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(William A.) and E. D. Cromwell as Drogheda, Fresh Light on,
Morel, The West African Slave
Traffic: Britain's Duty towards An- | Cromwell at Drogheda: a Reply to Mr.
gola and San Thomé, 836-851

Caldwell (W.), The Political Outlook
as seen by a British Canadian, 1065-


Canada and Australia, Emigration to,
an Imperial problem, 1283-1306
Canada, Marriage Law in, The 'Ne
Temere' and the, 570-580

Canadian view of British politics,

Capital Punishment, The Case for
Abolition, 732-744
Catholic marriages and Canadian law,

Cavalry and artillery, registration of
horses for, 11-31

Charlton (Hon. Mrs.), Animals in their
Relation to Empire, 600-614
Chesser (Elizabeth Sloan), Convents in
England, a Plea for State Inspection,
830-835; a reply, 977-984; a re-
joinder, 1268-1273

J. B. Williams, 1220-1241
Cruelty to animals in India, 600-614
Crystal Palace Handel Festival, 412-


ECEASED wife's sister, Marriage
with, law of the Church, 930-941
Delhi as capital of India, hope for
native arts and handicrafts, 1274-

Dental Caries, The Prevalence of, in
Modern Civilised Communities, 182-

Dictionary of National Biography,
retrospect, 1155-1167

Dillon (Dr. E. J.), The Dismember-
ment of China, 645-664
Divorce, The Royal Commission on,
and the Church, 1085-1113
Doctors' bills, club practice, and
insurance, 149-166

Chesterfield (Lord), Some Unpublished | Dorroh (David Lewis), President Taft

Letters of, 277-291, 533-545

China, Political Sovereignty in, 44-53
China, The Dismemberment of, 645-664
China, The Position of Women in,

Chinese Reform, Some Aspects of,

Christianity in Hinduism, 701-717
Church, The, and divorce, 1085-1113
Church, The, and the Marriage Law,

Citizen army and national defence,
lesson from South Africa, 517-520
Clarke (Rev. A. H. T.), The Conflict
between Religion and Science, 783-

Cocoa plantations, San Thomé and
Angola, Slavery in, 836-851

Collings (Jesse), Rival Land Policies/
a Reply to the Marquess of Lincoln-
shire, 88-95

Commonwealth, Life in City of London
during the, 763-782
Convents in England: a Plea for State
Inspection, 830-835

Convents, State Inspection of a reply
to Dr. Elizabeth Sloan Chesser,
977-984; a rejoinder, 1268-1273
Corbett-Smith (Captain A.), Some
Aspects of Chinese Reform, 615-626
Cottages for the Rural Labourer, The
Dearth of, 1175-1183

Cotton industry and Tariff Reform,

Crammond (Edgar), Imperial Defence
and Finance, 221-247
Criminals and the Criminal Class,

and the Solid South, 1006-1029
Drama in Japan and in England, My
Thoughts about the, 1184-1201
Drogheda, Cromwell at, Fresh Light on,
471-490; a reply, 1220-1241


and other organs, theory of

development, 1211-1219
Edinburgh Review, The, on Cardinal
Newman, 69-87

Education, Rural and Agricultural,

Egyptology and scientific excavation,

Eishausen, The Mystery of a Secret
of the Bourbons, 1168-1174
Emigration from Great Britain, 964-

Emperor Mutsu Hito of Japan, 627-644
England, India, and the Balkan War,

English Jew, The Passing of the, 491-

English manners and foreign visitors
in Elizabethan times, 110-124
Englishman, The First, Napoleon ever
saw, 718-731

Ensor (R. C. K.), The Practical Case
for a Legal Minimum Wage, 264-276
Eugenics, The Case for and against,

Evolution and transmutation of
species, 783-797

Excavation, The Morality of, 382-396

FARM labourers Cottages and the

Housing Act, 1175-1183
Federal Government, 676-686


Fiction-writing, bookselling, and cir-
culating libraries, 822-829
Finland, Women in Parliament in, 167-

Flowerdew (Herbert), The Lost In
dustry of Novel-writing, 822-829
Foreigners in Shakespeare's England,
Some, 110-124

Fowler (Robert), Is Art a Failure?

Franco-German Crisis, The 'Truth'
about the a Reply to M. Philippe
Millet, 32-43

Fuller (Sir Bampfylde), India Revisited,



India, The Message of Hope for, 1274-

India, Women of, need of legal and
medical advisers for, 811-821
Indian Fauna, The Protection of the,

war in

Indian Moslems and the
Turkey, 1077-1084
International law and seizure of private
property during war, 1131-1140
Internationalism, Labour and, 521-532
Ireland, Cromwell, and massacre at
Drogheda, 471-490

Ireland, Over-representation of, in
Parliament, 445-454

Irish Servants, The Humours of, 798-

(GERMANY, Japan, and Australia, Irish social conditions and self-help.


