2950 CONGREVE'S (William) Double Dealer, a Comedy; 4to, 2s. 1694 2951 2952 Love for Love, a Comedy; 4to, 2s. 1695 1700 2953 CONGREVE's (Sir William) Origin and Progress of the Rocket System, 1810.-Plan for destroying the Boulogne Flotilla, 1806. In 1 vol. 4to, privately printed, calf, 6s. 2954 CONINGHAM'S (James) Critical Essay on Modern Medals, with some Reflections on the Taste and Judgment of the Ancients; small 8vo, half-bound, 3s. 1704 2955 CONNOISSEUR (The), by Mr. Town, Censor-General (by Colman and Dr. Thornton); 4 vols. 12mo, neat, 8s. Oxford, 1767 2956 CONOLLY's (A.) Overland Journey to India, through Russia, Persia, and Affghanistaun. Second Edition; 2 vols. 8vo, map and plates (pub. at 17. 4s.) bds. 14s. 1838 2957 CONSETT's (Matthew) Tour through Sweden, Swedish-Lapland, Finland, and Denmark; 4to, fine impressions of the plates, engraved on copper by T. Bewick, hf-bd. 15s. Containing the earliest specimens of Bewick's graver. 1789 2958 CONSTABLE (Marmaduke, of Wassand) Case of Seaton, a Village in the Parish of Sigglesthorne in Holderness, Hull, 1796 (privately printed). Concerning the Fees exacted by Mr. Lockwood, Clerk of the Sewers for Howdenshire, by M. Constable, ib. 1797 (privately printed).-8vo, 6s. 2959 CONSTABLE'S (H.) Miscellany of original and selected Publications in the various Departments of Literature, Science, and the Arts; 81 vols. 18mo, cloth, 147. 1827-33 2960 CONTRIBUTIONS of the Maclurian Lyceum (Green on Salamanders, and Bonaparte's Catalogue of Birds of the United States); 8vo, 2s. 6d. Philadelphia, 1827 2961 CONVERSATIONS on Political Economy, in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained; crown 8vo, 4s. 1821 2962 CONVERSATIONS on Chemistry; 2 vols. 12mo, bds. 7s. 1813 2963 CONVERSATIONS on Mineralogy ; 2 vols. 12mo, plates, bds. 9s. 1826 2964 CONVERSATIONS on Botany. Seventh Edition; 12mo, coloured plates, bds. 10s. 1831 2965 CONVOCATION'S (The Houses of) Representation of the present State of Religion, 1711.-The Laity's Remonstrance to the late Representation, &c. 1711.-8vo, sewed, 2s. 6d. 2966 CONYBEARE'S (John, Bp. of Bristol) Sermons; 2 vols. royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER, calf, 78. 1757 2967 CONYBEARE'S (J. J.) Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Edited, together with additional Notes, Introductory Notices, &c. by W. D. Conybeare; 8vo, bds. 16s. 1826 the same; 4to, LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt edges, scarce, 17. 11s. 6d. 2968 2969 Cook's (CAPTAIN JAMES) THREE VOYAGES, 1826 viz. First Voyage, 3 vols. fine Impressions of the plates-Second Voyage, 2 vols. fine Impressions-Third Voyage, 3 vols. and an imperial folio Atlas of Plates, brilliant impressions, having the Admiralty Stamp.-Together, 8 vols. royal 4to, and folio Atlas, ORIGINAL EDITIONS, with first impressions, uncut, 67. 68. 1773, 1777, 1784 2970 Cook's (CAPTAIN JAMES) THREE VOYAGES; 8 vols. royal 4to, ORIGINAL EDITIONS, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, splendidly bound in green morocco, extra, gilt edges, (the folio Atlas uniformly half-bound) A VERY FINE SET, 21. 1773-77-84 The binding alone cost 151. 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 Three Voyages; 7 vols. 8vo, portrait, and numerous plates (pub. at 31. 13s. 6d.) bds. 17. 16s. 1821 the same; 7 vols. 8vo, new and neat in brown calf, full gilt, contents lettered, 31. 