Aboukir, lines on the battle of, 458. Affghanistan Expedition, the, 241. Algiers, a poem, 217.
Angel, the Bramin, an Oriental tale, in verse, 792.
Anster, John, LL.D., his poetical trans- lation of Faust, reviewed, 223. Anti-national Faction, the, shown up, 544. Arab, lines on the Sale of the Black, the gift of the Imaum of Muscat, 658. Archæus, his Hymns of a Hermit, 80, 165 -his lines on Wellington, 172-his Legendary Lore, No. VII. A Chronicle of England, 253-his Hymns of a Her- mit, 408, 526.
Asses, Thoughts upon, 57. Autobiography, a Passage of, 46-another Passage of, 474.
Aytoun, William E., his Ballads from the Romaic, 689.
Ballads from the Romaic, by William E. Aytoun, 689.
Birch, J. Esq., his poetical translation of Faust, reviewed, 223.
Blackie, John S., Esq., his poetical trans- lation of Faust, reviewed, 223. Bramin Angel, the, an Oriental tale in verse, 792.
Breton Faith, a short poem, by R. M. Milnes, 28.
Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro, his Comedy of the Goblin Lady, ana- lysed, 1.
Carlo Sebastiani, the Aid-de-Camp, a tale, 496, 650, 739.
Casuistry, 260_Case I. Health, 262- Case II. Laws of hospitality in colli- sion with civic duties, 266-Case III. giving characters to servants who have misconducted themselves, 267-Case IV. Criminal prosecution of fraudulent servants, 268-V. Veracity, 270- VI. The Case of Charles I. 271.
Central Asia and Cabul, 512. China, war with, 368-the China ques- tion, 717 Postscript, 847.
Church of St Jerome, Granada, a poetical scene, as if betwixt a traveller and a Spaniard, 222.
Coleridge, T. S. his plagiarisms exposed, 287.
Dead Man of St Anne's Chapel, a criminal story in four parts, from the German of Otto Ludwig, Part I. the Search, 575- Part II. the Suspicion, 582-Part III. the Trial, 593-Part IV. the Disco- very, 601.
Delta's Sir Eliduc, a poem of love and woe, 786.
Diversions of Purley, a new edition of that work, by Richard Taylor, reviewed, 484.
Dream of Mohammed the Second, a poem, 219.
Elysian fields at Lowther, in Westmore- land, lines on them, by R. M. Milnes, 27.
Emperor and the Rabbi, the, a Jewish tradition in verse, 794.
Essenes, on the, 105-Part II. 463- Part III. 639.
Ethical sonnets, by R. M. Milnes, 360.
Faction, the anti-national, shown up, 544. Faust, poetical translations of seven authors, reviewed, 223.
France, the progress of Protestantism in, 763.
Goblin lady, the, a comedy by Calderon de la Barca, analysed, 1. Goethe's Life and Works, reviewed, No. III. From my life-Poetry and Truth, Book III. 31-Book IV. 607.
Gower, Lord Francis Leveson, his poetical translation of Faust, reviewed, 223.
Greek Tragedy, theory of, 145. Modern superstition, 553. Grimm's Teutonic Grammar, reviewed, My Old School, 779.
Hints of History, or a Glance at the Dark Ages, Part I. Proem, 65-Feudalism, 71-the Church, 73-Part II. 273– Representation, 274 - the Judicial combat, 277-Chivalry, 280 - Joan d'Arc, 284.
Hunt, Leigh, his drama of the Legend of Florence, reviewed, 303.
Hymns of a Hermit, by Archæus, 80- Hymn I., ib.-Hymn II., 81-Hymn III., 84-Hymn IV., ib.-Hymn V., 85-Hymn VI., 86-Hymn VII., 165 -Hymn VIII., ib. -Hymn IX., 166- Hymn X., 167-Hymn XI., 169– Hymn XII., 408-Hymn XIII., 409- Hymn XIV., 410-Hymn XV., 411- Hymn XVI., 526-Hymn XVII., 528 -Hymn XVIII., 529.
