

by Prayer: One went, offer'd there the Sacrifice of Christ's Body, praying with all his Might, that this Vexation bou'd cease, and by the Mercy of God it ceafed.

Thefe Paffages, I hope, My Lord, will fatiffie your Grace, the primitive Fathers, and confequently the whole Catholick Church, did believe and profefs, that what we now underftand by the Mafs, is a true, proper and propitiatory Sacrifice for the Living and the Dead. If not, My Lord, be pleas'd to read Juftinus, Martyr. Dialogo. cum Tryphone. St. Irenaus Lib. 4. Cap. 32. Eufebius, Lib. 1. Demonftrat. Evang. Cap. 1o. St. Bafilius, Lib. 2. de Baptifmo. St. Gregorius Nylenus, orat. 1. in Refurrectionem Chrifti: St. Gregorius Nazianzenus Orat. 3. & 4. adverfus Julianum. St. John Chryfoftom, in Pfal. 95. St. Cyrillus Alexandrinus in Epiftola ad Neftorium. And Theodoret, in Cap. 1. Malachia. Whon your Grace fhall find fpeaking and holding the fame Language, as thofe Fathers, whofe Paffages are here fet down.

Your Grace defires us to read the latter Part of the ninth Chapter of St. Paul to the Hebrews, and that there we will find, that there is no fuch thing as an unbloody propitiatory Sacrifice: For without fedding of Blood is no Remif fion. v.22.

1 grant, My Lord, there is no fuch thing mention'd in this Chapter of St. Paul And the Reason why there is not, is, becaufe St. Paul was altogether taken up with the Thoughts of inculcating to the Jews the Paffion and Sacri fice of Chrilt upon the Crofs, and therefore fpeaks nothing in this Chapter of the Sacrifice which he inftituted and offer'd, previous to his

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Paffion, that the fame might, to the End of the World be the Memorial of his Sacrifice on the Crofs, and an efficacious Means of applying to the Living and the Dead, the Merits thereof; and be offer'd from the Rifing to the Setting of the Sun, as the Prophet Malachy foretold. But fo long as there is mention made by St. Paul, and the Evangelift St. Luke in other Places of the Scripture of this Sacrifice, as I have fhewn before, I think it is enough.

But your Grace, argues out of St. Paul in the aforefaid Chapter, without fbedding of Blood is no Remiffion. Without fhedding of Blood, in a bloody or unbloody manner, I grant there is no Remiffion: Without Thedding of Blood in a bloody manner, there is no Remiffion, I muft beg leave to deny; and think it is plain, from the Words of the Inftitution of this Sacrifice, previous to that of the Crofs, where Jefus Chrift, fays: This is my Body which is given for you. This is my Blood which is fhed for you: For the Remiffion of Sins; That his Blood was then thed only unbloodily and Myftically, and not bloodily, as on the Crofs, and yet it was for the Remiffion of Sins: And by confequence there is Remiffion of Sins, by the Myftically and unbloody Effufion of the Blood of Chrift, fuch as is made in the Sacrifice of the Mass.

But for your Grace's further Satisfaction in this Matter, if you will please to read what two enminent Divines of your own Communion wrote upon this Subject. I mean Bishop Hicks In his Chriftian Priesthood afferted, and the Reverend Mr. Jones in his Chriftian Sacrifice, I flatter my felf, your Grace will be of Opinion, that what St. Paul fays in the latter Part of the oth. Chapter to the Hebrews does not clash with,


nor in the leaft weaken, the Belief of what we hold; viz. That the Mafs is a true, proper and propitiatory Sacrifice. To repeat here all t efe two learned Men fay on the Subject, would fwell this Letter to too great a Bulk: I fhall therefore cite only one Paffage of the latter; where fpeaking of the Objections of his Adversaries, he thus confutes them: "They tell you (fays he) it "is the prefent Tenfe for the future; and if you "ask upon what Grounds this is faid, they have "nothing to reply but this, viz. That Christ's "Body was not in any Senfe given or offer'd to "God, till it was crucified, which is to take that "for granted, which my Reader fees was denied by the ancient Fathers: Nor does the Scrip


ture give any Countenance to our Adverfa"ries, while they would perfuade us that Chrift's "Oblation was performed on the Crofs only. The "fourHiftories of the Inftitution plainly declare, "that Chrift's Body was given or Sacrificed in the

