2443 CHALKHILL'S (John) Thealma and Clearchus, a Pastoral Romance, first published by Isaac Walton, 1683. A new Edition, revised and corrected by S. W. Singer; foolscap 8vo, boards, 78. Chiswick, 1820 Chalkhill's numbers are as musical as those of any of his contemporaries."-Thomas Campbell. 2444 CHALLONER (Bp. R.) The Catholick Christian instructed in the Sacraments, Sacrifice, Ceremonies of the Church; 12mo, red morocco, 10s. 2445 1737 Lives of the Saints, collected from authentic Records of Church History. With a full account of the other Festivals throughout the year; 4 vols. 4to, half-bound, scarce, 21. 2s. 1729 2446 CHALMERS (Alexander) Biographical Dictionary; 32 vols. 8vo, (pub. at 191. 4s.) calf gilt, 147. 148. 2447 2448 2449 2451 1812-17 History of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings attached to the University of Oxford, including the Lives of the Founders; 2 vols. 8vo, numerous fine plates by STORER and GREIG, boards, 11. 5s. Oxford, 1810 the same; 2 vols. royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER, proof impressions, boards, 17. 16s. ib. 1810 Projector, a periodical Paper, originally published_in Monthly Numbers; 3 vols. 8vo, (published at 17. 7s.) boards, 9s. 1820 2450 CHALMERS' (George) Collection of Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers; 2 vols. 8vo, boards, 10s. 1790 Life of Mary, Queen of Scots, drawn from the State Papers, with six subsidiary Memoirs; 2 vols. 4to, with 10 plates of Medals, Portraits and Prospects (pub. at 37. 13s. 6d.) boards, 17. 11s. 6d. 1818 the same; 3 vols. 8vo, portraits (pub. at 27. 8s.) boards, 21. 2s. 2452 2453 2454 2155 2456 2457 1822 Life of Thomas Ruddiman. To which are subjoined new Anecdotes of Buchanan; 8vo, portrait and facsimiles, green morocco, gilt edges, 12s. 1794 CALEDONIA: or, an Account, Historical and Topographical, of North Britain, from the most ancient to the present Time; 3 vols. 4to, (pub. at 91. 9s.) bds. 3l. 13s. 6d. 1807-24 the same; 3 vols. royal 4to, LARGE PAPER (published at 147. 3s. 6d.) boards, 51. 5s. 1807-24 Estimate of the comparative Strength of Great Britain, and of the Losses of her Trade, from every War since the Revolution. To which is annexed, Gregory King's celebrated State of England, with Notices of his Life; 8vo, calf neat, 4s. 1804 Estimate of the comparative Strength of Britain; and of the Losses of her Trade from every War since the Revolution. To which is added an Essay on Population, by Lord Chief Justice Hale, 1782.-Considerations on the Sugar Trade, 1782.-The Corn Distillery stated, 1783.— Serious Considerations on a late Decision of the House of Commons, 1769.-Journal et Procès verbaux du Quatrième Voyage Aerien de M. Blanchard, scarce, 1784; 4to, 8s. 2459 2460 2461 2458 CHALMERS (Rev. Thomas, D.D.) Works; 18 vols. foolscap 8vo, boards, 41. 4s. Glasgow, 1835-40 Natural Theology; 2 vols. foolscap 8vo, bds. 8s. ib. 1835 Sketches of Moral and Mental Philosophy; foolscap 8vo, boards, 4s. ib. 1835 Bridgewater Treatise on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Adaptation of external Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man ; 2 vols. 8vo, boards, 15s. 1833 Lectures on Church Establishments; 8vo, boards, 6s. 1838 Evidence and Authority of the Christian Revelation ; foolscap 8vo, boards, 5s. Edinb. 1814 2462 2463 2464 CHALYBEATE WATERS. Remarks on the Wick Water at Brighton; Waterworth's Letter on the Water at Sand Rocks, Isle of Wight; Peak Chalybeate; Account of the Sarratoga Mineral Water; Observations on the Cheltenham Salts; Notice sur l'Eau de Selters; 8vo, 2s. v. y. 2465 CHAMBERLAINE'S (JOHN) COLLECTION of 72 ENGRAVINGS from the original Designs of the Caraccis, Da Vinci, Poussin, Raphael, Michael Angelo, Guido, Claude, &c. in His Majesty's Collection, engraved by Bartolozzi; royal folio, (pub. at 217.) hf.-bd. morocco, gilt edges, 61. 2466 2467 1796-97 IMITATIONS OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY HANS HOLBEIN, in the Collection of His Majesty, for the Portraits of Illustrious Persons in the Court of Henry VIII, with biographical Tracts (by E. Lodge); imperial folio, containing 84 beautiful Portraits (including Holbein and his Wife, and the two Miniatures) engraved by BARTOLOZZI and COLOURED in exact imitation of the original Drawings, fine copy in russia, 127. 