3s. 1821 FIRST VOYAGE. An Account of the Voyages for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, and by Captains Wallis, Carteret, and Cook, in the Dolphin, Swallow, and Endeavour, drawn up from the Journals of the several Commanders, and from the Papers of Joseph Banks, by John Hawkesworth, LL.D. 3 vols. royal 4to, original Edition, plates, uncut, 21. 8s. 1773 the same; 3 vols. royal 4to, original Edition, fine copy, in old russia, 47. 4s. 1773 SECOND VOYAGE towards the South Pole and round the World, performed in the Resolution and Adventure in the Years 1772-75. In which is included Captain Furneaux's Narrative of his Proceedings in the Adventure' during the Separation of the Ships; 2 vols. royal 4to, fine Impressions of the plates, in old gilt calf, 27. 15s. 1777 the same; 2 vols. royal 4to, with the plates unfolded, in a folio atlas, calf, 21. 16s. 1777 another copy; 2 vols. royal 4to, with the plates unfolded in a folio Atlas, brilliant Impressions, uncut, very scarce, 41. 4s. 1777 Second Voyage, narrated by George Forster; 2 vols. 4to, map, calf gilt, 17. 10s. 1777 This rival account of the second voyage of Captain Cook is chiefly devoted to the description of scientific and philosophical subjects, THIRD VOYAGE to the Pacific Ocean, performed under the Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke and Gore, in the Ships Resolution and Discovery, in the Years 1776-80, with the History of the Voyage from the Death of Captain Cook, by Captain James King; 3 vols. royal 4to, with an imperial folio atlas of fine plates, capital impressions, slightly stained, russia, the Atlas half-bound, 37. 1784 1788 1788 the same; 3 vols. royal 4to, fine copy, in old russia extra, 1788 1782 2988 Cook's (Dr. George) History of the Reformation in Scotland: with an Introductory Book, and an Appendix; 3 vols. 8vo, (pub. at 17. 16s.) bds. 17. 4s. Edinburgh, 1819 History of the Church of Scotland, from the Establishment of the Reformation to the Revolution; 3 vols. 8vo, (pub. at 17. 16s.) bds. 11. 1s. 2989 2990 the same; 3 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, 11. 7s. ib. 1815 ib. 1815 1649 2991 Cook's (John, Regicide) King Charles his Case; or an Appeal to all Rational Men concerning his Tryal; small 4to, 3s. 6d. 2992 COOKE'S (Alex.) Pope Joane. A Dialogue betweene a Protestant and a Papist, manifestly proving that a Woman called Joane was Pope of Rome, &c. small 4to, 8s. 1610 2993 COOKE'S (Edward) Just and Seasonable Reprehension of Naked Breasts and Shoulders; with a Preface by R. Baxter ; small 8vo, half-bound, scarce, 8s. 1678 2994 COOKE's (Captain Edward) Voyage to the South Sea and round the World, performed in the years 1708-11; 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, fine copy, in old calf, scarce, 14s. 1712 This work contains an account of Alexander Selkirk's shipwreck on the uninhabited island of Juan Fernandez, and of his manner of living during the four years and four months of his solitude Selkirk's adventures suggested to De Foe his inimitable Robinson Crusoe. 2995 Cooke's (G. A.) Modern and Authentic System of Geography; 2 vols. 4to, maps, charts, and above 100 engravings of costumes, views, &c. calf gilt, 18s. 2997 2998 n. d. 1828 2995 COOKE's (Layton) Statistical Tables; folio, 31. 2996 COOKE's (W. B.) Graphic Illustrations of the Seats, Villas, Public Buildings and Picturesque Scenery on the Banks of the River Thames; 2 vols. royal 8vo, containing 84 beautiful Etchings from Drawings by S. OWEN, with descriptions (by Dr. Coombe); calf gilt, 27. 10s. 1811 the same, 2 vols. royal 8vo, fine impressions, bds. 27. 