
A SINGULAR GENERAL: GUÉRIN DE MONTAIGU (3rd S. iii. 469.)- Il est très-aisé de satisfaire la curiosité de M. ROBT. WRIGHT au sujet du singulier général dont parle le général Wolfe, et qui n'avait plus qu'un tout ce que les autres hommes ont deux. Ce guerrier si étrangement mutilé était le comte de Rantzau, Maréchal de France. (Voyez sa généalogie dans le Dict. de Moréri, édit. de 1759.) Il mourut au mois de septembre 1650, dans un âge peu avancé. Rantzau avait toutes les qualités d'un grand général. On dit qu'il avait été tellement mutilé dans les guerres qu'il ne lui restait plus qu'un œil, qu'une oreille, un bras, et une jambe. C'est ce qui donna lieu à l'épitaphe suivante :

"Du corps du grand Rantzau tu n'as qu'une des parts:
L'autre moitié resta dans les plaines de Mars.
Il dispersa partout ses membres et sa gloire.
Tout abattu qu'il fut, il demeura vainqueur:
Son sang fut en cent lieux le prix de sa victoire,
Et Mars ne lui laissa rien d'entier que le cœur."

Le portrait du Maréchal de Rantzau se voit au Musée de Versailles. Il a été gravé in-folio par Boulanger; il fait aussi partie du recueil in 4° de Montcornet.

Oserai-je, à mon tour, m'adresser pour un éclaircissement qui m'intéresse aux lecteurs des "N. & Q." qui s'occupent des recherches généalogiques? J'ai publié récemment les Euvres de Maurice et d'Eugénie de Guérin, dont plusieurs Revues anglaises ont déjà rendu compte. Eugénie dit, dans une Notice sur sa famille:

"Les chroniques de notre maison la disent d'origine vénitienne. On la trouve établie en France au commencement du neuvième siècle, vu un Guérin, ou plutôt Guarini, était comte d'Auvergne. D'après Moréri, ce fut la souche des Guérin de Montaigu, qui ont été long temps comtes de Salisbury."

Ce que je désirais beaucoup savoir, c'est si l'assertion de Moréri est exacte, et comment les Guérin de Montaigu, d'Auvergne, sont devenus comtes de Salisbury, en Angleterre ?

Agréez, je vous prie, Monsieur, l'assurance de ma considération la plus distinguée. L'EDITEUR DE MAURICE

ET D'EUGÉNIE de Guérin.

Bibliothèque de Caen. ATTACK ON THE PRINCE OF WALES (3rd S. iv. 9.) The late Colonel Lowther, for forty years M.P. for Westmoreland, and a cousin of James Earl of Lonsdale, was a constant companion of George IV. when Prince of Wales, in the Carlton House

revels at the close of the last century. He frequently described to me the attack on the Prince of Wales, to which, probably, your correspondent, KAPPA, refers. The Prince and a party, among whom was old Colonel Lowther, General Hulse, and others whose names I do not remember, had been to a house of ill repute in Berkeley Street. They were returning up Hay Hill, when they

were stopped, and their money demanded, by a man who presented a pistol at them. Among them all they could only muster half a crown. When they passed on the Prince remarked, "Don't you know that fellow who robbed us? I could swear to him anywhere; it is Champneys, the singer." No stir was made about the event, or the apprehension of the offender. The house at which they had been amusing themselves was a sufficient reason for the Prince to avoid exposure. These are the circumstances precisely as narrated to me more than forty years ago by Colonel Lowther, one of the party. SENEX.

THE GRAVE OF ANNE BOLEYN (3rd S. iii. 488, 515.)—In a small French publication,* edited by Francisque Michel, the indefatigable scholar and antiquary, I find it is stated that Anne Boleyn was buried in the Tower. The following are the words of the letter, the title of which is quoted in part below:

"And one of her ladies then took up the head, and the others the body; and covering them with a sheet, did put them into a chest which there stood ready, and carried them to the church which is within the Tower; where, they say, she lieth buried with the others."

