



(1st S. iv. 383, 457; 2nd S. i. 73, 122, 201; ii. 379; v. 466; Phil. Mag. Apr. 1846, Feb. or March, 1850.)

I have waited until all suggestion seems to be over, and shall now renew an account which I gave in the Philosophical Magazine for 1846. This I have no doubt contains the true source of the word; and I have found it to be satisfactory to many who are used to the study of etymology and the changes of language. I shall first enumerate the attempts which have been made. Remember that the word is certainly of English formation, as foreign writers tell us.

1. Oéa, prospect, dnλów, make visible. The proposer properly says that this should give theade lote. But to this derivation and others it must be objected that they all suppose a telescope to be an essential part of a theodelite, to use the old spelling. Now the telescope was not invented till long after the word, and as late as 1726, Stone (Math. Dict.) says the instrument was (only) sometimes furnished with a telescope. The old theodelite had a bar, with two little pinhole sights upon it; no very good way of commanding a prospect.

2. Oedoμai, see, sóλos, stratagem, an old and favourite derivation. The instrument no great help to a policeman, for reason given. Besides, what mathematician ever confounded the measurement of an angle with the detection of a stratagem? I only remember one case in which the two things come together. Horace, in the ninth proposition of his first book, connects them as follows:

"Nunc et latentis proditor intimo
Gratus puellæ risus ab angulo,
Pignusque dereptum lacertis,
Aut digito male pertinaci."

But though the proposition ends here, Horace does not annex Q. E. D. And if any one should charge the old mathematicians with being spoilsports, enough to suggest such an addition, and turn a telescope upon the process, I can only say, Non ego credulus.

3. Oed μai, see, eïdwλov, figure. Never used for this purpose.

4. Sedoμai, see, doxxós, long. The instrument never a seer of lengths. Nothing better known to a mathematician than that no measurement of angles alone will determine a length.

5. Ocáoμai, see, dλos, manifest, trus, circumference. The ladies did not wear hoops till long


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te be redundant, — that venerable contrivance for getting rid of difficult syllables, - it not connected with θεάομαι.

The word appeared, for the first time yet recorded, in 1571, in the Pantometria of Thomas Digges. It is the "instrument called Theodelitus," and consists of a graduated circle, with a diametral bar, furnished with a couple of sights. This bar always had the name of alhidada, or alidada, from the Arabic: the word is naturalised in French; see the Academy's Dictionary, alidade. In 1611, Hopton, in his Topographicall Glasse, defines the Theodelitus as 66 an instrument consisting of a Planisphere and an Alhidada.” Now theodelitus has the appearance of being a participle or adjective; and may therefore seem to refer to the circle as descriptive of an adjunct. A circle with an alidade: could it be possible that, in the confused method of forming and spelling words which characterised the vernacular English science of the sixteenth century, an alidated circle should become theodelited? I never should

have believed this, if I had not found an intermediate form, which suggested the connexion. William Bourne, in his Treasure for Travailers, 1578, describes the use of the circle furnished with an alidade; or, as his wood engraver spells it, alideday. But Bourne himself calls the alidade an athelida throughout the book; except only in the

page which contains the engraving, in which he follows the engraver. I take this form, athelida, to be one part of the chain of confusion by which what should have been alidated became theodelited. If any one should conjecture, or think it possible, that in that day of rude word-building, the last who had it on the anvil helped the spelling a little towards the look of derivation from es, God, dños, manifest, I will not oppose him. But no such fancy is to be positively imputed as reasonably likely. I am, of course, aware that Bourne comes after Digges in time: but I am not prepared to conclude that either was the first who used his word. In fact, Digges, as we see, disclaims invention in his "instrument called Theodelitus."

This theodelite, whether Digges's or Hopton's, was in fact the thing well known as the astrolabe; and this is the name Bourne gives it. The astrolabe seems to have become a theodelite when it became a terrestrial instrument.

Further research may throw more light on the question. But to me it seems far more probable that the above derivation is the true one, than that recourse should have been had to Greek. I know of no contemporary of the word theodelite who formed words from Greek except John Dee, who did it plentifully in his preface to Billingsley's Euclid (1570).

