
4550 *FORSTER'S (Thos.) Observations on Abnormal Affections of Sense and Intellect; 8vo, sewed, 2s. 6d. Tunbridge Wells, 1841 Nuga Cantabrigienses, or Trash from Parnassus; 8vo,



ib. 1842 4551*FORSTER'S (Rev. Thos.) Sermons upon various Subjects; 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 5s. Tunbridge Wells, n. d.

4552 FORSYTH'S (Robert) Principles of Moral Science; 8vo, fine copy in old gilt calf, marbled edges, 8s.

Edinburgh, 1805 4552*FORSYTH's (J. S.) Antiquary's Portfolio, or Cabinet Selection of Historical and Literary Curiosities of Great Britain, with Notes; 2 vols. 8vo, portraits of Stow and Evelyn (pub. at 18s.) boards, 10s.


4553 FORT WILLIAM COLLEGE ESSAYS: with the Theses.pronounced at the Public Disputations in the Oriental Languages; 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges, scarce, 9s. Calcutta, 1802 4553 FORTEGUERRI'S (N.) Ricciardetto, Canto 1, translated into English Verse by Lord Glenbervic: with an Introduction concerning the principal Romantic Burlesque and Mock Heroic Poets; and Notes, 1822.-Two first Cantos of Richardetto, freely translated (by Frere) 1820.—In 1 vol. 8vo, portraits, half-bound morocco, uncut, 10s.

4554 FORTESCUE (Sir John) de Laudibus Legum Anglia, Latin and English, with Notes by Selden: and a variety of Remarks on the Antiquities, History, and Laws of England (by F. Gregor, of Trewarthenick, who has prefixed an Account of the Fortescue Family). To which are added, the Summs of Sir Ralph de Hengham; folio, BEST EDITION, portrait, neat, 10s. Savoy, 1741 the same, in Latin and English, with Notes by A. Amos; 8vo, bds. 7s.



1825 "An admirable little treatise, which for the excellence of its method, the solidity of its matter, and the justness of its views, excels every work on that subject."-Dr. Henry.

Difference between an Absolute and Limited Monarchy; as it more particularly regards the English Constitution royal 8vo, Large Paper, neat, 8s. 1714 4557 FORTIS' (Abbé Alberto) Travels into Dalmatia, with Observations on the Islands of Cherso and Osero; 4to, illustrated with 20 plates, calf neat, 10s.


Containing Observations on the natural history of Dalmatia and the neighbouring islands: Remarks on the natural productions, arts, manners and customs of the inhabitants; and likewise A. Verantii Iter Buda Hadrianopolim, Anno MDLIII exaratum, nunc primum editum.

4558 FOSBROKE'S (Rev. T. D.) Original History of the City of Gloucester, compiled from new Materials, and the original Papers of Ralph Bigland; 4to, plates (pub. at 31. 3s. unbound) hf-bd. morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, 27. 5s. 1819 the same; folio, LARGE PAPER, printed to form Vol. 11. Part II, of Bigland's Gloucestershire (published at 37. 3s.) boards, 21. 5s. 1819



Abstracts of Records and Manuscripts respecting the County of Gloucester, formed into a History, correcting the very erroneous Accounts, and supplying numerous Deficiencies in Sir R. Atkyns, and subsequent Writers. With the History of the City of Gloucester; 3 vols. 4to, plates, neat in calf, 37. 16s. Gloucester, 1807-19



