6626 Evans's (Maurice) Ægis of England, or Triumphs of the late War, as they appear in the Thanks of Parliament, progressively voted to the Navy and Army, thick 8vo. boards, 28.6d. sitions, 8vo. calf, 18.6d..... 6627 Evans's (Nath.) Poems on several Occasions, with some other Compo..... Philadelphia, 1772 6628 Evans's (Thomas) Old Ballads, historical and narrative, with Notes, 4 vols. crown 8vo. calf, 158.... 1777 6629 Evelyn's Miscellaneous Writings, with Notes by Upcott, portrait and plates, royal 4to. boards, £1.88.... 6630 Every Day Occurrences, 2 vols. crown 8vo. half-calf, very neat, 48.6d... ....1825 6631 Evremond's (St.) Works, with his Life by Maizeaux, translated from the French, portrait, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, neat, 48.6d.. .....1728 6632- Female Falsehood, or Life and Adventures of a French Nobleman, .... ........1722 plates, 2 vols. 12mo. bound, 28.6d.... 6633 Excursions from Corfu to Smyrna; comprising a Progress through Albania and the north of Greece, with an Account of Athens, and a translation of Plato's Erastæ, a Dialogue on Philosophy, 8vo. calf, gilt, 38..... 1827 6634 Excursions of a Spirit, with a Survey of the planetary World, a Vision, plates, 12mo. boards, 18...... ..1821 6635 Excursions in the County of Kent, with fifty Engravings, 8vo. boards, 68...... Physics, 8vo. half-cloth, 38. (pub. at 128.)... 1822 6636 Exley's (Thomas) Principles of Natural Philosophy, or new Theory of ........1829 6637 Extracts, and Account of the Manuscripts in the Library of the King of France, translated from the French, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, neat, 38.6d. 6638 Faber's (M.) Sketches of the internal State of France, 8vo. bds. 18. 6639 Fabricus's (Baron) Letters to Charles XII. of Sweden, 8vo. calf, 28. 6640 Fabyan's New Chronicles of England and France, with Preface and In ... dex by Ellis, royal 4to. boards, 178........ ..........1811 6641 Faerno's (Gabriel) Fables in English and French Verse, translated from the Latin, with 100 copper-plates, 8vo. calf, very neat, 48....1714 6642 Fairbrother's (Mary Ann) Poems, chiefly moral and pastoral, 12mo. calf, very neat, 18..... .... 1808 6643 Falconbridge's Two Voyages to Sierra Leone, 12mo. boards. 18...1802 6644 Falconer's (W.) Shipwreck, a Poem, with additional Notes and Illustrations, and Life of the Author, engravings by Dodd, royal 4to. bds. 88.6d..... 1808 1785 6645- Shipwreck, with Notes, plates, 12mo. bds. 18.6d. (pub.at 5s.) 6646 Falconer's Shipwreck, map, 8vo. boards, 18.... 6647 Familiar Discourse, concerning the Mine-Adventure, 12mo. half-bound, .... 18....... 6648 Farren's (G.) Treatise on Life Assurance, 8vo. boards, 28.......1823 FARRIERY, AND CATTLE MEDICINE : bound, 18.6d. 6649- Bartlet's Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Horses, plates 12mo. 6650- Bracken's Complete Treatise on the Art of Farriery, 2 vols. 12mo. Bracken's Traveller's Pocket Farrier, 12mo. bound, 18. 38.6d. (pub. at 10s. 6d.)...... 12mo. boards, 18..... 6653 FARRIERY, AND CATTLE MEDICINE.-Burdon's Pocket Farrier, by Bracken-Bromfield's Account of English Nightshades, 1 vol. 12mo. bd. 18. Burke on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Horse, 12mo. calf, 28..... 6654 6655 6656 6657 Clark's Hippodonomia, or True Structure, Laws, and Economy of the Horse's Foot; and Podophthora, or Ruinous Defect in the Principle of the Common Shoe, plates, 4to. half-calf, neat, 128....1829 Clater's Every Man his own Farrier, 8vo. boards, 48. (pub. at 98.)...... Clater's Every Man his own Cattle Doctor, plate, 8vo. boards, 6658 - Experienced Farrier, containing every Thing that belong to a 6659- Farmer's Assistant, in the Treatment of Horned Cattle and Sheep, .. Ludlow, 1825 complete Horseman, Groom, Farrier, and Horseleach, by E. R. 8vo. bound, 28............... ......1720 .. 