
1873, Jury 10. Gift of

Hon. Ger. P. Bigelow,

of Bostik.






Annexation of Texas, 483—520; Mar-
quette and La Salle's enterprizes
on the Mississippi, 483; French
settlement in Texas, 484; Conflict
of French and Spanish claim, ib.;
Cessions of Louisiana, Spanish
claim beyond the Sabine and trea-
ty of 1819, 485; Mexican confed-
eration, 487; sovereignty of Texas,
488; usurpation of Santa Anna,
and constitution of 1824, 489; Tex-
as independent of Mexico, 491;
Effects of enlarging the American
Union, 492; opinions of Conven-
tion as to new States, 493; French
acquisition of Louisiana,494; Gou-
verneur Morris' speech on the oc-
casion, 495; purchase of Louisiana
and Florida-proceedings of the
Hartford Convention, 496; how
American liberty endangered, 498;
British policy in Texas, 499; Aber-
deen's letter, 500; British residents
abroad prohibited slave property,
501; fugitive slaves, Creole case-
"world's convention," 502; cause
of British interference with Afri-
can slavery, 504; extracts from

Blackwood's Magazine, 505; Bri-
tish and other colonial trade com-
pared, 506; present condition of
free blacks in Jamaica and Hayti,
508; extracts from Mr. Walker's
speech, comparing the condition
of free blacks at the North with
Southern slaves and European po-
pulation, 509; influence of aboli-
tion doctrines upon slavery, 512;
Calhoun's letter to Packenham,
513; possible amelioration of the
slaves' condition, 514; position of
the South, 515; influence of annex-
ation on the institution of slavery,
517; true question involved in the
annexation of Texas, 519-520.
Anthon's Greek Prosody, largely in-
debted to Professor Sandford, 247;
Pindaric metres, 249.
Alida; or Town and Country, 527.


Brande's Encyclopedia, 264.
Brougham's Sketches of Statesmen, 95.

Characteristics of the Statesman, 95—

[blocks in formation]

129; importance of the subject, 98;
statesman related to government,
99; mutually act upon each other,
100; statesman in the earliest stage
of society, 101; progress of civili-
zation and society traced, 102;
higher requisitions upon the states-
man, 104; complexness of modern
systems of law and government,
105; Montesquieu's views, ib; ex-
amination of Dugald Stuart's max-
im that legislation will be simpli-
fied as society advances to perfec-
tion, 106; statesman's intellectual
endowments, 107; mistakes as to
cause and effect in the political
world, 108; great revolutions often
from trivial causes, 109; the states-
man's knowledge, 110; grossness
of modern notions on this point,
111; exclusion of lawyers from
public affairs, ib.; statesman ac-
cording to Greeks, Romans-So-
crates and Bacon's views, 113;
virtue an essential characteristic,
114; the statesman's religion (note)
ib.; corruption of statesmen, 115;
their exposure to trial and tempta-
tion, 116; Demosthenes consider-
ed, ib.; American statesman, 117;
deplorable state of public morals
in our country, 118; prostitution
of public men, ib.; political intol-
erance, 119; Dr. Franklin's versi-
fication of "Abraham and the
Stranger," 120, corruption of the
ballot box, 123; legislative corrup-
tion, 121; instability of the public
mind, 122; degrading acts of poli-
ticians, 124; when political excite-
ment needed, 125; when unnatural
and ruinous, ib.; the vis medicatrix
in government, 126; examples of
eminent statesmen, 127.
Carroll's Collections, 130.
Cicero's Letters, 353-370; Cicero's
character not understood, 353; his
oratory, 355; his insincerity, ib.;
guilt in the murder of Cæsar, 356;
his ingratitude to Cæsar, 359; ex-
tracts from his letters concerning
Cæsar, ib.; motives for Cicero's
conduct, 363; his prostitution of
profession as a lawyer, 364; de-
fends odious criminality, 365; Ci-
cero's baseness in private life,366;
conduct to his wife, 367; Cicero
and Socrates, as men, 368; impor-

tance of virtue in public charac-
ters, 370.

Calvin's Life, 256; blind defence of
the reformers deprecated, 257; D'-
Aubigné, 258; Calvin's ordination,
ib.; his influence on republican-
ism, 259.

Cranch's Poems, 259.