In M. Michel's publication, the letter is given in Portuguese, English, and French. The English translation is by Viscount Strangford. The English version had been published before by Sir Nicolas Harris Nicolas; but the original in Portuguese was printed by M. Michel apparently for the first time, and was probably written by an eye-witness. J. MACRAY.


HEAD MASTERS OF REPTON SCHOOL (3rd S. iii. 512.)-As an old Reptonian, I venture to supplement the reply you give to this Query. palmy days of that school certainly did not end with Dr. Sleath. The Head Mastership of the Rev. J. H. Macaulay, M.A., commencing in 1830, and closed by his untimely death in 1840, was fruitful in honours gained by Reptonians at both Universities. He was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas Williamson Peile, D.D. (the editor of the Choephora and Agamemnon), in 1841; and that gentleman's retirement, in 1854, made way for whom the school flourishes to the extent its the present able Head Master, Dr. Pears; under warmest friends could desire.

Full information respecting the school and hospital may be gathered from the History of Repton, published in 1854, and ably edited by Dr. Bigsby. by Richard Keene, Irongate, Derby. It was printed by Woodfall & Kinder, and sold

The list of the Head Masters of the school, from

*Lettre d'un Gentilhomme Portugais à un de ses amis de Lisbonne sur l'Exécution d'Anne Boleyn, Lord Roch8vo,

ford, Brereton, Norris, Smeton, et Weston, etc. Paris, 1832.

1621 to the present time, will be found at p. 177 of the work referred to.

Among the Under-Masters of the school, in past days, were Dr. Lightfoot, the great Hebrew scholar (1621); and Lewis, translator of the Thebaid of Statius.


MEANING OF BOUMAN (3rd S. iii. 512.) — The word "Bouman" is, as you say, not in Jamieson; neither is the word "Bowing," pronounced booing; although in every Scotch newspaper there are advertisements of "Bowings to be let." A farmer, having more grass land than he means to farm, lets it off as a Bowing: that is, he undertakes to find pasture for a certain number of cows, for which he receives so much a head from the Bowman; whose name I presume comes, not from Boucht, but from the word for cows and oxen which occurs in so many languages. Halliwell, in his Dictionary of Archaic and vincial Words, gives: "Booing, roaring, bleating, making a noise like cattle."

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RIDING THE STANG (2nd S. x. 477, 519; xii. 411, 483.) I was preparing a note on this custom, thinking it peculiar to Yorkshire; but I been noticed in the volumes above-named, as found by reference to your former series that it has having occured in several counties. This noisy ceremony has been twice performed this month in this locality: one of which passed off with impunity, but the other came to grief, and figures in the police reports of a local paper, charged with obstructing the highway.

I will now put myself in order by making a note, and asking a question.

Note. The women of my parish look upon this Pro-riding the stang as a good old custom, and that it; and the old women say it is a legal ceremony the police are very officious by interfering with if it is performed in three townships. If less than three, the man has legal remedy on the plea of defamation of character.

J. C. M. "RIGHT WORSHIPFUL THE MAYOR" (3rd S. iii. 517, 518.)-We are obliged to your correspondent BRISTOLIENSIS, for having dug out what appears to be a genuine "Right Worshipful Mayor," the commission from the crown office being so addressed to him; and his powers, like those of the mayor of Yarmouth (see p. 378) being peculiar and very extensive within his jurisdiction. This seems entirely to agree with the opinion ably expressed by MR. KING, in the page cited above; and seems to make a proper distinc-| tion, by having the generality of mayors worshipful only. Q. IN A CORNER.

SINAITIC INSCRIPTIONS: REV. THOMAS BROCKMAN (3rd S. iii. 497.)- The above-named distinguished Orientalist, in a letter to me on this subject, expressed his conviction that these inscripts are in the language of the Nabatæans, the | Edomites of Scripture, whose rock-hewn metropolis, the primal type of all the great inter-oriental emporia, though long-forsaken of inhabitants, will outlast all other works of man, and yield only to the universal solvent of the judgment-fire.

