Abnepos. Germaniæ amans et Germani sanguinis memor." THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON: SWEARING IN UNDER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES. "March 22, 1688. Thomas Pilkington, Esq., elected to be Lord Mayor of London for the remaining part of this year, in the room of Sir John Chapman, lately deceased, was presented to the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal, and afterwards sworn at the Hustings according to custom; and at five in the afternoon was sworn without the Tower Gate, by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Lucas, Chief Governor of the Tower, in pursuance of their Majesties' Writ to him directed, and of the ancient usage at such time as the Exchequer Court is not holden at Westminster."-London Gazette, No. 2438, for March 21-5, 1689. W. P. THE LATE ALDERMAN CUBITT.-I have not seen in the London papers any allusion to the touching mark of respect paid to this originator of "The Lord Mayor's Fund for the Relief of Lancashire Distress," on the evening and night of his funeral. Muffled peals were rung on the church bells in many of the different places where his bounty had been distributed. It was said, at least sixty sets of church bells would be rung, but I do not know the actual number. The effect of these muffled peals suddenly striking up was very startling and impressive. The rich had often forgotten all about it, not so the poor. The following dialogue to wit: "Whatever were they ringing the muffled bells for, last night?" Why for Alderman Cubitt, the best man in England." 66 P. P. Queries. EARLY AQUARIUM. · Some years ago there appeared in one of the London literary journals a notice or advertisement, published about the time of Pepys or Evelyn, giving an account of the earliest known aquarium. Any reference to such paper, which was, I believe, by the Rev. Charles Kingsley, will oblige. W. A. L. BOWDEN OF FROME.-Is anything known of the Rev. Mr. Bowden, of Frome, who died at an advanced age about 1748-9; and who was father, I believe, of the Rev. Dr. Bowden, also of Frome? A letter in my possession, addressed to his widow, and dated January, 1749, contains what the writer (Anne Yerbury, of Bradford,) is pleased to call "An Essay towards ye character of my greatly esteemed Friend, the Rev. Mr. Bowden;" and the following lines would lead me to conclude he must have written something worth remembering: "With other tuneful bards, his lyre he strung, COPIES OF THE COMPLUTENSIAN POLYGLOTT ON VELLUM.-Mr. Ford, in his Handbook for Travellers in Spain (ed. 1855, part ii. p. 826, sect. xi.), mentions that three copies of the Polyglott were ordered by Cardinal Ximenes to be printed on vellum; one was intended for the Vatican, another for the University of Alcalá, and the third was probably reserved for his own private use. "The third," continues the writer, " once Pinelli's and Macarthy's, was bought at Mr. Hibbert's, by Mr. Standish, for 5221.; he bequeathed the copy to Louis Philippe, and it is now in the fine library of the Duke D'Aumale, at Twickenham." Can any of your correspondents inform me, whether the said copy on vellum is still to be found in the noble duke's library? COWTHORPE OAK (3rd S. iv. 381.) — Will your correspondent H. L., who mentions the Cowthorpe oak as the king of oaks, tell us what the circumference of this tree is at about five feet from the ground? I know of one measuring thirty-seven feet. T. M. B. Dale, in the COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND.-Can any of your correspondents tell me in what parish Dale is situated, where a family of the name of Thirkeld, or Threlkeld, was seated for two or three generations in the seventeenth century? E. H. A. Keepers of the public records of England, author of The Founders of New Plymouth, and a corresponding member of the Society, who was born at Sheffield, England, February 6, 1783; and died at Torrington Square, London, May 9, 1861, aged seventy-eight years." Can any reader of " N. & Q." inform me whether this memoir has been printed? And if so, where in this country it can be seen? In the valuable series of MS. Collections of Mr. Hunter, now in the Additional MSS. of the British Museum, his letter-books furnish much information respecting his early life. R. BROOK ASPLAND. South Hackney. KING'S COUNTY, IRELAND.