
editors have been kindly permitted access, as well as from other sources. The editors, presuming that MR. SYMES refers to their republication of Hutchins, in speaking of the Rev. C. W. BINGHAM (for the sense of his communication is not, on this point, quite clear), beg to say that, from the first, that gentleman has kindly "rendered them essential service." W. S. & S. W. H.

"OLD DOMINION" (1st S. ix. 468; x. 114, 235; xi. 246.)-Some years ago much discussion took place in your columns about Virginia being called "Old Dominion," with no satisfactory conclusion as to the cause thereof, an idea prevailing that it was owing to Charles II. having been invited to reign there during our Commonwealth, and in gratitude for such invitation, that monarch was supposed to have allowed the colony to quarter the arms of England, Ireland, and Scotland, as an independent member of the "Old Dominion." This hypothesis was, however, combated by Mr. BALCH of Philadelphia (1st S. xi. 246), who contended from documentary evidence that the story of Charles having been actually invited to reign in Virginia is without any foundation. I believe the solution of the whole question may be deduced from the dedication of Spenser's Faerie Queene to Queen Elizabeth, wherein occur these words:

"Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England, France, and Ireland, and of Virginia, Defender of the Faith," &c.

Here we have Virginia as a fourth, on an equality with the other parts of her dominions; hence may fairly be deduced the quartering of arms, and jat a later period, when the American possession was divided, Virginia would be looked upon as entitled to the distinctive name of "Old Dominion."

That the true explanation of the quartering is from Queen Elizabeth's time, is much strengthened by the following words of Speed in his Prospect of the World, 1676, p.9:

"Virginia carries in her name the happy memory of our Elizabeth, and under that name at its first discovery; for it was anciently called by the natives Apalchen, comprehending all that tract of Northern America which hath since been divided into several jurisdictions, each under their distinct name, viz., New-England, New-York, Maryland, and Virginia."

Lastly, the old Virginian motto given by UNEDA, (1st S. x. 235), "En! dat Virginia quartam," exactly agrees with the wording of Spenser's dedication to Queen Elizabeth. My copy of Spenser is the fol. ed. 1617.

It may further be noted that the shield described by UNEDA contains the arms of France in one of its four divisions, thus agreeing with Spenser.. A. B. MIDDLETON.

The Close, Salisbury.

LAW OF LAURISTON (3rd S. iv. 31.)-It appears from the Lists of the Freeholders of the County

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QUEEN ISABELLA, "THE CATHOLIC" (3rd S. iii. 444.)-The REV. JOHN DALTON is (however little he may like the name) too warm and earnest a Protestant. Mr. Bergenroth has to deal with facts; and if these show that we have too highly estimated Queen Isabella's character, we must accept the inferences, however unpleasant. If MR. DALTON is called on to protest, let him first deal with facts. There has doubtless been a very chivalrous feeling in favour of Queen Isabella. I have felt it myself in visiting her grave, and contemplating the beautiful repose of her monumental figure at Granada; and I, therefore, dislike the facts which have been brought to light. They modify my admiration for Isabella, though I do not protest against them, nor do I see to what result such protests can lead. I do not protest against the acts of Don Pedro el Cruel, though MR. DALTON may protest against his being thus designated.

MR. DALTON concludes with a very odd question: "Does Mr. Bergenroth hope to exalt Queen Elizabeth by endeavouring to lower the character of her namesake, Isabella of Spain? Let us trust that such is not his intention." But why should "Queen Elizabeth, of famous memory," be thus brought in? and what has she to do with the matter? No doubt that MR. DALTON remembers that he translated and published Hefele's so-called "Historical Parallel between Isabella of Spain and Elizabeth of England" (in The Life of Cardinal Ximenes); and thus he fancies that whatever dims the lustre of the one, is a scheme for adding to the fame of the other. I suppose that he would regard any reply to his invectives against Queen Elizabeth as charges against Isabella. And yet it is some effort for our credulity to believe that, "if the Inquisition under Isabella killed one thousand, the Reformation by Elizabeth slew ten times the number!" Perhaps Mr. DALTON has heard of the bull of excommunica

tion against Elizabeth, authorising her subjects to kill her. Perhaps he may be informed that no Romanist who would take the oath of allegiance to the queen would have been molested at all. But I do not think that MR. DALTON would have wished Elizabeth to have been assassinated by his co-religionists: "perpetual imprisonment" might have sufficed. He says:

"As we regret that Queen Mary of England was forced, in a manner (though some Spanish Friars protested

against it), to burn Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer, so do we deplore, with Balines, that Philip allowed so many to be executed at Valladolid; when perpetual imprisonment might, perhaps, have equally served the ends of justice."P. xxxvii. (MR. DALTON'S own words.)

A consistent Protestant can afford to protest against all persecution: against imprisonment or banishment, as well as against putting men to death for religion, by whomsoever done. "Sinite utraque crescere usque ad messem." LÆLIUS.

REV. JOHN SAMPSON (3rd S. iv. 24.) - Possibly the late Rev. Dr. Sampson, Rector of Groton, Suffolk, who kept a finishing school for grown-up young gentlemen at Petersham, Surrey, and died there in 1826, may have been a son or relative of the Rev. John Sampson your correspondent men- | tions. Dr. Sampson's tomb is to be seen in Petersham churchyard.


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DEATH OF THE CZAR NICHOLAS (3rd S. iv. 28.)-It is a popular delusion in this country, that the late Emperor of Russia died suddenly in 1856, not 1855. An authentic and very interesting account of the last hours of his majesty has been published at St. Petersburgh, originally in the Russian language, on the 24th of March, 1855. The brochure was supposed to have been the joint production of the pens of Archpresbyter W. B. Bajanoff, confessor to the late Czar, and of Dr. Arndt, his majesty's principal physician. The pamphlet was soon translated into English, for the benefit of many of the British subjects who inhabit many parts of the empire of Russia.

I happened to have preached the coronation sermon in the British chapel, on the Sunday before the enthronement of Alexander II., at Moscow, in 1856. On the Monday following, I received as a present (I think from H. R. H. the Prince von Oldenburg) a copy of the original, as well as an English translation of The Last Hours of the Life of the Emperor Nicholas I.

I intended to have furnished, for the especial behoof of X., a few interesting extracts from the above-mentioned publication; but on second thoughts, I came to the conclusion to wait till they are asked for.


DAFFY'S ELIXIR (3rd S. ii. 348, 398.) - The inventor of this celebrated medicine was not the Mrs. Daffy who died in Salisbury Court, August 30, 1732, but the Rev. Thomas Daffy, Rector of Redmile, in the vale of Belvoir, who died 1688.

As to him, see Nichols's Leicestershire, ii. 302, 422; iii. 521.

His son, of the same name, was admitted a pensioner of St. John's College, Cambridge, June 16, 1666; was B.Α. 1669-70, M.A. 1673, and in the latter year became head master of Melton Mowbray school. Cambridge.


RALEGH ARMS (3rd S. iv. 33.)-These are given in Lysons's Magna Britannia ("Devonshire," vol. i. p. clxix.), Sir Walter Ralegh, after. parting with his estates in Devonshire, purchased property at Boxwell, Leighterton, and Whitminster, in the county of Gloucester, in which county his ancestors possessed considerable estates at Edgeworth and elsewhere. Sir Walter held his property until it was forfeited to the crown by the act of his attainder for high treason, when it was granted to Peter Vanlore, merchant. The identity of the Devonshire and Gloucestershire families is shown in the Calend. Ing., p. m. 6 Hen. IV., No. 28, p. 301. The Raleghs possessed Edgeworth * about two hundred and twenty years.


Vide Collinson's History of Somersetshire, iii. 541. In the windows of Nettlecombe Church, among other arms are, "Gules, a bend fusilly argent; Raleigh." There is also a sepulchral effigy in stone of "Sir Simon de Raleigh, in armour, having on his shield the family coat, a bend fusilly. This was the bearing of the antient Earls Marshal of England, and adopted by the family of Raleigh, when they became feudal tenants under those lords; but the more antient arms of Raleigh were six cross-croslets."