Conquest of Mexico, 163–227; early
Spain, 163; romance of Moorish
wars and influence upon Spanish
character, 164; Columbus, 165;
eminent captains of that age, 168;
Hernando Cortes compared with
Alexander the Great, 170; his
birth, education and early exploits,
174; sails for Hispaniola, 176;
turns farmer, 178; his avarice,180;
Cortes' character defended, 181;
his religion, 184; Columbus' dis-
coveries, 185; expedition against
Yucatan, 186; Cortes assumes
.command, 187; his armament, 188;
wars with the savages, 189; Cor-
tes hears of Mexico, 190; deter-
mines upon its conquest, 191;
builds Villa Rica, 192; marches
for Mexico, 194; wars with the
Tlascalans, 195; Montezuma's a-
larm, ib.; makes proposals to Cor-
tes, 196; arrives in sight of Mexi-
co, 198; its magnificent appear-
ance, 199; character of Montezu-
ma, 200; surrenders himself to
Cortes, 201; endeavors to remove
Cortes from command of the ar-
my, 202; Mexicans and Spaniards
engage, 205; Montezuma killed by
his subjects, 206; Spaniards seize
the grand te calli, 207; retreat
from Mexico, 208; Cortes seizes
the consecrated banner of the
Mexicans, 210; builds a fleet, ib.;
joined by disaffected natives, 211;
Guatemozin, 212; blockade of
Mexico, 216; attack by the land
forces, 217; efforts to treat with
Guatemozin, 220; dreadful suffer-
ings of the Mexicans, 221; des-
perate struggle, 222; female bra-
very, 223; Guatemozin taken pri-
soner, 224; imprisoned by Cortes,
tortured,-dies, 225; Cortes' re-
morse, ib.; conquest completed,
226; Cortes returns to Spain-is
distrusted and treated with cold-
ness, ib.; dies on his return to
Mexico, 227.


Demosthenes, by H. S. Legaré, 95.
Democratic Review, 524.



German Novelists, 428-445; Ludwig
Tieck, 428; extracts from his
works, 429; character of Zschokke,
432; his "Vicar in Wiltshire," 433;
other works, 435; Spindler and his
works, 437; his Jew, 438; Trom-
litz as a writer, 439; Hoffman,
440; Hauff, 442; extract from his
"Jew Sutz," ib.; Sternberg, 444;
Countess Hahn-Hahn, 445.


Hernando Cortes, letters to the king
of Spain, 163.

Heretic of Lajetchnikoff, 343-352;
Russian writers, 343; Russian ro-
mance, 344; plot of the Heretic,
345; character of Ivan, 350; of
Anastasia, 351.

Horne's Spirit of the Age, 524.


Ireland in 1834, 1-31; early Irish,
1; tyranny of the English admin-
istrations, 2; massacre of Droghe-
da, 3; ingratitude of Charles II.,
4; Irish devotion to the English
crown, 5; religious intoleration, 5;
doctrines of the Romish church, 6;
extenuation of Irish Catholic re-
sistance, 7; national grievances, 8;
Queen Elizabeth's treatment of the
Irish, 9; mildness of James, 10;
tyranny of the Prince of Orange,
11; influence of the American Re-
volution upon the Irish, ib.; of the
French Revolution, 13; Ireland
armed in defence of Britain, 14;
desperate condition of England,
and consequent leniency to the
Irish, 15; Convention of 1782, 17;
Grattan's defence of Ireland, ib.;
Declaration of Independence, 18;
English deception, 19; English vi-
olate the treaty of pacification, 20;
Rebellion of '98, 21; Union of Ire-
land with England, 22: agricultu-
ral resources of Ireland, 23; effects
of the Union, 24; absenteeism, 25;

fisheries and mines, 26; commerce,
27; manufactures, 28; English pro-
hibition upon Irish industry, 29;
comparative prospects of England
and Ireland, 30; present efforts for
legislative reform, 31.


