Husbands, an ill Custom among them, N. 178.
Hypocrify, the Honour and Justice done by it to Religion,
mistaken Devotion, N. 211.
Dolatry, the Offspring of mif
An exquifite Torment, 178. Jezebels, who so called, N. 175. Ill-nature, an Imitator of Zeal, Ν. 185.
Jilts defcribed, Ν. 187.
Imma, the Daughter of Charles the Great, her Story, N. 181.
Immortality of the Soul, the Benefits arifing from a Con templation of it, Ν. 210.
Impudence, recommended by fome as Good-breeding, N.
Infidelity, another Term for Ignorance, N. 186.
Inquifitive Tempers exposed, N. 228.
Interest often a Promoter of Perfecution, N. 185.
Jupiter Ammon, an Answer of his Oracle to the Athenians,
Kitty, a famous Town Girl, N. 187.
LAsedamonians, their Delicacies
N. 188. Form of Prayer used by them, 207. Lapirius, bis great Generofity, N. 248. Latin, of great Use in a Country Auditory, N. 221. Laughter, a Counterpoise to the Spleen, N. 249. fort of Persons the most accomplish'd to raise it, A Poetical Figure of Laughter out of Milton, ibid. Letters, to the Spectator. From with a Complaint against a Jezebel, N. 175; from-who had been non- pluffed by a Butt, ibid. from Fack Modish of Exeter about Fashions, ibid. from Nathaniel Henrooft, a Hen- peck'd Husband, 176; from Celinda, about Jealoufy, 178; from Martha Housewife to her Husband, ibid. To the spectator from with an Account of a Whiftling Match
Match at the Bath, N. 179; from Philarithmus, dif- playing the Vanity of Lewis XIV's Conquests, 18ο; who had married her self without her Fa-
ther's Confent, 181; from Alice Threadneedle against Wenching, 182; from - in the Round-House, ibid. from concerning Nicholas Hart the Annual Sleeper, 184; from Charles Yellow against Jilts, 187; from a Gentleman to a Lady, to whom he had formerly been a Lover, and by whom he had been highly commend- ed, 188; from a Father to his Son, 189. To the Spec- tator from Rebecca Nettletop, a Town Lady, 190; from Eve Afterday, who defires to be kept by the spectator, ibid. from a Bawdy-House Inhabitant, complaining of some of their Visiters, ibid. from George Gosling about a Ticket, in the Lottery, 191. A Letter of Con- solation to a young Gentleman who has lately lost his Father, ibid. To the Spectator, from an Husband com- plaining of an heedless Wife, 194; from plaining of a Fantastical Friend, ibid. from J. B. with Advice to the Spectator, 196; from Biddy Loveless, who is enamoured with two young Gentlemen at once, ibid. from Statira to the Spectator, with one to Oroondates, 199; from Susan Civil, a Servant to another Lady, de- firing the Spectator's Remarks upon voluntary Coun- sellors, 202; from Thomas Smoaky, Servant to a paffi- onate Master, ibid. from a Bastard, complaining of his Condition as such, 203; from Belinda to the Sothades, 204; from J. D. to his Coquet Mistress, ibid. from a Lady to a Gentleman, confefsfing her Love, ibid. from angry Phillis to her Lover, ibid. from a Lady to her Husband, an Officer in Spain, ibid. To the Spectator from Belinda, complaining of a Female Seducer, 205; from a Country Clergyman against an affected Singing of the Palms in Church, ibid. from Robin Goodfellow, containing the Correction of an Errata in Sir William Temple's Rule for Drinking, ibid. from Mary Meanwell about Visiting, 208; from a Shop-keeper with Thanks to the Spectator, ibid, from a Lover with a Hue and Cry af- ter his Mistress's Heart, ibid. from 7. D. concerning the Immortality of the Soul, 210; from Meliffa, who has
a Drone to her Husband, N. 211; from Barnaby Brittle. whose Wife is a Filly, ibid. from Josiah Henpeck, who is married to a Grimalkin, ibid. from Martha Tempest, complaining of her Witty Husband, ibid. from Anthony Freeman the Hen-peck'd, 22; from Tom Meggot, giv- ing the Spectator an Account of the Success of Mr. Free- man's Lecture, 216; from Kitty Termagant, giving an Account of the Romps Club, 217; from-com- plaining of his indelicate Mistress, ibid. from Susanna Freft, an old Maid, ibid. from A. B. a Parson's Wife, ibid. from Henrietta to her ungracious Lover, 220. To the Spectator from on false Wit, ibid. from T. D. concerning Salutation, ibid. from enquiring the Reason why Men of Parts are not the best Mana- gers, 222; from Æfculapius about the Lover's Leap, 227; from Athenais and Davyth ap Shenkyn on the same Subject, ibid. from W. B. the Projector of the Pitch-Pipe, 228; fromon Education, 230 from-on the Awe which attends some Speak- ers in publick Assemblies, 231; from Philonous on Free- Thinkers, 234: from _ on Marriage, and the Husband's Conduct to his Wife, 236; from Tristissa, who is married to a Fool, ibid. from T. S. com- plaining of some People's Behaviour in Divine Service, ibid. from with a Letter translated from Aristanetus, 238; from a Citizen in Praise of his Benefactor, 240; from Ruftick Sprightly, a Country Gentleman, complaining of a Fashion introduced in the Country by a Courtier newly arrived, ibid. from Charles Easy, reflecting on the Behaviour of a Sort of Beau at Philafter, ibid. from Afteria on the Abfence of Lovers, 241; from Rebecca Ridinghood, com- plaining of an ill-bred Fellow-Traveller, 242;
- on a poor Weaver in Spittle Fields, ibid. from Abraham Thrifty, Guardian to two learned Nieces, ibid. from on Raphael's Cartons, 244; from Constantia Field on the 9th Species of Women called Apes, ibid. from Timothy Doodle a great Lover of Blind-Man's Buff, 245; from 7. B. on the several Ways of Confolation made use of by abfent Lovers, ibid. from Troilus, a declared Enemy to the Greek, ibid.