I am afraid there is no use in searching the works of R. Recorde, whom one might suppose likely

to have had a band in the job. He refers all matters connected with instruments to his Gate of Knowledge, which is enumerated among his works, but either was not printed, or else is entirely lost. In our day it is essential to a theodelite to have both a horizontal circle and a vertical semicircle for taking altitudes. Digges, Bourne, and Hopton had but one circle, which they made horizontal or vertical at pleasure. The first I can find who described horizontal and vertical graduation in one instrument is Aaron Rathborne, in his Surveyor, folio, 1616. This work was dedicated to Charles, Prince of Wales, whose portraitsuredly not by Vandyke—has the following verses

under it :

"To whome greate Prince can els this work be due
Then you, nowe plac'd where All is in yor view?
And, being the rule of what the people doo,
Are both the Scale, and the Surveyor too."


If Rathborne had published about forty years later, instead of addressing this nonsense to a boy of sixteen, he would perhaps have thought it as pretty a conceit to say that the people had surveyed their king by their own scale, and found him too tall by a head. He was more fortunate about logarithms, which appeared while he was writing. He is one of the first who pronounced upon Napier, of whom he says that his " name and honour will never out." A. DE MORGAN.


(1st S. ix. 241; xi. 32.)

I wish to correct an error in my list of books on bells and campanology, and to add a few more. In 1668 there was a little book, printed in "London for Fabian Stedman," called Tintinnalogia, or, the Art of Ringing, "by a Lover of the Art." The licence of Roger L'Estrange is dated Nov. 1, 1667, and I find that it was registered at Stationers' Hall Feb. 8, 1667, by Fabyan Stedman. So there can be no doubt about the author. This is the book so highly spoken of by Dr. Burney in his History of Music, vol. iii. 413; and not Tintinnalogia, by J. White (published without date), as was formerly supposed. It is the earliest book yet known; it is dedicated to the Society of College Youths, and contains the original peal of Grandsire Bob by R. R.

The author (who calls himself Campanista) says that "fifty or sixty years last past, changes were not known, or thought possible to be rang." And that "Walking changes, and whole-pull changes, were altogether practised in former times;" "but of late, a more quick and ready way is practised, called half-pulls:' so that now, in London, it is a common thing to ring 720 triples and doubles, and Grandsire Bob in half an hour."

This account is the more interesting, as it carries us back to the beginning of change-ringing as now practised.

In 1677, Campanalogia, or, Art of Ringing improved, was published by F. S.; and this is clearly Stedman's second edition of the book, printed for him in 1668. The first name of the title is altered, but the second name is continued; afterwards, several other editions were published under the same name, as appears in my first list.

One would like to find out who was R. R., the author of Grandsire Bob, as stated above. The initials may be those of one Richard Rock, who was a ringer in 1632; in which year he was admitted a member of the "Schollars of Cheapeside," a ringing society founded in 1603, and which continued till 1634: three years after which, the Society of College Youths was established, to which Stedman dedicates his book.

I take this opportunity of adding other books and tractates on the same subject:

Nuestra Senora del Puche, Camera Angelica de Maria Santissima.

Launay der Glockengiesser. Leipsic, 1834.

Corblet, Note sur une Cloche fondue par Morel de Lyon. Paris, 1859.

Heinrich Otte, Glockenkunde. Leipsic, 1858.

Durandus de Ritibus Ecclesiæ

Herrera, P. A. Del Origen y Progresso del Officio divino.

Guac. F. Mar. de Sonitu Campanarum.

Sim. Maiol de Colloq.

Paul Griland de Sortileg.

Pol. Virgil. de Invent. Rerum.

Macri, Hierolexicon. Rome, 1677, verbo Campana.
Sallengre, Novus Thesaurus Antiquit. 1735.

Pygius (Al.), de Pulsatione Campanarum pro defunctis. Theophilus, translated by Hendric, 1847. [In 85th chapter he minutely describes the founding of bells. He wrote circa 1200.]