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ABITUAL criminals, Common-
sense treatment of, 371-379
Hall (B.), Payment by Premium versus
Payment by Fee, 149-166
Hall (Mrs.), The First Englishman
Napoleon ever saw, 718-731
Handel Festival, The, 412-420

Havell (E. B.), The Message of Hope

for India, 1274-1282
Heredity, Eugenics, and marriage
restrictions, 546-557
Hibernian humour, 798-810
High Courts in India, The, 455-460
Hinduism, Christianity in, 701-717
Hindus and cruelty to animals, 600-614
Hogue (Hon. James Alexander), The
Outlook from Australia, 1-10
Holland, Lord Chesterfield's diplomatic
mission to, 277-291

Home Rule, Redistribution before, 445-


Home Rule, Social Aspects of, 665-675
Horses for War, Our Shortage of: a Sug-
gested Scheme for Mobilisation, 11-31
Hutton (R. H.), his biography of
Cardinal Newman revised, 69-87
Hyacinthe's (Père) Marriage, 581-588


JAPAN, Emperor of, Reminiscences

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of the late, 627-644

Japanese plays and actors compared
with English, 1184-1201
Jews, English, The Passing of the, 491-


Johnston (R. F.), Political Sovereignty
in China, 44-53

Johnston (Sir Harry H.), The Protection
of the Indian Fauna, 137-148; Rail-
way Projects in Africa and the Near
East, 558-569
Journey's End, At a, 1155-1167
Judges in India and the shrinking
rupee, 455-460
Juvenile offenders, legislation in

Australia, 953-963

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Lathbury (D. C.), The Church and
the Marriage Law, 930-941
Leathes (Stanley), The Universities
and the Public Service, 1260-1267
Le Blond (Mrs. Aubrey), The Mystery
of Eishausen: a Secret of the Bour-
bons, 1168-1174

Lee (Sir Sidney), At a Journey's End,

Legal Minimum Wage, The Practical
Case for a, 264-276

Lethbridge (Sir Roper), The Endow-
ments of the Ancient British Church
in Wales, 985-1000

Lilly (W. S.), Criminals and the Crimi-
nal Class, 371-381; The Problem of
Marriage and Divorce: The Passing
of Marriage, 1103-1113

Lincolnshire (Marquess of) on Land
Policies, replies to, 88-95, 421-431
Lindsay (Prof. James A.), The Case
for and against Eugenics, 546-557
Listener, The, Speaks, 1211-1219
Llan Awstin, A Comedy of

from life, 348-370


London in the Year 1651, A Visit to,

Longford (Joseph H.), Reminiscences
of the late Emperor of Japan, 627-644;
The Manning of our Merchant Ma-
rine, 1114-1130

Loudon (Katharine M.), Some Un-
published Letters of Lord Chesterfield,
277-291, 533-545


Methuen (Field-Marshal Lord), The
Territorial Forces, 517-520
Migration within the Empire, 1283-1306
Mikado, Shogun, and progress in Japan,

Millet (Philippe) on Morocco, reply to,

Mitra (S. M.), Christianity in Hinduism,
701-717; England, India, and the
Balkan War, 1077-1084
Monarchy in China, Teaching of
Mencius and Confucius, 44-53
Montenegro and Czardom of the Serbs,


Montrose (James, Marquis of):
Tercentenary Tribute, 1242-1259
Morel (E. D.), The 'Truth' about the
Franco-German Crisis, a Reply to
M. Philippe Millet, 32-43; The
West African Slave Traffic Britain's
Duty towards Angola and San Thomé,

Morrison-Bell (Major Clive), Redistribu-
tion before Home Rule, 445-454
Morocco, Franco-German dispute, and
British diplomacy, 32-43

Moslems and Christians in Turkish
Empire, 1141-1149

Moslems of India and the War in
Turkey, 1077-1084
Moyes (Mgr. Canon), Père Hyacinthe's
Marriage, 581-588

Murder, Death penalty for, argument
against, 732-744

Lyttelton (Hon. Mrs. Edwd.), Humours | Murray (Major Stewart L.), Some
of Irish Servants, 798-810

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Strategic Problems of the Empire,

Murray (Rev. Robert H.), Cromwell
at Drogheda: a Reply to Mr. J. B.
Williams, 1220-1241

NAPOLEON, The First Englishman

ever saw, 718-731

Naval expenditure of the great Powers,

Near East, The Outlook in the: For
El Islam, 1141-1149; The Balkan
Crisis in a Nutshell, 1150-1134

Nelson, The Spirit of, 852-868
Newman (Cardinal), The Edinburgh
Review on, 69-87
New South Wales, The Neglected Child
in, 953-963

Newton-Robinson (Charles), The Blight
of the Land Taxes why they must
be repealed, 96-109

New York Police, The Problem of the,

Novel-writing, The Lost Industry of,

Nuns in England and inspection of
convents, 830-835, 977-984

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