Brockman died at Wadi-Beni Tabor on the east coast of Arabia in July, 1846, while on a tour of exploration under the auspices of the British government and the Royal Geographical Society ; but his papers, journals, and some score of sketches were preserved intact under the injunction of our ally, the late Imaam of Muskat, and ultimately reached his father, then rector of Cheriton, near Sandgate. Have these reliquiæ seen the light, or are they yet forthcoming? They must possess considerable antiquarian and philological interest; for Brockman was an indefatigable investigator, and possessed a conscientious truthfulness of character that ensured the genuineness of minutest details.



Query. Stang! unde derivatur? Here it means a pole. Stanging a cart (much practised in this hilly country) is fixing a pole across the wheel, so as to act like a drag going down a hill. On the other hand, Johnson says it is a perch, derived from reæng, and quotes examples from Swift:

"These fields were intermingled with woods of half a stang, and the tallest tree appeared to be seven feet high." GEORGE LLOYD.


INSECURE ENVELOPES (3rd S. i. 415, 474.) — In Plutarch's dialogue, De Defectu Oraculorum, Demetrius says,

Ὁ ἡγεμὼν τῆς Κιλικίας, αὐτὸς μὲν ἀμφίδοξος ὢν ἔτι πρὸς τὰ θεῖα, δι ̓ ἀσθένειαν ἀπιστίας οἶμαι· τἄλλα γὰρ ἦν ὑβριστὴς καὶ φαῦλος· ἔχων δὲ περὶ αὑτὸν Επικουρείους τινὰς τὴν καλὴν δὴ, ὡς αὐτοὶ λέγουσι, φυσιολογίαν ἐνυβριζοντὰς τοῖς τοιούτοις εἰσεπέμψεν ἀπελεύθερον, οἷον εἰς πολεμίων κατάσκοπον ἐνσκευάσας, ἔχοντα κατεσφραγισμένην δέλτον ἐν ᾗ τὸ ἐρωτήμα ἦν ἐγγεγραμμένον, οὐδενὸς εἰδότος ἐννυχεύσας οὖν ὁ ἄνθρωπος, ὥσπερ ἔθος ἐστὶ, τῷ σηκῷ, καὶ κατακοιμηθείς, ἀπήγγειλε μεθ ̓ ἡμέραν ἐννύπνιον τοιοῦ τον. ̓Ανθρωπον ἔδοξεν αὐτῷ καλὸν ἐπιστάντα φθέγξασθαι τοσοῦτον· Μέλανα, καὶ πλέον οὔθεν, ἀλλ ̓ εὐθὺς οἴχεσθαι τοῦτο ἡμῖν μὲν ἄτοπον ἐφάνη καὶ πολλὴν ἀπορίαν παρέ σχεν· ὁ δὲ ἡγεμὼν ἐκεῖνο ἐξεπλάγη καὶ προσεκύνησεν, καὶ τὴν δέλτον ἀνοίξας, ἐπιδείκνυεν ἐρώτημα τοιοῦτον γεγραμμένον· Ποτερόν σοι λευκὸν ἢ μέλανα θύσω ταῦρον, ὥστε καὶ τοὺς ̓Επικουρείους διαπραπῆναι, κἀκεῖνον αὐτὸν τήν τε θυσίαν ἐπιτελεῖν, καὶ σέβεσθαι διὰ τέλους τὸν Μόψον. - De Defectu Oraculorum, chap. xlv. ed. Wyttenbach, tom. ii. p. 773. Oxon. 1796.

The governor and his Epicurean friends must have been very credulous and simple-minded not to guess that the handsome man was the priest,

and the arrangement of the temple such as to make a man suddenly awakened mistake a reality for a dream. The only difficulty lies in getting at the contents of the letter. Lucian explains the mystery. He says that Alexander imitated Amphilochus, who, after the death of his father, Amphiaraus, settled in Cilicia, and answered questions at two obols a head.

