
1261 BORLASE's (Wm.) Observations on the Ancient and Present State of the Islands of Scilly; 4to, neat, 9s. 1756

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This is one of the most pleasing and elegant pieces of local enquiry that our country has produced.”—Literary Magazine.

1262 BOSANQUET'S (Rev. Edwin) Verbal Paraphrase of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, with brief Illustrations from Scripture and the Fathers; 8vo, cloth, 7s.


1263 Bos's (Lambert) Antiquities of Greece; 12mo, calf, 2s. 1805 1264 the same, with Leisner's Notes, translated by Stockdale ; 8vo, half-bound, 4s.


1265 BOSSET'S (Lieut. Col. C. P. de) Parga, and the Ionian Islands; 8vo, maps (pub. at 14s.) bds. 5s.

1821 Proceedings in Parga and the Ionian Islands; 8vo, boards, 2s.


1266 1267 BOSTOCK's (Dr. John) Elementary System of Physiology. Third Edition, revised and corrected throughout; 8vo, boards, 18s.

1836 1268 BOSTON'S (Thomas) View of the Covenant of Works from the Sacred Records; 12mo, neat, 2s. 6d.

1269 Bossu's Treatise of the Epic Poem.

Berwick, 1790

To which is added an

Essay on Satire by Dacier, and a Treatise upon Pastoral by Fontanelle; 2 vols. 12mo, neat, 4s.


1270 BOSSUET's (Bp. J. B.) History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches; 2 vols. 8vo, (pub. at 16s.) bds. 9s. the same; 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, 16s.

1836 1836

1270*1271 BOSWELL'S (James) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, incorporating a Journal of his Tour in the Hebrides, and accompanied by the Commentaries of all preceding Editors, with numerous additional Notes and illustrative Anecdotes by the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker. To which are added Johnsoniana, or Anecdotes by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, Reynolds, and others; 10 vols. foolscap 8vo, portraits and plates, cloth, 27. 1835 the same; 10 vols. foolscap 8vo, calf extra, 31. 10s. 1835 Life of Dr. Johnson; 4 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, 17. 4s. 1822 Account of Corsica, and Memoirs of General Paoli ; 8vo, map, calf, 6s. Glasgow, Foulis, 1768 the same; 8vo, portrait and map, calf, 6s. 1769 Tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Johnson, containing several Poems by Dr. Johnson, and Anecdotes relating to the Pretender; 8vo, calf gilt, 12s.







1277 BOSWELL'S (Henry) Picturesque Views of the Antiquities of England and Wales, with Descriptions; thick folio, with upwards of 500 neat engravings, hf-bd. 17. 10s. 1791 1278 BOSWELL's (John) Method of Study, or an useful Library; 2 vols. 8vo, very neat, 9s. 1738-43

Containing useful directions for study, and prescribing proper books for that purpose. The second volume is entirely devoted to divinity.

1279 BOSWORTH'S (REV. DR. J.) DICTIONARY OF THE ANGLO-SAXON LANGUAGE, with a Preface on the Origin and Connexion of the Germanic Tongues, a Map of Languages, and the Essentials of Anglo-Saxon Grammar; royal 8vo, boards,




1280 ELEMENTS of the Science of Botany as established by Linnæus (by R. Duppa); 2 vols. 12mo, 124 plates (pub. at 17. 6s.) boards, 14s.

1809 1281 BOTANIST's Calendar and Pocket Flora, arranged according to the Linnæan System. To which are added References to the best Figures of British Plants; 2 vols. in 1, foolscap 8vo, neat, 8s.


1282 BRITISH BOTANY familiarly explained and described in a Series of Dialogues; 12mo, 28 coloured plates (pub. at 10s. 6d.) boards, 6s.

Dublin, 1835

1283 BOTELER'S (Captain Thomas) Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to Africa and Arabia, from 1821 to 1826; 2 vols. 8vo, plates (pub. at 17. 10s.), boards, 9s.


