
ning is often to be met with in brutes them felves, and in perfons who are but the fewest removes from them. În fhort, Cunning is only the mimick of Dif. cretion, and may pass upon weak men, in the fame manner as vivacity is often mistaken for wit, and gra vity for wisdom.

The caft of mind which is natural to a Difcreet man, makes him look forward into futurity, and confider what will be his condition millions of ages hence, as well as what it is at prefent. He knows that the mifery or happiness which are referved for him in another world, lofe nothing of their reality by being placed at fo great diftance from him. The objects do not appear little to him because they are remote. He confiders that thofe pleafures and pains which lie hid in eternity, approach nearer to him every moment, and will be prefent with him in their full weight and measure, as much as thofe pains and pleafures which he feels at this very inftant. For this reafon he is careful to fecure to himself that which is the proper happiness of his nature, and the ultimate defign of his being. He carries his thoughts to the end of every action, and confiders the molt diftant as well as the most immediate effects of it. He fuperfedes every little profpect of gain and advantage which offers itfelf here, if he does not find it confiftent with his views of an hereafter. In a word, his hopes are full of immortality, his fchemes are large and glorious, and his conduct fuitable to one who knows his true intereft, and how to pursue it by proper methods.

I have, in this Effay upon DISCRETION, confidered it both as an accomplishment and as a virtue, and have therefore defcribed it in its full extent; not only as it is converfant about worldly affairs, but as it regards our whole exiftence; not only as it is the guide of a mortal creature, but as it is in general the director of a reasonable being. It is in this light that Difcretion is reprefented by the wife man, who fometimes mentions it under the name of Difcretion, and fometimes under that of Wisdom. It is indeed (as defcribed in the latter part of this Paper) the greatest wisdom, but at the fame time in the power of every one to attain.


Its advantages are infinite, but its acquifition eafy; or to fpeak of her in the words of the Apocryphal Writer whom I quoted in my last Saturday's Paper," Wifdom "is glorious, and never fadeth away, yet fhe is eafily feen of them that love her, and found of fuch as "feek her. She preventeth them that defire her, in making herself first known unto them. He that "feeketh her early, thall have no great travel: for "he hall find her fitting at his doors. To think "therefore upon her is perfection of wisdom, and "whofo watcheth for her fhall quickly be without care. "For fhe goeth about feeking fuch as are worthy of her, fheweth herself favourably unto them in the ways, and meeteth them in every thought."

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* Wifdom of Solomon, Ch. VI. ver. 12-16.
By ADDISON, dated it feems from Chelsea.


N° 226 Monday, November 19, 1711.**


Mutum eft pictura poema.

"A picture is a poem without words."

Have very often lamented and hinted my forrow in feveral Speculations, that the Art of Painting is made fo little ufe of to the improvement of our Manners. When we confider that it places the action


"Do you read the SPECTATORS? I never do; they never "come in my way; I go to no coffee-houses. They fay abundance "of them are very pretty; they are going to be printed in small "volumes; I'll bring them over with me.'

Letter of Swift to Mrs. Johnfon, dated Nov. 18, 1711.

This Speculation was written with the generous defign of promoting a Subfcription just then fet on foot for having the Cartoons of Raphael copied and engraved by Signior Nicola Dorigny, who had been invited over from Rome by feveral of the nobility, and to whom the queen had given her licence for that purpose. In his Propofals (printed at the end of fome of the original Specta


of the perfon reprefented in the most agreeable afpect imaginable, that it does not only exprefs the paffion or concern as it fits upon him who is drawn, but has under thofe features the height of the painter's imagination, What ftrong images of virtue and humanity might we not expect would be inftilled into the mind from the labours of the pencil? there is a Poetry which would be underflood with much lefs capacity, and lefs expence of time, than what is taught by writings; but the ufe of it is generally perverted, and that admirable fkill prostituted to the bafest and most unworthy ends. Who is the better man for beholding the most beautiful Venus, the beft wrought Bacchanal, the images of fleeping Cupids, languishing nymphs, or any of the reprefentations of gods, goddeffes, demigods, fatyrs, Polyphemes, fphynxes, or fawns? but if the virtues and vices, which are fometimes pretended to be reprefented under fuch draughts, were given us by the Painter in the characters of real life, and the perfons of men and women whofe actions have rendered them laudable or infamous; we fhould not fee a good history-piece without receiving an inftructive lecture. There needs no other proof of this truth, than the teftimony of every reasonable creature who has seen the Cartoons in her majesty's gallery at Hampton-Court. These are reprefentations of no less actions than those of our bleffed Saviour and his Apoftles. As I now fit and recollect the warm images which the admirable Raphael has raised, it is impoffible even from the faint traces in one's memory of what one has not feen these two years, to be unmoved at the horror and reverence which appear in the whole affembly when the mercenary man fell down dead; at the amazement of the man born blind, when he first receives fight; or at the graceless indignation of the forcerer, when he is ftruck blind. The lame when they first find strength in their feet, ftand doubtful of their new vigour. The heavenly Apoftles

