353 ARCHEOLOGIA: Index to the first fifteen volumes; 4to, uncut, the same, 1809.-Catalogue of the Books by Sir N. Car- lisle, and of the Manuscripts, by Sir Henry Ellis, in the Li- brary of the Society of Antiquaries, 1816.-In 1 vol. 4to, 356 ARCHAICA and HELICONIA, containing Reprints of scarce old Eng- lish Tracts and Poetry, edited by Park and Haslewood; 5 vols. 4to, only 200 copies printed (pub. 25l. 3s.), 6l.6s. 1814 VOL. Pierce's Supererogation: Spirituall Sonnets, by H. C. Storer's Life and Death of Account of the Five Orders, and a Dictionary of the Terms of Art, 1810.-Essays on Gothic Architecture, by Warton, Bentham, Grose, and Milner, 1808; 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo, Essays on Gothic Architecture, by Warton, Bentham, Grose, and Milner; royal 8vo, plates, bds. 10s. 6d. 1808 Observations on the Construction and Fitting-up of Meet- ing-Houses, &c.; 4to, plates, bds. 78. Essays of the London Architectural Society; 2 vols. royal 8vo, plates, bds. 12s. 362 ARGYLE'S (Archibald, Marquess of) Instructions to a Son; 12mo, 363 ARIOSTO'S Orlando Furioso, translated into English Verse by 365 366 1807 Orlando Furioso, translated from the Italian, with Notes, 4s. 1773 367 ARIOSTO'S Seven Satyrs, translated into English Verse by G. Markham; small 4to, no title, half-bound, 8s. 368 Scarce. The Gordonstoun copy sold for 21. 108. 1608 Satires, with Life (by T. H. Croker); small 8vo, portrait by Sir R. Strange, neat, 3s. 6d. 1759 369 ARISTEUS' History of the Seventy-two Interpreters, their Journey and Version of the Septuagint, &c. To which is added the History of the Angels, and their Gallantry with the Daughters of Men, by Enoch the Patriarch. Made English by Lewis; 12mo, neat, scarce, 7s. 1715 To Enoch's history we are indebted for Moore's Loves of the Angels, and Byron's Heaven and Earth. 370 ARISTÆNETUS' Love Epistles, translated from the Greek into English Metre (by R. B. Sheridan and Mr. Halled); 8vo, bds. 5s. 1773 371 ARISTOPHANES, Comedies of (viz. the Clouds, Plutus, the Frogs, the Birds), translated into English, with Notes (by Cumberland, Fielding, Young, and Dunster); 8vo, half-bound russia, 12s. 372 373 374 375 376 1812 Comedies, translated by T. Mitchell, with Notes; 2 vols. 8vo, bds. very scarce, 21. 8s. 1820-22 Comedies, translated by Wheelwright; 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 11. 4s. 1837 Birds, translated, with Notes, by the Rev. H. F. Cary; Svo, (pub. at 9s. 6d.) bds. 4s. 1824 Frogs, translated from the Greek, with Notes, by C. Dunster; 4to, 5s. Oxford, 1785 Plutus and Frogs, literally translated into English Prose, with Notes from the Scholia and other Commentaries; 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges, 8s. ib. 1822 377 ARISTOTLE'S WORKS, translated from the Greek, with copious Elucidations from the Greek Commentators, and a Dissertation on the Philosophy of Aristotle, by Thos. Taylor; 10 vols. royal 4to, (pub. at 52/. 10s.) very rare, 311.10s. 1812 This voluminous and elaborate work, of which only 50 copies were printed, is a strong and indubitable proof of the translator's extraordinary industry and very great abilities. He persevered in executing it in opposition to a numerous train of unexampled difficulties, and which would have entirely subdued a less resolute spirit. The philosophic reader is indebted for the publi cation of this magnificent work to the munificence of Wm. Meredith, Esq., an ardent admirer of the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, and who patronized the labours of Mr. Taylor with a liberality unparalleled since the days of the Medici. In the Organon, or Logical Treatises (a volume of 844 pages) Mr. Taylor has given copious extracts from the Commentary of Ammonius Hermeas on the Treatise entitled "de Interpretatione," and also from Simplicius on the Categories. His elucidations from the Commentary of Simplicius on the Physics are still more copious, and contain, in addition to much other valuable matter, extracts from the lost writings of Parmenides, Melissus, Empedocles, Democritus, Anaxagoras, &c. which Simplicius says were very rare even in his time. In the books on the Heavens, and on the Soul, the reader will find the substance of the Commentaries of Simplicius on these Treatises. In the treatises likewise on Meteors and on Sense and Phantasy, he will find the Scholia of Olympiodorus on the former, and Priscianus on the latter, both of which are replete with peculiarly important information. The notes on the Metaphysics contain nearly the whole of the Commentaries of Syrianus that are extant, and are a most able and satisfactory defence of the Platonic doctrine of Ideas, against the apparent opposition of Aristotle. 