
School Gardens.-Rules for the Gardens belonging to the High-Pavement Chapel [Nottingham] Boys' Sunday School, established February, 1841, for the Purpose of providing Healthful Recre ation and Intellectual Amusement for the Elder Scholars.

We have had the small pamphlet containing the rules above stated placed in our hands, and with great pleasure notice them.

In the immediate neighbourhood of Nottingham are an immense number of small gardens, occupied and cultivated by all grades of society; and with a most laudable and praiseworthy feeling, the friends connected with the above-mentioned place of worship have purchased two of these enclosures, in each of which is a commodious summer. house. One of these gardens is cultivated by the elder boys of their school, the other by their juniors. Each garden is subdivided into smaller allotments, which are assigned to their respective tenants, boys from ten to fourteen years old, who cultivate and crop them according to their own fancy, a small portion of each being devoted to flowers.

The diligence and ability displayed by these youthful gardeners is really astonishing. We have inspected their crops during several past summers, and with truth can say we were highly delighted with them. The onions, lettuce, celery, carrots, potatoes, &c., were excellent, and would vie with the productions of older and more experienced cultivators. Prize gooseberries are also grown, and this year the crops of London, Companion, Gunner, Eagle, &c., were amongst the best we have ever seen either at Nottingham or elsewhere; in fact, these boys always endeavour to obtain, either of seeds or plants, the best varieties possible. In connection with these gardens, and to excite emulation, a vegetable and flower show is instituted. This is held in the schoolroom at Nottingham, and prizes are given for the best productions in vegetables, as well as for stands of pansies, verbenas, collections of annual and perennial flowers, and nosegays, or bouquets, as they are called by some, but we fancy our readers will like the old English name best. These exhibitions of youthful skill and industry are well attended. On the management we can offer no suggestion, except that we think it would add to the sources of information, if a prize were given

for the most correctly named collection of plants, both as regards the scientific name and the proper spelling of it. They might succeed very indifferently at first, but we are sure the experiment would be attended with satisfactory results. It will be seen by the rules that each boy pays a slight acknowledgment; and the gardens are only awarded to those who, by good behaviour and diligence at school, render themselves worthy of becoming tenants.

The rules are short and to the point, and we give them, as they may guide other philanthropic individuals in establishing similar institutions.

1. The gardens shall be under the management of the superintendent, who shall collect the rents and manage all matters connected therewith.

2. The rent to be paid monthly. Any one being more than two months in arrear, shall forfeit his right to occupy.

3. All incidental expenses, such as purchasing and repairing tools, &c., shall be defrayed by yearly subscription, contributed by friends interested in the gardens.

4. The tenants shall keep their parts in a good state of cultivation, by manuring and proper attention. Any one neglecting to do this, will, after one month's proper notice has been given by the superintendent, have his part taken from him.

5. If a tenant wish at any time to give up his part, he must give one month's notice of such intention to the superintendent.

6. Any tenant taking any flowers, fruit or vegetables, without the consent of the owner, shall, for the first offence, pay such a fine as the superintendent shall determine upon; and if the offence is repeated, he shall be excluded from the gardens, and forfeit all claim to the produce on his part.

7. Proper places shall be assigned for the tools, which must be cleaned and put away again after being used.

8. The keys of the gardens shall be kept at the superintendent's house; and any one going to the gardens, must take the road pointed out by the superintendent, and return the same way with the keys, to prevent disappointment. Any one breaking this rule shall be fined sixpence.

9. All fines to be paid to the superintendent, and by him appropriated to the general expenses of the garden.

We should be glad to see this system carried out through Great Britain and

Ireland. Every clergyman might do incalculable good in his parish by this simple means, and put a stop, in a great measure, to the mischievous assemblages of idle boys which unfortunately are seen in most villages. Every community of Dissenters should also adopt the plan; and to all the benevolent and kind-hearted we would especially recommend it. (The Midland Florist for October.)

How to improve Chapel Singing.

