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To which is added a Supplement, containing two Appendixes: The firft, comprising the new Experiments on Electricity and Magnetifm: The fecond contains feveral new Improvements in Microfcopes, Telescopes, Micrometers, and other Op tical Inftruments. The Second Edition, in Three Volumes Octavo, Price 18 s. bound.

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The First Volume contains.

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N. B. The Whole of the LIVE S recorded by Plutarch will be comprized in about Seven Volumes, and if they should exceed Eight, the Remainder will be given gratis. So that this


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Biography has, ever fince the Days of Plutarch, been confidered as the most useful manner of Writing, not only from the Pleasure it affords the Imagination, but from the Inftruction it artfully and unexpectedly conveys to the Underftanding, It furnifhes us with an Opportunity of giving Advice freely, and without Offence.. It not only removes the Drynefs and dogmatical Air of Precept, but fets Perfons, Actions, and their Confequences before us in the most striking Manner; and by that Means turns even Precept into Example: Whence arifes the Propriety of placing thele Volumes in the Hands of Youth.

A Gentleman of uncommon Understanding, being asked what was the beft Leffon for Youth? answered, The Life of a good Man: And being asked, what was the next beft? replied, The Life of a bad one: For, that the firft would make him in love with Virtue, and teach him how to conduct himself through Life, fo as to become an Ornament to Society, and a Bleffing to his Family and Friends; and the laft would point out the hateful Confequences of Vice, and make him careful to avoid thofe Actions himself which appeared fo deteftable in others.

"What Histories can be found (fays the Mar"quis De Montesquieu) that pleafe and inftruct like "the Lives of Plutarch? He paints the Man "whole Life he relates; he makes him known fuch as he was at the Head of the Armies, in the "Governmen

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"Government of the People, in his own Family, "and in his Pleasures. In fhort, I am of the fame "Opinion with that Author, who faid, that if he "was conftrained to fling all the Books of the "Antients into the Sea, PLUTARCH should be the laft drowned."


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