tors) this artist offers to deliver eight plates, nineteen inches high, and from twenty-five or thirty inches long, for four guineas fubfcription; although, he fays, the prints of Alexander's Battles after Le-brun, being but five in number, are frequently fold for twenty guineas, &c.


appear acting thefe great things, with a deep fenfe of the infirmities which they relieve, but no value of themselves who adminifter to their weakness. They know themselves to be but inftruments; and the generous distress they are painted in when divine honours are offered to them, is a representation in the most exquifite degree of the Beauty of Holinefs. When St. Paul is preaching to the Athenians, with what wonderful art are almost all the different tempers of mankind represented in that elegant audience? you fee one credulous of all that is faid; another wrapt up in deep fufpenfe; another faying there is fome reafon in what he fays; another angry that the Apostle destroys a favourite opinion which he is unwilling to give up; another wholly convinced and holding out his hands in rapture; while the generality attend, and wait for the opinion of those who are of leading characters in the affembly. I will not pretend fo much as to mention that chart on which is drawn the appearance of our bleffed Lord after his refurrection. Prefent authority, late fufferings, humility and majefty, defpotic command, and divine love, are at once feated in his celeftial afpect. The figures of the eleven Apoftles are all in the fame paffion of admiration, but difcover it dif ferently according to their characters. Peter receives. his master's orders on his knees with an admiration mixed with a more particular attention. The two next with a more open ecftafy, though still constrained by the awe of the divine prefence. The beloved difciple, whom I take to be the right of the two firft figures, has in his countenance wonder drowned in love; and the laft perfonage, whofe back is towards the fpectators, and his fide towards the prefence, one would fancy to be St. Thomas, as abafhed by the confcience of his former diffidence; which perplexed concern it is poffible Raphael thought too hard a task to draw, but by this acknowledgment of the difficulty to defcribe it.

The whole work is an exercise of the highest piety in the Painter; and all the touches of a religious mind are expreffed in a manner much more forcible than can poffibly be performed by the moft moving eloquence. These invaluable pieces are very justly in the hands of


the greatest and most pious fovereign in the world; and cannot be the frequent object of every one at their own leifure: but as an engraver is to the painter what a printer is to the author, it is worthy her majefty's name. that he has encouraged that noble artist, Monfieur Dorigny, to publifh thefe works of Raphael. We have of this gentleman a piece of the Transfiguration, which, I think, is held a work fecond to none in the world.

Methinks it would be ridiculous in our people of condition after their large bounties to foreigners of no name or merit, fhould they overlook this occafion of having, for a trifling fubfcription, a work which it is impoffible for a man of fenfe to behold, without being warmed with the nobleft fentiments that can be infpired by love, admiration, compaffion, contempt of this world, and expectation of a better.

It is certainly the greatest honour we can do our country, to diftinguish ftrangers of merit who apply to us with modesty and diffidence, which generally accompanies merit. No opportunity of this kind ought to be neglected; and a modeft behaviour fhould alarm us to examine whether we do not lofe fomething excellent under that difadvantage in the poffeffor of that quality. My fkill in paintings, where one is not directed by the paffion of the pictures, is fo inconfiderable, that I am in very great perplexity when I offer to fpeak of any performances of painters of landfcapes, buildings, or fingle figures. This makes me at a lofs how to mention the pieces which Mr. Boul exposes to fale by auction on Wednesday next in Chandois-ftreet : but having heard him commended by those who have bought of him heretofore for great integrity in his dealing, and overheard him himfelf (though a laudable painter) fay, Nothing of his own was fit to come into the room with thofe he had to fell, I feared I fhould lofe an occafion of ferving a man of worth, in omitting to speak of his auction.




There is arrived from Italy a painter, who acknowledges himself the greatest perfon of the age in that art, and is willing to be as renowned in this ifland, as he declares he is in foreign parts. The octor paints the poor for nothing. SPECT. in folie.


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