6659*- Feron's Complete Treatise on Farriery, front. royal 8vo. calf, neat, 68............. ..1810 6660 6661 Gibson's True Method of Dieting Horses, 8vo. calf, neat, 28.1731 Gibson's Practical Method of Cure for Horses, plates, 8vo. bds. 28........ ..1755 6662 | Hinds's Veterinary Surgeon, or Art of Farriery taught on a new Plan, plates, 12mo. boards, 6s. (pub. at 128.).... .......... ..1829 6663 38. (pub. at 78.).. Hinds'sGrooms' Oracle, and Pocket-Stable Directory, 12mo. bds. ...1829 ... 6664 Lawrence's History and Delineation of the Horse in all his Varieties, with 15 plates, fine impressions, royal 4to. £1.158. (pub. at £3.158.).. ....1809 6665 Lawrence's Complete Farrier and British Sportsman, plates, 4to. Lawrence's Philosophical and Practical Treatise on Horses, 2 vols. 8vo calf, neat, 68..... .....1790 6667 Lawrence's Inquiry into the Structure and Animal Economy of the Horse, plates, 4to. boards, 68. Orr's (G.) Treatise on the Cavalry and Saddle Horse, plate, 12mo. ..1803 boards, 28... Osmer's Treatise on the Horse, plate, 12mo. cloth, 38.6d. (pub. at 88.)..... - Peck's Veterinary Medicine and Therapeutics, plate, 8vo. calf, neat, 4s.... ..1814 Smith's (Thomas) Treatise on Glanders, 8vo. boards, 28. (pub. at .......1813 - 78.6d.)..... 6672 Solleysell's Complete Horseman; discovering the surest Marks of the Beauty, Goodness, Faults, and Imperfections of Horses; also the Art of Shoeing, and the best Method of breeding Colts, translated by Hope, numerous plates, folio, bound, 78.6d.... ........1717 6673 -- Snape's Practical Treatise on Farriery, portrait, 4to. boards, 38. 6674 - Taplin's Gentleman's Stable Directory, or modern System of Farriery, and Compendium of Practical and Experimental Farriery, plate, 3 vols. 8vo. half-calf, 68.... - ..1796 6675 Taplin's Gentleman's Stable Directory, 8vo. boards, 18.6d..1793 6676 - Topham on the Diseases of Cattle, boards, 8vo. 2s. 6d York, 1787 6677 FARRIERY AND CATTLE MEDICINE.-White on Cattle Medicine, 12mo. .. 1825 boards, 38...... 6678- Wood's Compendious Treatise on Farriery, with Directions for Bleeding, &c., with the Supplement, 2 vols. 8vo. 28.6d....1757-8 6679 Fatal Effects of Gambling exemplified in the Murder of Mr. Ware, and Fate of the Murderers; with the Gamblers' Scourge, an Exposé of the whole System of Gambling, plates, 8vo. half-calf, neat, 4s.1824 6680 Faulkner's (Thomas) History and Antiquities of Kensington, with Biographical Anecdotes, and a descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures in the Palace, plates, 8vo. boards, 78. (pub. at £1.88.) Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea and its Environs, map and plates, 4to. boards, 4s.... Historical and Topographical Account of Fulham, including the Hamlet of Hammersmith, map and plates 4to. 4s.........1813 Another copy, 4to. calf neat, 68.... 6681 6682 6683 .. ....1810 1813 6684 Faulkner's (Sir A. B.) Rambling Notes, and Reflections, suggested during a Visit to Paris in 1826-7, 8vo. boards, 2s. (pub. at 12s.) 6685 Fauriel's Songs of Greece, translated into English Verse, by Charles Brinsley Sheridan, crown 8vo. boards, 38.6d.. 1825 6686 Faux's Memorable Days in America: being a Journal of a Tour to the United States, principally undertaken to ascertain the Condition and Prospects of British Emigrants, plate, 8vo. bds. 38. (pub. at 14s.) 6687 Faxardo's Royal Politician represented in 100 emblems, translated from the Spanish by Sir J. Astry, port. 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 58........1700 6688 Feldborg's Danish and Norwegian Melodies, with Accompaniments for the Piano-Forte, by C. Stokes, the Poetry translated by Walker, folio, boards, 5s. (pub. at 168.).... ......1815 6689 Fellowes's (W. D.) Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe, in 1817, with Notes taken during a Tour through le Perche, Normandy, Bretagne, Poitou, Anjou, le Bocage, Touraine, Orleanois, and the Environs of Paris, coloured plates, royal 8vo. purple morocco, gilt leaves, 178..... ....1820 .. .... ... 