A very striking improvement has latterly taken place in the singing at Gee-Cross chapel. This has also had its influence in improving the regular attendance on the services. The cause

of it is, we believe, to be traced to the establishment in Hyde of a Choral Society, which meets for instruction and practice twice every week. So rapid has been the improvement of the class, which consists for the most part of youths and young women working in the neighbouring factories, that it was enabled to give a Public Concert in the Court House of Hyde, on Thursday, November 15. Of the performance we extract a short account from the Man

chester Guardian:

"The place was crowded, and among the parties present were some of the first families in the neighbourhood. The principals were Mrs. Winterbottom, Mrs. Tomkins, Mr. Inkersall and Mr. Hull, who sang the several pieces allotted to them with great care and judgment; but the great feature of the evening was the performance of the band and chorus, and duly to appreciate their talent and industry, some little account of their origin and progress must be given. Mr. John Hibbert, of Hyde, with true Christian philanthropy, first formed the idea of establishing a Sunday-school in the neighbourhood of his residence, and built a room for the purpose. A love of music soon began to manifest itself amongst his pupils: a choral society was formed, aided by an instrumental band, and weekly meetings were held, under the tuition and superintendence of one of the members. The services of Mr. D.

W. Banks, of Manchester, were afterwards secured, and hence was firmly established the Hibbert's Choral Society at Hyde, which held its first public performance on the day we have named. The first part consisted of selections from the 'Messiah' and 'Elijah,' and a miscellaneous secular selection formed the second part. Under ordinary circumstances, it would be improper severely to criticise the performance of such a society; but on this occasion we must do them the justice to say that we never heard the pieces better given, or the musical text more faithfully adhered to. The overtures played by the Messiah;' the 'Caliph,' by Boilthe band were the introduction to dieu; and Mozart's Figaro,' all of shewed judicious and careful training which were admirably played, and Banks. Nor must we omit to notice on the part of the conductor, Mr. D. W. the zealous and benevolent exertions of the founder of the society, Mr. John Hibbert, who, aided by his brothers, have by their personal presence and pecuniary resources given stability and associations connected with which are encouragement to a society, the many doing much to soften and humanise the population of that dense neighbourhood. One thing particularly struck us,-that in the singing or playing of any particular piece, scarcely a whisper was heard amongst the auditory, and the whole remained seated to the close of the concert."

Individuals may not always be found able and willing to take upon themselves the expense of providing instruction for a large class, but by combination the class may be made wholly or nearly self-supporting. The first want is of some person of influence and respectability to make the necessary arrangements, and to watch over the conduct of the class. In securing the services of an instructor, they ought not to be contented with inferior musical science. A well-trained and skilful musician should be sought. The cheap and expeditious schemes of teaching music have, in Lancashire at least, (which is considered not the least favourable soil for the cultivation of vocal music,) entirely failed.


Oct. 19, aged 82, JAMES POLLARD, and Nov. 26, aged 73, JOHN ROBINSON, of Padiham, near Burnley, Lancashire. Thus have departed almost together these two primitive preachers and worthy men; and thus the little society of Padiham has lost within a few weeks both of those Christian patriarchs to whose words of counsel and of prayer its members had listened for so long a course of years, and under whose religious ministrations many had grown up from childhood to maturity. The history of these simple village pastors may be briefly told. Originally Methodists, they both left that body at the expulsion of Mr. Cook; and when, in 1817, Mr. John Ashworth (who has written so interesting an account of this secession, and who left the Methodists at the same time as Mr. Cook) came to preach at Padiham, a little society of the separatists and their friends was formed under his auspices, of which in due time James Pollard and John Robinson became, though still working at their trade as weavers, the recognized ministers; and this office they filled to the time of their last illness and death. James Pollard was always of a religious turn, even from a child, and became a local preacher at Bury amongst the Wesleyans at the early age of 16. On two occasions the great Wesley heard him, and pronounced him "a clever young man;" but Pollard always declined becoming a travelling preacher. He did not, however, object to gain his living by warping and taking care of the travelling preacher's horse. His industry was great, and by it he brought up four children. His personal neatness was remarkable, and he was for many years his own housekeeper up to the time of his apoplectic seizure. His piety and righteousness of life were proverbial, so that people would ask of a man, "Is he as good as old Pollard?" After his stroke in July, 1846, he was much confined to bed, but in the intervals of improvement would often express a desire to go to the chapel and preach; and on some occasions, led by his friends to the pulpit, he accomplished his wishes, and preached with as much clearness and power of mind as ever; so that, in fact, his last sermon was preached five weeks only before his death, when he was eighty-two years old. The mildness and kindness of his

disposition occasioned a great development of charitable feeling. No beggar who ever presented himself at his door went away unrelieved, and if the weather was severe he always invited them up to the fire. On Thursday, the 19th of October, he was walking across the house floor to all appearance as well as usual, and became a corpse in less than five minutes. He continued to work as a weaver up to his 79th year.