̓Εκέλευσε δὲ ἕκαστον, οὗ δέοιτο ἂν καὶ ὁ μάλιστα μας θεῖν ἐθέλοι, ἐς βιβλίον ἐγγράψαντα, καταῤῥάψαι τε, καὶ κατασημήνασθαι κηρῷ, ἢ πηλῷ, ἢ ἄλλῳ τοιούτῳ· αὐτὸς δὲ λαβὼν τὰ βιβλία, καὶ ἐς τὸ ἄδυτον κατελθὼν (ἤδη γὰρ ὁ νεὼς ἐγήγερτο, καὶ ἡ σκηνὴ παρεσκευάστο), καλέσειν | ἔμελλε κατὰ τάξιν τοὺς δεδωκότας, ὑπὸ κήρυκι, καὶ θεολόγῳ. καὶ ὡς παρὰ τοῦ θεοῦ ἀκούων ἕκαστα, τὸ μὲν βιβλίον ἀποδώσειν σεσημασμένον ὡς εἶχε, τὴν δὲ πρὸς αὐτὸ ἀπόκρισιν ὑπογεγραμμένην πρὸς ἔπος ἀμειβομένου τοῦ BEOû TEρl Brov Tis poiтo. — Alexander, c. 19, ed. Bipont, 1790, tom. v. p. 82.

Lucian says that no intelligent man could be imposed upon by such artifices, but they were sufficient for τοῖς ἰδιώταις, καὶ κορύζης μεστοῖς τὴν ῥῖνα. He then details at some length, the ways by which letters were opened without leaving traces of the operation on the seals.

J. R. also asks, whether any secure envelope has been invented? I beg to refer him to " N. & Q.," 2nd S. i. 381, &c. I believe we have made no advance. The present envelope has an inconvenience easy to remedy, but about which people seem not to care. The adhesive matter of the seal sticks to and often tears the letter within. H. B. C.

U. U. Club.


(3rd S. iii. 365, 497.)-In the Cosmographia of Apian, Antwerp edition, 1550, your correspondent will find a curious representation of the spheres. According to Apian, the universe (mundus) is divided into two parts or regions, the "regio elementaris," and the "regio ætherea;" the former, consisting of earth, water, air, and fire, occupies the three inner circles; earth and water, surrounded by air, and this latter by fire. Then follow, in regular order, these spheres:

"(1) Moon, (2) Mercury, (3) Venus, (4) Sun, (5) Mars, (6) Jupiter, (7) Saturn; mox sequitur firmamentum (8) quod stellifera sphera est

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illam circumdat (9) nona sphæra, quæ quum nulla in ea stellarum cernitur (surely this is Lord Rosse's 'black ground'), - cœlum crystallinum seu aqueum appellatur. Istas tandem ætheras sphæras, Primum mobile, quod et decimum cœlum dicitur, sui ambitu amplectitur nullaque in eo existit stella. Ultra hunc quicquid est immobile est, et empyreum cœlum (quem Deus cum electis inhabitat) nostræ orthodoxæ fidei professores esse affirmant."

In this account the firmament, or eighth sphere, is not considered to be "a solid dome of ice," but a "star-bearing sphere." Above this, however, we find the "cœlum crystallinum seu aqueum

destitute of stars, in locality corresponding to "the waters that are above the firmament;" and above this again we have the "Dei habitaculum" of Apian and "the professors of the orthodox faith,” corresponding to the "totally distinct region of light"-"the third heaven," if you will.

As Zonaras died in 1116, and Apian in 1589, it is probable that the latter wrote with a knowledge of the discoveries made by astronomers during the four centuries which had elapsed since the death of the former.

If MR. SALA does not happen to be acquainted the Jewish School and Family Bible, a translation of the Holy Scriptures into English by Professor Benisch, it may perhaps interest him to see how this learned Jew renders the passage in Genesis 1. 6, 7, 8 :

"And God said, Be there AN EXPANSE in the midst of the waters and let it cause a division between waters and the waters. And God made the expanse and caused a division between the waters which were under the expanse, and the waters which were above the expanse: and it was 30. And God called the expanse Heaven."

