


Books in Various Departments of Literature

Library and Reference Books.

Pub. price
L. s. d.

2 II 0

ALISON'S History of Europe, from 1789 to 1815. 13 vols. Crown 8vo
Continuation to ditto, to 1852, 8 vols. Crown 8vo

ANACREON'S ODES. Translated by Thomas Moore. With 54 Designs
by Girodet de Roussy. Oblong 16m0
ANNUAL REGISTER of Public Events. 8vo (annually)




1 14 0

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Black's General Atlas of the World. Folio, half-morocco


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Johnston's Royal Atlas. 48 Maps, with Indices. Folio, half-morocco

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Handy Royal Atlas. Folio, half-morocco

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from German and Spanish Authors. Fcap


0 6 0

BEETON'S Dictionary of Universal Information, Geography, Biography,

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BRITISH RURALSPORTS. By Stonehenge. Illustrations. Crown 8vo
BUCKLE (H. T.) History of Civilization in England and France, Spain
and Holland. 3 vols. Crown 8vo

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BUNYAN'S Whole Works, with Prefaces, Notes, and Life. By George
Offor. Illustrated. 3 vols. Imp. 8vo

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Pilgrim's Progress, with Illustrations, by Bennett. Small 4te
CAMPBELL'S Lives of the Lord Chancellors. 10 vols. crown 8vo, each

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CATES (W. L. R.) Dictionary of General Biography. 8vo

Pocket Date Book. Crown 8vo

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CHAMBERS'S Book of Days; Popular Antiquities, Folk Lore, Notable

Events, Oddities of Life and Character, &c.
Encyclopædia; a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. 10 vols. 8vo 14
Cyclopædia of English Literature. 2 vols. Royal 8vo

2 vois. Royal 8vo


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Information for the People. 2 vols.

Royal 8vo


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CRAIG'S Universal Etymological, Technological, and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. Roval 8vo

I II 6

DALE'S Clergyman's Legal Handbook and Churchwarden's Guide. Evo
DERBY (Lord) Translation of Homer's Iliad. 2 vols. Fcap

28 076

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Ogilvie's Imperial Dictionary, on the basis of Webster. With 2,500 16
woodcuts. 2 vols. Imp. 8vo
Comprehensive Dictionary, with more than 800 woodcuts


Royal 8vo

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Webster's Dictionary of the English Language, 3,000 Illust. 4to

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Ditto, with Appendix, and additional Illustrations

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Ditto, The People's Edition, 600 Illustrations. 8vo

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Ditto, edited by Goodrich. Royal 8vo

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DRAPER (John W.) History of the Intellectual Development of Europe.

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ENGLISH CYCLOPÆDIA (The) Edited by Charles Knight. 4to

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EWALD (A. C.) Constitution, Laws, &c., of the British Empire. Cr. 8vo

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EWALD (A. C.) Reference Book of English History. Crown 8vo

Last Century of Universal History. Crown 8vo

FIGUIER (Louis) Earth and Sea. Translated, edited, and enlarged by

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W. H. D. Adams. With 250 Illustrations.

Imp. 8vo

Reptiles and Birds. Edited by Gilmore.


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Beeton's Dictionary of Geography. 8vo
Brooks's General Gazetteer. New edition, revised to 1869. 8vo
Johnston's Gazetteer of the World. 8vo

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M'Culloch's Geographical Dictionary. 4 vols. 8vo ...

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GIBBON'S Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. By Dr. Wm. Smith.

8 vols. 8vo


GLOBE EDITIONS. Crown 8vo, each :


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cheap edition, in 12 monthly vols. each GWILT'S Encyclopædia of Architecture. 8vo HALF-HOURS WITH THE BEST AUTHORS. Edited by Charles

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HALLAM'S History of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vols. 8vo

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KINGLAKE'S History of the Invasion of the Crimea. Vols. 1-4 8vo

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LEWES (G. H.) History of Philosophy, from Thales to Comte. 2 vols. 8vo
LIDDELL and SCOTT'S Greek-English Lexicon. 4to

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Critical and Historical Essays. 4 vols. Post 8vo
Ditto, popular edition. 2 vols, crown 8vo (or 1 vol. 6s)

M'CULLOCH'S Commercial Dictionary. 8vo
MANGIN (Arthur) The Desert World, with 160 Illustrations. Imp. 8vo

Mysteries of the Ocean, with 130 Illustrations. Imp. 8vo
MANY THOUGHTS OF MANY MINDS. Compiled and edited by
Henry Southgate. 8vo

Maunder's Treasuries. Fcap. 10s. 6d. each:


▲ 12 Ο



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