
CAZEAUX (P.). Traité de l'Art des Accouchements. 2de édition. 8vo.

Paris, 1844

CELSUS (Aurel. Cornel.). Medicinæ Libri VIII. concinnavit
E. Milligan. editio secunda. 8vo.
Edinb. 1831

*Census. Report of the Commissioners appointed to take
the Census of Ireland for the year 1841. fol. Dublin, 1843
The Census of Ireland for the year 1851. Part 3.
Report on Status of Disease. fol.
ib. 1854


The Census of Great Britain in 1851. Reprinted in a condensed form from the Official Reports and Tables. 8vo. Lond. 1854 CHANNING (W, M.D.). A Treatise on Etherization in Childbirth; illustrated by 581 Cases. 8vo. Boston, 1848 *CHAVASSIEN (d'Audebert). Des Inondations d'Hiver et d'Eté, ou Traité de l'Humidité par rapport à l'Homme et aux Animaux. 8vo. Paris, 1806

CHIAIE (Steff. della). Vide Cavolini.

*CHIOSSO (Capt.).

Gymnastics an essential branch of National Education, both public and private. 8vo.

Lond. 1854 *Cholera. The Common Sense of Cholera by a Practical Practitioner. 12mo.


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ib. 1854

Actstykker angaaende Cholera navnlig Epidemien i Christiana i 1850. 8vo. Christ. 1851

Actstykker angaaende Cholera, Epidemien i Norge
ib. 1854

i 1853. 8vo.
Notification of the Central Board of Health,
Kingston, Jamaica. 8vo.
Kingston, 1854

Verhandlungen der Physik-Medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg über die Cholera. 2 Bande. 8vo. Königs. 1831

Vide Reports on Cholera and Sibley.

in Ireland. Vide Reports of Irish Poor Law Commissioners.

CHRISTISON (Rob., M.D.). A Treatise on Poisons. fourth

edition. 8vo.

Edinb. 1845

CIVIALE (Dr.). Traité sur les Maladies des Organes GénitoUrinaires. 3 tomes. second edition. 8vo.

Paris, 1842-50

CLARK (Fred. Le Gros). Vide Dupuytren. *CLARKE (Francis). Medical Reform: a Letter. 8vo. Lond. 1854

CLESS (G., M.D.). Geschichte der Schleimfieber, Epidemien Stuttgarts, von 1783 bis 1836. 8vo. Stuttg. 1837

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Ueber Luft im Blute in pathologischer Beziehung. 8vo. ib. 1854

CLOT (Bey). De la Peste observée en Egypte. 8vo.

Paris, 1840

COCKS (W. P.). Illustrations of Amputations. 8vo.

Lond. 1831

COHN (Dr. Ferdinand). An Abstract of the Natural History of the Protococcus pluvialis, by Geo. Busk. 8vo. Printed for the Ray Society.

ib. 1853

Lond. 1847

COLES (James). Spinal Affections and the Prone System of treating them. second edition. 8vo. *COLEY (J. M., M.D.). Remarks on the Climate and principal Diseases occurring in Belgium. 12mo.

Brussels, 1854

*COLLIER (Charles, M.D.). Aristotle on the Vital Principle. Translated from the original text. 8vo. Camb. 1855

COMBE (George). The Life and Correspondence of Andrew Combe, M.D. 8vo. Edinb. 1850

CONDILLAC. Traités des Sensations et des Animaux. 8vo. , Paris, 1821

*CONOLLY (John, M.D.). An Introductory Lecture delivered in the University of London. 8vo. Lond. 1828 *CONQUEST (J., M.D.). Outlines of Midwifery. A new Edition by J. Winn, M.D. 12mo.

Lond. 1854

COOKE (John, M.D.). A Treatise on Nervous Diseases. Vol. 1.-Apoplexy. Vol. 2.-Palsy and Epilepsy. 8vo. ib. 1820-3

*COOPER (Sir A. P.). The Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Abdominal Hernia. second edition. fol. Lond. 1827

COOPER (Bransby B.). Report of the Trial of Cooper v. Wakley, with Remarks on the Evidence. 8vo.

ib. 1829

ib. 1838

*COOPER (Samuel). A Dictionary of Practical Surgery. seventh edition. 8vo. CORBYN (Fred.). A Treatise on the Epidemic Cholera as it has prevailed in India. 8vo.