The Mosaic account forbids the idea of this firmament or expanse being a solid dome of ice, for in it God is said to have set the sun and the moon, &c. :

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PROVINCIAL NEWSPAPER (3rd S. iii. 470.)-The Worcester Journal was established at least two

years earlier than the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Cou

rant, though not under its present name: —

"From the best information it is conjectured, that a commencement of the Revolution, or about 1690. That Worcester was among the earliest, if not the first, of the provincial cities that opened this very important and ready channel of communication of foreign and domestic intelligence, is clearly ascertained. It is uncertain, however, in what order of succession these publications were first issued-whether monthly or weekly, on what day of the month or week, or in what form; but in June, 1709, they assumed a regular and orderly appearance, in a small folio, containing six pages, which formed a weekly number, published every Friday; and were printed by Stephen Bryan, under the title of the Worcester Postman."-Chambers's Worcester, p. 368.

public paper was established in Worcester as early as the

This title was altered, in 1741, to that of the Worcester Weekly Journal; and on June 23, 1748, to the Worcester Journal, which title it retains. CUTHBERT Bede.

The Newcastle-upon-Tyne Courant, which was established in 1711, is not the oldest provincial newspaper. In 1706, The Norwich Postman was established, containing remarkable occurrences, foreign and domestic; printed by S. Sheffield, for

T. Goddard, bookseller, Norwich. This was a small 4to foolscap, for which the regular charge was a penny, but "a halfpenny not refused." In 1709, The Worcester Journal was commenced by Mr. Berrow, which exists to the present day.


33, Cambridge Terrace, Leicester.

REV. JOHN BALL (1st S. xii. 166.)-Turning over a volume of "N. & Q." within the last few days I met with a query respecting the Rev. John Ball; and though a considerable time has elapsed since it appeared, I send a reply, which your correspondent ABHBA may be glad to receive. He will find many particulars of Mr. Ball in Anecdotes of Eminent Persons, vol. ii. pp. 42-53 (London, 1813). A. A. R.

ORIGIN OF THE WORD BIGOT (1st S. v. 277, 331; ix. 560.)- On this subject, I venture to send you the following passage from Ford's Gatherings from Spain (Murray, 1846). Speaking of mustachios, he says:

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"Their present and usual name is bigote, which is also of foreign etymology, being the Spanish corruption of the German oath, bey gott, and formed under the following circumstances: for nicknames, which stick like burrs, often survive the history of their origin. The free riding followers of Charles V., who wore these tremendous appendages of manhood, swore like troopers, and gave themselves infinite airs, to the more infinite disgust of their Spanish comrades, who have a tolerably good opinion of themselves, and a first-rate hatred of all their foreign allies. These strange mustachios caught their eyes as the stranger sounds which proceeded from beneath them did their ears. Having a quick sense of the ridiculous, and a most Oriental and schoolboy knack at a nickname, they

thereupon gave the sound to the substance, and called the redoubtable garnish of hair bigote."

I commend this passage to those interested in the study of the derivation of words. If the Spanish bigote be indeed corrupted from a German oath, and if Dean Trench be correct in deriving our word bigot from the Spanish word for the hirsute covering of the upper lip, we are presented with one of the most singular instances in the English language of far-fetched derivation. It might throw some light on the two links in the chain of evidence if it could be ascertained — 1. At what date was bigote first used as a Spanish word, signifying mustache?

2. At what date was bigot first used as an English or French word, signifying an intolerant religionist? R. W. Dublin.

CLOUDBERRY (3rd S. iii. 512.)-In answer to MR. J. D. CAMPBELL'S question concerning the cloudberry (Rubus chamamorus), I beg to state that it still grows abundantly on the higher portions of Pendle Hill, near Clitheroe in Lancashire; and consequently, though it cannot be said literally "to come out of the clouds," yet it is frequently

among them. I have met with it in the same locality at different seasons during the last six or seven years, but I never saw it showing a sign of either blossom or fruit. A gentleman residing in Preston has informed me that he found the plant growing on Pendle Hill thirty-five years since, but could not find a single blossom on it although he was there in its blossoming season. Dawson Turner, in the Botanist's Guide, 1805, names Ingleborough as a habitat of this plant, and says "he was informed at Ingleton that it never bore flowers there." However this may have been at the time of Mr. Turner's visit, I cannot confirm the latter statement at the present period, for I was much gratified during an ascent of Ingleborough at the end of May, 1860, in finding the cloudberry blossoming abundantly. CHAS. JOS. Ashfield.

