THE браче SPECTATOR; A NEW EDITION, CAREFULLY REVISED, IN SIX VOLUMES; WITH PREFACES HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL, 1765 BY ALEXANDER CHALMERS, A. M. VOL. VI. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 & 551 BROADWAY. 1879. DEDICATION* ΤΟ WILLIAM HONEYCOMB, ESQ." b THE seven former volumes of the Spectator having been dedicated to some of the most celebrated persons of the age, I take leave to inscribe this eighth and last to you, as to a gentleman who hath ever been ambitious of appearing in the best company. You are now wholly retired from the busy part of mankind, and at leisure to reflect upon your past achievements; for which reason I look upon you as a person very well qualified for a dedication. I may possibly disappoint my readers, and yourself too, if I do not endeavour on this occasion to make the world acquainted with your virtues. And here, Sir, I shall not compliment you upon your birth, person, or fortune; nor any other the like This dedication includes Nos. 556-658, which constituted the eighth volume of the last edition. Generally supposed to be Col. Cleland. See Steele's Epistolary Correspondence, 1787, vol. i. p. 114; and vol. ii. p. 428. This dedication is suspected to have been written by Eustace Budgell, who might have better dedicated it to Will Wimble. |