Copies from the original grants of Nettlecombe, alluded to above, are given in Collectanea Topographica and Genealogica, vol. ii. 163; see also p. 391; and for several other documents regarding the Raleighs of Nettlecombe, see Trevelyan Papers, parts 1 and 2, printed by the Camden Society, 1857-1863. W. C. TREVELYAN. Wallington.

ST. YUSTE (3rd S. iii. 455.) - We ourselves talk of St. Saviours, St. Cross, St. Sepulchres; | or of Holy Isle, Holy Tintern, &c., &c. Why should not the St. have been prefixed to Yuste by a similar form of speech?

P. P.

WALSALL-LEGGED (3rd S. iv. 27.)-The natives of Walsall are, or at least used to be, looked down upon by their neighbours as peculiarly uncouth. This circumstance is well illustrated by an anecdote that I remember to have heard of a gentleman living in the last century, who in

* See Sir Robert Atkyns's History of Gloucestershire (Edgeworth & Turkdean); see also, Gloucestershire Achievements, by Rev. S. Lysons, p. 21.



walking through a street in Birmingham, happened to jostle against a passer-by. The man jostled against vented his wrath upon the stranger by calling after him that he was "A Wa'sall tyke, that had never been in Brummagem before." P. S. C.

EARLDOM OF ERROL (3rd S. iv. 23). -`A-propos to nomination by a peer of his successor, I read J. M.'s communication with my copy of " N. & Q." lying on the Story of Lord Bacon's Life. In the former, Lord Campbell is stated to have said that, in no civilised country had the crown ever delegated to a peer the privilege of nominating his


In Mr. Hepworth Dixon's volume the author records (p. 337):

"In January, 1618, the Lord Keeper received the higher title of Lord Chancellor, with the offer of a peerage for himself, and a second peerage for his personal profit. This second peerage, which was offered to Sir Nicholas (Bacon's elder brother), was declined. For himself he chose the title of Verulam, the Roman name of St. Alban's."

Here, at least, is an instance of a man having the privilege of nominating a peer. As for the claim against which Lord Campbell spoke-that of Lord Fitzhardinge to the Barony of Berkeley by tenure-the decision thereon by the Committee of Privileges (as Mr. Horwood remarks in his edition of the Year-Books of the Reign of Edward the First), "does not decide that barony by tenure does not exist." (Page xxxv.) J. DORAN.

In confirmation of the statement under "Earldom of Errol," that it was held competent in Scotland for the Crown to delegate to a subject the power of nominating his successor to his peerage, it may be noticed that the dukedom and estate of Roxburgh are held under a deed granted in 1648 by Robert Earl of Roxburgh. It was so granted in virtue of a Charter of 1646, whereby the Crown (under the royal sign manual) autho. rised the Earl to nominate as his successors (failing the heirs of his own body) any persons whatsoever he might choose. The parties his lordship selected were entirely different from those who would have succeeded under the previous destination of the estate.


"MILLER OF THE DEE" (3rd S. iv. 49.)-On a reperusal of this popular song (first line, "There was a jolly miller "), I cannot but think it altogether of English origin, and not in any way "related," as your correspondent suggests, "to one of the Scotch Dees." "Possibly, however, the idea of its Scottish affinities may be due to the couplet quoted by your correspondent:

"I care for nobody, no not I,
If nobody cares for me."

Two very similar lines occur in a short but spirited song by Robert Burns, with which, says

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Collections towards the History of Printing in Nottinghamshire, with an Index of Persons and Subjects. By the Rev. S. F. Creswell, M.A. (J. R. Smith.)

Local Typography has hitherto been too much neglected. In following the example of Dr. Bliss, Mr. Creswell is performing good service to the history of English Literature; and how carefully he is doing his work may be seen in the fact that he shows that, instead of the first book having been printed in Nottingham in 1714 (that honour being usually assigned to Parkyns's Hug-Wrestler), four books were printed there in 1713, and no less than eleven in the following year. This is sufficient to prove the care and diligence with which Mr. Creswell has collected his materials; while the mode in which he has printed the titles gives them almost the effect of being

fac-similes; and the whole book is rendered more useful and valuable by a good Index.

Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity, with their

Influence on the Opinions of Modern Christendom. By Samuel Sharpe, Author of The History of Egypt. (J. R. Smith.)

This little volume serves to show that, although the old Egyptian race has ceased to be a nation for more than 1,200 years, during which its history has been neglected and its very existence often forgotten, yet the Egyptian mind has still a most important influence upon our modern civilisation. Few of our readers will suspect that the Wedding Ring in our Marriage Service; the Marriage of the Adriatic; our Twelfth Night Drawing of King and Queen; and our Twelfth Cakes, are all traces of Egyptian opinion which still obtain among us. The volume is a very interesting one.

The Fine Arts Quarterly Review. No. I. (Chapman & Hall.)

It is certainly somewhat remarkable that in this country, which is the richest in the world in collections of paintings, drawings, and objects of art generally, there should exist but one periodical solely dedicated to this interesting subject. That there was room for, and a want of the present journal, the names of those who figure in the opening number sufficiently testify and the lists of contributors who have promised their assistance, and of the subjects which are to be treated of in succeeding numbers, are guarantees for the permanence of the Fine Arts Quarterly Review. Our best notice of it will be a

sketch of its contents, which are as follows:-" English Painting in 1862," by Mr. Tom Taylor; "The Raphael Collections of the Prince Consort," by Dr. Becker and

Mr. Ruland; Mr. Woodward's (the Editor) "Discoveries among the Drawings in the Royal Collection; " "Early History of the Royal Academy," by Mr. Redgrave; "The Loan Museum of South Kensington," by Mr. Digby Wyatt; "The Tenison Psalter," by Mr. Bond; "The Italian Sculpture at South Kensington," by Baron de

Triquetti; "Principles of Design in Architecture," by

Mr. Palgrave; "Points of Contact between Science and Art," by Mr. Atkinson; "Catalogue of the Works of C. Visscher," by Mr. William Smith; and Mr. Robinson, "On the Preservation and Restoration of Paintings and Drawings." These are followed by a number of shorter articles, which make altogether a most capital first num ber of a journal which deserves, and we think will command, the patronage of all lovers of art.

The Herald and Genealogist. Edited by John Gough Nichols, F.S.A. Part V. (Nichols & Son.)

We must, owing to our limited space, content ourselves with calling the attention of the readers of "N. & Q." to this Fifth Part of Mr. J. G. Nichols's valuable journal.


I am much gratified in finding that my proposal for the establishment of a Book Exchange has met attention in various quarters, and hope that something advantageous, in the cause of books and literature, may result from it. The support which it has received, and the opportunities given for its discussion in "N. & Q." will much conduce to this end. I trust that all success will attend the practical measure already set on foot through this publication, and announced in the last page of the last number. Perhaps I may be allowed to say that one or two important elements seem to me still absent from it, though it may be that these will follow. I mean, 1st, the opportunity for one desirous to exchange of seeing the book which he would receive, often most important from condition, size of print, binding, &c. And 2ndly, it seems to me that a payment of money is contemplated, rather than an exchange of books, on both sides. Possibly I may be mistaken in this interpretation of the notice, and at all events there is every expectation that a measure adopted by those who so well understand literary men and literary matters will turn out favourably. FRANCIS TRENCH.

Islip, near Oxford.

*** We fear MR. TRENCH's plan simply to exchange books for books, and not for money, would not be found practicable. A may have the very book which B is in search of, but B has no book which A would care to add to his library. But B pays A, which enables A to select from books in the possession of C, D, or E; and thus the object is accomplished by means of sale which would fail entirely if confined to barter. With respect to MR. TRENCH's suggestion, as to the op

portunity which A may desire to have of seeing the book, that he may judge of its condition, we may announce that arrangements will be made for such a purpose. But to judge from the small number of lists which have been sent to us for our experimental Number, the scheme is either not yet generally understood or sufficiently appreciated, or, what is probably the case, many who would avail themselves of it are leaving home, and have, at the present holiday season, neither time nor inclination to look out their superfluous volumes.