377 ARISTOTLE'S History of Animals, and Treatise on Physiognomy, translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor; royal 4to, (pub. at 51. 5s.) bds. 21. 10s. 378 379 380 380*. 381 382 383 384 385 385* 386 387 388 389 1809 Treatises on the Parts and Progressive Motion of Animals; his Problems: and his Treatise on Indivisible Lines. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. To which are added, the Elements of the True Arithmetic of Infinites, &c.; royal 4to, bds. 17. 10s. 1810 Ethics and Politics, translated by Gillies, with Introductions, Notes, Life, and a new Analysis; 2 vols. 4to, calf gilt, 17. 1s. the same; 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, 18s. 1797 1813 The Great and Eudemian Ethics, the Politics, and Economics, translated by T. Taylor; royal 4to, (pub. at 5l. 5s.) bds. 18s. 1811 Nicomachean Ethics, a new translation; 8vo,6s. Oxford, 1826 1776 Metaphysics, translated, with an Introduction and copious Notes by Thomas Taylor. To which is added, a Dissertation on Nullities and Diverging Series; royal 4to, bds. 15s. 1801 the same; imperial 4to, LARGE PAPER, bds. 17.16s. 1801 Metaphysics; his Treatise against the Dogmas of Xenophanes, Zeno and Gorgias; his Mechanical Problems; and his Fragment on Audibles; together with the Treatises on the World, and on the Virtues and Vices. Translated from the Greek, with copious Elucidations from the Commentaries of Alexander Aphrodisiensis and Syrianus, by Thomas Taylor; royal 4to, (pub. at 51.5s.) bds. 17.4s. 1812 Organon, translated by T. Taylor; royal 4to, (pub. at 51. 5s.) bds. 17. 11s. 6d. 1807 Poetic; translated, with a Commentary, by H. J. Pye; 4to, fine paper, bds. 10s. 1792 Poetics, translated by Thomas Taylor; 4to, 3s. 6d. 1811 Art of Poetry, translated from the original Greek, with D'Acier's Notes; 8vo, with the autograph and marginal notes of the celebrated Lewis Theobald, neat, 8s. 1705 Treatise on Poetry, translated by Thomas Twining, with Notes and two Dissertations on Poetical and Musical Imitation; 4to, calf neat, 12s. 1789 390 the same; 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 16s. 1812 "The notes of Twining," says Dr. Parr, “are very learned, and considered as a translation of a Greek original, his work, I believe, is not surpassed by any translation in the English language.” This translation is also inserted in the Theatre of the Greeks. 391 Rhetoric, or the True Grounds and Principles of Oratory; 8vo, neat, 4s. 1686 392 Rhetoric, Poetic, and Nicomachean Ethics, translated by 1811 393 the same; 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 15s. 1818 394 Rhetoric, translated by D. M. Crimmin; 8vo, (pub. at 16s.) bds. 6s. 1812 395 Rhetoric translated, with an Introduction and an Appendix, by John Gillies, LL.D. 8vo, bds. 12s. 1823 397 396 ARISTOTLE'S Rhetoric, literally translated, with Notes by a Graduate; to which is added Hobbes' Analysis of Aristotle's Rhetoric; 8vo, bds. 9s. Oxford, 1823 Rhetoric, a new Translation; with an Introduction and Appendix, explaining its Relation to his exact Philosophy, and vindicating that Philosophy, by Proofs that all Departures from it have been Deviations into Error (by Parsons) 8vo, bds. 10s. 6d. 1823 398 Art of Rhetoric, abridged and translated by Thomas Hobbes; to which is added, the Art of Rhetoric plainly set forth, with pertinent Examples for the more easy Understanding and Practice of the same; and also the Art of Sophistry; royal 8vo, bds. 5s. 1840 399 Armada. Copie of a Letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza, declaring the State of England. Whereunto are adjoined certaine Advertisements out of Ireland, concerning the Losses happened to the Spanish Navie, as well in Fight, as also by Tempests, upon the West and North Coasts of Ireland, &c. small 4to, fine copy, halfbound morocco, rare, 17. 11s. 6d. Vautrollier, 1588 400 ARMIN'S (Robert) Italian Taylor and his Boy, in Verse; small 4to, woodcuts, 8s. Reprinted from the Edition of 1609 in 1810 The original has sold for ten and twelve guineas. 