
And again a little before the Diftribution of the Sacrament, he says: Behold the Lamb of God, the Son of the Father that takes away Sins, and was Sanctified for the Life and Salvation of the World. And a little after, he adds: Tafte and fee how gracious the Lord is, who is broken and not divided, is given to the Faithful and not confumed; for the Remiffion of Sins, and for everlasting Life, now and ever to eternal Ages.

In the Liturgy of St. Mark when in like Manner, the Priest has pronounced the Words of Confecration, viz. "For this is my Body, "which is broken and given for the Remiffion "of Sins. For this is my Blood of the new, “Testament, which is fhed and given for you, "and

fil and St Chryfoftom, which they ufe and which were extant without any Alteration long before the Time of the Schifm, they did not think fit to make any Change in them. It may not be amifs to fubjoin Ifidorus his own Words, as they were taken by the Interpreter in the said Council: "Hoc Miffale quo utimur (says he) est traditum "a Bafilio, & Beato Chryfoftomo: utebamur autem eo an "te tempus Schifmatis, nec aliqua facta eft Mutatio: ta"men Occidentalis Ecclefia nunquam de hoc Verbum fecit, "videlicet cum fuerimus concordes, & ad eundem finem "tendentes: Secundum rem dicimus idem, & credimus id "quod conficit Myfterium effe Sermonem Domini, & domi"nicam Vocem effe effectricem divinorum Munerum, & illa "Vox femper explicatur a Sacerdote, & fufcipit Sacerdos quod vox replicata aptetur, & fit eadem Vox cum Voce "Domini; & ut ita aptetur, invocatur Spiritus Sanctus, " & fupplicat Sacerdos, ut per Virtutem Spiritus Sancti "concedatur Gratia ut Vox repetita efficiaturita effectiva, "ut Verbum Dei fuit; & ita credimus Confummativam "fieri per illam Orationem Sacerdotis. Dominicæ Voces "habent Operationem ut Semina, quia fine Semine non "poteft effici fructus; ita in hac dominica Voce: tamen ubi cadit Semen, eget alijs Instrumentis, ut Sacerdotis, Al



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"and for many, for the Remiffion of Sins: H adds, after a long Prayer, thefe Words: Send "down thine holy Spirit upon us, and upon "these Loaves, and thefe Cups, that the Almighty God nay Sanctify, and thorough"ly confecrate then, making the Bread the Bcdy, and the Cup the Blood of the new "Teftament of our Lord himself, our God and Supreme King Jefus Chrift. And in another "Prayer, he adds: "We bow down our felves "both Soul and Body, before thee, teftifying "thereby our Subjection to thee: And befeech "thee to defend us from all the fecret Attacks "of Sin, and to make us Glad, with the divine "Influence of thine holy Spirit; fo that being "filled with the Knowledge of thee, we may

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❝taris, Orationum, Unde credimus per hoc vobifcum effe "concordes." This Miffal which we make Ufe of (fays he) was deliver'd to us from Bafil, and the blessed Chryfoftom: And we made Use of it before the Time of the Schifm: Nor is there any Change made in it; yet the Western Church neveT made any Exception on this Head, in as much as we were of one Accord, and tending to the fame End. We in reality fay the fame thing, and believe, that that which makes the Miftery is the Word of the Lord, and that the Word of our Lord produces the divine Gifts, and that Word is always exprefs'd by the Preft, and the Priest undertakes that the Word repeated fou'd be adapted, and be the fame Word with the Word of our Lord; and that it may be so adapted the Holy Ghoft is invoked, and the Priest prays that by Virtue of the Holy Ghost, Grace may be granted, that the repeated Word may be made as effective, as the Word of God wus;, and so we believe it becomes accomplishing by that Prayer of the Priest. The Words of our Lord are operative as Seeds are, because Fruit cannot be produced without Seed, so it is in this Word of our Lord: Yet where this Seed falls, it wants other Inftruments, As of the Priest, of the Altar, and of Prayers. Whence we believe, we are by this of one Accord with you.


"worthily partake of the good things lying be"fore us, the spotlefs Body, and precious Blood "of thine only begotten Son our Lord, our "God, and our Saviour Jefus Chrift.

In the Liturgy of St. John Chryfoftom, when the Prieft has pronounced the Words of Confecration, as in the two former Liturgies, after a fhort Prayer to God he faith thefe Words: "We

offer to thee this reasonable and unbloody "Worship and beg, pray, befeech thee to send "down thine holy Spirit upon us, and upon these "Gifts lying before thee- -make this Bread "the precious Body of thy Chrift and what "is in this Cup the precious. Blood of thy Chrift, changing them by thy holy Spirit."