4561 FOSBROKE'S (Rev. T. D.) Encyclopædia of Antiquities, and Elements of Archæology, Classical and Mediæval; 2 vols. 4to, plates ( 61. in bds.) new and neat in calf gilt, 27.168.1825 Foreign Topography: or an Encyclopedick Account, alphabetically arranged, of the Ancient Remains in Africa, Asia, and Europe; 4to, (pub. at 21. 10s.) bds. 21. 1828 British Monachism: or Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of England; royal 4to, LARGE PAPER, plates, bds. 21. 12s. 6d. 1817 4564 FOSCOLO's (Ugo) Essays on Petrarch; 8vo (published at 12s.) boards, 7s. 1823 4565 FOSTER'S (James) Sermons; 4 vols. 8vo, neat, 10s. Dublin, 1746 4566 FOSTER'S (J. L.) Speech on the Catholic Question; 8vo, 1s. 1817 4567 FOSTER'S (John) Essay on Accent and Quantity, with their Use and Application, in the English, Latin, and Greek Languages containing Remarks on the Metre of the English; on the Origin and Æolism of the Roman; on the general History of the Greek, with an Account of its Ancient Tones, and a Defence of their present Accentual Marks. To which is subjoined, the Greek Elegiac Poem of M. Musurus, addressed to Leo X, with a Latin Version and Notes. Second Edition, much enlarged, with Additions from the Papers of Dr. Taylor and Markland. With a Reply to Dr. Gally's Second Dissertation in Answer to the Essay; 8vo, neat, 12s. Eton, 1763

4568 4569


ib. 1763

Another copy; 8vo, UNCUT, rare, 18s. the same, Third Edition, enlarged by the addition of Dr. Gally's two Dissertations against pronouncing the Greek Language according to Accents, 8vo (pub.at12s.)bds.8s.1820 4570 FOSTER's (John) Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance, and a Discourse on the Communication of Christianity to the People of Hindostan. Third Edition, 8vo, bds. 10s. 1834 4571 Essays, in a Series of Letters; 8vo, bds. 10s. 1835 4572 FOTHERGILL'S (George, D.D.) Sermon before the House of Commons; 4to, 2s. Oxford, 1758 4573 FOTHERGILL'S (Dr. John) Works, with Life by J. C. Lettsom; 4to, portraits and plates, plain and coloured, neat, 10s.1784 4574 FOULIS'S (Henry) History of Romish Treasons and Usurpations, &c. folio, fine copy, in old calf, scarce, 17.1s. 1671 4574*FOULIS'S (Henry) Cabala, or the Mystery of Conventicles un

vail'd: in an Historical Account of the Principles and Practices of the Nonconformists against Church and State: with an Appendix of cxx Plots against the present Government that have been defeated; small 4to, date torn off, sd. 7s. 1664 This scarce work is not mentioned by Anthony a Wood, in his account of Foulis. Dr. Watt is the only bibliographer who notices it.

4575 FOUNDLING (New) Hospital for Wit, being a Collection of several curious Pieces in Prose and Verse; 5 vols. 12mo, frontispieces, calf neat, 10s. 1771-72

4576 FOUNDLING HOSPITAL. A candid Historical Account of the Hospital for the Reception of exposed and deserted Young Children; 8vo, boards, 4s.


4577 FOWLING. The Experienced Fowler, by J. S. Gent; 18mo, cuts, inlaid so as to form a small 4to, red morocco, gilt edges, scarce, 15s.


4578 Fox's (JOHN) BOOK OF MARTYRS. Acts and Monuments of Matters most speciall and memorable happening in the Church, with an Universall History of the same; 3 vols. folio, WOODCUTS, neat, 57. 15s. 6d. 1641



BOOK OF MARTYRS; 3 vols. folio, BEST EDITION, plates, fine copy, calf extra, marbled edges, 87. 18s. 6d. 1684

"The Book of Martyrs was, and yet is, one of the most extraordinary and popular Church Histories in the world. The edition of 1684 brings the largest price."-Dibdin.

Book of Martyrs, abridged by J. Milner; 8vo, plates, calf, 8s. 1807 4581 Fox's (CAPTAINE LUKE, OF KINGSTONE-UPON-HULL) NORTHWEST FOX, or Fox from the North-West Passage. Beginning with King Arthur, Malga, Octhur, the two Zeni's of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dorgia; following with briefe Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge together with the Courses, Distance, Latitudes, Longitudes, Currents, Miseries and Sufferings.MR. JAMES HALL'S Three Voyages to Groynland, with a Topographical Description of the Countries, the Salvages Lives and Treacheries, with the Commodities of all those Parts. With the Author his owne Voyage, being the xvith &c. small 4to, with the Polar Card and the large folding map, in the corner of which is represented the Fox running away with the Goose, FINE COPY, in olive morocco, gilt edges, 61. 69. 1635 EXTREMELY RARE: Jadis's copy sold for 71. 108. 4582 Fox (Sir Stephen), Memoirs of the Life of; folio, LARGE PAPER, 2 fine portraits (only 50 copies printed, pub. at 17.11s. 6d.) boards, 12s.

