyd, Esq. late Examiner and Account ant of the Salt and Fisheries in his Majesty's Customs for Scotland.

At Spa Villas, Gloucester, Jessie Hunter, wife of the Rev. John Hunter, and second daughter of the late John Young, Esq. of Bellwood.

At Ayr, Robert Robertson, Esq. of Duncan


9. At Edinburgh, Charles Murray, Esq. many years a distinguished favourite on the CoventGarden boards. This gentleman was the son of Sir John Murray, Bart. of Broughton, secretary to Charles Edward, the Pretender, in the rebellion of 1745, who, after the final ruin of the cause of

learned and elegant Historian of Music, and brother to Madame d'Arblay, the celebrated novelist, and the late Dr Charles Burney. Admiral Burney, at a very early period of his life, first as midshipman, afterwards as lieutenant, accompanied Captain Cook in the two last of those enterprizing, perilous, and important voyages, which have reflected so much honour on the late reign, and proved so beneficial to the general interests of mankind.

17. At Edinburgh, aged 52, Miss Grace Seller, daughter of the late Mr William Seller, Peterbead.


At Weymouth, Charles Kerr, Esq. late of At Kenleith, Helen, third daughter of Mr William Watson, farmer there.

At Ormsary, Alexander Campbell, Esq. of


20. At St James's Square, Isabella, youngest daughter of Mr James Wilson, British Linen Company.

21. At Halloway Head, near Norwich, at the extraordinary age of 121 years, Mr John Maddock. He retained his faculties to the last.

At Castlecraig, Joanna Charlotte, daughter of Sir Thomas Gibson Carmichael, of Skirling,


22. At Mary's Place, Stockbridge, in the 87th year of her age, Mrs Susan Stewart, relict of the Rev. Alex. Davidson, late Minister of Stenton.

At Lebanon, near Cupar Fife, Mr George Smith, late farmer Kinnaird.

At London, James Wilson, Esq. F. R. S. Professor of Anatomy to the Royal College of Surgeons.

At Edinburgh, Mrs Lilias Carmichael, widow of the late Mr John Carmichael, merchant in Glasgow.

In Russel Square, London, aged 88, the Right Hon. Sir James Mansfield, late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas.

24. At Stockbridge, Mrs Elizabeth Currie, widow of the late Lieut. Colonel Irving, of the 78th Regiment of Foot.

At his house, Canonmils, Mr Jas. Thomson, damask weaver, Leith Wynd. At New Rattray, Robert Birrell, Esq. late Provost of Kirkaldy.

At Alnmouth, after a short but severe illness, Eleanor Mary, eldest daughter of Mr Annett, of that place; and on the 15th April last, on board the Kent East Indiaman, on her passage to Bombay, Elizabeth Fenwick, youngest daughter of Mr Annett, and wife of Andrew Gibson, M. D. civil surgeon at the Court of Sattarah.

25. At Bedford Place, Alloa, Margaret, eldest daughter of Alexander Macfarlane, Esq.

26. At Kennington, near London, while on a visit to his friends, Mr Andrew Lawrie, late of Buccleugh Street, Edinburgh.

27. At Edinburgh, Mr Luke Fraser, late one of the Masters of the High School of this city, aged 85 years.

28. At Woolwich, Lieut. Colonel James West, Royal Artillery.

30. At Craighouse, Miss Colquhoun, eldest daughter of the ate Humphrey Colquhoun, Esq At Bankfoot, Mrs Jean Hay, relict of Alex. Robertson, Esq. one of the Principal Clerks of Session.

Lately. The Widow Crooks, of Fineshade, near Doncaster. This poor woman was so impressed with what she considered an evil omen, (an owl's flying three times across her on her way from church), that she actually became ill in conse quence, and died.

his unfortunate master, retired to Cheshunt, in Hertfordshire, where, in 1754, the subject of this memoir was born. Charles, under the immediate guardianship of his father, received an excellent classical education, and was, at a proper season, sent into France, to perfect himself in the la language of that country, a language which, from his youngest days, he spoke with the correctness and fluency of the most accomplished native. Being designed by his friends for the medical profession, he was, on his return to England, placed as a pupil with a London practitioner of eminence, and, having obtained a competent knowledge of pharmacy and surgery, entered into the sea service as a surgeon, in which capacity he made several voyages. Being tired of this service, he entered into an engagement with Mr Tait Wilkinson, and made his first appearance on the stage at York, in 1775, in the character of Carlos, in the Fop's Fortune, under the assumed name of Raymur. Thence he went to Norwich, and afterwards to Bath. At the death of the late Mr Farren, he entered into an engagement with Mr Harris, at Covent-Garden Theatre, where he appeared in 1797, in the part of Shylock, in the Merchant of Venice. In characters of sensibility and deep pathos, Mr Murray has been unrivalled; and in such parts as Old Norval, Lusignan, and Adam, "we shall never look upon his like again." Mr Murray has left a son and a daughter in the profession. The latter (Mrs Henry Siddons) is highly distinguish ed as an actress, both in tragedy and in genteel comedy, and is the present proprietor of the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh. Her brother, Mr William Murray, the acting manager of that respectable theatre, is also a great favourite in this city.

10. At Restalrig, Alex. Duncan, Esq. W. S. Mrs Margaret Parlane, spouse of Dr Chas. Stuart, of Dunearn.

11. While travelling, within six posts of Florence, the Countess of Besborough, sister of Earl Spencer and the late Duchess of Devonshire.

In Newhall Street, Liverpool, Edward Simon, aged 104 years and 22 days. He had been employed as a labourer in the Docks near 70 years. His mother died aged 105 years, his father 104 years, and his brother 104 years.

At Edinburgh, Mrs Isabella Wilde, relict of Robert Newall, teacher in Annan, and daughter of the late James Wilde, teacher in Dumfries.

12. In Cumberland Place, New Road, London, aged 70, the Hon. Mrs Mill, widow of the late John Mill, Esq. of Noranside, Forfarshire.

13. At Ayr, Major John Chalmers.

At Broughton Place, Christopher Moubray, late Cashier of the Friendly Insurance Office. At Greenock, after a lingering illness, John Lawmont, Esq. surgeon, R. N. He was surgeon of the Vincejo at the period of her capture, and the confidant of the lamented Captain Wright in the Tower of the Temple in Paris, and the last friend who had access to his dungeon.

At Perth, John, the eldest son of Laurence Craigie, Esq. of Glendoick.

- James Dunlop, of Househill, Colonel of the Renfrewshire Militia.

14. At West Wells, Wilts, aged 71, Lieut. General Kerr, formerly of the Hon. East India Company's service.

At her house, Writer's Court, Mrs Mary Hunter, in the 70th year of her age.

- At his house, Robert Bruce, Esq. of Pitteadie. 15. At Dublin, at an advanced period of life, Dr John Barrett, Vice-Provost of Trinity College in that city.

16. Of an apoplexy, in London, Rear-Admiral Burney, F. R. S. in his 72d year, eldest son of the

Printed by James Ballantyne & Co. Edinburgh.





Irish Melodies, with the Music. No. I. 613 | Letter to the Author of "Annals of

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To whom Communications (post paid) may be addressed.



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