D'Arcet (J.), Instructions sur l'Art de Métal des Cloches. Paris, 1794.

Roujon, Traité des Harmoniques et de la Fonte des Cloches. Paris, 1765.

Secquet (J. M.), Observations sur le Métal des Cloches. Paris, 1801.

1843, Sept. and Oct. Vorhandlung des Vereins des Gewerbfleisses. Berlin,

Handbuch zur Berechnung der Baukosten, by F. Triest. 12th Part. Berlin, 1827.

1772. [Chap. x. on

Tansur's Elements of Music. Changes, Chimes, and Tuning Bells.] Hone's Every Day and Year Book.

Ludham on Bell Founding, in Encyc. Edinburgh. Lamberts, Noble Recreation of Ringing, in his Countryman's Treasure.

Feilleri (J.), Turden Clocke. Leipsic.

Emdenii (J.), Clocken, New. 1634.

toris practicus. Auxburgh, 1746. Spiers (R P.), Mainrad. Tractatus Musicus Composi

Delfelde, Dissertatio de Origine et Nomine Campanarum. Jena, 1685.

Irenius Montanus Hist. Shemniz, 1726.
Drabicius de Cælo et Cælesti Statu. Metz, 1618.

This superstitious enthusiast fills 428 pages, to prove that one of the employments of the blessed

in heaven will be the constant ringing of bells! Where is there a copy? It is not in the Bodleian nor British Museum; nor is it at Cambridge, Dublin, Manchester, or Paris.

The Brassfounder's Manual. London, 1829. Powell's Touches of Stedman's Triples. Folio. Dedicated to the College and Cumberland Youths. 1828. Allen's Lambeth, 1826, has a good article, with references to many authors.

Quarterly Review, article "Church Bells." Sep. 1854. Several Peals on Bells, in "Penny Post," 1856-7. Changes; Literary, Pictorial, and Musical: by W. F. Stephenson. Ripon, 1857.

Denison on Bells and Clocks, in his Lectures on Church Buildings. 1856.

Many Papers on Bells in the "Musical Gazette" and "Proceedings of the Institute of British Architects;" 1856-7, The Ecclesiologist," and other periodicals. Baker on the Great Bell at Westminster. 1857. Batty on Church Bells. Aylesbury, 1858. Brown's Law of Church Bells. 1857.

History and Antiquity of Bells. 1856. Lukis's Account of Church Bells.

1857. 1858.

Words to Church wardens.
Words to Rural Deans. 1858.

Church Bells and Ringing, by W. T. Maunsell, M.A., 1861.

Suggestions on the Devotional Use of the Curfew, 1860. Ellacombe's Practical Remarks and Appendix on Chiming. 1859.

Sermon on the Bells of the Church, 1862.

Dean Ramsay's Letter to the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, on the Expediency of providing the City with an efficient Peal of Bells. 1863.

In poetry :

Dixon's Songs of the Bells. 1852.
Matin Bells and Curfew. 1852.
Bells of St. Barnabas. 1851.

Our Sweet Bells; a Song for Bell Ringers: by Hony.
Rectory, Clyst St. George, Devon.



(3rd S. iii. 492.)

Je me permets encore de répondre à la question de M. T. H. LAURENCE. Marc de Vulson ou Wlson, sieur de la Colombière, est le véritable créateur de la science du blason, et naquit vers la fin du seizième siècle, dans le Dauphiné, d'une famille protestante, originaire d'Ecosse. Il était fils du Marc Vulson, conseiller à la chambre de l'Edit de Grenoble, auteur de quelques ouvrages de droit, et avec lequel on l'a souvent confondu. Vulson, dans sa jeunesse, dut embrasser la profession des armes, seule carrière ouverte, à cette époque, aux aînés des familles nobles. Ce qui est plus certain, c'est qu'il avait épousé une femme jolie et coquette. L'ayant surprise en adultère, il perça les deux amants de