1807 4583 Fox's (Rt. Hon. Charles James) Speeches in Parliament; 6 vols.



4586 4587

8vo, calf gilt, rare, 61. 6s.

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1815 "When I pronounced the words Mr. Fox rose, Parr would roar out 'stop! and, after shaking the ashes out of his pipe, and filling it afresh, he would add,Now, you dog, do your best."' In the course of the speech he would often interrupt me, in a tone of triumphant exultation, with exclamations such as the following: Capital!— Answer that if you can, Master Pitt and at the conclusion, 'That is the speech of the orator and statesman.'" New Monthly Magazine, August 1826. History of the Early Part of the Reign of James II, with an Introductory Chapter and an Appendix, 1808.—Observations on Fox's Historical Work, by the Right Hon. George Rose. With a Narrative of the Earl of Argyle's Expedition in 1685, by Sir Patrick Hume, 1809.—A Vindication of Mr. Fox's History, by S. Heywood, Serjeant-at-Law, 1811.-Together, 3 vols. 4to, hf-bd. russia, scarce, 27. 10s. History of the Reign of James the Second; royal 4to, LARGE PAPER, portrait (pub. at 27. 12s. 6d. in bds.) russia, marbled edges, 18s. Another copy; royal 4to, L. P. calf, marb. edges, 15s.1808 Another copy; elephant 4to, LARGEST PAPER, 11.11s.6d.1808


"Nothing can exceed his anxious endeavour to discover the truth of facts for himself, nor his scrupulous care to present it fairly and fully to his read. In this respect, all must own he discharged his trust with ability rarely equalled, and with fidelity never surpassed. '-Dr. Parr.


4588 Fox's (George Croker) DEATH OF DEMOSTHENES, and other original Poems; with the Prometheus and Agamemnon of Æschylus, translated from the Greek; foolscap 8vo, cloth lettered, 8s.


the same; foolscap 8vo, calf extra, 10s. 6d.




"We hail the publication of this work as a valuable addition to our literature. With an elegant and graceful dedication to our young and interesting Queen, the volume consists of original poems, distinguished for beauty of thought, expressed in language classic and polished; and of translations rarely equalled for fidelity and vigour. The Death of Demosthenes is indeed a noble subject, nobly executed. We have now done our most arduous but pleasing task, to review the finest poems which have appeared for many years. In this utilitarian age of steam and vapour, when, whilst we are going on with our rail-roads, we are going back in our learning, it is rare to find a mind which can think with and emulate the ancients-give a new charm to classic literature-call forth the mighty spirits of Greece-bring them, with all their eloquence and genius, before us-create with themcopy after them. Mr. Fox, therefore, deserves our commendation, and merits our gratitude for his classical volume of poems; for nothing perfect in eloquence, nothing perfect in poetry, can be produced, unless we love, study, and imitate the great masters of thought and taste the ancients

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The classical is another name for the beautiful, and Mr. Fox's volume must charm all, except the ignorant without learning, and the learned without taste."-Dublin Review.

4590 Fox's (Robert) History of Godmanchester, in the County of Huntingdon; royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER, plates (pub. at 17. 11s. 6d.) boards, 15s.


4591 Frampton's (Jhon) Jopefull Newes out of the newe founde Worlde; sm.4to,cuts, calf, 12s. Imprinted by J.Norton, 1577 4592 FRANCE. The Sea-Coasts of France from Calais to Bayonne, described in 15 large Charts; royal folio, hf-bd. 10s. n. d. Map of the Seat of War in N. France, by John Cary; on canvas, 2s. 6d.




Map of France devided into Circles, Departments, &c. by
W. Faden; on canvas, 5s.