Law and Lawyers, 370-426; profes-
sional prejudices, 371; character
of Law and Lawyers, as a work,
373; of "Eminent British Law-
yers," ib.; .of "The Lawyer," ib.;
Law defined, 374; natural and re-
vealed law, 375; influence of Re-
velation upon law, 376; Jewish,
Egyptian and Persian law, 377;
law at Sparta and Athens, 378;
Roman law, 379; growth of inter-
national law, 380; English law,
381; common law, ib.; chancery,
382; trial by jury, 383; writ of at-
taint, 384; question of intent in li-
bel, 385; American law, 386; im-
portance of lawyers, 387; legal
honors, 388; American and Eng-
lish lawyers compared, 389; pre-
paratory studies in South-Caroli-
na, 390; English and American
law students, 391; counsellors, at-
torneys, special pleaders and con-
veyancers, 392; character of law-
yers, 393; the term "lawyer" in
Scripture misapplied, 394; satires
upon the profession, 395; elevated
tributes paid to it, 396; law com-
pared with other professions, 397;
evils of indiscriminate advocacy
at the bar, 398; arguments in its
favour, 399; practice condemned,
400; authorities for and against it,
401; early struggles of great law-
yers, 403; incorruptible integrity
of the English bench, 405; Chan-
cellors More, Ellesmere, Bacon,
Williams, 406; Clarendon, Guil-
ford, Nottingham, Jefferies, 407;
Somers and Hardwicke, 408; Er-
skine and Eldon, 409; Coke, 410;
Hale, Thurlow, Romily, 411;
Mansfield and Sir Wm. Jones,412;
Foster, Holt and Kenyon, 413;
Buller, Ellenborough, etc., 414;
corruption of early Judges, ib.;
judicial independence, 415; legal
subtlety, 415; technicalities and
fictions, 416; fines and recoveries,


[blocks in formation]

Martin Chuzzlewit, 261.

Malan's Rule of Faith, 268.

Michelet, Hist. de la Rep. Rom. 269.

Michelet, Int. á l'Hist. Univ., 269.

street, 336; American caricature,
ib.; the West, the natural source
of our national literature, 337;
American character, 339–342.
Mormon Faith and People, 525.
Mysteries of the Heaths, 527.


Niebuhr's History of Rome, 521.
Natural History of the Caucasian and
Negro Races, 525.

New Jerusalem in the U. States, 525.


O'Brien's 'Lawyer,' 370.



Milton's Genius, 31-75; indebted- Prescott's Mexico, 163.
ness of Paradise Lost to Ramsay's
Poemata Sacra, 31; rough sketch-
es of "Paradise Lost," a tragedy,
35; the Adamus Exul of Grotius,
38; imitated by Milton, ib.; resem-
blances between the two poems,
39-59; Milton indebted to St.Avi-
tus, according to Guizot, 59; Avi-
tus' picture of Satan, 64; indebted
to Adreini, according to Voltaire
and Haley, 67; indebtedness to
other Italian poets, 68; Channing's
view of Milton, 70; his estimate of
poetry compared with Macaulay's
72; Wordsworth's view, 73; char-
acter of Milton's poetry, 74.
Mathews' Works, 307-343; early es-
says of genius, 308; characteristics
of an American author, 309; Ma-
thews' character as a writer, 311;
his 'Behemoth,' 312; 'Politicians,'
314; error in the nomenclature of
characters, ib.; 'Puffer Hopkins,'
318; contributions to 'Arcturus,'
ib.; extract from the 'Unrest of the
Age,' 320; defects of publishing by
periodical issues, 322; objections
to 'Puffer Hopkins,' 323; Mr. Ma-
thews fails as a humorist, 325; is
a good representative of the Ame-
rican mind, 328; compared with
Dickens, 329; fails in producing a
national work, 330; English and
American defect in humor, 331;
Norman and Saxon influence up-
on letters, 333; Goldsmith, Lamb
and Fielding, 334; Judge Long-

Reynolds' Trial by Jury, 251-255;
complimentary notices, 251; its
Prefatio-Introductio-De jurato-
rum origine-De judicii juratorum
natura et indole, 254.

Rome and the Romans, 269-306; rise
and fall of the Roman power, 270;
national character marked in the
individual Roman, 274; his selfish-
ness, 275; his religion subservient
to State policy, 276; formed a con-
servative element at Rome, 278;
the priesthood, 279; conflict be-
tween plebeians and patricians,
281; causes of the martial spirit of
the Romans, 282; military pre-
eminence, 284; populus and plebs,
285; noble and generous traits not
discovered in the Roman, 286; his
religion syncretistic, 287; mytho-
logical systems of Greece and
Rome, 288; agricultural life of the
Romans, 292; Roman art, 293;
Roman law, 294; absence of en-
thusiasm and ideal creation at
Rome, 296; no national literature,
297; language, 298; mission of
Rome, 300; her power, 301; pride
and corruption, ib.; breaks down
all religious systems and prepares
the way for Christianity, 304; in-
fluence of Rome upon modern ci-
vilization, 305; the Roman Catho-
lic Church, 306.

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