
people of England. But it must be admitted that an appeal from a committee apparently independent of Government had an effect which no appeal from Government could have had. If the Indian revenues have gained, English charities have suffered. Yet the coldest economist cannot regret that England has shown on so splendid a scale the sympathy it feels for India; nor can the soberest politician deny that the display has added strength to our rule.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bell, Major E., "Last Counsels of an
Unknown Counsellor," 523
Bernhardi, T. von, "Geschichte Russ-
lands und der europäischen Politik
in den Jahren 1814 bis 1831," 541
Burns, R. W., “A Century of Potting
in the City of Worcestor," 300
Blackie, J. Š., "The Natural History of
Atheism," 498

Blackmoor, R. D., "Erema," 208
Bonaparte, Prince L. L., "On the Dia-

lects of eleven Southern and South-
Western Counties," 557
Brassey, T., M.P., "Lectures on the
Labour Question," 517

"The Eastern Question," 519
Braun, Dr. A., "Ueber die Bedeutung
der Pflanzenkunde für die allgemeine
Bildung," 270

Brent, John, F.S.A., “Atalanta, Winnie,
and other Poems," 290

Brontë, Charlotte, 34-56

Brook, Rev. S. A., "The Fight of Faith,”


Browning, E. B., "Earlier Poems," 289
R., "The Agamemnon of Æs-
chylus," 294

Bryce, J., "Transcaucasia and Ararat,"

Buckheim, C. A., Ph.D., "Materials for
German Prose Composition," 546
Buddhism, Popular, according to the
Chinese Canon, 328-354

Burke, U. R., " Spanish Salt," 292
Butler, S., "Life and Habit," 507
Bywater, A., "The Sheffield Dialect,"


CAMPBELL, C. D., "Essex, a Play," 291
Carriere, M., "Die sittliche Weltord-
nung," 509

Catlin, G., "Last Rambles among the
Indians," 263

Celtis, Emelobie de, "The Pale and the
Septs," 287

"Chatterbox," 566

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Daryl, P., B.A., "The Picture Amateur's
Handbook," 564

"Dates and Data relating to Religious
Anthropology," &c., 302

Dawson, J. W., LL.D., "The Origin of
the World according to Revelation
and Science," 499


2 P

[blocks in formation]

Frere, Sir Bartle, "Pandurang Hárí,"

Friedländer, M., Ph.D., "Essays on the
Writings of Abraham Ibn Ezra," 505
"The Commentary of

Ibn Ezra on Isaiah," 505

GARDINER, S. R., "The Personal Go-
vernment of Charles I., 1628-1637,
Galezowski, X., M.D., "Traité des
Maladies des Yeux," 536

Ghore, N. N., "The Effects of Observa-
tion of England upon Indian Ideas,"
&c., 262

Gilbert, W., "Them Boots," 287
Giles, Rev. Dr., "Hebrew and Christian
Records," 241

Girls, The Education of: their Admissi-
bility to Universities," 56-90
'Glasgow Reading Club, A Catalogue
of the Books of," 558

Grant, Sir A., "Aristotle," 563
Grant, Mary," The Franchise," 526
Grant, Rev. G. M., "From Ocean to
Ocean," 265

Gray, J. H., LL.D., "China: A History
of," &c., 521

Green, J. R., M.A., "History of the
English People," 275

W. E., M.A., "The Similes of
Homer's Iliad," 295

Grimm, Dr. E., "Die Lehre über
Buddha und das Dogma von Jesus
Christus," 248

Grohman, W. H. B., "Tyrol and the
Tyrolese," 254

Grove, G., "A Dictionary of Music and
Musicians," 563

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Manning, H. E. (Archbishop of West-
minster), "The True Story of the
Vatican Council," 543

Manssen, W. J., "Het Christendom en
de Vrow," 506

Marnnhardt, Dr., "Klytia," 302
Maxse, Rear-Admiral, "National Edu-
cation and its Opponents," 277
Mignatz, M.A., "Sketches of the His-
torical Past of Italy," 538

Miln, J., "Excavations at Carnac," 301
Minister, A Modern," 549

Moffat, R. S., "The Economy of Con-
sumption," 512

Moltke, Marshal von,
Russia," 521

"Letters from

Morison, J., "Pontius Pilate," 554
Morshead, E. D., M.A., "The Agamem-
non of Eschylus," 294

Müller, Dr. F., "Grundriss der Sprach-


LADY, Russian, A, “Is Russia Wrong?" Newman, J. H., “The Via of the


Anglican Church," 501

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Rottenburg, F. 1., "Vom Begriff des
Staates," 510

Routledge, J., "English Rule and Na-
tive Opinion in India," 261
Russian Aggression, and the Duty of
Europe, 465-497

Rutherford, J., "The Secret History of
the Fenian Conspiracy," 277

SCHLIEBEN, E., "Hinter der Front," 302
Schönberg-Cotta Family, The," selec-
tions from the Author of, 286
Schmidt, Dr. H., "Ueber die allmälige
Entwicklung des sinnlichen Un-
terscheidungsvermögens der Mensch
heit," 567

Servians and Croats, the Literature of,

Sharman, W., "Science: her Martyr-
dom and Victory," 269
Shaw, F., "Castle Blair," 550
Shuttleworth, P. N., D.D., "Not Tra-
dition, but Scripture," 243
Sidgwick, H., "The Method of Ethics,"

[blocks in formation]

Simmonds, P. L., "Tropical Agricul
ture," 302

Simpson, R., "The School of Shak-
speare," 294

Sinclair, Sir T., "A Defence of Russia,"
519, 544

Skemp, T. R., "Reediford Holm," 288
Smith, G. B., "Shelley: A Critical Bio-
graphy," 279

H., "Irene Floss," 554
Spiller, P., "Irrwege der Naturphilo-
sophie, 509

Stilling, Dr. J., "Die Prüfung des Far-

bensinnes beim Eisenbahn- und Ma-
rinepersonal," 535

Storr, John S., "Russia as She Is," 257
Sumner, Charles, 159-207

Sweet, H., "Handbook of Phonetics,"


[blocks in formation]
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