4595 FRANCK'S (Richard) Northern Memoirs, calculated for the Meridian of Scotland; to which is added the Contemplative and Practical Angler. A new Edition, with Preface and Notes; 8vo, half-bound morocco, 6s. Edinburgh, 1821 4596 FRANCIS'S (G.) Catalogue of British Flowering Plants and Ferns,






4596* Analysis of the British Ferns, and their Allies; 8vo, 5s.1842 4597 FRANCIS'S (Sir Philip) Letter to Earl Grey; 8vo, 1s. 1814 4598 FRANCKLIN'S (Wm.) Observations made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia in 1786-7, with an Account of Persepolis; 8vo, calf gilt, 5s. 1790 History of the Reign of Shah Aulum, Emperor of Hindostan; 4to, map, half-bound, 8s. Military Memoirs of General George Thomas: containing Geographical and Statistical Accounts of several of the States composing the Interior of the Peninsula, compiled and arranged from Mr. Thomas's original Documents; 4to, portrait, map and plate, half-bound russia, scarce, 10s. Calcutta, 1803 4601 FRANKLIN'S (Benjamin) Works, with Memoirs of his Early Life, written by himself; 3 vols. 8vo, 11. 1s.


4602 FRANKLIN'S (Benjamin) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, written by himself, to a late Period, and continued to the time of his Death by his Grandson, William Temple Franklin with his Correspondence, and a Selection from his Works; 3 vols. 4to, portrait and plates (published at 5l. 15s. 6d. in bds.) calf neat, 2l. 12s. 6d. 1818 the same; 6 vols. 8vo (pub. at 37. 12s.) bds. 11. 16s. 1833 Private Correspondence; 4to, boards, 12s. 1817 Experiments & Observations on Electricity; 4to, 3s. 1754 the same; 4to, 3s. 6d.

4603 4604 4605

4606 1760 4607 FRANKLIN'S (Captain John) Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-22; with an Appendix on various Subjects relating to Science and Natural History, by Dr. John Richardson and J. Sabine, Esq. 4to, 34 maps and plates, some coloured (pub. at 47. 4s.) cloth, 11. 11s. 6d.

4608 4609


the same; 2 vols. 8vo, maps (pub. at 17.4s.) bds. 10s. 1824 Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1825-27; including an Account of the Progress of a Detachment to the Eastward, by Dr. J. Richardson; 4to, numerous maps and plates (pub. at 41. 4s.) cloth, 17. 10s. 1828 The appendix contains topographical & geological notices by Dr. Richardson. Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in 1819-22, with an Account of his Second Journey in 1825-27; 4 vols. 18mo, portrait and plates, boards, 16s. 1829 4610* FRASER'S (Rev. Peter) Sermons on the Lives of some of the first Promulgators of Christianity, and on Miscellaneous Subjects; 8vo, bds. 8s.



4611 FRASER'S (James) History of Nadir Shah, formerly called Thamas Kuli Khan, the present Emperor of Persia. Prefixed is a short History of the Moghol Emperors: and at the end is inserted a Catalogue of Persian and other oriental MSS. 8vo, portrait and map, calf, 6s. 1742

4612 FRASER'S (J. B.) Journal of a Tour through Part of the Snowy Range of the Himala Mountains, and to the Sources of the Rivers Jumna and Ganges; royal 4to, map (published at 31. 3s.) boards, 17.

4613 4614




the same; 4to, map, calf gilt, 11.5s.



Twenty Views in the Himala Mountains, coloured in Imitation of Drawings, Colombier folio, AN ORIGINAL COPY (pub. at 261. 5s.) half-bound, 77.


Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan, including some Account of the Countries to the North-east of Persia, with Remarks upon the National Character, Government, and Resources of that Kingdom; 4to (pub. at 37. 3s.) map, boards, 11. 1s. 1825

Travels and Adventures in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea. With an Appendix, containing Short Notices on the Geology and Commerce of Persia; 4to (pub. at 17. 11s. 6d.) boards, 14s. 1826 A Winter's Journey in Tâtar, from Constantinople to Tehran, with Travels through various Parts of Persia ; 2 vols. 8vo, plates (pub. at 17. 8s.) boards, 14s.


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