-I should feel much for a list of the names of the principal English obliged to any of the contributors of " N. & Q." and Scotch families settled in the King's County about A.D. 1740. A. J. C. IRISH UNION.-At the Union of Ireland with EHRET, FLOWER PAINTER. In the Catalogue of the sale of the Portland Museum, which commenced the 24th of April, 1786, and occupied thirty-eight days, a list is given of the paintings on vellum, &c., by that unrivalled artist, G. D. Ehret; representing plants and flowers to the amount of some hundreds. Is it known who purchased these valuable drawings and paintings, and where they now are? In the Life of Mary Gran-England in 1801, compensations were granted to ville (Mrs. Delany) there is a biographical sketch of Ehret, in which allusion is made to his having executed three hundred exotic plants, and five hundred English ones for Margaret Cavendish Harley, Duchess of Portland. Also that he visited much at the seat of Ralph Willett, Esq., of Merley, in Dorsetshire, for whom he finished two hundred and thirty (seventy on paper, and more than five hundred in an unfinished state). Are these paintings still in the possession of that family, or where are they? Sir Joseph Banks possessed sixty-five paintings by Ehret, purchased at the sale of Sir Robert More; and it is stated that they are now in the British Museum, with the rest of the library of Sir Joseph Banks. It would be very interesting to trace all the works of Ehret, who has never had an equal in flower painting; which is now so little understood as to be considered an inferior art, instead of one of the most difficult when properly executed. The name of Ehret is now scarcely ever heard, in consequence of few persons having ever seen his works. He resided in England from 1740, and was buried at Chelsea, 1770. E. certain officers of the Crown and other persons, in consideration of the losses or diminution of income which they might sustain by consequence of such Union. Any of your readers having the means of so doing will greatly oblige by an answer to the following questions: 1. Out of what fund were and are such compensations paid, which were in the shape of annuities or augmentation of salaries? 2. Where is any list to be found of the offices so compensated? 3. Was there any parliamentary report printed upon this subject? S. E. G. JOHN MILTON.-I found the following in a collection of epigrams, &c. published in two vols. 12mo, 1794, under the title of The Poetical Far rago: Verses written on the Plague in London, lately found on a glass window at Chalfont, where Milton resided during the continuance of that calamity. Supposed to be written by Milton: "Fair mirror of foul times, whose fragile sheen "Yea, all to break the pride of lustful kings, " J. W. O'REILLY AT ALGIERS. - You mention the expedition to Carthagena. Can any of your correspondents give an account of the Spanish expedition which, under the command of an Irishman, Gen. Count O'Reilly, and of an English Baronet, went from Carthagena to take Algiers, but according to Lord Byron (note to Don Juan) instead of O'Reilly taking Algiers, Algiers very nearly took him? What was the real story? P. O. PORTRAIT PAINTERS.- I have in my possession a family portrait, a full length, 54 in. by 48 in. The subject is a young lady with a dog and parrot. She was born in or about 1740, and appears to have been of about ten years of age when the portrait was painted. The style bears a resemblance to that of Hudson, but the only information that I have been able to obtain respecting the artist is, that he was a foreigner, most probably French, residing in London. I shall be greatly obliged to any reader of "N. & Q." who will give me the names of the best known portrait painters, both native and foreign, in London (the city of London emphatically) who were practising their art there between 1745 and 1755. J. C. H. PRINTED VISITATIONS.