John Robinson had more warmth and determination in his temperament. In an account which appeared in one of the earlier numbers of the Christian Teacher, the difference between the two men, we remember, was indicated by terming Pollard the Melancthon and Robinson the Luther of Unitarianism at Padiham. John Robinson could neither read nor write at 21. At that age, however, he married and joined the Methodists, among whom he began to acquire some knowledge. He became a teacher in the Sunday-school, and had an earnest desire to become a preacher, often telling his friends that he would, notwithstanding all his disadvantages. He continued among the Methodists till Mr. Cook's secession, and subsequently, though by slow degrees and at first unwillingly, was convinced of the truth of Unitarian views, like his other friends, by the study of the Scriptures and the preparation of Mr. Cook's and Mr. Ashworth's preaching. During the process of his change he suffered much, wandering in the lanes and fields until his friends thought he would lose his senses. But when he was satisfied of the truth of these views, he professed and advocated them with characteristic courage. From this time, three or four years after Mr. Cook's expulsion, he became one of the ministers of the little flock at Padiham, applying all the time with great industry to his trade, taking care of a family of twelve children, and devoting himself especially to visiting the sick. An anecdote is told of Henry Robinson, which redounds much to his credit, and which shews that much of the same earnest spirit resided in him which distinguished John. At the commencement of the struggles of the infant congregation, and long before the present neat and capacious building was erected, they were threatened with dissolution from the smallness of their funds. They

could not pay the rent of the room in which they met, and consulting on what was to be done, Henry Robinson determined to put off his own house-rent, and pay the rent of their chapel-room. In the building which, by the energy of friends on the spot and the liberal assistance of friends at a distance, was subsequently erected, old John Robinson took a lively and a worthy pride. Its erection was the great effort of his life, and his greatest triumph over outward difficulties.

The latter years of these worthy men were smoothed and comforted by a small annuity, collected by a friend from the contributions of several fellowship funds. Another friend for years supplied the old men with a weekly copy of the Inquirer. In addition to the monthly services of Mr. Ashworth, the congregation has now the benefit of the services of Henry Dean (who is a mason), an excellent young man and an intelligent and acceptable minister to the people. May he walk in the steps of the good men that have gone before him!

Nov. 25, at his residence, Starkies, near Bury, ABRAHAM WOOD, Esq., aged 66. He, after the example of his respected father and brother, was a steady and consistent friend of Nonconformity Without being obtrusive of his religious opinions, he never shrank from a manly and consistent testimony in their behalf, in whatever society in his widelyspread connections he might happen to be cast. His interest in all the institutions of the Presbyterian chapel, Silver Street, Bury, was deep, generous and unfailing. In social intercourse, his deportment was ever characterized with urbanity and kindness. The pleasure he thus diffused around him was deepened by the knowledge of his sterling integrity, his refinement of taste, his judiciousness as a friend, his liberality as a townsman, his consideration as the

head of a household, and his impartiality and patience in the adjudication and administration of justice. A gratifying tribute of respect to his memory was afforded on the Sunday succeeding his funeral, by the presence of numbers of all sects and parties at the chapel whose services he had attended for up

wards of half a century.