Under these circumstances, we publish our FIRST LIST because we have announced that we would do so; but shall delay the publication of a SECOND LIST until we have received a larger number of communications upon the subject, and in the meantime we shall avail ourselves, as far as possible, of many ingenious suggestions for the successful development of THE BOOK EXCHANGE with which kind friends have supplied us.

Our bookselling friends will understand that our Lists are not intended to supply the place of their Catalogues. - ED. " N. & Q."

A Collection of Patristic MSS. of the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries, bound for the most part in whole white vellum, with a complete descriptive catalogue:

1. *Bedæ Explan, in Evan. S. Lucæ. (Cent. 13.) 2. S. Gregorii M. Epistolæ. (Cent. 13.)

3. Vol. i. S. Gregorii M. Moralium lib. iii. iv.; Vol. ii. lib. v. vi. (Cent. 12, written for monastery of St. Mary Magd. of Rengisvalle.)

4. Bedæ Expositio Libri Primi Samuelis. (Cent. 13.) 5. Origenis Homiliæ in Ev. S. Matthæi, (Cent 12.) 6. Hugo de S. Victore, Liber de Sacramentis. (Cent. 12.)

A MS. of great interest, coeval with the author.] 7. †S. Hieronymi Interpretatio super Explanationem

Hieremiæ. (Cent. 12.)

8. †S. Hilarii Pictav. Opera varia. (Cent. 12.) 9. Angelomi Luxov. Explanatio ex Opusculis Doctorum super Libros Regum. (Cent. 12.)

[With corrections in the handwriting of Alulfus of Tournay. nay: (Cent. 12.)

10. SS. Ambrosii, Athanasii, et aliorum Opuscula.

11. B. Augustini Opuscula. (Cent. 12.)

12. †B. Augustini Sermones in Johannem, part 11., &c. (Cent. 11 or 12.)

13. Hegesippi de Bello Judaico libri v. (Cent. 12.) 14. Alulfi Gregorialis pars 4ta. (Cent. 12.)

[A most important MS., the autograph of the author, who died 1140, containing the unpublished part of the Gregoriale.]

15. Hieronimi super Isaiam pars 1a. (Cent. 12.) [In the handwriting of Alulfus. A MS. of great value.] 16. Innocentii Papæ III. Opuscula quædam. (Cent. 14.) 17. S. Augustini Opuscula quædam. (Cent. 14.) 18. S. Augustini Confessiones et alia Opuscula. (Cent. 13.)

19. S. Hieronymi Opuscula. (Cent. 12.) 20. *S. Gregorii M. Homiliæ in Ezechielem. (Cent. 13.) 21. Bedæ Comment. in Evang. S. Marci. (Cent. 13.) 22. Retractationes Bedæ Presbyt. in Actus Apostolorum. (Cent. 13.)

23. S. Ambrosii Comment. super Lucam. (Cent. 13.) [A beautiful MS. in excellent preservation.] 24. Petri Cantoris Verbum Abreviatum. (Cent. 13.) [The author died 1197.]

25. Missale Romanum, vel Romano Gallicum. (Cent.


[This is a MS. of very great interest and importance, and contains the obits of several illustrious personages of France and England.]

26. *Liber Exodi, cum glossa ordinaria et interlineari, et Comment. Rabini Mauri. (Cent. 14.)

27. *Liber Levitici, cum eisdem. (Cent. 14.)

28. *Jeremias, cum eisdem. (Cent. 14.) [These three vols. are all apparently in the same hand.]

29. Rabani Tractus super Actus Apostolorum. (Cent. 12.)

30. "Epistolæ SS. Augustini et Jeronimi quas sibi invicem dirigunt disputantes." (Cent. 12.)

31. Expositio Berengarii [read Berengaudi] super Apocalypsim. (Cent. 12.)

[A MS. of great value, settling the authorship of this curious work.]

32. Homiliæ B. Gregorii Papæ. (Cent. 14.)

[The forty Homilies of S. Gregory on the Dominical Gospels. It was enjoined by many synods and other authorities, that all parish priests should have a copy of these forty Homilies.]