-Will some correspondent kindly complete the annexed list of printed Heraldic Visitations? These are by Sir Thomas Phillipps, of Middle Hill, Bart. Berkshire, 1566 and 1664, folio. Hertfordshire, in the Topographer, March, 1821. Oxfordshire, 1574, in the Topographer, March, 1821. "Nous rions de certains traits dans la culte religieuse des sauvages, nous avons de la peine à concevoir que la simplicité ou l'extravagance de l'esprit de l'homme puisse aller si loin; ces traits sont ils aussi ridicules que ceux qu'enfantoit dévotion grossière de nos ancêtres? En 1660, le curé de Saint Germaines de l'Auxerrois fit ôter de la chapelle de Sainte Marie l'Egyptienne un côté de vitrage qui y étoit depuis plus que trois siècles, et où elle étoit peinte sur le pont d'un bâteau, troussée jusqu' au genoux, devant le batelier, avec ces mots au dessousComment la Sainte offrit son corps au batelier pour son passage.' Sainte Foix, Essais Historiques sur Paris, 1759, tom. i. p. 201. Is there any confirmation of this legend in the missals or homilies, in the Golden Legend, the Lives of the Saints, or the Acta Sincera Martyrum? I think I have met with the story before. W. D. THE TRADITION OF THE WOODEN BELL. — In the report given in the Leeds Intelligencer of Oct. 17, 1863, of the proceedings of the British Archæological Association, during their late meeting at Leeds, the writer, speaking of their visit to St. Mary Magdalen's Church, in the suburbs of Ripon, says: "A strong chest, of great age, is deposited near the Waddilove's wooden bell, about which there is a very chancel, which contains, among other curiosities,* Dean amusing tradition.” Having joined in that most interesting excursion to Ripon and Fountains Abbey, I lingered behind, with three or four others, to examine this chest. Through a large hole in the lid we noticed this bell, which to our surprise, on opening the chest, we found to be of wood. A lady of the party, an entire stranger to me, thereupon related to us a story, which, I suppose, is what the Leeds reporter calls "a very amusing tradition." Her account was as follows: Having been present at the recent reopening of the church, she saw this bell, and on inquiring its history, was informed by a woman living near, that a dignitary of the church of Ripon, being in want of a dinner-bell, took one of the bells of this little church for that purpose, and had the wooden bell hung up in its place! Can any of your readers give the true version of this strange story, and explain how it came to be mixed up with the name of Dean Waddilove, who, if I mistake not, was living within the last twenty or thirty years? SENESCENS. ARCHBISHOP WHATELY AND WHATELEIANA. Where can I see any illustrations of the inexhaustible fund of wit and humour which was perpetually flowing from the late Archbishop Whately? CLERICUS. Oxford. Queries with Answers. PARISH BOUNDARY.— "Their legges and thighs of bone, Randolph to Mr. Robert Dover, 1638, p. 115. To what does this allude? J. D. CAMPBELL. [Randolph's "man of wood" is doubtless a portion of the Holy Oak or Gospel Tree, which as permanent landmarks formerly defined the boundaries of parishes. These indicators of the priest-shire, are thus noticed by two of his contemporaries. George Wither, speaking of the ancient perambulation, says – "That ev'ry man might keep his owne possessions, Our fathers us'd, in reverent processions, (With zealous prayers, and with praiseful cheere), To walke their parish limits once a yeare: And well-knowne markes (which sacrilegious hands Now cut or breake) so bord❜red out their lands, I saw nothing in the chest besides the bell and the bell-rope, which latter could hardly be called a curiosity. That ev'ry one distinctly knew his owne, And many brawles, now rife, were then unknowne." Emblems, 1635, p. 161. Again, Herrick, in his Hesperides, p. 18 "Dearest, bury me Under that Holy-Oke, or Gospel Tree; family of this name was anciently seated at Winterbourne, Faringdon. Vide also Hutchins's Dorsetshire, edit. 1803, ii. 42.] JOHN BAREFOOT. I possess an old print of John Barefoot, Letter Doctor to the University Where (though thou see'st not) thou may'st think of Oxford, dated 1671, ætatis suæ 70, with this inscription beneath it: upon Me, when thou yerely go'st procession." How is it that the pious custom of "Beating the Bounds" is now generally observed on Holy Thursday instead of one of the three Rogation Days before Ascension? This is not only canonically wrong, according to the Injunctions