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Printed by J. Smith, rue Montmorency.



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THE Spectator, Tatler and Guardian, are titles given by Steele and Addison to Essays published by them under the form of Periodical Papers or Journals. The Tatler, conducted exclusively by Steele, was begun in 1709; Addison and Swift sometimes inserted in it a few articles. This work was published three times a week, and ceased at the commencement of 1710, but was soon after replaced by the Spectator, published jointly by Addison and Steele, assisted by several of their friends, and particularly by two of them, Budgell and Hughes, who enriched the work with several interesting essays. The Spectator appeared daily from 1710 till 1714; and it was about the year 1713, that the same authors published the Guardian, in which are to be found several papers written by Pope.


Profeser William H. Butts 6-4-1934


LE Spectateur, le Babillard et le Tuteur, tels sont les titres sous lesquels Steele et Addison ont publié, pendant plusieurs années, différens écrits qui paroissoient sous la forme de journaux. Le Babillard fut entrepris en 1709 par Steele, qui y travailla seul; Addison et Swift y insérèrent seulement, de temps à autre, quelques articles. Ce journal, qui paroissoit trois fois par semaine, cessa au commencement de 1710; mais il fut bientôt remplacé par le Spectateur, publié en commun par Addison et Steele, de concert avec quelques-uns de leurs amis, entre autres Budgell et Hughes, qui l'enrichirent de plusieurs essais intéressans. Le Spectateur parut tous les jours depuis 1710 jusqu'en 1714, et ce fut vers 1713 que les mêmes auteurs publièrent le Tuteur, dans lequel se trouvent quelques articles fournis par Pope.

The Tatler being a political and literary work, has been justly accused with partiality, and, although it contains several excellent essays, it is mostly made up of pieces of a temporary interest, and often written in an incorrect style. The Spectator, on the contrary, being a moral and literary publication, is filled with articles of general interest, and its style vies in elegance and correctness with the most celebrated literary productions; in this work, Steele and Addison displayed their greatest talents. A remarkable peculiarity in the Spectator is, that although published at an epoch when licentiousness of manners was carried to its highest pitch, and when party spirit divided families and every branch and class of society, it was the only work of the kind which was not sullied by the spirit of the times, but which, on the contrary, contained a great number of papers, tending to encourage the practice of social virtues, and the diffusion amongst mankind of those principles of moderation and mutual goodwill, which are the source of all our efforts for the public weal. The intentions of the authors do honour

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