51, Knowsley Street, Preston.

EPIGRAM (3rd S. iii. 499.)—It is a pity that your correspondent P. P. Q. did not furnish a correct copy of the riddle, as he terms it; as, had he done so, he would have seen that the lines are merely a hoax. The real version I subjoin : —

"When, from the Ark's unbending round,
The world stepp'd forth in pairs,
Who was the first that heard the sound
Of boots upon the stairs?"

The answer is not "the kraken." The true reply is that which I adopt as my signature, viz.


JOHN GWYNN, ARCHITECT (1st S. xi. 406.)-If New England, be still interested in his inquiry your correspondent HARVARDIENSIS of Cambridge, lines in W. Sandby, History of the Royal Academy for some account of this artist, he will find a few of Arts, 8vo, 1862. A longer and better one, though with a few errors, in John Chambers, Worcester, 1820, pp. 504-6; and a more complete Biographical Illustrations of Worcestershire, 8vo, one in The Builder journal for this year, pp. 454-7, contributed by your humble servant.




Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriff's of London, A.d. 1188 to A.D. 1274, from the Latin and Anglo-Norman of the Liber de Antiquis Legibus, attributed to Arnald Fitz-Tredmar; The French Chronicle of London, A.D. 1259 to A.D. 1343, from the Anglo-Norman Chroniques de London. Translated with Notes and Illustrations, by Henry Thomas Riley, M.A., &c. (Trübner & Co.)

It is not Mr. Riley's fault if the good citizens of the metropolis are ignorant of the early history of their ancient city. We have from time to time brought under

the notice of our readers the four goodly volumes, Monumenta Gildhalla Londoniensis, containing the "Liber Albus, and the "Liber Custumarum," so ably edited by him for the Master of the Rolls, as well as his translation of the Liber Albus; and we have now to record his fresh

labours in the same direction. The volume before us contains translations of two valuable contributions to early municipal history, which have been already published in the original by the Camden Society. The first of these, the Liber de Antiquis Legibus, was edited by the late Mr. Thomas Stapleton in 1846, but without any great attempt, by Notes, Glossary, or Explanation, to trace its origin, illustrate its history, or elucidate its manifold obscurities. This Mr. Riley has now done, showing it in all probability to have been compiled by Arnald FitzTredmar, an Alderman of London; and who held an office under the corporation somewhat resembling that of Chamberlain and Town Clerk. The original text of the second work translated by Mr. Riley was very ably edited by Mr. Aungier for the Camden Society in 1844, and Mr. Riley does full justice to his predecessor's merits. Mr. Riley has added to the value of his book by a copious

Index, and we cannot doubt that these Chronicles of Old London will find favour in the sight of many readers to whom, but for the editor's useful labour, they must have remained sealed books.

A Tour in Tartan Land. By Cuthbert Bede. (Bentley). Those of our readers who contemplate making a visit to the Land of the Heather, will do wisely to make acquaintance with this volume. They will find Mr. Cuthbert Bede an amusing and instructive companion. Denise. By the Author of " Mademoiselle Mori." (Bell & Daldy.)

As we have just recommended a volume to those who propose a tour to Scotland, so do we now venture to recommend one to those who propose a quieter holiday. For reading by the sea shore, or under the shade of melancholy boughs in this piping-hot summer weather, few pleasanter volumes will be found than the two whose title we have given above. They are every way worthy of the author of Mademoiselle Mori-and that is no small praise.