of Queen Elizabeth (1559), and those of Archbishop Grindall (1571), but tends to rob the ceremony of its highest significancy, the Rogation Days being intended as a commemoration of God's bounty in the fruits of the earth. Vide Walton's Life of Hooker.] SIR WILLIAM MORETON. — Can any correspondent of "N. & Q." give any information respecting this lawyer, who seems to have attained eminence in his profession as Recorder of the City of London, and also the honour of knighthood in 1755? Sir William Moreton was of the ancient Cheshire family of that name long located at Moreton, where the old hall is still to be seen, one of the finest specimens of its kind in England. was the last direct male descendant of that long line, and died in 1763. His remains lie buried under an altar-tomb at the east end of the north aisle of the parish church of Astbury, in which the old hall is situated, and above the tomb his hatchment was suspended. OXONIENSIS. "Upon this table you may faintly see A Doctor deeply skilled in Pedigree: He knows what arms old Adam's grandsire bore, The print displays an old man in a tight-fitting cloth coat with one fringe epaulette, holding a letter in his right hand. Is anything known of this person thus quaintly described ? THOMAS E. WINNINGTON. Stanford Court, Worcester. [The inscription on this print is printed by Granger He (Biog. Hist. iv. 200), who informs us that "this facetious man was many years a letter carrier in the university of Oxford. It appears from the inscription that his memory was extraordinary. I am informed (adds Granger), from unquestionable authority (James West, Esq., who had it from Hearne), that his invention was as extraordinary as his memory. He was a coiner of what people call white lies, and as his fictions were rather of the probable than the marvellous kind, they were sometimes verified."] P.S. Does he figure in any account written of "Cheshire Worthies?" [Sir William Moreton was son of Dr. William Moreton, Bishop of Kildare, and afterwards of Meath. He was appointed serior judge of the Sheriffs' Court, and elected Recorder of the City of London, 15th February, 1753, in the room of Mr. Baron Adams. He was knighted at Kingston 19th September, 1755, on presenting a congratulatory address upon his Majesty's return from Hanover. In the same year he was returned M.P. for Brackley, and died 14th March, 1763, aged sixty-seven. He married Jane, relict of John Lawton of Lawton, Esq.; she died 10th February, 1758, aged sixty-one, and was buried at Astbury. For the pedigree of the Moreton family see Ormerod's Cheshire, iii. 29.] GEOFFREY VANN.-The following rhyme was repeated to me by a boy while showing me over one of the old churches in Dorchester: "Geoffrey Van and his wife Anne, Built this tower without the aid of man.' Who were they, and what is their story? H. [The Rev. John Coker (Survey of Dorsetshire, p. 69), says that the monuments in the windows of St. Peter's church, Dorchester, belonged to the Chiaiocks, founders of the priory, and were removed with others hither, as he had heard, when the priory church was pulled down. One of these figures is said by tradition to be the founder of the church, and vulgarly called Geffrey Vann, or rather Ann; for about 1680 was dug up in a garden of this town a seal, on which was a crescent, surmounted with a star, and round it, SIGILLVM GALFRIDI DE ANN. It was in the possession of the late Colonel Michel. A [The origin of this term has been discussed in our 1st S. iii. 74, 150. It has been conjectured that it has some reference to a "peeler of garlick," i. e. a scullion, the lowest inmate of the servants' hall. If so, it was in use in the sixteenth century, as it occurs in Skelton's satire on Wolsey, Why come ye not to Court? lines 103-109:"Wyll, wyll, wyll, wyll, wyll, He ruleth alway styll. Good reason and good skyll, They may garlycke pyll, Cary sackes to the myll, Or pescoddes they shall shyll, "HANG UPON HIS LIPS."-What is the origin of this phrase? The feat (literally) were a remarkable one. Yet nothing is more common than in these words to describe the rapt attention of an audience to an orator. r. [A common Latinism. "Pendet iterum narrantis ab ore." Virg. Æn. iv. 79. "Narrantis conjux pendet ab ore viri." Ovid, Heroides, epist. i. 30.] Replies. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE COLLIER-CONGREVE CONTROVERSY: JEREMY COLLIER ON THE STAGE. II. PUBLICATIONS ON COLLIER'S SIDE OF THE CONTROVERSY. 1. Animadversions on Mr. Congreve's "Late Answer to Mr. Collier," in a Dialogue between Mr. Smith and Mr. Johnson. [Query, Who is the author?] London, 1698. 2. The Stage Condemned... The Arguments of all the Authors that have Writ in Defence of the Stage Macaulay says of this book, an abstract of against Mr. Collier considered. [Query, Who is the which is presented by MR. TRENCH : — author?] London, 1698. (3rd S. iv. 390.) "There is hardly any book of the time from which it would be possible to select specimens of writing so excellent and so various. We hardly know where, except in the Provincial Letters, we can find mirth so harmoniously and becomingly blended with solemnity, as in the Short View. In truth, all the modes of ridicule, from broad fun to polished and antithetical sarcasm, were at Collier's command. On the other hand, he was complete master of the rhetoric of honest indignation. We scarcely know any volume which contains so many bursts of that peculiar eloquence which comes from the heart and goes to the heart. Indeed, the spirit of the book is truly heroic." Your readers may judge for themselves how far a book, so commended by such a critic, is deserving of the scant measure of attention with which it meets at the present day, and which is so amusingly illustrated by MR. TRENCH's confessions of skipping. The fierce and lengthened controversy which ensued on the publication of Collier's book is most graphically described by Macaulay (as everybody knows) in the sequence of the Essay from which my quotation is taken, "On the Comic Dramatists of the Restoration." A useful account of it is also to be found in Allibone's Dictionary of British and American Authors, sub voce, COLLIER. But I have nowhere been able to find a complete bibliography of this noted controversy. The notices of Lowndes (Bohn), Watt, and Allibone, are all defective. I send you as complete an account as I have been able to compile from the materials within my reach, in the hope that some of your readers may supply its deficiencies, and (possibly) correct its errors. I. PUBLICATIONS BY COLLIER. 1. A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage. London, 1698. [The fourth edition, 1699.] 2. Defence of the "Short View;" a Reply to Mr. Congreve's "Amendments," and to the Vindication of the Author of the "Relapse." (Vanbrugh.) London, 1699. 1700. 3. A Second Defence of the "Short View." A Reply to "The Antient and Modern Stages Surveyed." London, 4. A Further Vindication of the "Short View." A Reply to "A Defence of Plays." London, 1708. 5. Mr. Collier's Dissuasive from the Playhouse; in a Letter to a Person of Quality, occasioned by the late Calamity of the Tempest. London, 1703. [For some account of the keen controversy occasioned by Jeremy Collier's masterly work, consult Kippis's Biographia Britannica, vol. iv. pp. 18, 19; Dr. Johnson's Life of Congreve; Select Collection of Old Plays, vol. pp. xcviii. to c., second edition; and Genest's History of the Stage, ii. 123-135.-ED.] III. REPLIES TO COLLIER AND HIS ABETTORS. 1. CONGREVE (a.) Amendments of False Citations from the "Double Dealer." London, 1698. (b.) A Defence of Dramatick Poetry. London, 1698. 2. VANBRUGH. A Short Vindication of the "Relapse " and the "Provoked Wife." P. 65. 2. Samuel Jennings, Esq. "Those who were present with him, when he was about to expire, suddenly felt an uncommon heavenly influence, and said to one another: 'What can this be? Surely the Lord is here, or his holy angels are come.' Mr. Jennings looked up; his eyes sparkled with joy; and, as if some glorious spirit appeared to his view, cried out Dearest!' and instantly expired without a struggle."-P. 285. 3. Susannah Lord, aged thirty. "She cried out: 'I see the happy angels beckoning me away!'"-P. 786. 4. Jane Barnett, aged thirty-seven. "As if heaven and the attendant angels just appeared in view, she cried with a loud voice: O what a glorious company do I behold!'"-P. 862. Take another example from a more recent publication, the Christian Miscellany for 1859: |