
Berlin. Histoire Secrete de la Cour de Berlin, en 1786–7, (par Mirabeau.) Svo. 2 vol. in 1.


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Par. 1787

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Lond. 1642

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Ven. 1797

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Berne. 12mo. 2 vol.
Neuf. 1737-59
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Etats du Grand Mogul. 12mo. 2 vol. Amst. 1724
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Chapitres de son Abrégé de la Philosophie de Gas-
sendi. 12mo.
Par. 1681

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le Cours d'un Voyage par l'Allemagne, la Suisse, &c. en 1774-5. 12mo. 2 vol. in 1. Berlin, 1777 Bernoulli (Jacobi) Dissertatio de Gravitate Etheris, et Conamen novi Systematis Cometarum. 12mo.

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Zuric, 1754
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volution. 8vo. 9 vol.
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Berwick. Mémoires du Maréchal de Berwick, écrits
par lui-même. 12mo. 2 vol.
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reigns of the World. Folio.
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rope. 8vo.
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Romæ, 1785

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Bononiæ, 1748
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taglotton Edm. Castelli. Folio. 8 vol. Lond. 1657-69
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Camb. 1763

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Apocryphos Vet. Test. 8vo. 3 vol. Haga, 1779-80
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