Calc. 1832

Bath, 1787

CORP (WM., M.D.). An Essay on the Jaundice. second edition. 8vo. COULSON (Wm.). On Deformities of the Chest and Spine. second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1837 COURTENAY (F. B.). Practical Observations on the Chronic Enlargement of the Prostate Gland in Old People. 8vo.

ib. 1839 CRAIGIE (David, M.D.). Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy. second edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1848

CRITCHETT (George). Lectures on the Causes and Treatment of Ulcers of the Lower Extremity. 8vo. Lond. 1849 CROSS (John, M.D.). On the Mechanism and Motions of the Human Foot and Leg. 8vo. Glasgow, 1819

CULL (Richard). Vide Brodie.

*CULLERIER. Notes Historiques sur les Hôpitaux établis à Paris pour traiter la Maladie Vénérienne. 8vo.



Paris, an. xl.

Formulaire à l'usage de l'Hospice des Vénériens.

*CURIE (P. F., M.D.). The Case of the late Mr. Cordwell. 8vo.

Lond. 1845

*CURLING (T. B.). Observations on Diseases of the Rectum. second edition. 8vo.

CURREY (Frederic). Vide Schacht.

ib. 1855

*CURRY (James). On the Prejudices against Mercury.

second edition. 8vo.

ib. 1810

CUTLER (T., M.D.). The Surgeon's Practical Guide in Dressing, and in the methodic application of Bandages. Lond. 1834


CZETYRKIN (Dr.). Die Pest in der Russischen Armee zur Zeit des Turkenkrieges im Jahre 1828-9. 12mo.

Berlin, 1837


DALTON (John). Meteorological Observations and Essays.


Lond. 1793

DANCE (M.). Ueber Hydrocephalus Acutus in Erwachsenen (in Nasse's Sammlung).

Beobachtungen über eine eigenthümliche Form der Apoplexie (in Nasse's Sammlung).

DANN (E., M.D.). Diss. Inaug. De Paracusi sive de Auditus Hallucinationibus. 4to. Berol. 1830

DAREMBERG (C., M.D.). Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits Médicaux (1 Partie, Manuscrits Grecs d'Angleterre). 8vo. Paris, 1853

DARWIN (Charles). A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species [the Balanidæ, the Verrucidæ, &c.]. 8vo. Printed for the Ray Society.

Lond. 1854

A Monograph on the Fossil Balanidæ and Verrucidæ of Great Britain. 4to. Printed for the Palæontographical Society.

ib. 1854

DARWIN (Erasmus). The Botanic Garden, with Philosophical Notes. 4to.

ib. 1791

DAVIS (J. B., M.D.). The History of Nice, with Hints of Advice to Invalids. 8vo. ib. 1807

DAVY (John, M.D.). Notes and Observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta: with some Remarks on Constantinople and Turkey, and on Quarantine. 2 vols. 8vo.

ib. 1842

DAY (George, M.D.). A Practical Treatise on the Domestic
Management and Diseases of Advanced Life: with an
Appendix upon the Treatment of Lumbago, Sciatica and
Paralysis. 8vo.
Lond. 1849

*DAY (Thomas). On the Removal of confined and infectious Air, with Remarks on the Contagion in Maidstone Gaol. 8vo. Maidstone, 1784

*DAYMAN (Henry). The Effects of Civilization on the Fortunes of the Medical Profession.

An Address. 8vo.

Lond. 1854

*DEASE (Wm.). Observations on Midwifery. 8vo.

Dublin, 1783

*DEBAUX (M.). Parallèle de la Petite Vérole avec l'Artificielle, avec un Traité de la Petite Vérole Fausse. 12mo. Avignon, 1761

*DEMANGEON (J. B.). De Ossium Pubis Synchondrotomia (Thèse de Concours). 4to. Paris, 1811 *DEMPSTER (T. E.). Notes on the Application of the test of Organic Disease of the Spleen, as an easy and certain method of detecting Malarious Localities in Hot Climates. fol. Agra, 1848 *DENDY (W. C.). A Discourse on the Birth and Pilgrimage of Thought. 12mo. Lond. 1853 DERHEIMS (J. L.). Histoire Naturelle et Médicale des Sangsues. 8vo. *DESORMEAUX (M. A.). De Abortu (Thèse de Concours).


Paris, 1825

ib. 1811

DESPINE (C., M.D.). Manuel Topographique et Médical de l'Etranger aux Eaux d'Aix en Savoie. 8vo.

Anneci, 1842

*DICKINSON (Wm.). The Illegal Proceedings of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society. 8vo.


Lond. 1853

Dictionnaire de Médecine. 2me édition.
Paris, 1832-46

Tomes xxx. 8vo.

Dictionnaire de Médecine, de Chirurgie, &c., de P. H. Nysten. 10me édition par Littré et Robin. 8vo.

Paris, 1855

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