33. Homiliæ xl. B. Gregorii in Evangelio. (Cent. 13.) 34. Summa Virtutum. (Cent. 15.)

[Attributed to Guil. Peraldus or de Petra-alta, who died 1275. This MS. once belonged to the Benedictines of S. Justina of Padua.]

The volumes marked * belonged to the Abbey of St. Mary of Pontigny. Those marked † to the Abbey of St. Martin at Tournay.

The price of the entire collection (carriage not included) is 2001. The catalogue, containing a very detailed description of each volume, will be sent to the Editor of "N. & Q." for the inspection of those who may desire to become purchasers. The books are all in the best possible condition, and are all on vellum.

Brocklesby (A.), Explication of Gospel Theism. Thick folio, calf, 1706. 10s.

British and Foreign Medical Review. Ed. by Forbes, complete, with Index vol. 25 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt tops. 42s.

Milton's Prose Works. Ed. by Dr. Symmons, boards, uncut. 428.

Harrington's (J.) Works. Ed. with Life by Toland, folio, calf. 98.

Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society from commencement, 1848, to July, 1861 (wanting 9 parts), cost 6 guineas. 32s.

Wesley (Saml.), Life of Christ, an Heroick Poem. plates, folio, 1693. 7s. 6d.


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Aretino (P.), Lettere. 6 vols. in three, half calf. Paris, 1609. 16s.

Proclus's Philosophical and Mathematical Commentaries. Translated by T. Taylor. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, half calf, gilt, good copy. 10s.

Patrizi (F.), Della nuova Geometria. Lib. xv. 4to. Ferrare, 1587. 4s. 6d.

Mezeray's Abrégé Chronologique de l'Histoire de France. 3. vols. quarto, calf, one vol. injured. 9s. Poetical Remains of James I. King of Scotland. Balfour, Edinburgh, 1783. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 6s.

Année Apostolique, Duquesne. 12 vols. 12mo. Toulouse, 1801. 12s.


Barberini Poemata (Urban VIII.) 4to. Antwerp, 1634.

Centenary of Methodism, 8vo. London, 1839. 5s. Comparative View of the Grounds of the Catholic and Protestant Churches. Rev. John Fletcher. 8vo. Lond. 1826. 5s

Discours sur l'Incredulité. Trevern. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1855. 3s.

Elegant Extracts in Prose. 2 vols. large 8vo. Lond. 3rd ed. 4s.

[blocks in formation]

Holy Court. Causin. Folio. London, 1563. 10s. Life of St. Jane Frances. Coombes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. 5s.

Legacy to Parsons. Cobbett. 18mo. London, 1835. 1s. Maxims of the Saints. Fenelon (translated). 18mo, London, 1698. 1s.

Oberon. Wieland (German.) Small square. Leipzig, 1839. 2s.

Practice of Christian Perfection. Rodriguez. Vols. ii. and iii. only, 4to, 1699. 6s.

Sermons preached before James II. 4to. London, 1685-6. 38.

Travels of an Irish Gentleman in search of a Religion. Moore. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1833. 3s.

Notices to Correspondents.

J. D. The lines by Ben Jonson

"My mind to me a kingdom is:

Such perfect joy therein I find,
As far exceeds all earthly bliss,

That God and Nature hath assign'd.

Though much I want that most would have,
Yet still my mind forbids to crave,"

were set to music by Byrd, and will be found in his Psalmes, Sonets, and Songs of Sadness, 1588.

DIOGENES. We cannot furnish the address of any delineator of character by hand-writing.

T. B. R. All the instances of human fecundity alluded to have been, we believe, already referred to in" N. & Q."


ERRATA. 3rd S. iv. p. 32, col. ii. line 9, for "draw"read drawer;" p. 49, col. i. line 18, fur" Dance "road "Douce; " p. 55, col, ii. line 14 from bottom, for Dolfyn, the little spring" read "Dolfyn, the spring in | the valley."

"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIRS for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publishers (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 118. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order in favour of MESSRS. BELL AND DALDY, 186, FLEET STREET, E.C, to whom all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE addressed.

EDITOR should be

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