Nov. 30, at his residence at Widcombe, in the Isle of Wight, deeply lamented by a numerous circle of friends

and acquaintance, the Rev. WILLIAM HUGHES. Mr. Hughes was born on the 24th December, 1764, and was educated for the Christian ministry under the late Dr. Abraham Rees, to whom and to whose family he was greatly attached. On leaving the Hoxton Academy, he settled at Sidmouth, of which beautifully situated spot, graced as it was with courteous and warm-hearted inhabitants, like himself, he ever afterwards spoke in terms of deep affection. While there, he had a controversy, through the columns of the Protestant Dissenters' Magazine, on the subject of Ordination. His opponent, then unknown to him, afterwards proved to be the late venerable Dr. Toulmin. Mr. Hughes considered that there is no scriptural authority for the practice, and this opinion he held through life. During his connection with Sidmouth he formed an attachment with Miss Sweet, only child of the late Mr. Thos. Sweet, formerly of Alvington, in the Isle of Wight. Of this lady he was deprived by death about three years after their marriage. In the year 1802, he married Miss M'Arthur, only child of the late who now survives him, by whom he Mr. John M'Arthur, of Kensington, had a numerous family. On leaving of his first marriage, he conducted the Sidmouth, which he did about the time services of a chapel in Leather Lane, Holborn, the former minister of this chapel, the late Rev. Edmund Butcher, and Mr. Hughes really exchanging pulpits. He soon after withdrew from the ministry altogether, and, on his second marriage, visited France, where he had determined to reside for a few years; and with this view, he purchased a property in the vicinity of Angers. The peace of Amiens being suddenly broken, while he was preparing for his departure, his goods, which were on board a landed in the Isle of Wight, where, the vessel in the Southampton river, were war with France having raged again with its former fury, he determined to Hughes at this time were of the Low remain. The religious views of Mr. Arian school, though he subsequently adopted what has been called the proper Unitarian scheme. He frequently pleaded the interests of this cause, by pel at Newport when they were absent supplying for the ministers of the cha

from home; and on the formation of the Southern Unitarian Fund Society, he volunteered with others to conduct its fortnightly lectures; and many will long remember with what unsparing

and withering indignation he treated the memory of the inventors of the pious frauds which infested the earlier ages of the Christian church. Mr. H. was an Unitarian from thorough conviction-a conviction derived from a critical examination of Scripture, joined to a survey of the easily traceable progres. sive corruptions of the primitive Christian faith. Trickery and dishonesty, equally in political and religious matters as in private life, were perfectly abhorrent to his soul. He felt strongly, and, having a powerful and poetical imagination, he spake strongly, so as not a little to startle those who were not accustomed to the general selection of expressions by which he conveyed his sentiments to others. His critical sermons displayed great thought and acumen: his practical ones were marked by much devotional fervour, ardour of feeling, and by a beautifully appropriate adaptation of Christian or Scriptural phraseology to the explanation of the principles and tendencies of social life and duties. Of geology and botany, studies with which the locality of Sidmouth afforded him means of becoming acquainted, he had acquired considerable knowledge; and a few lectures which he delivered before the Isle of Wight Institution, on the former science, made a deep impression on the audience from the original and lively remarks with which the illustration of the subject was accompanied. In private life, Mr. Hughes was the inartificial, warm-hearted friend and Christian. Of this the writer of this imperfect but affectionate tribute to his memory enjoyed repeated instances during an uninterrupted harmonious intercourse of more than forty years;

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and he willingly records his opinion that, in the even, consistent tenor of the life of his departed friend, the remark frequently uttered by himself was most strictly true: he has come to his grave "like a shock of corn fully ripe in its season." In his family, he was beloved as a kind husband and parent; to his domestics he was courteous and kind, to his neighbours obliging, and ready to assist in every liberal good word and work. The latter part of his life he spent much in considering the Apocalyptic vision of the beloved disciple. His idea of the number of the Beast was, that it was more applicable to St. Athanasius than to any other person or event; and for years past he frequently affirmed that about the present period there would probably be a great commotion in the European hierarchies. He was lineally descended from the Welch Nonconformists. In the Nonconformists' Memorial his ancestors are noticed their principles actuated him. Like them, he disdained, in religious matters, to "call any man Master upon earth;" like them, he died in faith; and sorrowing survivors may rejoice in the feeling that, like them, he is secure of inheriting the promises.

J. F.

Dec. 12, Mr. GEORGE S. KENRICK, of West Bromwich, aged 45.

Dec. 15, at Godley, Cheshire, in her 70th year, MALLEY, the wife of Mr. Nathan DUNKERLEY, She was the only surviving sister of the late Rev. Nathaniel Hibbert, of Rivington, Lancashire, and youngest of the two daughters of the late Mr. Thomas Hibbert, of Tetlow Fold, Godley.

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