12s. 1792 the same. New Edition; imperial 4to, 80 plates (pub. at 157. 15s) half-bound morocco, gilt edges, 5l. 15s. 6d. 1812 2468 CHAMBERLAYNE'S (Dr. Edward) Angliæ Notitia: or the Present State of England; 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, frontispiece, containing full-length portrait of James II, supported by two Bishops, neat, 6s. 1684 2469 CHAMBERLAYNE'S (R.) Lithobolia: or the Stone-Throwing Devil. Being an exact and true Account of the various Actions of Infernal Spirits, or Witches, or both; and the great Disturbance and Amazement they gave to George Waltons Family at Great Island, in the Province of NewHantshire, in New England; small 4to, half-bound, rare, 15s. 1698 2470 CHAMBERLAYNE'S (Wm.) Pharonida, an Heroic Poem in five Books; and Love's Victory, a Tragi-Comedy; 3 vols. foolscap 8vo, calf extra, 17. 1s. 1820 "His Pharonida, which Langbaine says has nothing to recommend it, is one of the most interesting stories that ever was told in verse, and contained 80 much amusing matter, as to be made into a prose novel (Eromena, or the Noble Stranger) in the reign of Charles II."-Thomas Campbell. 2471 CHAMBERS' (C. C.) Common-Place-Book, 4to. MANUSCRIPT. containing various Remarks on Topography, and on the Order of the Garter; Literary Anecdotes; MR. SMOULT'S JOURNEY OVERLAND FROM INDIA, &c. &c.; 10s. 2472 CHAMBERS' (John) General History of Malvern; 8vo, plates, boards, 6s. Worcester, 1817 2473 CHAMBERS' (Robert) History of the Rebellions in Scotland under Montrose, Dundee, Mar, and Prince Charles Stuart; 5 vols. 18mo, plates, boards, 11. 58. Edinburgh, 1830 2474 CHAMBERS' (Sir Wm.) Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture, illustrated by 53 plates. Fifth Edition, with copious Notes and an Essay on the Principles of Design in Architecture, by J. B. Papworth, with 9 plates, illustrative of Grecian Architecture; imperial 4to. (published at 37. 3s. unbound), half-bound morocco, uncut, 21. 8s. 1835 2475 Treatise on Civil Architecture, with Additions by J. Gwilt; illustrated with 66 plates and beautiful vignettes, 2 vols. imperial 8vo. (pub. at 47. 4s. in Nos.) half-bound, uncut, 21. 12s. 6d. 1825 Horace Walpole informs us that "Mr. Chambers' Treatise on Civil Architecture is the most sensible book and the most exempt from prejudices, that ever was written on that science." 2476 CHAMELION (The) in Prose and Verse; 8vo, bds. 5s. 1832 2477 CHAMICH's (Michael) History of Armenia, from 2247 B.C. to A.D. 1780. Translated from the original Armenian and continued to the present time, by J. Audall; 2 vols. 8vo, map (pub. at 17. 1s.) sewed, 12s. Calcutta, 1827 2178 CHAMPION's (Anthony) Miscellanies, in Verse and Prose, English and Latin; published from the original MSS. by William Henry Lord Lyttleton; royal 8vo, THICK PAPER, calf gilt, 10s. 1801 Privately printed by Lord Lyttleton, for prescuts only. 2479 CHAMPNEY's (Anthony) Treatises of the Vocation of Bishops and other Ecclesiastical Ministers, &c.; 4to, half-bound, very scarce, 17. 1s. Douay, 1616 2480 CHANCERY. Observations on the Judges of the Court of Chancery, and Practice and Delays complained of in that Court; 8vo, 2s. 1823 2481 CHANDLER'S (Dr. G.) Sermon at the Consecration of Bp. Banks; 4to, 2s. 2482 1825 Bampton Lectures: the Scheme of Divine Revelation considered; 8vo, calf extra, 12s. 1825 2483 CHANDLER'S (Dr. Richard) Travels in Asia Minor and Greece: or an Account of a Tour made at the Expense of the Society of Dilettanti; 2 vols. 4to. (pub. at 27. 10s) boards, 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 12s. 1817 the same; 2 vols. in 1, 4to, half-bound Turkey morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, 18s. the same; 2 vols. 8vo, boards, 12s. 1817 Oxford, 1825 Travels, and History of Troy; 3 vols. 4to, bds. 15s.1802-17 These are valuable travels to the antiquarian. The author, guided by Pausanias, Strabo, and Pliny, has described with wonderful accuracy and perspicuity the ruins of the cities of Asia Minor, its temples, theatres, &c."