Jerusalem, lines on, 357.
Judith, or the Opera-Box; a Tale, 621- Chap. I., ib. Chap. II., 624_Chap. III., 627-Chap. IV., 631.-Chap. V., 634-Chap. VI., 637. Jungles, Literature in the, 342.
Khiva, Central Asia, and Cabul, 512.
Legend of Florence, a drama of that name, by Leigh Hunt, reviewed, 303. Legendary Lore, No. VI., by Archæus; A Chronicle of England, 253.
Lily, the Trip of the, 189.
Lines on the Sale of the Black Arab, the gift of the Imaum of Muscat, 688. Literature in the Jungles, 342. Ludwig, Otto, his tale of the Dead Man
of St Anne's Chapel, translated, 575.
M'Gregor, -, his translation from the Gaelic of the Song of the Aged Bard, 173.
Malachi, a passage in one of his Prophe- cies, paraphrased, 355.
Martineau, Miss, her story of Deerbrook, reviewed, 177.
Menzel Wolfgang, his character as a writer, considered, 154.
Milnes, R. M., his lines on Sir Walter Scott at the Tomb of the Stuarts in St Peter's, 26-his Lines on the Elysian Fields at Lowther, Westmoreland, 27 -his short poem of Breton Faith, 30 -his Ethical Sonnets, 360. Milton, Prendeville's edition of, review- ed, 691.
Ministers, the vote of confidence in them dissected, 412.
Mocking-bird, lines addressed to it, by Alfred Pike of Arkansas, 354
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School, my Old, 779.
Scott, Sir Walter, lines on him, by R. M. Milnes, at the Tomb of the Stuarts in St Peter's, 26,
Shaw on Salmon Fry, 531. Simmons, B., his song of a Returned Exile, 170-his ode on the Marriage of the Queen of England, 300.
Sir Eliduc, a lay of Marie, by Delta- Fitte first, 786-Fitte second, 788- Fitte third, 789- Fitte fourth, 790. Smith, Hannibal, Esq., with the Trips of the Lily, 189- Trip the First, wherein the Lily goes to Portsmouth in rough weather, and comports herself gallantly, 193-Trip the Second, wherein the Lily proceedeth in quest of what seem- ed from the shore to be a shipwrecked mariner, 194-Trip the Third, wherein the Lily coasteth four miles to the west- ward, and cometh home again, 196- Trip the Fourth, wherein the Lily visit- eth a stranded ship, 197.
Song of the Returned Exile, by B. Sim- mons, 173-of the Aged Bard, from the Gaelic, by - M'Gregor, ib.- sung at the Symposium in the Saloon, 3d January 1840, 175-of the Veto, dedicated to the Whig-intrusion sec- tion of the Non-intrusion Committee, 456.
Superstition, on modern, 553. Syme, David, his poetical translation of Faust, reviewed, 223.
Talbot, the Hon., his poetical translation of Faust, reviewed, 223.
Taylor, Richard, his new edition of the Diversions of Purley, reviewed, 484. Ten Thousand a-Year! a Tale, Part IV., 117-Part V., 385-Part VI., 431- Part VII., 662.-Part VIII., 816. Theory of Greek Tragedy, 145. Timms, Solomon, letter to the Editor of Blackwood's Magazine, inclosing the Latin poem entitled, Pestis Londinum Devastans, 795.
Veto, the, a new song, dedicated to the Whig-intrusion section of the Non- intrusion committee, 456. Venetian painting and Titian, on, 88. Vote of confidence in Ministers, dissected, 412.
Walter and William, a Tale, in verse, 96. War with China and the Opium Question,
368, 717 Postscript, 847. Wellington, Lines on, by Archæus, 172. Wild Oats, a new species, 753.
Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul's Work.
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