from on the Nursing of Children, N. 246; from T. B. being a Differtation on the Eye, 250; from Abra- ham Spy on a new Invention of Perspective-Glasses for the use of Starers, ibid.
Lovers of great Men animadverted upon, N. 193.
Levity of Women, the Effects of it, N. 212.
Lye: several Sorts of Lyes, N. 234.
Life, to what compared in the Scriptures, and by the Heathen Philofophers, N. 219. The present Life a State of Probation, 237.
Logick of Kings, what, N. 239. Lottery, fome Difcourse on it, N. 191. Love: the Transports of a virtuous Love, N. 199. Lover's-Leap, where situated, N. 223. An effectual Cure
for Love, 227. A short History of it, 233,
Luxury: the Luxury of our modern Meals, N. 195.
Alvolio his Character, N. 238.
Maple (Will.) an impudent Libertine, N.203. Man, the merriest Species of the Creation, N. 249. The mercenary Practice of Men in the Choice of Wives, 196.
Merchants of great Benefit to the Publick, N. 174. Mill, to make Verses, 220.
Mirth in a Man ought always to be accidental, N. 196. Modefty and Self-denial frequently attended with unex- pected Bleffings, N. 206. Modesty the contrary of Ambition, ibid. A due Proportion of Modesty requi- fire to an Orator, 231. Th The Excellency of ibid. Vicious Modesty what, ibid. The Misfortunes Modesty, to which the Modest and Innocent are often exposed,
Mothers justly reproved for not nurfing their own Chil- dren, N. 246.
Motto, the Effects of an handfome one, N. 221.
Much Cry but little Wool, to whom apply'd, N. 251.
Leholas Hart, the annual Sleeper, N. 184.
Nurfes. The frequent Inconveniences of hired
Bedience of Children to their Parents the Basis of all Government, N. 189.
Opportunities to be carefully avoided by the Fair Sex, N. 198.
Order necessary to be kept up in the World, N. 219.
DArents naturally fond of their own. Children, N. 192. Passions: the various Operations of the Paffions, N. 215. The strange Diforders bred by our Paffions when not regulated by Virtue, ibid. It is not so much the Business of Religion to extinguish, as to regulate our Paffions, 224.
Patrons and Clients, a Difcourse of them, N.214. Worthy Patrons compared to Guardian Angels, ibid. People the only Riches of a Country, N. 200. Persians, their Notion of Parricide, N. 189. Philofophers, why longer liv'd than other Men, N. 195. Phocion, his Notion of Popular Applause, N. 188. Phyfick, the Substitute of Ex
Exercise or Temperance, N.
Pictures, Witty, what Pieces so called, N. 244. Piety an Ornament to humane Nature, N. 201. Pitch-Pipe, the Invention and Use of it, N. 228. Plato, his Accout of Socrates his Behaviour the Morning he was to die, N. 183.
Pleaders, few of them tolerable Company, N. 197. Pleasure. Pleasure and Pain, a Marriage proposed between
them and concluded, N. 183.
Poll, a Way of Arguing, N. 239.
Popular Applause, the Vanity of it, Ν. 188.
Praise, a generous Mind the most sensible of it, N. 238. Pride: a Man crazed with Pride a mortifying Sight, N.
Procurefs, her Trade, N. 205. Predicus the firit Inventor of Fables, N. 183.
Profperity, to what compared by Seneca, N. 237.
Providence, not to be fathom'd by Reason, N. 237.
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