
love goes along with this paffion, and will befides feel fomething like the fatisfaction of a revenge, in feeing you undergo. all his own tortures. But this, indeed,

is an artifice fo difficult, and at the fame time fo difingenuous, that it ought never to be put in practice, but by fuch as have kill enough to cover the deceit, and innocence to render it excufable.

I fhall conclude this effay with the ftory of HEROD and MARIAMNE, as have collected it out of JosePHUS; which may ferve almost as an example to whatever can be faid on this fubject.

MARIAMNE had all the charms that beauty, birth, wit and youth could give a woman, and Herod all the love that fuch charms are able to raise in a warm and amorous difpofition. In the midft of this his fondness for Mariamne, he put her brother to death, as he did her father not many years after. The barbarity of the action was reprefented to Mark Antony, who immediately fummoned Herod into Egypt, to answer for the crime that was there laid to his charge. Herod attributed the fummons to Antony's defire of Mariamne, whom therefore, before his departure, he gave into the custody of his uncle Jofeph, with private orders to put her to death, if any fuch violence was offered to himself. This Jofeph was much delighted with Mariamne's converfation, and endeavoured, with all his art and rhetoric, to fet out the excess of Herod's paffion for her; but when he ftill found her cold and incredulous, he inconfiderately told her, as a certain inftance of her lord's affection, the private orders he had left behind him, which plainly fhewed, according to Jofeph's interpretation, that he could neither live nor die without her. This barbarous inftance of a wild unreasonable paffion quite put out, for a time, thofe little remains of affection fhe ftill had for her lord. Her thoughts were fo wholly taken up with the cruelty of his orders, that she could not confider the kindness that produced them, and therefore reprefented him in her imagination, rather under the frightful idea of a murderer than a lover. Herod was at length acquitted and difmiffed

*Antiquities of the Jews. Book xv. Chap. 3. fect. 5, 6, 9. Chap. 7. tect. 1, 2, &c.


by Mark Antony, when his foul was all in flames for his Mariamne; but before their meeting, he was not a little alarmed at the report he had heard of his uncle's conversation and familiarity with her in his abfence. This therefore was the first difcourfe he entertained her with, in which he found it no eafy matter to quiet his fufpicions. But at last he appeared fo well fatisfied of her innocence, that from reproaches and wranglings he fell to tears and embraces. Both of them wept very tenderly at their reconciliation, and Herod poured out his whole foul to her in the warmest proteftations of love and conftancy; when amidst all his fighs and languifhings the asked him, whether the private orders he left with his uncle Jofeph were an inftance of fuch an inflamed affection. The jealous King was immediately roufed at fo unexpected a queftion, and concluded his uncle must have been too familiar with her, before he would have discovered fuch a fecret. In short, he put his uncle to death, and very difficultly prevailed upon himself to spare Mariamne.

After this he was forced on a fecond journey into Egypt, when he committed his lady to the care of Sohemus, with the fame private orders he had before given his uncle, if any mifchief befel himself. In the mean while Mariamne fo won upon Sohemus by her prefents and obliging converfation, that fhe drew all the fecret from him, with which Herod had entrusted him; fo that after his return, when he flew to her with all the tranfports of joy and love, fhe received him coldly with fighs and tears, and all the marks of indifference and averfion. This reception fo ftirred up his indignation, that he had certainly flain her with his own hands, had not he feared he himself fhould have become the greateft fufferer by it. It was not long after this, when he had another violent return of love upon him; Mariamne was therefore fent for to him, whom he endeavoured to foften and reconcile with all poffible conjugal careffes and endearments; but fhe declined his embraces, and anfwered all his fondness with bitter invectives for the death of her father and her brother. This behaviour fo incenfed Herod, that he very hardly refrained from Ariking her; when in the


heat of their quarrel there came in a witnefs, fuborned by fome of Mariamne's enemies, who accused her to the king of a defign to poison him. Herod was now prepared to hear any thing in her prejudice, and immediately ordered her fervant to be stretched upon the rack; who in the extremity of his torture confeft, that his mistress's averfion to the king arofe from fomething Sohemus had told her; but as for any defign of poifoning, he utterly difowned the leaft knowledge of it. This confeffion quickly proved fatal to Sohemus, who now lay under the fame fufpicions and fentence that Jofeph had before him on the like occafion. Nor would Herod rest here; but accused her with great vehemence: of a defign upon his life, and by his authority with the judges had her publicly condemned and executed.. Herod foon after her death grew melancholy and dejected, retiring from the public administration of affairs> into a folitary foreft, and there abandoning himself to all the black confiderations, which naturally arife from a paffion made up of love, remorfe, pity and despair. He used to rave for his Mariamne, and to call upon her in his distracted fits; and in all probability would foon have followed her, had not his thoughts been feafonably called off from fo fad an object by public ftorms, which at that time very nearly threatned kim.