2d. It is very probable, thefe Words: Make this Bread, &c. were in the beginning (while the Traditionary Form was used, and for fome time after) pronounced at the Altar, before the Words or Confecration, Hoc eft Corpus meum, This is my Body, &c. And that by the Carelefnefs of the Copifts in the primitive Times, it was tranfpofed and Inferted after the Words of Confecration; as Beffarion Bifhop of Nicea, one of the feven Greek Difputants, feems to infinuate, in his Treatife de Verbis Confecrationis, where he fays, that fome of the Oriental Writers affirm the fame. Befides, it is no fmall Argument of the Truth of this Tranfpofition, that in the Roman Miffal or Liturgy there is fuch another Prayer before the Words of Confecration in thefe Words. "Quam Oblationem tu Deus in omnibus "quæfumus, Benedictam, adfcriptam, ratam, rationabi"lem; acceptabilemque facere digneris, ut nobis Corpus, "& Sanguis fiat dilectiffimi Filij tui Domini Noftri Jefu. "Chrifti, qui pridie quam pateretur, &c." Which Oblation do thou, O God, we beseech thee, vouchsafe to render in all Refpects, bleffed, approved effectual, reasonable, and accep table, that it may be made unto us the Body and Blood of thy most beloved Son our Lord Fefus Christ, who the Day before be Suffer'd, &c. But be this as it will, it is Evident to

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In the Liturgy of St. Bafil used in the Patriarchate of Conftantinople, when the Priest has pronounced the Words of Confecration as in the former Liturgies, he puts up this Prayer to God: "O Lord who did fend thy holy Spirit, to thy "Apoftles at the third Hour, take him not from "us O Merciful God. And make in me a clean "Heart O God, and renew a right Spirit with66 in me make this Bread the precious Bo"dy of our Lord, of our God, and Saviour Je"fus Chrift. And this Cup the precious "Blood of our Lord our God, and Saviour Je"fus Chrift. Which was fhed for the Life "of the World. Changing them by thy "holy Spirit.

And again a little after in the fame Liturgy, we read thefe Words : "Let all Flesh be fi"lent and ftand with Fear and Trembling, lay

ing afide all earthly Thoughts: For the King "of Kings, and Lord of Lords, comes forth "to be Sacrificed, and given for Food to the "Faithful, preceded by Choirs of Arch-An"gels, Principalities and Powers, the many Ey'd "Cherubim, and fix winged Seraphim, who co"vering their Eyes, fing aloud Alleluiah." In

the Learned, that the Greeks and all the Orientals do now believe and have in all Ages believed, that the Bread and the Wine in the Mafs are Changed into the Body and Blood of Christ, by virtue of the Words of Christ, viz. This is my Body, This is my Blood. This manifeftly appears by the Ethiopian Liturgy (of which we shall treat hereafter) where 'we read immediately after the Words of Confecration, and before the faid Prayer, make this Bread, &c. Is pronounced, that the People, when they hear the Priest pronounces the Words of Confecration, This is my Body,

c. Say with a loud voice, Amen, Amen, Amen. We believe and are Certain; we praise thee, O Lord our God; this is truly thy Body, and fo we believe.

In the fame Liturgy as it is used throughout the Patriarchate of Alexandria; the Priest after pronouncing the Words of Confecration, as in the foregoing Liturgies maketh this Prayer : "O Merciful and good Lord, we thy "Sinful and unworthy Servants, Pray, befeech, " and bow down ourselves to thee, that of thy "gracious Goodness, thou wilt fend down thine "holy Spirit upon us thy Servants, and upon "these Gifts lying before thee, to bless them, and make them the Holy of Holies. That " he may make this Bread the holy Body of our "Lord our God and Saviour Jefus Chrift, for "the Remiffion of Sins, and Life everlasting, to "all those who partake of it. And this Cup the precious Blood of our Lord, our "God, and Saviour Jefus Chrift, for the Re"miffion of Sins, &c. And again when he dif "tributes the Sacrament, he faith thefe Words: "The holy Body and precious Blood of Jefus "Chrift the Son of God, Amen. The People

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Jay, Amen. The holy precious Body and "true Blood of Jefus Chrift the Son of God, "Amen. People, Amen. This is in Truth, "the Body and Blood of EMANUEL, our "God, Amen."

In the Liturgy of the Church of Ethiopia (I obferv'd before that thofe, who ufe this Litur gy have revolted from the Church 1250. Years ago) when the Priest hath pronounced the Words of Confecration, after this Manner: Take eat ye all of this: This Bread is my Body which is broken for you, for the Remiffion of Sins, Amen.' People, Amen, Amen, Amen. We believe and are certain; we praise thee, O Lord our Lord; this is truly thy Body, and fo we believe.


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