THE MAGAZINES.-The July Magazines are as brilliant as the July weather. Fraser, as usual, with a good intermixture of the solid and the imaginative. The Cornhill balancing "The Small House at Allington" and "Romola " with a paper which comes home to everybody's stomach, "Over-eating and Under eating." If we want instruction, and more solid materials for our mental digestion, The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record will supply us with theological learning. The Museum furnishes us with good practical papers on education, literature, and science: the opening one," Sir George Cornewall Lewis: In Memoriam," being one which will find favour with all readers of "N. & Q." Our old friend Sylvanus Urban is rich as ever in archæological disquisitions; and The Intellectual Observer, one of the cheapest and ablest scientific journals ever produced, abounds with matters to delight lovers of natural history, microscopic research, and recreative science generally.

SHAKSPEARIANA.-A Calendar of the entire Records of the town of Stratford-upon-Avon, including an analysis of the Compotuses of the Guild of St. Cross at that place, is in the press, under the editorship of Mr. Halliwell. Not only to the admirers of our great Bard, but to the local historian as well as to the genealogical student, this volume will no doubt be found acceptable, since in it the descent of almost every plot of town property will be accurately traced. Only seventy-five copies will be printed.


Being desirous of making the intercommunication between Our Readers as complete as possible, We are willing to give our assistance to a trial of the plan for a Book Exchange proposed by the REV. F. TRENCH, and advocated by MR. PEACOCK and other correspondents; but so to carry it on as not to interfere with the legitimate business of the dealers in second-hand books. If the plan succeed, we propose to print a Monthly Supplement, in which LISTS OF BOOKS FOR EXCHANGE, with their prices (including the cost of postage, 4d. per pound) will be inserted at such a moderate charge as will serve to defray the expense. Gentlemen will add their names to such lists for our information, not for publication, and gentlemen desiring any books in such lists will apply to us, and enclose postage stamps for the amount. These shall be remitted to the owner of the books with the address of the would-be possessor, to whom the owner will of course forward the book by post, the expense of commission being divided between buyer and seller at the time of the transfer.

Our first experimental List, will be published on the 25th instant. We do not propose to charge for advertising on this occasion; but must beg to receive the lists intended for insertion in it not later than Saturday the 18th. Communications in the first instance to be addressed to the Editor, No. 186, Fleet Street, E.C.


Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names and addresses are given for that purpose:

SCOTTISH SONGS, collected and illustrated by R. Chambers. Vol. II. Published by W. Tait. Edinburgh, 1829.

Wanted by R., Box M 53, Post Office, Manchester.


Wanted by Rev. John Pickford, M.A., Sherington, Newport-Pagnell, Bucks.

Notices to Correspondents.

THE INDEX TO THIRD VOLUME OF THIRD SERIES will be ready with next week's" N. & Q."

H. S. (Kensington Park) is referred to "N. & Q." 3rd S. ii. 488. for a notice of Tertullian's" See how these Christians, &c.; and to our 2nd S. vi. 443, and xii. 285, 412, for a notice of "Bomba."

OXONIENSIS. The quotation. "Palmam qui meruit ferat," is from an Ode to the Winds in the Lusus Poetici of Dr. Jortin. It was selected by Mr. Pitt as a motto for Lord Nelson." Perimus licitis,' was the favourite saying of Sir Matthew Hale; but whether it originated with him, or from what source he borrowed it, is uncertain. It was also the motto of the first Lord Teignmouth.

ERRATA.- 3rd S. iii. p. 516, col. ii. line 8 from bottom, for "Lepse marina"read" Lepre marina;" and line 4 from bottom, for " authority of" read "authority for."

"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publishers (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 118. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order in favour of MESSHS. BELL AND DALDY, 186, FLEET STREET, E.C., to whom all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be addressed.

Full benefit of reduced duty obtained by purchasing Horniman's Pure Tea; very choice at 3s. 4d. and 48. "High Standard" at 48. 4d. (formerly 4s. Sd.), is the strongest and most delicious imported. Agents in every town supply it in Packets.

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