6690 Feltham's (John) Tour through the Island of Mann, in 1797 and 1798, map and plates, 8vo. half-calf, 38.6d.... ....1798 6691 - English Enchiridion, a Selection of Apothegms, moral Maxims, ..... Bath, 1799 6692 Felton's Dissertation on Reading the Classics, 12mo. bound, 18...1715 6693 Female Instructor, or Young Woman's Companion, with a New Sys &c. front. 12mo. boards, 18... ..... tem of Cookery, &c., 8vo. half-calf, neat, 58...... .....1832 6694 Female Sex, an Essay in Defence of the, front. 8vo. calf, 18.6d...1697 6695 FENCING.-Oliver's Fencing familiarised, or Treatise on the Art of small Sword, in French and English, plates, 8vo. calf, neat, 28.6d. 6696 - Hope's Complete Fencing Master, plates, 12mo. calf, neat, 28. 6697 Roland's (G.) Treatise on the Theory and Practice of the Art of Fencing, with twelve plates, royal 8vo. boards, 4s. (pub. at 18s.) 6698 Fenelon's Adventures of Telemachus, translated by Littlebury and - Boyer, plates, 2 vols. 12mo. bound, 28.6d..... 1721 6699 -- Ditto, translated by Ozell, plates, 2 vols. 12mo. calf, 28.6d.1740 6700-- Ditto, translated by Hawkesworth, 12mo. boards, 18.6d... 1810 6701 -- Ditto, translated by Procter, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, neat, 3s.6d..1774 - Ditto, translated into English Verse, by Meilan, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, neat, 4s... 1776 6702 :1705ء 6703 Fenelon's Characters and Criticisms upon Ancient and Modern Orators, Poets, Painters, &c., front, 8vo. bound, 18.6d....... 6704 Fennell's Review of the Proceedings at Paris during the last Summer, 8vo. half calf neat, 28.... ..1792 6705 Fenning's Young Man's Book of Knowledge, 12mo. bound, 18.6d.1806 6706 Fenton's (R.) Historical Tour through Pembrokeshire, with portrait, map, and thirty fine plates, 4to. boards, 148. (pub. at £3.13.6d.) 6707 Fenton's (Richard) Poems, 2 vols. 12mo. sewed, 28.1790 6708 Ferguson's (Dr. Adam) History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic, with maps, 3 vols. 4to. half-calf, neat, £1...1783 6709 Another copy, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. new, 5s. (pub. at 88.6d.) 6710 Ferguson's Essay on the History of Civil Society, 8vo. bound, 2s. 6711 -- Institutes of Moral Philosophy, 12mo. calf, 18.6d... Edin. 1773 6712 Ferguson's (Robert) Works, with a Sketch of his Life, 8vo. neat, 28.6d. 6713 Ferrel's Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the united States of America, 8vo. boards, 28.6d....... ...1832 6714 Ferrar's (John) View of Ancient and Modern Dublin, with its latest Improvements, maps and plates, 12mo. boards, 18.6d... Dub. 1807 6716 Fermer's View of Ancient and Modern Dublin, plates, 8vo. calf, 3s. 6716 Ferrar's (Ralph) Poems, cr. 8vo. boards, Is. (pub. at 78.6d.).....1823 6717 Ferreira's (Antonio) Ignez de Castro, a Tragedy, translated by Thomas ..... 1825 Moore Musgrove, 12mo. boards, 18.6d... 6718 Ferriar's (John) Illustrations of Sterne, with other Essays and Verses, 2 vols. in 1, crown 8vo. calf, gilt, 58.... ..1812 6719 Fessenden's (Thomas Green) original Poems, 12mo. boards, 1s...1804 6720 Feuquieres's (Marquis de) Memoirs, Historical and Military, of all the considerable States of Europe, with a military Dictionary, by the Translator, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 48.... ...1736 6721 Feyjoo's Essays or Discourses, translated from the Spanish, by J. Brett, 4 vols. 8vo. calf, neat, 108...... 6722 Fidelia, or the Gamester's Fate, a Tale of the West, 12mo. boards, 18. 6723 Fielding's (Henry) Works, viz.: Tom Jones; Amelia; Joseph Andrews; Jonathan Wild; Miscellaneous Works, 5 vols. 8vo. half-calf, neat, 188.... - . Dub. 1819 .1808 Tom Jones, 4 vols. 12mo. calf, gilt, 88 68.6d.. .....1831 Cooke 6725 6726 6727 6728 -- Amelia, with Cruikshank's plates, 2 vols. 12mo. half-cloth, - Tom Jones, plates, 3 vols. 18mo. calf, gilt, 58.... 