son épée, et courut se jeter aux pieds du roi, dont il obtint sa grâce. C'est de là qu'on menaçait les femmes coquettes de la Vulsonale. Après un tel évènement, le séjour de Grenoble lui devint insupportable. Il s'établit à Paris, où il se livra tout entier aux recherches historiques. Il acquit une charge de Gentilhomme ordinaire de la Chambre, fut créé chevalier de St.-Michel, et mourut en 1658. Il avait choisi pour sa devise cet hémistiche de Virgile: "Uno avulso non deficit alter," entourant deux arbres, dont l'un est déraciné. On a de lui plusieurs ouvrages, dont il serait trop long de donner ici les titres. Le plus connu aujourd'hui est La Science héroïque, traité de la noble-se, de l'origine des armes, de l'art du blason, Paris: 1644 et 1649, symboles, timbres, etc.


Le portrait de Vulson a été gravé plusieurs fois : 1. La tête, Nanteuil (non Nantual) del. Ornements, Chauveau (non Channeau) del. Regnesson, sc., in-fol.-2. Chauveau, en pied et cartouche à la main, in-fol.-3. Bosse.


Si je vous écris, Monsieur, c'est beaucoup moins pour vous donner un renseignement qui, sans aucun doute, vous viendra d'autre part, que pour recourir moi-même à l'obligeance et aux lumières de vos nombreux lecteurs. On s'est beaucoup occupé en France, dans un certain monde poétique, y a quelque trente ans, d'une jeune Américaine, morte à dix-sept ans, Lucretia Maria Davidson, dont les œuvres venaient d'être recueillies et publiées. Je crois que Southey lui consacra un long article dans le Quarterly Review. Depuis j'ai lu, mais sans pouvoir me rappeler où, que cette jeune Muse transatlantique était un personnage fictif et imaginaire, ou, comme vous dites en anglais, je crois, un forgery. J'aurais besoin de savoir à quoi m'en tenir sur la question d'authenticité. Agréez, je vous prie, Monsieur, mes salutations bien sincères, G. S. TREBUtien.

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some have of late years altered the flower de lis into Or, wherein they have much wronged the Bearers, in rejecting the ancient forme, which is both warranted by Antique Monuments, and no way discommendable, sith it is borne in the naturall colour."

Opposite this blazon the coat is figured. The bend goes over all, that is to say, it oppresses the leopard's head in the dexter chief.

"Durham and Auste" are two places in Gloucestershire. Durham is more usually spelt Dyrham. It it the Deorham where in 571 was fought the decisive battle with which began the English conquest of the Severn valley from the Welsh. Now Guillim, besides his great knowledge in all things relating to his profession, must have had a special knowledge of the Dennis coat; for his wife was Anne Dennis of Dyrham. Her father sold Dyrham to the Wynters.

Guillim died in 1621. At that time neither the beautiful house at Syston nor the two houses in Pucklechurch had been built by the Dennis family. Guillim, therefore, makes no mention of those places. They are both within a short distance of Dyrham. Till 1853 there stood in Pucklechurch a very beautiful house known as the Great Hall or House. It was in a state of neglect and decay, with the exception of the end nearest the road, which had been fitted up for a tenant, and still stands. In December, 1853, I saw this house sold, wall by wall, for destruction. It was accordingly pulled down soon after, with the exception of the end which I have mentioned. I have preserved notes of all the dates, initials, and arms, which for some years before 1853 I had been in the habit of seeing in this house. The date in the porch (now destroyed) was 1642; in the "Parlour," which opened out of the "Hall," the date was 1651. Probably these dates give the period within which the house was built. The initials showed that the house was built by John and Mary Dennis. But I must not be tempted into details beyond the subject in hand.

The arms in the porch were on two shields, one in each spandrel of the inner arch in which the door was set. The sinister showed, Gutté, three roses, Still; for Mary Still, wife of John Dennis. The dexter. Dennis, the bend being carried over the leopard's head. But, in the "Parlour," the coat was given, over the fire-place, with the bend not oppressing the head in dexter chief but going past it. However, in the "Hall," the central and most important room in the house, which had the passage from the porch on one side, and the parlour on the other, the coat appeared in great splendour, carved and painted, and sunk deep within a massive well-cut wreath of leaves, with the bend oppressing the head in dexter chief. It had impaled as femme, Argent, two bars azure, over all an eagle displayed double-tête gules, Speke: for Margaret Speke of White Lackington,


Somersetshire. These were the father and mother of John Dennis the builder of this house.