1284 BOUGARD's (Le Sieur) Little Sea Torch, or true Guide for Coasting Pilots, translated, with Corrections and Additions, by J. T. Serres; folio, with upwards of 100 coLOURED VIEWS of Headlands and Lighthouses, together with Plans of the principal Harbours, &c.; bds. 15s. 1801 A work of the highest value and authenticity.

1285 BOVET'S (Richard) Pandemonium, or the Devil's Cloister, being a further Blow to Modern Sadduceism, proving the Existence of Witches and Spirits; 12mo, frontispiece, calf,



1286 BOUGAINVILLE'S Journal of a Voyage to the Malouine or (Falkland) Islands, and of Two Voyages to the Straits of Magellan, with an Account of the Patagonians, by Dom Pernety; 4to, plates, soiled copy, half-bound, 5s.


1287 BOULTER'S (Hugh, Lord Primate of Ireland) Letters on the most interesting Affairs of Ireland, from 1724 to 1738; 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, Etruscan calf, neat, 6s. Charge to the Clergy of Surrey; 4to, 2s.

Dublin, 1770 1288 1716 1289 BOURGET'S (Dom John) History of the Royal Abbey of Bec, near Rouen, in Normandy; small 8vo, plates, 4s. 1779 1290 BOURGOING'S (J. F.) Modern State of Spain, exhibiting a complete View of its Topography, Government, Laws, Naval and Military Establishments, and of its Society, Manners, &c. ; 4 vols. 8vo, with a quarto atlas of plates (pub. at 21. 12s. 6d.) boards, 17.



Undoubtedly the most satisfactory of all travels in Spain."-Pinkerton. 1290* BOURKE's (Thos.) History of the Moors in Spain; 4to, 5s. 1811 1291 BOURN'S (Sam.) Vindication of the Principles and Practice of Dissenters; 12mo, neat, 2s.

1748 1292 BOURNE'S (Henry) Antiquitates Vulgares, or the Antiquities of the Common People; 8vo, 8s. Newcastle, 1725


History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, or the ancient and present State of that Town; folio, 14s.

ib. 1736

1294 BOURNE's (Immanuel) Defence and Justification of Ministers' Maintenance by Tithes, with an Answer to A. Peirson's great Case of Tithes, &c. To which is added a Defence of Infant Baptism, Humane Learning, &c.; 12mo, neat, scarce, 10s. 1659

1296 1297

1295 BOURNE'S (Vincent) Poems, as well Latin as English; 4to, boards, 7s. 6d. 1772 the same; 4to, fine copy in old calf gilt, 10s. 6d. 1772 Poetical Works, consisting of Originals and Translations. To which are added his Letters; 2 vols. foolscap 8vo, boards, 9s. 1808 Poetical Works; crown 8vo, bds. scarce, 9s. Oxford, 1826


For an account of the high estimation in which these poems were held by the amiable Cowper, see his life by Hayley.


1299 BOURRIENNE'S Private Memoirs of Napoleon Buonaparte, during the Directory, the Consulate, and the Empire; 4 vols. 8vo, (pub. at 21. 16s.) boards, 17. 8s. the same; 4 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, 27. 1301 BOURRIT'S (M. T.) Relation of a Journey to the Glaciers in the Dutchy of Savoy, translated by C. and F. Davy; 8vo, plates, uncut, 3s.



Norwich, 1775 1302 BOUTERWEK'S (Fred.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature, translated from the German by Thomasina Ross ; 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 17. 4s.) boards, 10s.

the same; 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, 18s.



1303 1304 BOWDICH's (T.E.) Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, with a Statistical Account of that Kingdom, and Geographical Notices of other Parts of the Interior of Africa; 4to, map and coloured plates (pub. at 31.-3s.) half-bound turkey morocco, uncut, scarce, 17. 10s.







the same; 4to, a soiled copy, boards, 18s.



"A work of considerable importance, from the account it gives us of a people hitherto almost entirely unknown; and from the light which the very diligent and laborious inquiries of Mr. Bowdich have thrown upon the geography of Africa."— Edinburgh Review.

Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo, during the Autumn of 1823, while on his third Voyage to Africa; to which is added, by Mrs. Bowdich, 1. a Narrative of the continuance of the Voyage to its completion, together with the subsequent Occurrences, from Mr. Bowdich's arrival in Africa to the period of his Death.-II. Description of the English Settlements on the River Gambia.--III. Appendix, containing Zoological and Botanical Descriptions and Translations from the Arabic; 4to, numerous plates, some coloured (pub. at 27. 2s.) bds. 11. 4s.


Account of the Discoveries of Portuguese in the Interior
of Angola and Mozambique; 8vo, map, bds. 10s. 6d. 1824
Essay on the Geography of North-Western Africa; 8vo,
sewed, 2s.
Paris, 1821
Elements of Conchology, including the Fossil Genera and
the Animals, Part 1, Univalves, with upwards of 500 Fi-
gures; 8vo, 19 plates (pub. at 11.) 5s.
Analysis of the Natural Classifications of Mammalia; 8vo,
15 plates, boards, 6s.
ib. 1821

1311 BOWDLER.-Memoirs of the late John and Thomas Bowdler; 8vo,

bds. 8s.

calf neat, 3s.


1312 BOWDLER'S (Miss) Poems and Essays; 2 vols. in 1, crown 8vo, Bath, 1793

1313 BOWDLER'S (Mrs.) Practical Observations on the Revelations of St. John; 8vo, bds. 3s. Bath, 1800 1314 BOWDLER'S (Rev. T.) Sermons on the Nature, Offices, and Character, of Jesus Christ; 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt, 16s. 1820 1315 BOWEN'S (Thomas) Historical Account of Bethlem Hospital ; 4to, frontispiece by STOTHARD, sewed, 4s. 1783

1316 BOWER'S (Archibald) History of the Popes, from the Foundation of the See of Rome to the present Time; 7 vols. 4to, in old calf, neat, scarce, 47. 10s.


1748-66 Seven Letters to Father Sheldon proved to be Forgeries: and the Reverend Detector of the disguised Jesuit detected, or proved out of his own Mouth a Liar and Slanderer; 4to, sewed, 4s.

n. d.

1318 BOWLES' Post-Chaise Companion: a collection of Maps of all the direct and cross Roads throughout England and Wales; 2 vols. 12mo, neat, 4s.

n. d. 1319 BOWLES' (Rev. Wm. Lisle) Sonnets and other Poems, Bath,1796. -A Collection of Poems (Deserted Village, Edwin and Angelina, Blair's Grave, &c. &c.) printed on straw-coloured paper, ib. 1796.—In 1 vol. 8vo, hf.-bd. calf gilt, 10s. Sonnets and other Poems; 12mo, plates, neat, 4s. 1800 Sonnets and other Poems; 2 vols. foolscap 8vo, plates, calf extra, 8s. Bath, 1803-5

1320 1321

1322 1323

1324 1325



"The best descriptive poet in this country."-Dr. Valpy.
Life of Bishop Ken; 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 11.10s.) bds. 17.1s.
Final Defence of the Rights of Patronage in Deans and
Chapters; 8vo, ls.

Answer to Campbell; 8vo, 2s.

1838 ib. 1812

Parochial History of Bremhill, in the County of Wilts; 8vo, plates, calf extra, gilt edges, scarce, 17. 11s. 6d. 1828 Hermes Britannicus. A Dissertation on the Celtic Deity of Teutates, the Mercurius of Cæsar, in Corroboration of the Origin and Designation of the Great Temple at Abury, in Wiltshire; 8vo, bds. 6s. 1828 Annals and Antiquities of Lacock Abbey, in the County of Wilts; with Memorials of the Foundress, Ela Countess of Salisbury, and of the Earls of Salisbury, of the Houses of Sarisbury and Longespé; including Notices of the Monasteries of Bradenstoke, Hinton, and Farlay; 8vo, plates, bds. 18s.