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Eucharift; nor is there one Word in all the new "Teftament that can be urged in Contradiction "to it. Chrift is often faid to have given himself for

us, but that by this Phrafe is meant nothing "but his dying for us upon the Crofs, we are 66 no where told; and fince he himself has in"formed us, that in the Eucharift his Body was "given, his Blood shed for us, we have juft Rea"fon to believe him. He is fometimes faid to. "have born our Sins, and that this was done up"on the Crofs; that the Mactation was there "performed, is not difputed. It is faid, that "Chrift was once offer'd to bear the Sins of many Heb. And that the Oblation was "but one, is a moft certain Apoftolical Truth, "and yet they, who limit this one Oblation "to the fix Hours time, during which he hung

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、 upon the Crofs, are deftitute of any Proo from Scripture. That the Sacrifice was not finished till our Saviour expired on the Cros "nay till he entred into the Holy of Holies even Heaven itself, is evident enough; nor is "it lefs evident, that he began this Sacrificial "Solemnity by offering his own Body and Blood "when he inftituted the Eucharift: Christ is "deed bore the Punishment of our Sins in his ow "natural Body on the Tree. 1. Pet. 2. 24. But "when St. Paul, as above cited, fays, He wa "offer'd to bear the Sins of many, it is manifeft, "that there was an Oblation previons to the "fufferings or bearing there mentioned a "when the Apoftle fays in the 26th. Verse of "that Chapter, that Chrift appeared once to fut

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away Sin, his appearing was before his putting 66 away Sin. So when he fays here, that he was "once offer'd to bear, he muft in fome Sense of. "fer himself before he could be capable of bear"ing; and 'tis evident that his Crucifixion was "a Confequence of his Offering himself; and "this is the full of what St. Paul fays, Heb. 9. 25, 26. viz. That Chrift was not often to


offer himself, for then he must often have fuffer"ed; he offer'd himself but once, and therefore "fuffer'd but once. He began his Oblation in "the Eucharift, and continued it on the Crofs."

Thus you fee, My Lord, how this learned Gentleman of your own Communion reconciles the latter Part of the 9th. Chapter of St. Paul to the Hebrews, with the Belief of the Sacri. fice offer'd by Chrift to his Father, at the last Supper; and in one Paragraph answers effectually all the Queftions your Grace asks us. As to what he fays after, in the fame Place of the



Of the Real Prefence and Tranfubftantiation. Papifts, (as he is pleas'd to call us) I am not now concerned to take Notice; Tho' I may poffibly another Time; But will return to your Grace's 23d. Paragraph.


Of the Real Prefence and Tranfubftantiation. Tbegins thus: "In the next Place, did the Apo"ftles every where teach the Chriftian Church, "under Pain of Damnation to believe that in the "moft boly Sacrament of the Eucharift, there istruly, really and fubftantially, the Body and Blood,

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together with the Soul and Divinity of our "Lord Jefus Chrift? And that there is a Con"verfion (or Change) made of the whole Sub"ftance of Bread into the Body, and of the "whole Subftance of the Wine into the Blood? "Which Converfion (or Change) the Catholick

Church (as it is pretended) calls Tranfubftantia“tion." Then your Grace Reafons upon the Nature of the Change of one Subftance into another; with Inftances, on the Change of Water into Wine, of an Egg into a Bird, tells us, St. Paul calls the Sacrament, Bread. And asks, if those Words of our Saviour. This is my Body, this is my Blood, May not be as fairly accounted for, as when he says: I am the Vine, &c. With many other Queftions and Reasonings all tending to the fame Purpose; which have been answer'd over and over an hundred Times, and which, it is hard, your Grace would take no Notice of?



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