Selected Titles from the Digest: Pt. I. Mandati Vel Contra. Disgest XVII. I. Tr. and Annotated, Deel 1University Press, 1879 - 80 pagina's |
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Selected Titles from the Digest: Pt. I. Mandati Vel Contra. Disgest ..., Deel 1 Volledige weergave - 1879 |
Selected Titles from the Digest: Pt. I. Mandati Vel Contra. Disgest ..., Deel 1 Volledige weergave - 1879 |
Selected Titles from the Digest: Part I. Mandati Vel Contra, Digest XVII Bryan Walker Geen voorbeeld beschikbaar - 2016 |
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17 Paternoster Row action of mandate aduersus agent agere autem become surety benefit Cambridge Warehouse cloth commissioned creditor debt debtor Demy 8vo Demy Octavo dolo edictum Edited eius emeres enim erit etiam fcap Fellow of Trinity fideiussor fundum Gaius habere heir IDEM libro ideo interest ipse Iulianus late Fellow liable for mandate libro tertio libro trigensimo Lucius Titius mandatarius mandati actio mandati actionem mandati iudicio mandatum Marcellus mihi negotia neque nisi P. G. TAIT paid Papinian PAULUS libro payment peculio pecuniam posse potest praestare pretium principal Professor purchase quae quaero quaesitum est quam quia quidem quis quod recover respondit right of action rogatus secundo seruum siue slave soluerit St Catharine's College St John's College sued surety tamen teneri Titio Titius Trinity College tuque uero uidetur Ulpian ULPIANUS libro University of Cambridge usuras vendor
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