1328 BOWREY's (Thomas) Dictionary, English and Malayo, Malayo and English: with Grammar and Miscellanies in the Malayo and English; 4to, neat, scarce, 17. 5s.

1701 1329 BOWRING's (John) Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain, translated from the Spanish; crown 8vo. bds. 9s. Batavian Anthology, or Specimens of the Dutch 12mo, bds. 5s.





1824 Poets;


Specimens of the Russian Poets; 2 vols. 12mo (pub. at 15s.) bds. 10s.


Specimens of the Polish Poets; 12mo, bds. 7s. 1827 Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a Sketch of the Language and Literature of Hungary and Transylvania; crown 8vo (pub. at 12s.) bds. 5s.



1334 BOWRING's (John) Servian Popular Poetry; 12mo, bds. 7s. 1827 Cheskian Anthology, being a History of the Poetical Literature of Bohemia, with translated Specimens ; foolscap 8vo, bds. 7s.


1336 BOWYER'S (George) Dissertation on the Statutes of the Cities of Italy, and a Translation of the Pleading of Prospero Farinacio in Defence of Beatrice Cenci and her Relations, with Notes; 8vo, boards, 78.


1337 BOWYER's (W.) Critical Conjectures, and Observations on the New Testament, collected from various Authors; 4to, best Edition (pub. at 27. 12s. 6d.) bds. 16s.






"This work cannot but be acceptable to every critical reader of the New Testament; it is the best collection of conjectural emendations and remarks which has yet appeared.”—Critical Review.

“A book which ought to be read by every scholar, and every rational Christian."-Dr. Parr.

Miscellaneous Tracts and Literary Correspondence, edited
by J. Nichols; 4to, neat, 15s.
the same; 4to, uncut, 16s.



Scarce. Sir Mark Sykes's copy, in boards, sold for 11. 138. Essays on the Origin of Printing, with Supplement, 2 parts; 8vo, bds. 7s. 6d.

1776-81 1341 the same, without the Supplement; 8vo, neat, 4s. 1776 1342 BOYDELL'S (ALDERMAN JOHN) COLLECTION OF VIEWS IN ENGLAND AND WALES, DRAWN AND ENGRAVED by himself : to which are added some Miscellaneous Subjects, after various Masters; royal folio, fine impressions of above 160 beautiful engravings, calf neat, from the Library of his Daughter, MARY BOYDELL (Mrs. Nicol), 5l. 5s. 1790 Views and Scenery on the River Thames and Parts adjacent, from its Source to the Sea; 2 vols. folio, 76 FINELY COLOURed Engravings, from drawings by J. FARINGTON, R.A. (pub. 107. 10s.) bds. 21. 2s. Bulmer, 1794-96 1344 BOYER'S (A.) History of the Life and Reign of Queen Anne; folio, portrait and plates, very neat, 17. 58. 1722 1345 BOYER and Deletanville's New Dictionary, French-English and English-French, with large Additions and Corrections by D. Boileau and A. Picquot; 8vo, calf gilt, 14s.


1346 BOYLE LECTURES: a Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion, being a Collection of the Sermons preached at the Lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, from the Year 1691 to 1732; 3 vols. folio, in old calf, 31. 13s. 6d. 1739 1347 BOYLE'S (HON.ROBERT) WORKS, WITH LIFE, BY THOS. BIRCH, D.D.; 5 vols. folio, Large paper, portrait, fine copy, in old calf, 31. 1744 the same; 6 vols. 4to, BEST EDITION, portrait, in old calf, 41. 4s.


1349 1350

1772 Another copy; 6 vols. 4to, russia, gilt edges, 51. 5s. 1772 Philosophical Works, methodized and disposed under the heads of Physics, Natural History, &c. by Dr. P. Shaw; 3 vols. 4to, plates, neat, 12s. 1725

Motives and Incentives to the Love of God; 8vo, neat,




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