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Ranke, L. von, History of the
Popes,' on the Roman Index, 1.
Reade, Charles, 'Peg Woffington,'
112 The Cloister and the Hearth,'

Reciprocity Treaty of 1862..218.
Reeve, Henry, 'The Greville Papers,'
edited by, 385.

Reform Act of 1832..393-of 1867..
394-of 1885..ib.

Religious art, caricatures, 37-39.
Rew, Henry, 'A Survey of the
Countryside,' 364.

Rice, Stanley,
vists,' 155.
Riddle of Trade Union Funds,
The, 304-314.

Asia and the Bolshe-

Roman drawings, caricatures, 35.
Roman Index of Prohibited
Books, The, 1-15.

Romer, Frank, 'Modern Bonesetting

for the Medical Profession,' 330 note.
Root, Elihu, on the American dual
system of government, 209.
Rosmini, Antonio, Five Wounds of
the Church,' on the Roman Index, 1.
Rush-Bagot agreement, 219.
Ruska, Prof. Julius, 'Arabische
Alchemisten,' 176, 178.

Ruskin, John, at Christ Church,
Oxford, 360.

Russell, Bertrand, 'On Education,'

Russia, air forces, 20-characteristics
of the peasants, 165.


Sackville-West, Lionel S., British
Minister in Washington, 227.
Sadhu Sundar Singh, • Meditations
on Various Aspects of the Spiritual
Life,' 432.

'Schedula Diversarum Artium,' 174.
Schools, Class Teaching in. 400-410.
Science, study of, 171.

Scott, Sir Walter, character of his

plots, 113-humour, 114.

Sedition, Privy Conspiracy, and
Rebellion, 120-139.

Selincourt, H. de, 'The Cricket
Match,' 234.

Shakespeare, William, educated in
London, 349.

Shelley, P. B., at Oxford University,

Sheppard, Capt. Eric William, 'A
Short History of the British
Army,' 53, 60 et seq.

Short Histories of British Wars,

Sidney, Sir P., at Christ Church,
Oxford, 349.

Simon, Sir John, definition of the
'right to strike,' 122.

Simpson, Sir James, discovery of
chloroform, 321.

Singer, D. W., 'Des manuscrits
grecs des îles brittaniques,' 182.
Skelton, Noel, 'The Political Situa-
tion,' 411.

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Speed, the raison d'étre of the car,
248-variations, 261.

Spenser, E., at Pembroke College,
Cambridge, 349.

Spirit, The British, 184–192.

Steele, Robert, 'The Coming of
Alchemy,' 168.

Stillman, J. M., 'The Story of Early
Chemistry,' 168.

Strike, the right to, definition, 122-
the 'sympathetic,' 123-the 'light-
ning,' 125-the 'non-economic,' 126
-General, result, 184-measures
against, 416-result, 419.

Strikes, protection against, 131.
Survey of the Countryside, A,

Swinburne, Algernon, at Balliol Col.
lege, Oxford, 360-' Eton, an Ode

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