
"Silver Thread in it. I warrant

“there's manie a young Gallant at "Court would be proud of fuch."


Girls, put your Sciffars out of "your Mother's Way," fays Father; "fhe's a perfect Dalilah, and will "whip off Half my Curls before I


I can count Three, unless you look "after her. And I," he adds, with a Sigh, "am, in one Sort, a Sam"Son."

"I'm fure Dalilah never treated "Samfon's old Coat with fuch


Refpect," fays Mother, finishing her Task, refuming her Apron, and kiffing him. "Soe now, keep "your Eyes open-I mean, keep

[blocks in formation]




awake, till I bring you a Goffip's


When she was gone, Father continued fitting bolt upright, his Eyes, as fhe fayd (his beautiful Eyes!), open and wakefull, and his Countenance compofed, yet grave, as if his Thoughts were at least as far off as Tangrolipix the Turk. All at once, he fays,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

"Why, then,” cries he, gaily,

"this Coat can't be very old, how"ever long I may have worn it. I'll "rub on in it still; and your Mother "and you will have the more Money "for copper-coloured Clokes. But



don't, at any Time, let your Father

get fhabby, Children. I would "never be threadbare nor unclean. "Let my Habitt be neat and spot"lefs, my Bands well washed and


uncrumpled, as becometh a Gen

"tleman. As for my Sword in the
"Corner, your
Mother may fend
"that after my Medal as foon as
"fhe will. The Cid parted with
"his Tizona in his Life-time; foe
"a peaceable Man, whofe Eyes, like




May 12.

"the Prophet Abijah's, are fet, may "well doe the fame."

Yesterday being the Lord's Day, Mother was hugely fcared during Morning Service, by feeing an old Lady put her Kerchief to her Nofe, look hither and thither, and, finally, walk out of Church. One whispered another, "A Plague



Smell, perchance." "No Doubt

on't;" and foe, one after another left, as, at length, did Mother, who declared she beganne to feel herself ill. On the Cloth being drawn after Dinner, fhe made a ferious Attack on my Father, upon the Subject

Subject of Country Lodgings, which he ftoutly refifted at first, saying,

"If, Wife and Daughters, either "the Danger were fo immediate, or "the Escape from it fo facile as to "juftify these womanish Clamours, "Reason would that I fhould liften

to you. But, fince that the Lord

"is about our Bed, and about our

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Path, in the Capital no less than

"in the Country, and knoweth them "that are his, and hideth them "under the Shadowe of his Wings"and fince that, if the Fiat be in"deed iffued agaynft us, no Strong'hold, though guarded with triple "Walls of Circumvallation, like Ec"batana



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