On the road leading out of Pucklechurch to Syston and Bristol, on the right-hand side, stands a very fine house of moderate size, now known as Dod's Farm. Over the entrance door is a shield showing eight quarterings,-Dennis, Corbett, Russell of Dyrham, Neremouth, Gorges of Wraxall, Danvers, Popham, Still. This house was probably built by William Dennis, who died in 1701; and, as the coat is unimpaled, probably before his marriage. He was the son of John Dennis and Mary Still; and in his shield his mother's coat, Still, is the last. His first quarter, Dennis, has the bend oppressing the head in dexter chief. Taking Guillim's blazon, and the examples which I have given of the bend going over all, to be the coat as intended by the race who bore it, the explanation is obvious: the bend has something interposed between it and the field. I think that the coat, as it appeared in the "parlour," was probably a mistake; but it is a mistake very likely to occur in the hands of an unskilful artist; and having occurred elsewhere, as well as here at the fountain-head, has given rise to questions about this ancient coat.

There were, close up to the ceiling on one side of the "Hall," five oak shields, painted: 1. Dennis and Berkeley; 2. Dennis and Speke; 3. Dennis. 4. Dennis and Still; 5. Dennis and Russell of Dyrham. But, I regret to say, my notes do not specify the arrangement of the head and the bend. These shields and the whole pannelled oak side of the room were sold for 4l. 10s. in my presence. They now probably decorate some room to which they have been furnished at a great advance of price. I tried, in vain, to induce the dealers to sell me the shields separated from the wood-pannelling. One can only hope that whoever has them is aware that he has the shields of one of the ancient families of the West. D. P. Stuarts Lodge, Malvern Wells.

RALEGH ARMS: CORRECTION (3rd S. iii. 149, 238, 295, 451; iv. 33.)—It is not often that the contributors to "N. & Q." have to complain of typographical errors: but I would point out a misprint in the last insertion, probably arising from my own bad calligraphy. With reference to the Hele coat, it is said, on p. 34, that the centre lozenge is charged with " a cross and faced or." It should be, charged with " a leopard's face or." There is another error in the same article, which I can well account for. having written the word Triese, I thought it did not appear very distinct, and I therefore re-wrote it more plainly over-hence it has been introduced as "Friese (Triese)." The family was never, I believe, called Friese. JOHN MACLEAN,


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SHERIFFS OF CORNWALL (3rd S. iii. 494.)-In C. S. Gilbert's History of Cornwall, Plymouth Dock, 1820, 2 vols. 4to, vol. ii. pp. 351-8, there is a list of sheriffs of Cornwall from 1139 to 1819, inclusive. W. SANDYS.

PARISHES OF ENGLAND (3rd S. iii. 494.) — A General Directory to the Counties, &c. in England, by Thomas Whillier, 8vo, 1825, professes to be a complete directory to every parish or district in England which maintains its own poor, comprising nearly 14,000 places. There is no Shilling Green, or Milling Green; there is a Shilling Okeford, or Shillingstone, in Dorsetshire, Cramborne hunW. SANDYS.


SIR CHARLES CALTHROPE (3rd S. iii. 489.) Sir Charles Calthrope, Knt. sometime AttorneyGeneral, and afterwards one of the Justices of the Common Pleas in Ireland, died January 6th, 1616, aged about ninety-two, and was buried in Christ Church, Dublin. He was the son of Sir Francis, whose father, Sir William, was High Sheriff of Norfolk, 1st Henry VI ; and was son of Sir Bartholomew, who was son of Sir William, whose father, Sir Oliver, was son of Sir William Calthrop, Knt., who lived in the time of the Conqueror.