—Stevenson. History of Ilium or Troy; 4to, map, bds. 4s. 1802 Life of William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester, Lord High Chancellor in the Reign of Henry VI, and Founder of Magdalen College, Oxford; royal 8vo, portrait, bds.10s.1811 2490 2491 2489 CHANDLER'S (Samuel, D.D.) Paraphrase and Critical Commentary on the Prophecy of Joel; 4to, neat, 4s. Critical History of the Life of David; 2 vols. 8vo, 10s. 1766 Sermon on St. Paul's Rules of Charity, with a Paraphrase of 2 Cor. viii. and ix. 4to, 2s. 6d. 1735 2491* 1749 Sermons on Various Subjects, with Life by Thomas Amory; 4 vols. 8vo, portrait, calf, 16s. 1768 2492 CHANNING'S (Wm. Ellery, D.D.) Works, compiled and arranged from corrected Copies supplied expressly for this Edition by the Author, who has added an original Preface; 5 vols. post 8vo, portrait, cloth, 17. 10s. 2493 1842 Character of Napoleon, and other Essays, Literary and Philosophical; 2 vols. 18mo, 3s. 1837 2494 CHAPMAN'S (Thomas, Discoverer of the Art of making Seal-Fur available) Hard Case; 8vo, 2s. half-bound, 3s. 1819 2495 CHAPMAN'S (Dr. Thomas) Essay on the Roman Senate ; 8vo, Cambridge, 1750 2496 CHAPMAN'S (Wm.) 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Vindication of the Enquiry into Charitable Abuses from the Misrepresentations of the Quarterly Review; 8vo, 2s. 1819 2504 CHARLES I (King) his Works, with his Life, Tryal, and Martyrdom; folio, with frontispiece by Sturt, and 4 fine plates, 2 of which are portraits by Hertochs, neat, 17. 1s. 1687 CHARLES I. 2505 DE LARREY'S History of the Reign of King Charles I; 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, by Van der Gucht, neat, 12s. 1716 2506 NONE-SUCH CHARLES his Character; 12mo, portrait, half-bd. 1651 78. 2507 DeclaraTION to all his Loving Subjects of the Causes which moved him to dissolve the Last Parliament; small 4to, 38. 1628 CHARLES I. 2508 ORDERS and Directions, together with a Commission for the better Administration of Justice, &c. small 4to, 3s. 1630 2509 COLLECTION of his Speeches, Messages, and Answers to Parliament, &c. small 4to, 4s. 1659 1642 2510 DISCOURSE between the Ghost of King Charles, the Archbp. of Canterbury, and President John Bradshaw; small 4to, woodcut, 2s. 6d. 2511 DEATH-WARRANT, with Facsimiles of the Autographs and Seals, published by the Antiquarian Society, 2s. 6d. 2512 TRIAL of Charles I, and of some of the Regicides; foolscap 8vo, portrait and plates, calf gilt, 6s. 1832 CHARLES II. 2513 SECRET History of the Court and Reign of Charles II, by a Member of his Privy Council: to which are added, Introductory Sketches of the Preceding Period, from the Accession of James I, with Notes and a Supplement continuing the Narrative in a summary Manner to the Revolution, by the Editor; 2 vols. 8vo, neat, 8s. 1792 2514 COPIES of Two Papers written by the late Charles II, with a Paper written by the late Duchess of York; folio, 2s.1686 2515 REPLY to the Answer made upon the Three Royal Papers ; 4to, 2s. 1686 2516 CHARLES' (G.) History of the Transactions in Scotland in the Years 1715-16, and 1745-46: with an Authentic Detail of the Dangers Prince Charles encountered after the Battle of Culloden; 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 10s. 6d. Stirling, 1817 2517 CHARLETON'S (Dr. Walter) Anatomic Lectures (on the Circulation of the Blood, Pulsation of the Heart, &c.) small 4to, the Author's own copy, with his MS. Additions, 5s. 1683 2518 CHARLOTTE (PRINCESS). The Princess, a Tributary Lay, 1817. -Hone's Life of the Princess Charlotte, 1817.-Hone's Authentic Particulars of the Death of the Princess Charlotte and her Infant, 1817.-Hone's Account of her Funeral, 1817.-Life, Accouchement, and Death of the Princess Charlotte, 1817.-Last Moments and Death of Queen Caroline, 1821.-Memoirs of the Duke of Kent, 1820.— Memoirs of Queen Charlotte, 1818.-Life of Queen Charlotte, 1818.-Memoirs of George III, 1820.-Speech of Judge Bayley in passing Sentence on Richard Carlisle for Blasphemy, 1819.-Cobbett's Taking Leave of his Countrymen, 1817.—J. Griffin's Guide to the Cape, 1817.-C. Phillips' Speeches and Character of Bonaparte, 1817-20. -Account of Ceremonies to be observed at the Coronation, 1821. In 1 vol. 8vo, half-bound, 6s. 2519 CHARLOTTE'S (Princess) Public and Private Life; 8vo, portrait and View of Claremont, bds. 4s. 1817 2520 CHARLTON's (L.) History of Whitby and of Whitby Abbey, York 2521 2522 shire; 4to, map and plates, uncut, 10s. 2521*CHARNOCK's (S.) Works; 2 vols. folio, calf, 41. York, 1779 ib. 1779 1684 Works, with Life by Parsons; 9 vols. 8vo, calf, 77. 1815 |