By ADDISON, dated London. .SPECT. in folie, and editions of 1712 in Svo and 12m0.


O field me from his rage Celeftial Pow'rs,
This tyrant that embitters all my hours.
Ah Love, you've poorly play'd the hero's part,
You conquer'd, but you can't defend my heart.
When firft I bent beneath your gentle reign,

I thought this monfter banish'd from your train,
But you wou'd raife him to fupport your throne,
And now he claims your empire as his own "
Or tell me, tyrants, have ye both agreed,

That where one reigns the other fhall fucceed.

Dr. DELANY'S "Life of Swift."


N° 172 Monday, September 17, 1711.

Non folum Scientia, quæ eft remota à juftitia, Calliditas petiùs quàm Sapientia eft appellanda; verum etiam Animus paratus ad periculum, fi fuá cupiditate, non utilitate communi, impellitur, Audacia potiùs nomen habeat, quam Fortitudinis Plato apud Tull.


"As Knowledge, without juftice, ought to be called Cunning, rather than Wifdom; fo a mind prepared to meet danger, if excited by its own eagernefs, and not the public good, deferves the name "of Audacity, rather than of Fortitude."


HERE can be no greater injury to human fociety

than that good talents among men should be held honourable to thofe who are endowed with them without any regard how they are applied. The gifts of nature and accomplishments of art are valuable, but as they are exerted in the interefts of virtue, or governed by the rules of honour. We ought to abftract our minds from the obfervation of an excellence in thofe we converfe with,` till we have taken fome notice, or received fome good information of the difpofition of their minds; otherwife the beauty of their perfons, or the charms of their wit, may make us fond of those whom our reafon and judgment will tell us we ought to abhor.

When we fuffer ourselves to be thus carried away by mere beauty, or mere wit, Omniamante, with all her vice, will bear away as much of our good-will as the moit. innocent virgin or difcreet matron; and there cannot be a more abject flavery in this world, than to doat upon. what we think we ought to condemn. Yet this must be our condition in all the parts of life, if we fuffer ourfelves to approve any thing but what tends to the promotion of what is good and honourable. If we would take true pains with ourfelves to confider all things by the light

light of reafon and juftice, though a man were in the height of youth and amorous inclinations, he would lcok upon a Coquette with the fame cerempt or indifference as he would upon a Coxcomb. The wantoncarriage in a woman would difappoint her of the admiration which the aims at; and the vain drefs or difcourfe of a man would destroy the comeliness of his fhape, or goodness of his understanding. I fay the Goodness of his Understanding, for it is no lefs common to fee men of fenfe commence coxcombs, than beau- tiful women become immodest. When this happens in either, the favour we are naturally inclined to give to the good qualities they have from nature fhould abate in proportion. But however juft it is to measure the value of men by the application of their talents, and not by the eminence of thofe qualities abftracted from their ufe; I fay, however juft fuch a way of judging. is, in all ages as well as this, the contrary has prevailed upon the generality of mankind. How many lewd' devices have been preferved from one age to another, which had perished as foon as they were made, if painters and sculptors had been efteemed as much for the purpose as the execution of their defigns? Modest and well-governed imaginations have by this means loft the reprefentations of ten thoufand charming portraitures, filled with images of innate truth, generous zeal, courageous faith, and tender humanity; inftead of which, Satyrs, Furies, and Monsters are recommended by thofe arts to a fhameful eternity.

The unjuft application of laudable talents, is tolerated, in the general opinion of men, not only in fuch cafes as are here mentioned, but also in matters which concern ordinary life. If a lawyer were to be efteemed only as he uses his parts in contending for juftice, andwere immediately defpicable when he appeared in a caufe which he could not but know was an unjust one, how honourable would his character be? and how honourable is it in fuch among us, who follow the profeffion no otherwife, than as labouring to protect the injured, to fubdue the oppreffor, to imprifon the careleis debtor, and do right to the painful artificer? But many of this excellent character are overlooked by the greater num


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