PRACTICAL AND EASY METHOD OF LEARNING THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. BY F. AHN, DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND PROFESSOR AT THE COLLEGE OF NEUSS. Edue T 1718,81 130 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY (N. Y. PUBLIC LIBRARY! PREFACE. Learn a foreign language as you learn your mother wongue: this is in a few words the method which I have adopted in this little work. It is the way that nature her. self follows, it is the same which the mother points out in speaking to her child, repeating to it a hundred times the same words, combining them imperceptibly, and succeeding in this way to make it speak the same language she speaks. To learn in this manner is no longer a study, it is an amuse ment. Supposing the pupil to have learned his own language by principles, I thought it proper to add a few rules, which will serve to shorten the course and render the progress more secure. THE AUTHOR. |