401 ARMSTRONG (Dr. George) on the Diseases of Children; 8vo, 2s.1783 the same, with Additions by Dr. A. P. Buchan; crown 8vo, bds. 2s. 402 1808 403 ARMSTRONG'S (Dr. John) Miscellanies; 2 vols. crown 8vo, green morocco, gilt edges, scarce, 12s. 1770 404 ARMSTRONG's (John) History of the Island of Minorca ; 8vo, map and plates, neat, 8s. 405 London, 1752 Containing the Natural History of the Island. Ancient and Present State of the Navigation of King's Lynn, Cambridge, and the rest of the Trading Towns in those Parts; folio, maps, uncut, 7s. 6d. 1766 406 ARMSTRONG'S (R. A.) Gaelic-English and English-Gaelic Dictionary with a Gaelic Grammar; thick 4to. (pub. at 31. 13s. 6d.), bds. 11. 5s. : 407 the same; 4to, calf gilt, 17. 11s. 6d. 1825 1825 The Literary Gazette, January 7, after quoting from the above, adds: “Mr. Shaw made an important present to his countrymen and to the students of philology, when he completed his publication of the same sort. Mr. Armstrong's is still more acceptable, because it is fuller, more satisfactory, more illustrative, and more comprehensive. The author has prefixed a grammar, which is very ably and neatly drawn up. To conclude, this quarto is as moderate in price as it is valuable in contents; and the work is a monumentum perennius ære, of which not only every Scot, but every scholar and philologist throughout Europe, should avail himself." 408 ARMY. The Lawyer of Lincoln's Inn reformed, or an Apology for the Army; small 4to, 2s. 409 1647 Articles and Charge of the Army, exhibited in Parliament, and their Declaration, &c. how they will dispose of the Crown; small 4to, 2s. 6d. 1648 410 ARMY Lists for the Years 1812, 14, 18, and 19; 4 vols. 8vo, large paper, red morocco, gilt edges, 17. 4s. 1812-19 411 ARNALD'S (G.) Views on the River Meuse, from Liege to Mezières; 5 parts, folio, complete, containing PROOF IMPRESSIONS of the map and 30 beautiful mezzotinto engravings (pub. at 77.10s.) 21. 2s. 412 1820-22 the same; 5 parts, folio, PROOFS and etchings (pub. at 97.), 31. 15s. 1820-22 413 ARNALD'S (Richard) Critical Commentary upon the Apocryphal Books: also a Dissertation upon the Books of the Maccabees and of Esdras, edited by the Rev. J. R. Pitman; royal 4to (pub. at 21. 2s.), bds. 16s. 414 the same; royal 4to, calf gilt, 17. 1s. 1822 1822 415 ARNAUD'S (H.) Glorious Recovery by the Vaudois of their Valleys, translated by H. D. Acland: with a Compendious History of the People; 8vo, map and plates (pub. at 17.10s.), bds. 11. 4s. 1827 416 ARNOLD'S (DR. THOMAS) HISTORY OF ROME, vol. I. and II. containing the Early History to the Burning of Rome by the Gauls, and from the Gaulish Invasion to the End of the first Punic War; 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 17. 11s. 6d. 1840 Introductory Lectures on Modern History; 8vo, 10s. 1842 Sermons; 4 vols. 8vo, bds. 2l. 8s. 416*. 417 417* Sermons for Young Persons; 12mo, bds. 5s. 1830-41 1840 418 ARNOLD'S (R.) Chronicle, otherwise called the Customs of London; containing, among other divers matters, the Original of the Poem of the Nut Brown Maid; 4to, uncut, 18s. 1811 the same; 4to, calf extra, 17. 5s. 419 420 1811 the same; royal 4to, large paPER, only 25 copies printed, calf extra, 17. 11s. 6d. 1811 Edited, with a very interesting introduction, by Francis Douce, Esq. 421 ARNOT'S (Hugo) History of Edinburgh; 4to, 20 plates, including the large plan, uncut, 16s. Edinburgh, 1799 422 ARNOTT'S (Dr. Neil) Elements of Physics: 2 vols. 8vo, 21.8s. 1833 423 ARRIAN ON COURSING. The Cynegeticus of the Younger Xeno 424 425 phon, translated from the Greek, with Classical and Prac- the same; imperial 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges ib. 1831 To the translator of Arrian we are highly indebted for a most ample and almost inexhaustible fund of amusing, interesting, practical, useful, and instructive information on the subject, which cannot fail to be highly acceptable and interesting to all amateurs of the leash."-Thacker on Coursing. "The reader who is curious about the art of coursing, will find the results of vast reading and not slender experience brought together in an agreeable manner by this translator and annotator of Arrian's celebrated treatise."— Quarterly Review. " an English Version of the Cynegeticus, or Book of Hunting, by Arrian, which has been sent down to me from London, since I commenced this |