Sir Charles married, first, Winifred, daughter of Antonie Toto, a Florentine, of King Henry VIII.'s Privy Chamber, and his serjeant-painter; she died Aug. 1st, 1605. He married, secondly, Dorothie, daughter of John Deane, of London, widow, first, of Henry Perkin, by whom she had several children; and, second, of Robert Constable. She died June 14th, 1616. Sir Charles had no issue by either wife. His arms were, chequy or and azure, a fess ermine;" impaling for Toto or Tote, "Argent, a fess gules, between three human hearts vulned, and distilling drops of blood on the dexter side; and for Deane, "barry of six, argent and azure, a canton gules."


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The above account I have extracted from vol. iii. of the Funeral Entries, in Ulster Office, Dublin, by permission of Sir J. Bernard Burke. In these entries the name is spelt "Calthrop," "Calthroppe," and "Calthorpe."


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Christiana secreta; si Judæus, inimicus est Christiani baptismatis; ergo in terris de hac re nullum poterit reperiri judicium; de cœlo quærendus est judex. Sed ut quid pulsamus ad cœlum, cum habeamus hic in Evangelio testamentum? Quia hoc loco recte possunt terrena cœlestibus comparari; tale est quod quivis hominum habens numerosos filios. His, quamdiu pater præsens est, ipse imperat singulis; non est adhuc necessarium testamentum; sic et Christus, quamdiu præsens in terra fuit (quamvis nec modo desit) pro tempore quidquid necessarium erat Apostolis imperavit. Se quomodo terrenus pater, dum se in confinio senserit mortis, timens ne post mortem suam, rupta pace, litigent fratres, adhibitis testibus voluntatem suam de pectore morituro transfert in tabulas diu duraturas. Et si fuerit inter fratres nata contentio, non itur ad tumulum, sed quæritur testamentum; vivus, is cujus est testamentum, in cœlo est. Ergo voet qui in tumulo quiescit, tacitus de tabulis loquitur: luntas ejus, velut in testamento, sic in Evangelio inquiratur."S. Optati Op. Parisiis, 1631, folio, lib. v. p. 84.

The translation is given with tolerable fairness, though it is not always strictly correct. But it is not of the Rule of Faith in general that St. Optatus is speaking; but merely of the single point of rebaptism, which was defended by Parmenian, the successor of Donatus in the schismatical see of Carthage. As both parties claimed to belong to the Catholic Church, St. Optatus very obviously refers to the Gospel, as authority admitted by both, for the decision of the question. For, as he observes immediately before

"Cujus de sacramento (Baptismatis) non leve certamen innatum est, et dubitatur, an post Trinitatem in eadem Trinitate hoc iterum liceat facere. Vos dicitis: Licet; nos dicimus: Non licet; inter licet vestrum, et non licet nostrum, nutant et remigant animæ populorum. Nemo vobis credat, nemo nobis; omnes contentiosi homines sumus. Quærendi sunt judices," &c.

That a passage like this could have suggested to Swift the leading idea of his Tale of a Tub I think very unlikely; but that Swift ever read a line of St. Optatus, much more unlikely.

F. C. H.

PIZARRO'S COAT OF ARMS (3rd S. iv. 8.)-A B.A.-gives the following explanation of Pirecent visitor to Trujillo-the Rev. R. Roberts, zarro's arms, which I hope may interest your correspondent C. M. :

Peru, stands in the Plaza; and, though indifferently "The mansion built by Pizarro, after the conquest of situated, is a handsome building of freestone, decorated after the Spanish custom, with boldly-sculptured coats of arms, and other heraldic devices, the most conspicuous being a couple of pigs feeding under an oak-tree-a badge that not only recalled his origin and early employment, but proved, moreover, that the conqueror of Peru was not

ashamed to own himself the son of a swineherd," &c. An Autumn Tour in Spain in the Year 1859, London, 1860, p. 262.

Ford, in his Description of Trujillo, speaks of a legend connected with Pizarro, viz. "that he was suckled, not by a Romulean wolf, but by an Estremenian sow-a very proper and local wetnurse," &c. (Handbook for Spain, Part II. p. 479, edit. 1859.) J. DALTON.

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