1811 the same; 2 vols. 4to, LARGE PAPER, with PROOF IMPRESSIONS (pub. at 107. 10s. unbound) half-bound, 47. 4s. 1811 2999 COOKE'S (W. B. AND G.) VIEWS ON THE THAMES; folio, LARGE PAPER, consisting of 75 exquisite Engravings after Drawings by Owen, Reinagle, De Wint, Clennell, and others, PROOF IMPRESSIONS, with descriptions in royal 8vo, uniformly half-bound morocco, uncut (pub. at 107. 10s.) 61. 6s. 3000 1822 Views on the Thames; 4to, fine impressions of the 75 beautiful engravings (pub. at 87.) uncut, 37. 3s. 1822 3001 COOKE'S (GEORGE) VIEWS IN LONDON AND ITS VICINITY; folio, ENGRAVERS' PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, with a Set of ETCHINGS, very scarce, 6l. 16s. 6d. 1826-32 3002 the same; folio, ENGRAVERS' PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, UNLETTERED (pub. at 6l. 6s.) scarce, 5l. 1826-32 These extremely beautiful engravings are admirably adapted to illustrate a history of London. 3003 COOKE's (Thomas) Letter to Mark Milbank, Esq. M.P. descriptive of the Character of the Whistling Swan, and on the peculiar Structure of its Trachea; royal 4to, 2 plates, sewed, 4s. 1823 3004 COOKE'S (E. W.) Fifty Plates of Shipping and Craft, drawn and etched under the superintendence of George Cooke; 12 parts, folio, GENUINE PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, very scarce, 31. 10s. 3005 1829 Twelve Etchings of Craft at Brighton; folio, INDIA 1830 3006 Cooke's (G. Wingrove) Life of the first Earl of Shaftesbury, from original Documents, by B. Martin and Dr. Kippis, now first edited; 2 vols. 8vo, portrait (pub. at 17. 8s.) bds. 10s. 6d. 1836 Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke, 2 vols. 8vo, portrait (pub. at 11. 8s.) bds. 12s. 3007 3008 1835 History of Party, from the Rise of the Whig and Tory Factions in the Reign of Charles II, to the passing of the Reform Bill, 3 vols. 8vo, (pub. at 17.118.6d.) bds. 15s. 1837 3009 CookE'S (Wm.) Enquiry into the Patriarchal and Druidical Religion, Temples, &c. 4to, plates, sewed, 5s. 1754 Medallic History of Imperial Rome, from the first Triumvirate to the Removal of the Imperial Seat by Constantine the Great. Prefixed is a general History of Roman Medals; 2 vols. 4to, with 61 plates, half-bound, 21. 1781 3011 COOLEY'S (W. D.) History of Maritime and Inland Discovery; 3 vols. foolscap 8vo, cloth, 158. 3010 1830 3012 COOMBE'S (Wm.) Three Tours of Dr. Syntax, in Search of the Picturesque, in Search of Consolation, and in Search of a Wife; 3 vols. royal 8vo, illustrated with 80 humorous coloured engravings by T. ROWLANDSON; calf extra, marbled edges, 31. 13s. 6d. 1813-21 3013 3014 the same; 3 vols. 18mo, coloured plates, bds. 17. 1s. 1822 English Dance of Death; 2 vols. royal 8vo, 72 humorous coloured engravings by T. ROWLANDSON (pub. at 31. 3s. unbound) calf extra, 17. 16s. 1814-16 3015 Cooper's (Thomas, successively Bp. of Lincoln and Winchester) Chronicles as well of this Realme as all other Countries; small 4to, calf extra, gilt edges, 11 4s. Berthelette, 1560 Cooper was in such esteem with Queen Elizabeth, that she raised him to the highest honours."—Wood's Athenæ. 