48.6d... ..1832 6729-Joseph Andrews, plates, 12mo. boards, 28. (pub. at 78.6d.).1822 6730 -- Joseph Andrews, and Amelia, with plates, in 1 vol. 8vo. half.. Harrison, 1781 calf, 3s........ Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia, 12mo. calf, 18.6d.........1758 Causes of the Increase of Robbers, 12mo. calf, 18.6d......1751 6734 Filangieri's (G.) Science of Legislation, translated from the Italian, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, neat, marbled leaves, 68.. ..1806 6735 Filmer's (Sir Robert) Freeholder's grand Inquest touching our Sovereign Lord the King and his Parliament, 8vo. bound, 18..........1679 6736 Finch's (Thomas) Essays on Man, delineating his intellectual and moral .......1811 Qualities, 12mo. boards, 18.6d........ 6737 Fireside Book; or Account of a Christmas spent at Old Court, by the Author of "May you like it," front. 12mo. boards, 28.......1830 6738 Fischer's (C. A.) Picture of Madrid, crown 8vo. boards, 18. (pub. at 78.6d.)..... 1808 6739 Fisgrave's Midas, or Inquiry concerning Taste and Genius, 18mo. halfcalf, neat, 18.6d... 1808 6740 Fisher-Boy; a Poem, comprising his several Avocations during the four Seasons, front. 12mo. boards, 18. 6741 Fisher's (J.B.) Mort Castle, a Gothic Story, 12mo. calf, neat, 18.6d. 6742 Fitzgerald's (W. T.) Miscellaneous Poems, 8vo. green calf, gilt, 3s. 6743 Fitzosborne's (Sir Thomas) Letters on Several Subjects, by W. Melmoth, with his Life, 8vo. half-cloth, new, 28.6d. (pub. at 98.).1814 6744 - Letters, and Dialogue concerning Oratory, 8vo. bound, 18.6d. 6745 Another copy, 12mo. calf gilt, 38.... 6746 Fitz-Eustace's (Father, a Mendicant Friar) Essays, crown 8vo. bds. ... .... ....1805 28. (published at 78.6d.).. ....1822 6747 Fitzwilliam's Pleasures of Love: Amatory Poems, original and translated, 12mo. calf, neat, 18.6d.. .....1807 6748 Flanders Delineated, or a View of the Austrian and French Nether.....1745 6749 Flatman's (Thomas) Poems and Songs, port. 8vo. calf, 18.6d....1686 6750 Fleming's (Giles) Stemma Sacrum; the Royal Progeny Delineated, lands, with maps, 8vo. half-russia, 18.. port. of Charles II. 12mo. calf, very neat, 3s.... ..........1660 6751 Flemming's (Abraham) Panoplie of Epistles, or Looking Glasse for the Unlearned, contayning a perfecte Platforme of inditing Letters of all Sorts to Persons of all Estates and Degrees, as well our Superiours as also our Equalls and Inferiours, Black Letter, 4to. calf, neat, fine copy, scarce, 78...... 1576 6752 Fletcher's (Andrew, of Saltoun) Political Works, 8vo. calf, 28.6d. 1732 6753-- Political Works, with his Life, and Observations by Watson, 6755 12mo. calf, 28.6d....... ....1798 6754- Historical Account of the ancient Rights and Power of the ParAberdeen, 1823 Earl of Buchan's Essays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher of Saltoun, and the Poet Thomson, port. 8vo. boards, 38. ......1792 6756 Fletcher's (James) History of Poland, with a Narrative of recent ...1831 liament of Scotland, 8vo. boards, 18.6d.. Events, port. and map, 8vo. cloth, 5s.6d.... 6757 Fletcher's (Phineas) Purple Island, or Isle of Man, an Allegorical Poem, and Christ's Victory and Triumph, a Poem, by Giles Fletcher, 8vo. 18.6d.... ....1783 6758 Flim Flams; or the Life and Errors of my Uncle and his Friends; with Illustrations and Obscurities, by Messrs. Tag, Rag, and Bobtail; a Literary Romance, with plates, 3 vols. 12mo. bds. 68.6d. (published at £1.18.). 6759 Flinders's (M.) Voyage to Terra Australis, in 1801-2-3, with an Account of the Shipwreck of the Porpoise, with plates, 2 vols. royal 4to. half cloth, 15s. (without the Atlas). 1814 6760 Flloyd's Bibliotheca Biographica, Universal Biography, Ancient and Modern, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, 6s .......1760 |