3016 COOPER'S (Allen) Gradual Development of the Office, Titles, and Character of Christ in the Prophets a Proof of their Inspiration; Svo, sewed, 2s. 1825 3017 COOPER'S (Charles Purton) Account of the most important Public Records of Great Britain, and the Publications of the Record Commissioners; together with other Miscellaneous Historical and Antiquarian Information; 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, 1/ 10s. 1832 3918 COOPER'S (Rev. Oliver St. John) Historical Account of the Parish of Odell, Bedfordshire; 4to, bds. 6s. (1820) 3019 COOPER'S (Samuel) Dictionary of Practical Surgery, Fourth Edition; 8vo, vellum, 10s. 3020 1822 First Lines of the Practice of Surgery; 2 vols. 8vo, plates (pub. at 17. 10s.) bds. 10s. 1819-20 3021 COOPER'S (John Fennimore) Notions of the Americans, picked up by a Travelling Bachelor; 2 vols. 8vo, (pub. at 11.8s.) bds. 14s. 1828 3022 COOPER'S (John Fennimore) A Year in Spain; 2 vols. crown 8vo, (pub. at 16s.) bds. 12s. 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3027* 3028 1831 Excursions in Switzerland; 2 vols. post 8vo, (pub. at 17. 1s.) bds. 10s. 6d. 1835 Residence in France; 2 vols. post 8vo, (pub. at 17. 1s.) bds. 10s. 6d. 1836 Recollections of Europe; 2 vols. post 8vo, (pub. at 17.1s.) bds. 10s. 6d. 1837 1839 England, with Sketches of Society in the Metropolis ; 3 vols. post 8vo, (pub. at 17. 11s. 6d.) bds. 15s. 1837 Excursions in Italy; 2 vols. post 8vo, (pub. at 17.1s.) bds. 10s. 6d. 1838 History of the Navy of the United States of America, from the Earliest Period to the Peace of 1815; 2 vols. 8vo, portrait (pub. at 17. 10s.) cloth, 12s. Novels and Romances; 15 vols. 12mo, bds. 47.10s.1836-42 Containing: BORDERERS, BRAVO, EVE EFFINGHAM, HOMEWARD BOUND, HEADSMAN, HEIDEN MAUER, LAST OF THE MOHICANS, LIONEL LINCOLN, PILOT, PIONEERS, PRAIRIE, PRECAUTION, RED ROVER, SPY, WATER WITCH. 3029 COOPER'S (Thomas) Tracts Ethical, Theological, and Political, (on Moral Obligation, Materialism, Identity, &c.) 8vo, calf gilt, 78. Warrington, 1789 3030 COOTE's (Charles) Elements of the Grammar of the English Language, with Notes, Critical and Etymological; 8vo, half-bound, 5s. 1788 3031 COOTE's (Dr. Charles) History of Ancient Europe, from the Earliest Times to the Subversion of the Western Empire, intended as a Companion to Russell's Modern Europe; 3 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, scarce, 27. 12s. 6d. 1815 3032 Coote's (Edward, Master of St. Edmondsbury Free School) English Schoolmaster (35th edition) teaching all his Scholars the most easie, short and perfect order of distinct reading, and true writing our English Tongue, &c. 1669, very scarce.-Catalogue of the cheifest Rarities in the Anatomic Hall at Leyden, by G. Blancken; Leiden, 1712. -Twelve Rules introducting to the Art of Latine, by Edmund Rive; rare, 1620.—In 1 vol. small 4to, fine copies, half-bound, 17.11s. 6d. 3033 The above are not mentioned by Lowndes in his Bibliographer's Manual. The work of Coore is very scarce and curious. It contains, in addition to a Grammar, a short Catechism, a metrical version of ten Psalins, and some lines addressed by "the School Master to his Scholars." English School-Master, for the 37th Time imprinted ; small 4to, half-bound; very scarce, 15s. 1673 3033*Cope's (Antony) Wystory of two the most noble Captaynes of the World, Anniball and Scipio, gathered out of Livius and other Authours; small 8vo, fine copy in old calf, scarce, Printed by William How, 1590 3034 COPE'S (Captain) History of the East Indies; 8vo, map, neat, 1758 3035 COPE'S (Harriet) Suicide, a Poem; royal 8vo, hf.-bd. 4s. 1815 3036 COPLAND'S (S.) History of the Island of Madagascar, comprising a Political Account of the Island, the Religion, Manners, and Customs of its Inhabitants, and its Natural Productions; 8vo, map (published at 10s. 6d.) bds. 7s. 14s. 6s. 1822 |